Abstract base class for all (strongly typed) View Models
예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Enrich the SearchQuery View Model with request querystring parameters and populate the results using a configured Search Provider.
        /// </summary>
        protected override ViewModel EnrichModel(ViewModel model)
            using (new Tracer(model))

                SearchQuery searchQuery = model as SearchQuery;
                if (searchQuery == null || !searchQuery.GetType().IsGenericType)
                    throw new DxaSearchException(String.Format("Unexpected View Model: '{0}'. Expecting type SearchQuery<T>.", model));

                NameValueCollection queryString = Request.QueryString;
                // Map standard query string parameters
                searchQuery.QueryText = queryString["q"];
                searchQuery.Start = queryString.AllKeys.Contains("start") ? Convert.ToInt32(queryString["start"]) : 1;
                // To allow the Search Provider to use additional query string parameters:
                searchQuery.QueryStringParameters = queryString;

                Type searchItemType = searchQuery.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];
                SearchProvider.ExecuteQuery(searchQuery, searchItemType, WebRequestContext.Localization);

                return searchQuery;
        protected override ViewModel EnrichModel(ViewModel sourceModel)
            DynamicList model = base.EnrichModel(sourceModel) as DynamicList;
            if (model == null || model.QueryResults.Any())
                return model;

            //we need to run a query to populate the list
            if (model.Id == Request.Params["id"])
                //we only take the start from the query string if there is also an id parameter matching the model entity id
                //this means that we are sure that the paging is coming from the right entity (if there is more than one paged list on the page)
                model.Start = GetRequestParameter<int>("start");
            ContentProvider.PopulateDynamicList(model, WebRequestContext.Localization);

            return model;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Decorates the HTML markup rendered by an Entity or Region View.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="htmlToDecorate">The HTML to decorate.</param>
        /// <param name="viewModel">The <see cref="ViewModel"/> associated with the HTML fragment.</param>
        /// <returns>The decorated HTML.</returns>
        public string DecorateMarkup(string htmlToDecorate, ViewModel viewModel)
            SmartTargetExperiment experiment = viewModel as SmartTargetExperiment;
            if (experiment == null)
                // Not a ST Experiment; nothing to do.
                return htmlToDecorate;

            using (new Tracer(htmlToDecorate, viewModel))
                if (_analyticsManager == null)
                    // NOTE: might overwrite in a race condition, but that's not a problem.
                    _analyticsManager = new AnalyticsManager();
                AnalyticsMetaData analyticsMetaData = new AnalyticsMetaData();
                return _analyticsManager.AddTrackingToLinks(htmlToDecorate, experiment.ExperimentDimensions, analyticsMetaData);
예제 #4
        protected override ViewModel EnrichModel(ViewModel model)
            using (new Tracer(model))
                LoginForm loginForm = base.EnrichModel(model) as LoginForm;

                if (loginForm != null && MapRequestFormData(loginForm) && ModelState.IsValid)
                    // This is login form submission and basic field validation is fine.
                    // Authenticate the user using the AudienceManager Membership Provider.
                    if (Membership.ValidateUser(loginForm.UserName, loginForm.Password))
                        FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(loginForm.UserName, loginForm.RememberMe);
                        return new RedirectModel(WebRequestContext.Localization.GetBaseUrl());
                    ModelState.AddModelError("UserName", loginForm.AuthenticationErrorMessage);

                return model;
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves CM-managed validation messages. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputMessage">The input validation message which may have the special syntax <c>@Model.{$ModelPropertyName}</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The View Model used to resolve the value of such Model property expression.</param>
        /// <returns>The resolved validation message or the input message in case resolving fails.</returns>
        private static string ResolveValidationMessage(string inputMessage, ViewModel model)
            const string modelPrefix = "@Model.";
            if (!inputMessage.StartsWith(modelPrefix))
                return inputMessage;

            string modelPropertyName = inputMessage.Substring(modelPrefix.Length);
            PropertyInfo validationMessageProperty = model.GetType().GetProperty(modelPropertyName);
            string validationMessagePropertyValue = null;
            if (validationMessageProperty != null)
                validationMessagePropertyValue = validationMessageProperty.GetValue(model) as string;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(validationMessagePropertyValue))
                Log.Warn("No validation message could be resolved for expression '{0}'", inputMessage);
                return inputMessage;

            return validationMessagePropertyValue;