public bool downloadMod(LocalMod mod, String location) { Console.WriteLine(mod.source.url + "download/mod/" +; WebClientTimeOut wc = new WebClientTimeOut(); try { wc.DownloadFile(new Uri(mod.source.url + "download/mod/" +, location); } catch (WebException) { return(false); } // now check whether the downloaded file is actually a mod, and not an error String[] keys = wc.ResponseHeaders.AllKeys; String contentType = ""; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { if (keys[i].Equals("Content-Type")) { contentType = wc.ResponseHeaders.Get(i); } } if (contentType.Equals("application/x-msdos-program")) // success { return(true); } else // for example "application/json" or none at all, error { return(false); } }
public static bool tryUpdate() { WebClientTimeOut client = new WebClientTimeOut (); String versionMessageRaw; try { versionMessageRaw = client.DownloadString (new Uri("")); } catch (WebException) { return false; } JsonReader reader = new JsonReader (); VersionMessage versionMessage = (VersionMessage)reader.Read (versionMessageRaw, typeof(VersionMessage)); int version = versionMessage.version (); String installPath = Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath () + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "ModLoader" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; try { File.Delete (installPath + "Updater.exe"); } catch {} if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(installPath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(installPath); } if (version > ModLoader.getVersion()) { byte[] asm; try { asm = client.DownloadData(new Uri("")); } catch (WebException) { return false; } File.WriteAllBytes (installPath + "Updater.exe", asm); if (CheckToken (installPath + "Updater.exe", token)) { try { App.Popups.ShowInfo ("Scrolls Summoner is updating", "Please wait while the update is being downloaded"); Dialogs.showNotification("Scrolls Summoner is updating", "Please wait while the update is being downloaded"); } catch { } if (Platform.getOS () == Platform.OS.Win) { new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = installPath + "Updater.exe", Arguments = "" } }.Start (); } else if (Platform.getOS () == Platform.OS.Mac) { Assembly.LoadFrom (installPath + "Updater.exe").EntryPoint.Invoke (null, new object[] { new string[] {} }); } return true; } try { App.Popups.KillCurrentPopup(); } catch {} } return false; }
private bool readRepository(string url) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (s, ce, ca, p) => true; // or you get an exeption, because mono doesnt trust anyone //normalize it if (!url.StartsWith("")) { Uri urlNorm = new Uri(url); url = urlNorm.Host; } String repoinfo = null; try { WebClientTimeOut client = new WebClientTimeOut(); if (url.StartsWith("")) { repoinfo = client.DownloadString(new Uri(url + "/repoinfo.txt")); } else { repoinfo = client.DownloadString(new Uri("http://" + url + "/repoinfo")); } } catch (WebException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); return(false); } RepoInfoMessage message = null; try { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(); message = reader.Read(repoinfo, typeof(RepoInfoMessage)) as RepoInfoMessage; } catch { return(false); } if (message == null) { return(false); } if (!message.msg.Equals("success")) { return(false); } Repo repo =; repo.tryToGetFavicon(); repositories.Add(repo); return(this.tryToFetchModList(repo)); }
public bool tryToFetchModList(Repo repo) { String modlist = null; try { WebClientTimeOut client = new WebClientTimeOut(); if (repo.url.StartsWith("")) { modlist = client.DownloadString(new Uri(repo.url + "modlist.txt")); } else { modlist = client.DownloadString(new Uri(repo.url + "modlist")); } } catch (WebException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); repositories.Remove(repo); return(false); } ModListMessage message = null; try { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(); message = reader.Read(modlist, typeof(ModListMessage)) as ModListMessage; } catch { repositories.Remove(repo); return(false); } if (message == null) { repositories.Remove(repo); return(false); } if (!message.msg.Equals("success")) { repositories.Remove(repo); return(false); } modsPerRepo.Add(repo, new List <Item>(; return(true); }
private bool readRepository(string url) { //normalize it Uri urlNorm = new Uri(url); url = urlNorm.Host; String repoinfo = null; try { WebClientTimeOut client = new WebClientTimeOut(); repoinfo = client.DownloadString(new Uri("http://" + url + "/repoinfo")); } catch (WebException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); return(false); } RepoInfoMessage message = null; try { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(); message = reader.Read(repoinfo, typeof(RepoInfoMessage)) as RepoInfoMessage; } catch { return(false); } if (message == null) { return(false); } if (!message.msg.Equals("success")) { return(false); } Repo repo =; repo.tryToGetFavicon(); repositories.Add(repo); return(this.tryToFetchModList(repo)); }
private bool readRepository(string url) { //normalize it Uri urlNorm = new Uri (url); url = urlNorm.Host; String repoinfo = null; try { WebClientTimeOut client = new WebClientTimeOut (); repoinfo = client.DownloadString (new Uri("http://"+url+"/repoinfo")); } catch (WebException ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex); return false; } RepoInfoMessage message = null; try { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(); message = reader.Read(repoinfo, typeof(RepoInfoMessage)) as RepoInfoMessage; } catch { return false; } if (message == null) { return false; } if (!message.msg.Equals("success")) { return false; } Repo repo =; repo.tryToGetFavicon (); repositories.Add(repo); return this.tryToFetchModList (repo); }
public bool tryToFetchModList(Repo repo) { String modlist = null; try { WebClientTimeOut client = new WebClientTimeOut (); modlist = client.DownloadString (new Uri(repo.url+"modlist")); } catch (WebException ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex); repositories.Remove (repo); return false; } ModListMessage message = null; try { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(); message = reader.Read(modlist, typeof(ModListMessage)) as ModListMessage; } catch { repositories.Remove (repo); return false; } if (message == null) { repositories.Remove (repo); return false; } if (!message.msg.Equals("success")) { repositories.Remove (repo); return false; } modsPerRepo.Add (repo, new List<Item>(; return true; }
public void PatchScrollsWindows() { String URL; if (Platform.getOS() == Platform.OS.Win) { URL = ""; } else { URL = ""; } String gameFolder = Path.GetFullPath(Directory.GetParent(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath()).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; //wait WebClientTimeOut webClient = new WebClientTimeOut(); if (File.Exists(gameFolder + "")) { File.Delete(gameFolder + ""); } try { webClient.DownloadFile(URL, gameFolder + ""); } catch (WebException) { App.Popups.KillCurrentPopup(); App.Popups.ShowOk(null, "info", "Error", "And error occured while downloading the update.", "OK"); return; } //backup assembly String backupPath = gameFolder + "ScrollsModLoader.dll"; if (File.Exists(backupPath)) { File.Delete(backupPath); } File.Copy(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "ScrollsModLoader.dll", backupPath); //backup modloader folder String modBackupPath = gameFolder + "ModLoader" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (Directory.Exists(modBackupPath)) { Extensions.DeleteDirectory(modBackupPath); } Directory.Move(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "ModLoader", modBackupPath); File.Delete(modBackupPath + "mods.ini"); File.Delete(modBackupPath + "Assembly-CSharp.dll"); if (Platform.getOS() == Platform.OS.Win) { Extensions.DeleteDirectory(gameFolder + "game"); } else { Extensions.DeleteDirectory(gameFolder + ""); } //extract ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(gameFolder + ""); foreach (ZipEntry e in zip) { e.Extract(gameFolder + "game"); } //move assembly File.Copy(backupPath, Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "ScrollsModLoader.dll"); // File.Delete(backupPath); //move modloader folder back Directory.Move(modBackupPath, Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "ModLoader"); //make new repatch backup File.Copy(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "Assembly-CSharp.dll", Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "ModLoader" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Assembly-CSharp.dll"); //make sure mods get hooks set with new version File.Delete(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "ModLoader" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "mods.ini"); ScrollsFilter.clearHooks(); Console.WriteLine("Cleared Hooks"); //repatch Patcher patcher = new Patcher(); if (!patcher.patchAssembly(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath())) { if (!patcher.safeModePatchAssembly()) { Dialogs.showNotification("Summoner patch failed", "Summoner failed in patch itself into the updated files. It will uninstall itself. For more informations visit"); File.Delete(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "ScrollsModLoader.dll"); Extensions.DeleteDirectory(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "ModLoader"); } } Console.WriteLine("Now restarting the game..."); //restart the game Platform.RestartGame(); }
public void PatchScrollsMac() { String URL; if (Platform.getOS () == Platform.OS.Win) { URL = ""; } else { URL = ""; } String gameFolder = Path.GetFullPath(Directory.GetParent(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath()).Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName)+ Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; String modLoaderPath = Platform.getModLoaderPath (); String globalScrollsInstallPath = Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath (); //wait WebClientTimeOut webClient = new WebClientTimeOut(); if (File.Exists (gameFolder + "")) { File.Delete (gameFolder + ""); } try { webClient.DownloadFile(URL, gameFolder + ""); } catch (WebException) { App.Popups.KillCurrentPopup(); App.Popups.ShowOk (null, "info", "Error", "And error occured while downloading the update.", "OK"); return; } //backup assembly String backupPath = gameFolder + "ScrollsModLoader.dll"; if (File.Exists(backupPath)){ File.Delete (backupPath); } File.Copy (globalScrollsInstallPath + "ScrollsModLoader.dll", backupPath); //backup modloader folder String modBackupPath = modLoaderPath+ Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (Directory.Exists (modBackupPath)){ Extensions.DeleteDirectory (modBackupPath); } Directory.Move (modLoaderPath , modBackupPath); File.Delete (modBackupPath + "mods.ini"); File.Delete (modBackupPath + "Assembly-CSharp.dll"); if (Platform.getOS () == Platform.OS.Win) { Extensions.DeleteDirectory (gameFolder + "game" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Scrolls_Data"); File.Delete (gameFolder + "game" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Scrolls.exe"); } else { Extensions.DeleteDirectory (gameFolder + ""); } //extract String zipLocation = gameFolder + ""; if (Platform.getOS() == Platform.OS.Win){ String newZipLocation = gameFolder + "game" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ""; File.Move(zipLocation, newZipLocation); zipLocation = newZipLocation; } ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(zipLocation); foreach (ZipEntry e in zip) { e.Extract(); } //move assembly File.Copy (backupPath, globalScrollsInstallPath + "ScrollsModLoader.dll"); File.Delete (backupPath); //move modloader folder back Directory.Move (modBackupPath, modLoaderPath); //make new repatch backup File.Copy (globalScrollsInstallPath + "Assembly-CSharp.dll", modLoaderPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Assembly-CSharp.dll"); //make sure mods get hooks set with new version File.Delete (modLoaderPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "mods.ini"); ScrollsFilter.clearHooks (); //repatch Patcher patcher = new Patcher (); if (!patcher.patchAssembly (globalScrollsInstallPath)) { if (!patcher.safeModePatchAssembly ()) { Dialogs.showNotification ("Summoner patch failed", "Summoner failed in patch itself into the updated files. It will uninstall itself. For more informations visit"); File.Delete (globalScrollsInstallPath + "ScrollsModLoader.dll"); Extensions.DeleteDirectory (modLoaderPath); } } //restart the game Platform.RestartGame (); }
private static byte[] token = new byte[] { 8, 95, 174, 161, 22, 41, 180, 133 }; //public key public static bool tryUpdate() { WebClientTimeOut client = new WebClientTimeOut(); String versionMessageRaw; try { versionMessageRaw = client.DownloadString(new Uri("")); } catch (WebException) { return(false); } JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(); VersionMessage versionMessage = (VersionMessage)reader.Read(versionMessageRaw, typeof(VersionMessage)); int version = versionMessage.version(); String installPath = Platform.getModLoaderPath() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; //;Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath () + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "ModLoader" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; try { File.Delete(installPath + "Updater.exe"); } catch {} if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(installPath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(installPath); } if (version > ModLoader.getVersion()) { byte[] asm; try { asm = client.DownloadData(new Uri("")); } catch (WebException) { return(false); } File.WriteAllBytes(installPath + "Updater.exe", asm); if (CheckToken(installPath + "Updater.exe", token)) { try { App.Popups.ShowInfo("Scrolls Summoner is updating", "Please wait while the update is being downloaded"); Dialogs.showNotification("Scrolls Summoner is updating", "Please wait while the update is being downloaded"); } catch { } if (Platform.getOS() == Platform.OS.Win) { new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = installPath + "Updater.exe", Arguments = "" } }.Start(); } else if (Platform.getOS() == Platform.OS.Mac) { Assembly.LoadFrom(installPath + "Updater.exe").EntryPoint.Invoke(null, new object[] { new string[] {} }); } return(true); } try { App.Popups.KillCurrentPopup(); } catch {} } return(false); }
public bool downloadMod(LocalMod mod, String location) { Console.WriteLine (mod.source.url + "download/mod/" +; WebClientTimeOut wc = new WebClientTimeOut(); try { wc.DownloadFile (new Uri(mod.source.url + "download/mod/" +, location); } catch (WebException) { return false; } // now check whether the downloaded file is actually a mod, and not an error String[] keys = wc.ResponseHeaders.AllKeys; String contentType = ""; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { if (keys[i].Equals("Content-Type")) { contentType = wc.ResponseHeaders.Get(i); } } if (contentType.Equals("application/x-msdos-program")) // success { return true; } else { // from github its an text/plain file if (mod.source.url.StartsWith ("") && (contentType.Equals("text/plain") || contentType.Equals("application/octet-stream"))) { return true; } else // for example "application/json" or none at all, error { return false; } } }
private bool readRepository(string url) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (s, ce, ca, p) => true;// or you get an exeption, because mono doesnt trust anyone //normalize it if (!url.StartsWith ("")) { Uri urlNorm = new Uri (url); url = urlNorm.Host; } String repoinfo = null; try { WebClientTimeOut client = new WebClientTimeOut (); if(url.StartsWith("")) { repoinfo = client.DownloadString (new Uri(url+"/repoinfo.txt")); } else { repoinfo = client.DownloadString (new Uri("http://"+url+"/repoinfo")); } } catch (WebException ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex); return false; } RepoInfoMessage message = null; try { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(); message = reader.Read(repoinfo, typeof(RepoInfoMessage)) as RepoInfoMessage; } catch { return false; } if (message == null) { return false; } if (!message.msg.Equals("success")) { return false; } Repo repo =; repo.tryToGetFavicon (); repositories.Add(repo); return this.tryToFetchModList (repo); }