public void loadPatches(TypeDefinitionCollection types) { //get Patches patches.Add(new PatchUpdater(types)); patches.Add(new PatchPopups(types)); //patches.Add(new PatchOffline(types)); PatchSettingsMenu settingsMenuHook = new PatchSettingsMenu(types); publicAPI.setSceneCallback(settingsMenuHook); patches.Add(settingsMenuHook); PatchModsMenu modMenuHook = new PatchModsMenu(types, this); modMenuHook.Initialize(publicAPI); patches.Add(modMenuHook); //add Hooks addPatchHooks(); }
public void setSceneCallback(PatchSettingsMenu patch) { sceneHandler = patch; }
public void loadPatches(TypeDefinitionCollection types) { //get Patches patches.Add (new PatchUpdater (types)); patches.Add (new PatchPopups (types)); //patches.Add(new PatchOffline(types)); PatchSettingsMenu settingsMenuHook = new PatchSettingsMenu (types); publicAPI.setSceneCallback (settingsMenuHook); patches.Add (settingsMenuHook); PatchModsMenu modMenuHook = new PatchModsMenu (types, this); modMenuHook.Initialize (publicAPI); patches.Add (modMenuHook); //add Hooks addPatchHooks (); }
public ModLoader() { //System.Diagnostics.StackTrace t = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(); //Console.WriteLine (t); String installPath = Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath(); String modLoaderPath = installPath + "ModLoader" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; bool repatchNeeded = false; //load mod list if (!File.Exists (modLoaderPath+"mods.ini")) { File.CreateText (modLoaderPath+"mods.ini").Close(); //first launch, set hooks for patches repatchNeeded = true; } modList = File.ReadAllLines (modLoaderPath+"mods.ini").ToList(); //match it with mods avaiable if (!Directory.Exists (modLoaderPath+"mods")) Directory.CreateDirectory (modLoaderPath+"mods"); String[] folderList = (from subdirectory in Directory.GetDirectories(modLoaderPath+"mods") where Directory.GetFiles(subdirectory, "*.mod.dll").Length != 0 || Directory.GetFiles(subdirectory, "*.Mod.dll").Length != 0 select subdirectory).ToArray(); ResolveEventHandler resolver = new ResolveEventHandler(CurrentDomainOnAssemblyResolve); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += resolver; //load mods foreach (String folder in folderList) { try { String[] modFiles = Directory.GetFiles (folder, "*.mod.dll"); if (Platform.getOS() != Platform.OS.Win) modFiles.Concat(Directory.GetFiles (folder, "*.Mod.dll")).ToArray(); foreach (String modFile in modFiles) { Assembly mod = Assembly.LoadFile(modFile); Type[] modClasses = (from modClass in mod.GetTypes () where modClass.InheritsFrom (typeof(ScrollsModLoader.Interfaces.BaseMod)) select modClass).ToArray(); foreach (Type modClass in modClasses) { modInstances.Add((BaseMod)(modClass.GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke (new object[0]))); //Console.WriteLine("added mod"); } } } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException exp) { Console.WriteLine(exp.ToString()); } } //check mod list List<BaseMod> modInstancesCpy = new List<BaseMod>(modInstances); foreach (BaseMod mod in modInstancesCpy) { if (!modList.Contains (mod.GetName()+"."+mod.GetVersion())) { modList.Add (mod.GetName()+"."+mod.GetVersion()); repatchNeeded = true; break; } else { //re-sort for mod order calling modInstances.Remove (mod); modInstances.Insert(modList.IndexOf(mod.GetName()+"."+mod.GetVersion()), mod); } } TypeDefinitionCollection types = AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly (modLoaderPath+"Assembly-CSharp.dll").MainModule.Types; TypeDefinition[] typeArray = new TypeDefinition[types.Count]; types.CopyTo(typeArray, 0); //get ModAPI APIHandler api = new APIHandler (); //add Patches patches.Add(new PatchUpdater(types)); //patches.Add(new PatchOffline(types)); PatchSettingsMenu settingsMenuHook = new PatchSettingsMenu (types); api.setSceneCallback (settingsMenuHook); patches.Add (settingsMenuHook); PatchModsMenu modMenuHook = new PatchModsMenu (types); modMenuHook.Initialize (api); patches.Add (modMenuHook); publicAPI = api; foreach (BaseMod mod in modInstances) { mod.Initialize (publicAPI); } //we are loaded, get the hooks foreach (BaseMod mod in modInstancesCpy) { MethodDefinition[] requestedHooks = new MethodDefinition[] { }; bool hooksAreValid = true; try { requestedHooks = mod.GetHooks (types, SharedConstants.getGameVersion()); } catch { modInstances.Remove (mod); hooksAreValid = false; } //check hooks foreach (MethodDefinition hook in requestedHooks) { //type does not exists if ((from type in typeArray where type.Equals(hook.DeclaringType) select type).Count() == 0) { //disable mod modInstances.Remove (mod); hooksAreValid = false; break; } } if (!hooksAreValid) continue; //add hooks foreach (MethodDefinition hook in requestedHooks) { ScrollsFilter.AddHook(hook); } } //remove old mods from list foreach (String modDesc in modList.ToArray()) { bool loadedModFound = false; foreach (BaseMod mod in modInstances) { if (modDesc.Equals (mod.GetName()+"."+mod.GetVersion())) loadedModFound = true; } if (!loadedModFound) modList.Remove (modDesc); } //save ModList File.Delete (modLoaderPath+"mods.ini"); StreamWriter modListWriter = File.CreateText (modLoaderPath+"mods.ini"); foreach (String modDesc in modList) { modListWriter.WriteLine (modDesc); } modListWriter.Flush (); modListWriter.Close (); //repatch if necessary if (repatchNeeded) { Patcher patcher = new Patcher (); if (!patcher.patchAssembly ()) { //normal patching should never fail at this point //because this is no update and we are already patched //TO-DO get hook that crashed the patching and deactive mod instead //No idea how to do that correctly however Dialogs.showNotification ("Scrolls is broken", "Your Scrolls install appears to be broken or modified by other tools. ModLoader failed to load and will de-install itself"); File.Delete(installPath+"Assembly-CSharp.dll"); File.Copy(installPath+"ModLoader"+ System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +"Assembly-CSharp.dll", installPath+"Assembly-CSharp.dll"); Application.Quit(); } //restart the game if (Platform.getOS() == Platform.OS.Win) { Console.WriteLine(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "..\\..\\Scrolls.exe"); //try { new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "..\\..\\Scrolls.exe", Arguments = "" } }.Start(); //} catch {} Application.Quit(); } else if (Platform.getOS() == Platform.OS.Mac) { new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "/../../../../../", Arguments = "", UseShellExecute=true } }.Start(); Application.Quit(); } else { Application.Quit(); } } }