public static async void AttachToDocument(FragmentShader vs) { = "0px"; = "blue"; var mAudioContext = new AudioContext(); var gl = new WebGLRenderingContext(alpha: true); if (gl == null) { new IHTMLPre { // "Rats! WebGL hit a snag. \n WebGL: Unavailable.\n GPU process was unable to boot. \n restart chrome.", // chrome sends us to about:blank? //new IHTMLAnchor { // target = "_blank", // href = "about:gpu", innerText = "about:gpu", // // // //onclick += de //} //.With(a => { a.onclick += e => { e.preventDefault();"about:gpu"); }; } ) }.AttachToDocument(); return; } Native.body.Clear(); = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; var c = gl.canvas.AttachToDocument(); #region oncontextlost gl.oncontextlost += e => { //[12144:10496:0311 / 120850:ERROR:] : The GPU process hung. Terminating after 10000 ms. // GpuProcessHostUIShim: The GPU process crashed! gl.canvas.Orphanize(); new IHTMLPre { // @"Rats! WebGL hit a snag. oncontextlost. The GPU process hung. Terminating. check chrome://gpu for log messages. do we have a stack trace? " + new { e.statusMessage } , // chrome sends us to about:blank? //new IHTMLAnchor { // target = "_blank", // href = "about:gpu", innerText = "about:gpu", // // // //onclick += de //} //.With(a => { a.onclick += e => { e.preventDefault();"about:gpu"); }; } ) }.AttachToDocument(); }; #endregion #region onresize new { }.With( async delegate { do { c.width = Native.window.Width; c.height = Native.window.Height;, c.height); } while (await Native.window.async.onresize); } ); #endregion #region CaptureMouse var mMouseOriX = 0; var mMouseOriY = 0; var mMousePosX = 0; var mMousePosY = 0; c.onmousedown += ev => { mMouseOriX = ev.CursorX; mMouseOriY = c.height - ev.CursorY; mMousePosX = mMouseOriX; mMousePosY = mMouseOriY; ev.CaptureMouse(); }; c.onmousemove += ev => { if (ev.MouseButton == IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left) { mMousePosX = ev.CursorX; // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\synergy\InputMouseByIq\InputMouseByIq\Shaders\Program.frag //mMousePosY = ev.CursorY; mMousePosY = c.height - ev.CursorY; } }; c.onmouseup += ev => { mMouseOriX = -Math.Abs(mMouseOriX); mMouseOriY = -Math.Abs(mMouseOriY); }; #endregion var mEffect = new ChromeShaderToyColumns.Library.ShaderToy.Effect( mAudioContext, gl, callback: delegate { new IHTMLPre { "at callback" }.AttachToDocument(); }, obj: null, forceMuted: false, forcePaused: false ); mEffect.mPasses[0].MakeHeader_Image(); mEffect.mPasses[0].NewShader_Image(vs); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); do { mEffect.mPasses[0].Paint_Image( sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f, mMouseOriX, mMouseOriY, mMousePosX, mMousePosY ); // what does it do? gl.flush(); } while (await Native.window.async.onframe); }
// X:\jsc.svn\examples\glsl\future\GLSLShaderToyPip\GLSLShaderToyPip\Application.cs public EffectPass( AudioContext wa = null, gl gl = null, string precission = null, bool supportDerivatives = false, RefreshTexturThumbailDelegate callback = null, object obj = null, bool forceMuted = false, bool forcePaused = false, // createQuadVBO // ARRAY_BUFFER WebGLBuffer quadVBO = null, GainNode outputGainNode = null ) { //new IHTMLPre { "enter EffectPass" }.AttachToDocument(); // used by? var mFrame = 0; this.MakeHeader_Image = delegate { #region MakeHeader_Image //new IHTMLPre { "enter MakeHeader_Image" }.AttachToDocument(); var header = precission; var headerlength = 3; if (supportDerivatives) { header += "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\n"; headerlength++; } header += "uniform vec3 iResolution;\n" + "uniform float iGlobalTime;\n" + "uniform float iChannelTime[4];\n" + "uniform vec4 iMouse;\n" + "uniform vec4 iDate;\n" + "uniform float iSampleRate;\n" + "uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4];\n"; // not to be used by the hosted shader, but by our code in the middle on the gpu. // gpu code injection. first take. //"uniform float fZoom;\n"; headerlength += 7; for (var i = 0; i < mInputs.Length; i++) { var inp = mInputs[i]; // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\ChromeShaderToyVRCardboardGrid\ChromeShaderToyVRCardboardGrid\Application.cs //if (inp != null && inp.mInfo.mType == "cubemap") if (inp is samplerCube) { new IHTMLPre { "add MakeHeader_Image samplerCube" }.AttachToDocument(); header += "uniform samplerCube iChannel" + i + ";\n"; } else { //new IHTMLPre { "add MakeHeader_Image sampler2D" }.AttachToDocument(); header += "uniform sampler2D iChannel" + i + ";\n"; } headerlength++; } // rror CreateShader {{ infoLog = ERROR: 0:250: 'assign' : l-value required "gl_FragCoord" (can't modify gl_FragCoord) // ERROR: 0:251: 'assign' : l - value required "gl_FragCoord"(can't modify gl_FragCoord) //}} // error CreateShader {{ infoLog = ERROR: 0:253: '=' : cannot convert from 'FragCoord mediump 4-component vector of float' to 'highp 2-component vector of float' var mImagePassFooter = @" void main( void ) { vec4 color = gl_FragColor; color.a = 1.0; mainImage( color, gl_FragCoord.xy ); gl_FragColor = color; } "; #endregion this.NewShader_Image = (fs) => { #region NewShader_Image //new IHTMLPre { "enter NewShader_Image" }.AttachToDocument(); var shaderCode = fs.ToString(); // is that it? var vsSource = "attribute vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }"; var fsSource = header + shaderCode + mImagePassFooter; this.xCreateShader = CreateShader(gl, vsSource, fsSource, false); #endregion var vbo = new WebGLBuffer(gl); #region calledby //EffectPass.Paint_Image(effect.js:724) //EffectPass.Paint(effect.js:1038) //Effect.Paint(effect.js:1247) //renderLoop2(pgWatch.js:404) //ShaderToy.startRendering(pgWatch.js:420) //watchInit(pgWatch.js:1386) //onload(Xls3WS: 78) #endregion this.Paint_Image = (time, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, zoom) => { var mProgram = xCreateShader.mProgram; var xres = gl.canvas.width * zoom; var yres = gl.canvas.height * zoom; #region Paint_Image //new IHTMLPre { "enter Paint_Image" }.AttachToDocument(); // this is enough to do pip to bottom left, no need to adjust vertex positions even? gl.viewport(0, 0, (int)xres, (int)yres); // useProgram: program not valid gl.useProgram(mProgram); if (this.ProgramSelected != null) this.ProgramSelected(mProgram); // uniform4fv var uniform4fv_mouse = new[] { mousePosX, mousePosY, mouseOriX, mouseOriY }; // X:\jsc.svn\examples\glsl\future\GLSLShaderToyPip\GLSLShaderToyPip\Application.cs //gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "fZoom").With(fZoom => gl.uniform1f(fZoom, zoom)); var l2 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iGlobalTime"); if (l2 != null) gl.uniform1f(l2, time); var l3 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iResolution"); if (l3 != null) gl.uniform3f(l3, xres, yres, 1.0f); var l4 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iMouse"); if (l4 != null) gl.uniform4fv(l4, uniform4fv_mouse); // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\synergy\SimpleDigitalClock\SimpleDigitalClock\Application.cs // uniform vec4 iDate; // (year, month, day, time in seconds) // var now = DateTime.Now; //var sinceMidnight = now - DateTime.Today; var sinceMidnight = now - now.Date; var uniform4fv_dates = new float[] { now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, (float)sinceMidnight.TotalSeconds }; var l7 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iDate"); if (l7 != null) gl.uniform4fv(l7, uniform4fv_dates); //var l9 = gl.getUniformLocation(this.mProgram, "iSampleRate"); if (l9 != null) gl.uniform1f(l9, this.mSampleRate); var ich0 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannel0"); if (ich0 != null) gl.uniform1i(ich0, 0); var ich1 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannel1"); if (ich1 != null) gl.uniform1i(ich1, 1); var ich2 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannel2"); if (ich2 != null) gl.uniform1i(ich2, 2); var ich3 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannel3"); if (ich3 != null) gl.uniform1i(ich3, 3); // what if there are other textures too? // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\ChromeWebGLFrameBuffer\ChromeWebGLFrameBuffer\Application.cs //for (var i = 0; i < mInputs.Length; i++) //{ // var inp = mInputs[i]; // gl.activeTexture((uint)(gl.TEXTURE0 + i)); // if (inp == null) // { // gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null); // } //} var times = new[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; var l5 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannelTime"); if (l5 != null) gl.uniform1fv(l5, times); var resos = new float[12] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; var l8 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannelResolution"); if (l8 != null) gl.uniform3fv(l8, resos); // using ? var vec2pos = (uint)gl.getAttribLocation(mProgram, "pos"); //gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, quadVBO); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo); #region vertices float left = -1.0f; // y reversed? float bottom = -1.0f; float right = 1.0f; float top = 1.0f; var fvertices = new float[] { // left top left, bottom, // right top //right, -1.0f, right, bottom, // left bottom left, top, // right top //right, -1.0f, right, bottom, // right bottom //right, 1.0f, right, top, // left bottom left,top }; //var vertices = new Float32Array(fvertices); #endregion //gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW); gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, fvertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW); gl.vertexAttribPointer(vec2pos, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(vec2pos); // GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glDrawArrays: attempt to render with no buffer attached to enabled attribute 1 gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6); // first frame is now visible gl.disableVertexAttribArray(vec2pos); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null); #endregion mFrame++; }; }; }; }
public Effect( AudioContext ac, WebGLRenderingContext gl, RefreshTexturThumbailDelegate callback, object obj, bool forceMuted, bool forcePaused) { //new IHTMLPre { "enter Effect" }.AttachToDocument(); var ext = gl.getExtension("OES_standard_derivatives"); var supportsDerivatives = (ext != null); //if (supportsDerivatives) gl.hint(ext.FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT_OES, gl.NICEST); var ext2 = gl.getExtension("OES_texture_float"); this.mSupportTextureFloat = (ext2 != null); var precision = DetermineShaderPrecission(gl); //this.mGainNode = ac.createGain(); //this.mGainNode.connect(ac.destination); this.mQuadVBO = createQuadVBO(gl); this.mPasses = new EffectPass[2]; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { this.mPasses[i] = new EffectPass( ac, gl, precision, supportsDerivatives, callback, obj, forceMuted, forcePaused, this.mQuadVBO, this.mGainNode ); } }
// asus has 2015 that works? /// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { // new { }.With( async delegate { var start = new IHTMLButton { "connect" }; var stop = new IHTMLButton { "disconnect" }; var a = new AudioContext(); var o = a.createOscillator(); o.start(0); o.frequency.value = 440; o.type = OscillatorType.sawtooth; o.frequency.valueInput = new IHTMLInput { type = ScriptCoreLib.Shared.HTMLInputTypeEnum.range, min = 1, max = 2000 }.AttachToDocument(); new IHTMLLabel { () => $"frequency: { o.frequency.value }Hz" + $" type: { o.type }" }.AttachToDocument(); //.onchange += // eee => // { // var i = ((IHTMLInput)eee.Element); // o.frequency.value = i.valueAsNumber; // }; new IHTMLHorizontalRule { }.AttachToDocument(); new IHTMLButton { nameof(OscillatorType.sawtooth) }.AttachToDocument().onclick += delegate { o.type = OscillatorType.sawtooth; }; new IHTMLButton { nameof(OscillatorType.sine) }.AttachToDocument().onclick += delegate { o.type = OscillatorType.sine; }; new IHTMLButton { nameof(OscillatorType.square) }.AttachToDocument().onclick += delegate { o.type = OscillatorType.square; }; new IHTMLButton { nameof(OscillatorType.triangle) }.AttachToDocument().onclick += delegate { o.type = OscillatorType.triangle; }; new IHTMLHorizontalRule { }.AttachToDocument(); //s.Add() new IHTMLButton { "Beep()" }.AttachToDocument().onclick += async delegate { //Console.Beep(frequency: 400, duration: 300); o.frequency.value = 400; o.type = OscillatorType.square; o.connect(o.context.destination); await Task.Delay(300); o.disconnect(); }; new IHTMLButton { "Console.Beep()" }.AttachToDocument().onclick += delegate { Console.Beep(); //Console.Beep(frequency: 400, duration: 300); }; new IHTMLButton { () => $"Console.Beep({ o.frequency.value }Hz, 300)" }.AttachToDocument().onclick += delegate { Console.Beep(frequency: (int)o.frequency.value, duration: 300); }; retry: var ee = await start.AttachToDocument().async.onclick; start.Orphanize(); o.connect(a.destination); var e = await stop.AttachToDocument().async.onclick; stop.Orphanize(); o.disconnect(); goto retry; } ); }
// X:\jsc.svn\examples\glsl\future\GLSLShaderToyPip\GLSLShaderToyPip\Application.cs public EffectPass( AudioContext wa = null, gl gl = null, string precission = null, bool supportDerivatives = false, RefreshTexturThumbailDelegate callback = null, object obj = null, bool forceMuted = false, bool forcePaused = false, // createQuadVBO // ARRAY_BUFFER WebGLBuffer quadVBO = null, GainNode outputGainNode = null ) { //new IHTMLPre { "enter EffectPass" }.AttachToDocument(); // used by? var mFrame = 0; // // this.MakeHeader_Image = delegate { #region MakeHeader_Image //new IHTMLPre { "enter MakeHeader_Image" }.AttachToDocument(); var header = precission; var headerlength = 3; if (supportDerivatives) { header += "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\n"; headerlength++; } header += "uniform vec3 iResolution;\n" + "uniform float iGlobalTime;\n" + "uniform float iChannelTime[4];\n" + "uniform vec4 iMouse;\n" + "uniform vec4 iDate;\n" + "uniform float iSampleRate;\n" + "uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4];\n"; // not to be used by the hosted shader, but by our code in the middle on the gpu. // gpu code injection. first take. //"uniform float fZoom;\n"; headerlength += 7; for (var i = 0; i < mInputs.Length; i++) { var inp = mInputs[i]; // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\ChromeShaderToyVRCardboardGrid\ChromeShaderToyVRCardboardGrid\Application.cs //if (inp != null && inp.mInfo.mType == "cubemap") if (inp is samplerCube) { //new IHTMLPre { "add MakeHeader_Image samplerCube" }.AttachToDocument(); this.tex = new WebGLTexture(gl); // // view-source: // um can there be only one samplerCube? gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0); //gl.enable(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, tex); //gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, (int)gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); //gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, (int)gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, (int)gl.LINEAR); gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, (int)gl.LINEAR); //var cube0 = new IHTMLImage[] { // new HTML.Images.FromAssets.cube02_0(), // new HTML.Images.FromAssets.cube02_1(), // new HTML.Images.FromAssets.cube02_2(), // new HTML.Images.FromAssets.cube02_3(), // new HTML.Images.FromAssets.cube02_4(), // new HTML.Images.FromAssets.cube02_5() //}; //public const uint TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X = 34069; //public const uint TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X = 34070; //public const uint TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y = 34071; //public const uint TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y = 34072; //public const uint TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z = 34073; //public const uint TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z = 34074; //var cube0 = new IHTMLImage[] { // new CSS3DPanoramaByHumus.HTML.Images.FromAssets.humus_px(), // new CSS3DPanoramaByHumus.HTML.Images.FromAssets.humus_nx(), // new CSS3DPanoramaByHumus.HTML.Images.FromAssets.humus_py(), // new CSS3DPanoramaByHumus.HTML.Images.FromAssets.humus_ny(), // new CSS3DPanoramaByHumus.HTML.Images.FromAssets.humus_pz(), // new CSS3DPanoramaByHumus.HTML.Images.FromAssets.humus_nz() //}; //cube0.WithEachIndex( // (pendingimg, index) => // { // pendingimg.InvokeOnComplete( // img => // { // gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, tex); // //gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false); // gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, 0); // gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (uint)index, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, img); // new IHTMLPre { "add MakeHeader_Image samplerCube TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + " + new { index } }.AttachToDocument(); // if (index == 5) // { // new IHTMLPre { "add MakeHeader_Image samplerCube activeTexture " }.AttachToDocument(); // // samplerCube iChannel0; = 0 = TEXTURE0 // } // // // // // // // } // ); // } //); header += "uniform samplerCube iChannel" + i + ";\n"; } else { //new IHTMLPre { "add MakeHeader_Image sampler2D" }.AttachToDocument(); header += "uniform sampler2D iChannel" + i + ";\n"; } // dont need it? headerlength++; } // rror CreateShader {{ infoLog = ERROR: 0:250: 'assign' : l-value required "gl_FragCoord" (can't modify gl_FragCoord) // ERROR: 0:251: 'assign' : l - value required "gl_FragCoord"(can't modify gl_FragCoord) //}} // error CreateShader {{ infoLog = ERROR: 0:253: '=' : cannot convert from 'FragCoord mediump 4-component vector of float' to 'highp 2-component vector of float' var mImagePassFooter = @" void main( void ) { vec4 color = gl_FragColor; color.a = 1.0; mainImage( color, gl_FragCoord.xy ); gl_FragColor = color; } "; #endregion this.NewShader_Image = (fs) => { #region NewShader_Image //new IHTMLPre { "enter NewShader_Image" }.AttachToDocument(); var shaderCode = fs.ToString(); // is that it? var vsSource = "attribute vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }"; var fsSource = header + shaderCode + mImagePassFooter; this.xCreateShader = CreateShader(gl, vsSource, fsSource, false); #endregion var vbo = new WebGLBuffer(gl); #region calledby //EffectPass.Paint_Image(effect.js:724) //EffectPass.Paint(effect.js:1038) //Effect.Paint(effect.js:1247) //renderLoop2(pgWatch.js:404) //ShaderToy.startRendering(pgWatch.js:420) //watchInit(pgWatch.js:1386) //onload(Xls3WS: 78) #endregion this.Paint_Image = (time, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, zoom) => { var mProgram = xCreateShader.mProgram; var xres = gl.canvas.width * zoom; var yres = gl.canvas.height * zoom; #region Paint_Image //new IHTMLPre { "enter Paint_Image" }.AttachToDocument(); // this is enough to do pip to bottom left, no need to adjust vertex positions even? gl.viewport(0, 0, (int)xres, (int)yres); // useProgram: program not valid gl.useProgram(mProgram); // uniform4fv var uniform4fv_mouse = new[] { mousePosX, mousePosY, mouseOriX, mouseOriY }; // X:\jsc.svn\examples\glsl\future\GLSLShaderToyPip\GLSLShaderToyPip\Application.cs //gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "fZoom").With(fZoom => gl.uniform1f(fZoom, zoom)); var l2 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iGlobalTime"); if (l2 != null) gl.uniform1f(l2, time); var l3 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iResolution"); if (l3 != null) gl.uniform3f(l3, xres, yres, 1.0f); var l4 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iMouse"); if (l4 != null) gl.uniform4fv(l4, uniform4fv_mouse); // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\synergy\SimpleDigitalClock\SimpleDigitalClock\Application.cs // uniform vec4 iDate; // (year, month, day, time in seconds) // var now = DateTime.Now; //var sinceMidnight = now - DateTime.Today; var sinceMidnight = now - now.Date; var uniform4fv_dates = new float[] { now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, (float)sinceMidnight.TotalSeconds }; var l7 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iDate"); if (l7 != null) gl.uniform4fv(l7, uniform4fv_dates); //var l9 = gl.getUniformLocation(this.mProgram, "iSampleRate"); if (l9 != null) gl.uniform1f(l9, this.mSampleRate); //var ich0 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannel0"); if (ich0 != null) gl.uniform1i(ich0, 0); //var ich1 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannel1"); if (ich1 != null) gl.uniform1i(ich1, 1); //var ich2 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannel2"); if (ich2 != null) gl.uniform1i(ich2, 2); //var ich3 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannel3"); if (ich3 != null) gl.uniform1i(ich3, 3); // what if there are other textures too? // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\ChromeWebGLFrameBuffer\ChromeWebGLFrameBuffer\Application.cs //for (var i = 0; i < mInputs.Length; i++) //{ // var inp = mInputs[i]; // gl.activeTexture((uint)(gl.TEXTURE0 + i)); // if (inp == null) // { // gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null); // } //} var times = new[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; var l5 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannelTime"); if (l5 != null) gl.uniform1fv(l5, times); var resos = new float[12] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; var l8 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannelResolution"); if (l8 != null) gl.uniform3fv(l8, resos); // using ? var vec2pos = (uint)gl.getAttribLocation(mProgram, "pos"); //gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, quadVBO); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo); #region vertices float left = -1.0f; // y reversed? float bottom = -1.0f; float right = 1.0f; float top = 1.0f; var fvertices = new float[] { // left top left, bottom, // right top //right, -1.0f, right, bottom, // left bottom left, top, // right top //right, -1.0f, right, bottom, // right bottom //right, 1.0f, right, top, // left bottom left,top }; #endregion gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, fvertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW); gl.vertexAttribPointer(vec2pos, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(vec2pos); //var iChannel0 = gl.getUniformLocation(mProgram, "iChannel0"); // GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glDrawArrays: attempt to render with no buffer attached to enabled attribute 1 gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6); // first frame is now visible gl.disableVertexAttribArray(vec2pos); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null); #endregion mFrame++; }; }; }; }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { // how does this work on android? // #region += Launched dynamic self = Native.self; dynamic self_chrome =; object self_chrome_socket = self_chrome.socket; if (self_chrome_socket != null) { if (!(Native.window.opener == null && Native.window.parent == Native.window.self)) { Console.WriteLine(", is that you?"); // pass thru } else { // should jsc send a copresence udp message? chrome.runtime.UpdateAvailable += delegate { new chrome.Notification(title: "UpdateAvailable"); }; Console.WriteLine("awaiting Launch"); //new chrome.Notification(title: "awaiting Launch"); += async delegate { // 0:12094ms {{ href = chrome-extension://aemlnmcokphbneegoefdckonejmknohh/_generated_background_page.html }} Console.WriteLine(" " + new { Native.document.location.href }); //new chrome.Notification(title: "ChromeUDPSendAsync"); var xappwindow = await Native.document.location.pathname, options: null ); //xappwindow.setAlwaysOnTop; await xappwindow.contentWindow.async.onload; Console.WriteLine(" loaded!"); }; return; } } #endregion Console.WriteLine("getting ready...?"); new Shaders.ProgramFragmentShader().With( async vs => { Console.WriteLine("getting ready..."); = "0px"; // =; var mAudioContext = new AudioContext(); var gl = new WebGLRenderingContext(alpha: true); var c = gl.canvas.AttachToDocument();, 237); c.width = 460; c.height = 237; var mEffect = new ChromeShaderToyColumns.Library.ShaderToy.Effect( mAudioContext, gl, callback: delegate { new IHTMLPre { "at callback" }.AttachToDocument(); }, obj: null, forceMuted: false, forcePaused: false ); #region CaptureMouse var mMouseOriX = 0; var mMouseOriY = 0; var mMousePosX = 0; var mMousePosY = 0; c.onmousedown += async ev => { mMouseOriX = ev.CursorX; mMouseOriY = ev.CursorY; mMousePosX = mMouseOriX; mMousePosY = mMouseOriY; // why aint it canvas? //ev.Element //ev.CaptureMouse(); // using ? ev.Element.requestPointerLock(); await ev.Element.async.onmouseup; Native.document.exitPointerLock(); mMouseOriX = -Math.Abs(mMouseOriX); mMouseOriY = -Math.Abs(mMouseOriY); }; c.onmousemove += ev => { if (ev.MouseButton == IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left) { mMousePosX += ev.movementX; mMousePosY += ev.movementY; } }; #endregion mEffect.mPasses[0].mInputs[0] = new ChromeShaderToyColumns.Library.ShaderToy.samplerCube { }; mEffect.mPasses[0].MakeHeader_Image(); mEffect.mPasses[0].NewShader_Image(vs); #region onresize new { }.With( async delegate { do { c.width = Native.window.Width; //c.height = Native.window.Height / 2; c.height = Native.window.Height;, c.height); } while (await Native.window.async.onresize); } ); #endregion Console.WriteLine("can you see any?"); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); do { mEffect.mPasses[0].Paint_Image( sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f, mMouseOriX, mMouseOriY, mMousePosX, mMousePosY ); // what does it do? gl.flush(); } while (await Native.window.async.onframe); } ); }
// // // // subst b: X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\ChromeShaderToyColumns\ChromeShaderToyColumns\bin\Debug\staging\ChromeShaderToyColumns.Application\web public Application(IApp page) { #region += Launched dynamic self = Native.self; dynamic self_chrome =; object self_chrome_socket = self_chrome.socket; if (self_chrome_socket != null) { if (!(Native.window.opener == null && Native.window.parent == Native.window.self)) { Console.WriteLine(", is that you?"); // pass thru } else { // should jsc send a copresence udp message? chrome.runtime.UpdateAvailable += delegate { new chrome.Notification(title: "UpdateAvailable"); }; += async delegate { // 0:12094ms {{ href = chrome-extension://aemlnmcokphbneegoefdckonejmknohh/_generated_background_page.html }} Console.WriteLine(" " + new { Native.document.location.href }); new chrome.Notification(title: "ChromeUDPSendAsync"); var xappwindow = await Native.document.location.pathname, options: null ); //xappwindow.setAlwaysOnTop; await xappwindow.contentWindow.async.onload; Console.WriteLine(" loaded!"); }; return; } } #endregion // view-source: // // // // // what does it take to import those nice shaders into jsc world? // x:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\webgl\webglchocolux\webglchocolux\application.cs // it looks there are no channels. // is it a vert or frag? // fragColor = vec4( col, 1.0 ); // must be a frag // <body onload="watchInit()" //ChromeShaderToyColumns.Library.ShaderToy.AttachToDocument( // new Shaders.ProgramFragmentShader() //); new { }.With( async delegate { = "0px"; ( as dynamic).webkitUserSelect = "auto"; var vs = new Shaders.ProgramFragmentShader(); var mAudioContext = new AudioContext(); var gl = new WebGLRenderingContext(alpha: true); var c = gl.canvas.AttachToDocument();, 237); c.width = 460; c.height = 237; var u = new UIKeepRendering { animate = true }.AttachToDocument(); //new IHTMLPre { "init..." }.AttachToDocument(); // function ShaderToy( parentElement, editorParent, passParent ) // function buildInputsUI( me ) // this.mGLContext = createGlContext( this.mCanvas, false, true ); // {alpha: useAlpha, depth: false, antialias: false, stencil: true, premultipliedAlpha: false, preserveDrawingBuffer: usePreserveBuffer } var mMouseOriX = 0; var mMouseOriY = 0; var mMousePosX = 0; var mMousePosY = 0; // 308 //var mEffect = new Library.ShaderToy.Effect( // mAudioContext, // gl, // callback: delegate // { // new IHTMLPre { "at callback" }.AttachToDocument(); // }, // obj: null, // forceMuted: false, // forcePaused: false //); ////mEffect.mPasses[0].NewTexture //// EffectPass.prototype.NewTexture = function( wa, gl, slot, url ) //// this.mPasses[j].Create( rpass.type, this.mAudioContext, this.mGLContext ); //// EffectPass.prototype.MakeHeader_Image = function( precission, supportDerivatives ) //mEffect.mPasses[0].MakeHeader_Image(); //// EffectPass.prototype.NewShader = function( gl, shaderCode ) //// EffectPass.prototype.NewShader_Image = function( gl, shaderCode ) //mEffect.mPasses[0].NewShader_Image(vs); //// ShaderToy.prototype.resetTime = function() // Effect.prototype.ResetTime = function() // ShaderToy.prototype.startRendering = function() // Effect.prototype.Paint = function(time, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, isPaused) // EffectPass.prototype.Paint = function( wa, gl, time, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, isPaused ) // EffectPass.prototype.Paint_Image = function( wa, gl, time, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres ) var pass = new Library.ShaderToy.EffectPass( mAudioContext, gl, precission: Library.ShaderToy.DetermineShaderPrecission(gl), supportDerivatives: gl.getExtension("OES_standard_derivatives") != null, callback: null, obj: null, forceMuted: false, forcePaused: false, //quadVBO: Library.ShaderToy.createQuadVBO(gl, right: 0, top: 0), outputGainNode: null ); pass.MakeHeader_Image(); pass.NewShader_Image(vs); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); do { pass.Paint_Image( sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f, mMouseOriX, mMouseOriY, mMousePosX, mMousePosY //, // gl_FragCoord // cannot be scaled, and can be referenced directly. // need another way to scale //zoom: 0.3f ); // what does it do? // need redux build.. gl.flush(); await u.animate.async.@checked; } while (await Native.window.async.onframe); } ); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { // // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\ChromeShaderToyColumns\ChromeShaderToyColumns\Application.cs // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\ChromeShaderToySeascapeByTDM\ChromeShaderToySeascapeByTDM\Application.cs // #region += Launched dynamic self = Native.self; dynamic self_chrome =; object self_chrome_socket = self_chrome.socket; if (self_chrome_socket != null) { if (!(Native.window.opener == null && Native.window.parent == Native.window.self)) { Console.WriteLine(", is that you?"); // pass thru } else { // should jsc send a copresence udp message? chrome.runtime.UpdateAvailable += delegate { new chrome.Notification(title: "UpdateAvailable"); }; += async delegate { // 0:12094ms {{ href = chrome-extension://aemlnmcokphbneegoefdckonejmknohh/_generated_background_page.html }} Console.WriteLine(" " + new { Native.document.location.href }); new chrome.Notification(title: "ChromeUDPSendAsync"); var xappwindow = await Native.document.location.pathname, options: null ); //xappwindow.setAlwaysOnTop; await xappwindow.contentWindow.async.onload; Console.WriteLine(" loaded!"); }; return; } } #endregion new { }.With( async delegate { = "0px"; var vs = new Shaders.ProgramFragmentShader(); var mAudioContext = new AudioContext(); var gl = new WebGLRenderingContext(alpha: true); var c = gl.canvas.AttachToDocument(); #region onresize new { }.With( async delegate { do { c.width = Native.window.Width; c.height = Native.window.Height;, c.height); } while (await Native.window.async.onresize); } ); #endregion #region CaptureMouse var mMouseOriX = 0; var mMouseOriY = 0; var mMousePosX = 0; var mMousePosY = 0; c.onmousedown += ev => { mMouseOriX = ev.CursorX; mMouseOriY = ev.CursorY; mMousePosX = mMouseOriX; mMousePosY = mMouseOriY; ev.CaptureMouse(); }; c.onmousemove += ev => { if (ev.MouseButton == IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left) { mMousePosX = ev.CursorX; mMousePosY = c.height - ev.CursorY; } }; c.onmouseup += ev => { mMouseOriX = -Math.Abs(mMouseOriX); mMouseOriY = -Math.Abs(mMouseOriY); }; #endregion var mEffect = new ChromeShaderToyColumns.Library.ShaderToy.Effect( mAudioContext, gl, callback: delegate { new IHTMLPre { "at callback" }.AttachToDocument(); }, obj: null, forceMuted: false, forcePaused: false ); mEffect.mPasses[0].MakeHeader_Image(); mEffect.mPasses[0].NewShader_Image(vs); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); do { mEffect.mPasses[0].Paint_Image( sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f, mMouseOriX, mMouseOriY, mMousePosX, mMousePosY ); // what does it do? gl.flush(); } while (await Native.window.async.onframe); } ); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { // // //var audioBuffer; //var sourceNode; //var splitter; //var analyser, analyser2; //var javascriptNode; // get the context from the canvas to draw on //var ctx = $("#canvas").get()[0].getContext("2d"); new { }.With( async delegate { var ctx = new CanvasRenderingContext2D { }; ctx.canvas.AttachToDocument(); // create a gradient for the fill. Note the strange // offset, since the gradient is calculated based on // the canvas, not the specific element we draw var context = new AudioContext(); // setup a javascript node var javascriptNode = context.createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1); // connect to destination, else it isn't called javascriptNode.connect(context.destination); // setup a analyzer var analyser = context.createAnalyser(); analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.3; analyser.fftSize = 1024; var analyser2 = context.createAnalyser(); analyser2.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.0; analyser2.fftSize = 1024; // create a buffer source node var sourceNode = context.createBufferSource(); var splitter = context.createChannelSplitter(); // connect the source to the analyser and the splitter sourceNode.connect(splitter); // connect one of the outputs from the splitter to // the analyser splitter.connect(analyser, 0, 0); splitter.connect(analyser2, 1, 0); // connect the splitter to the javascriptnode // we use the javascript node to draw at a // specific interval. analyser.connect(javascriptNode); // splitter.connect(context.destination,0,0); // splitter.connect(context.destination,0,1); // and connect to destination sourceNode.connect(context.destination); // load the specified sound // jsc doesnt like audio assets on root? //{ src_value0 = /RookConfirmCommandStefanWeDontLiveOnAPlanet.mp3 } //13d4:02:01:1c RewriteToAssembly error: System.InvalidOperationException: Referenced asset not found in the project. Did you forget to include it? - /RookConfirmCommandStefanWeDontLiveOnAPlanet.mp3 var buffer = await new WebClient().DownloadDataTaskAsync( //new RoosterAudioExample.HTML.Audio.FromAssets.rooster { }.src new AARPMartialLawLoop.HTML.Audio.FromAssets.loop { }.src //new HTML.Audio.FromAssets.RookConfirmCommandStefanWeDontLiveOnAPlanet { }.src ); // await ? context.decodeAudioData(new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer).buffer, xbuffer => { // when the audio is decoded play the sound sourceNode.buffer = xbuffer; var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var log = new StringBuilder(); var xleft = new List<int> { }; // 302 elements for 11 sec is 27fps var xaverage = 0; sourceNode.onended = IFunction.Of( delegate { // { min = 0, max = 63, Count = 264 } // { min = 0, max = 60, Count = 264 } var min = xleft.Min(); var max = xleft.Max(); new IHTMLPre { new { min, max, xleft.Count } }.AttachToDocument(); new IHTMLTextArea { value = log.ToString() }.AttachToDocument(); } ); Func<Uint8Array, double> getAverageVolume = (array) => { var values = 0; var average = 0.0; var length = array.buffer.byteLength; // get all the frequency amplitudes for (var i = 0u; i < length; i++) { values += array[i]; } average = values / length; return average; }; var aMilliseconds = 0L; var asw = new Stopwatch(); // 40ms per frame is trice for 60hz // { xleft = 397, xaverage = 37, aMilliseconds = 40 } new IHTMLPre { () => new { xleft = xleft.Count, xaverage, aMilliseconds } }.AttachToDocument(); // when the javascript node is called // we use information from the analyzer node // to draw the volume javascriptNode.onaudioprocess = IFunction.Of( delegate { aMilliseconds = asw.ElapsedMilliseconds; // get the average for the first channel var array = new Uint8Array(new byte[analyser.frequencyBinCount]); // jsc could have all byte[] shadowed by bytebuffers for implict conversions... analyser.getByteFrequencyData(array); xaverage = (int)getAverageVolume(array); xleft.Add(xaverage); // get the average for the second channel var array2 = new Uint8Array(new byte[analyser2.frequencyBinCount]); analyser2.getByteFrequencyData(array2); var average2 = (int)getAverageVolume(array2); // clear the current state ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 60, 130); // set the fill style ctx.fillStyle = "red"; // create the meters ctx.fillRect(0, 130 - xaverage, 25, 130); ctx.fillRect(30, 130 - average2, 25, 130); asw.Restart(); log.AppendLine("new { ms = " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + ", x = " + xaverage + "},"); } ); sourceNode.start(0); //sourceNode.loop = true; } ); } ); }
// // works. ssl needs to be trusted tho, othwerwise chrome abuses tcp connections.. // once this actually works. we can then perhaps start reviewing other shaders that also relay on cubemaps? // where we get to generate the cubemaps? // // // // // Z:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\EquirectangularToAzimuthal\EquirectangularToAzimuthal\bin\Debug\staging\EquirectangularToAzimuthal.Application\web // subst b: s:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\EquirectangularToAzimuthal\EquirectangularToAzimuthal\bin\Debug\staging\EquirectangularToAzimuthal.Application\web public Application(IApp page) { #region += Launched dynamic self = Native.self; dynamic self_chrome =; object self_chrome_socket = self_chrome.socket; if (self_chrome_socket != null) { if (!(Native.window.opener == null && Native.window.parent == Native.window.self)) { Console.WriteLine(", is that you?"); // pass thru } else { // should jsc send a copresence udp message? chrome.runtime.UpdateAvailable += delegate { new chrome.Notification(title: "UpdateAvailable"); }; += async delegate { // 0:12094ms {{ href = chrome-extension://aemlnmcokphbneegoefdckonejmknohh/_generated_background_page.html }} Console.WriteLine(" " + new { Native.document.location.href }); new chrome.Notification(title: "ChromeUDPSendAsync"); var xappwindow = await Native.document.location.pathname, options: null ); //xappwindow.setAlwaysOnTop; await xappwindow.contentWindow.async.onload; Console.WriteLine(" loaded!"); }; return; } } #endregion = "yellow"; // view-source: // // // // // what does it take to import those nice shaders into jsc world? // x:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\webgl\webglchocolux\webglchocolux\application.cs // it looks there are no channels. // is it a vert or frag? // fragColor = vec4( col, 1.0 ); // must be a frag // <body onload="watchInit()" //EquirectangularToAzimuthal.Library.ShaderToy.AttachToDocument( // new Shaders.ProgramFragmentShader() //); // WebGL: drawArrays: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'. Or the texture is Float or Half Float type with linear filtering while OES_float_linear or OES_half_float_linear extension is not enabled. new { }.With( async delegate { = "0px"; ( as dynamic).webkitUserSelect = "auto"; var vs = new Shaders.ProgramFragmentShader(); var mAudioContext = new AudioContext(); var gl = new WebGLRenderingContext(alpha: true); if (gl == null) { new IHTMLPre { "webgl disabled?" }.AttachToDocument(); return; } var c = gl.canvas.AttachToDocument(); // 3840x2160 //, 2160); // //c.width = 3840; //c.height = 2160; c.width = 512; c.height = 512; // this has the wrong aspect? //c.width = 6466; //c.height = 3232; new IHTMLPre { new { c.width, c.height } }.AttachToDocument(); //6466x3232 var uizoom = 400f / c.width; = "0 0"; = $"scale({uizoom})"; = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute;, 8, c.width, c.height); var u = new UIKeepRendering { //animate = true // is chrome portscanning the server?? animate = false }.AttachToDocument(); //new IHTMLPre { "init..." }.AttachToDocument(); // function ShaderToy( parentElement, editorParent, passParent ) // function buildInputsUI( me ) // this.mGLContext = createGlContext( this.mCanvas, false, true ); // {alpha: useAlpha, depth: false, antialias: false, stencil: true, premultipliedAlpha: false, preserveDrawingBuffer: usePreserveBuffer } var mMouseOriX = 0; var mMouseOriY = 0; var mMousePosX = 0; var mMousePosY = 0; // 308 //var mEffect = new Library.ShaderToy.Effect( // mAudioContext, // gl, // callback: delegate // { // new IHTMLPre { "at callback" }.AttachToDocument(); // }, // obj: null, // forceMuted: false, // forcePaused: false //); ////mEffect.mPasses[0].NewTexture //// EffectPass.prototype.NewTexture = function( wa, gl, slot, url ) //// this.mPasses[j].Create( rpass.type, this.mAudioContext, this.mGLContext ); //// EffectPass.prototype.MakeHeader_Image = function( precission, supportDerivatives ) //mEffect.mPasses[0].MakeHeader_Image(); //// EffectPass.prototype.NewShader = function( gl, shaderCode ) //// EffectPass.prototype.NewShader_Image = function( gl, shaderCode ) //mEffect.mPasses[0].NewShader_Image(vs); //// ShaderToy.prototype.resetTime = function() // Effect.prototype.ResetTime = function() // ShaderToy.prototype.startRendering = function() // Effect.prototype.Paint = function(time, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, isPaused) // EffectPass.prototype.Paint = function( wa, gl, time, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, isPaused ) // EffectPass.prototype.Paint_Image = function( wa, gl, time, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres ) var pass = new Library.ShaderToy.EffectPass( mAudioContext, gl, precission: Library.ShaderToy.DetermineShaderPrecission(gl), supportDerivatives: gl.getExtension("OES_standard_derivatives") != null, callback: null, obj: null, forceMuted: false, forcePaused: false, //quadVBO: Library.ShaderToy.createQuadVBO(gl, right: 0, top: 0), outputGainNode: null ); // how shall we upload our textures? // can we reference GLSL.samplerCube yet? //pass.mInputs[0] = new samplerCube { }; //pass.mInputs[0] = new Library.ShaderToy.samplerCube { }; var xsampler2D = new Library.ShaderToy.sampler2D { }; pass.mInputs[0] = xsampler2D; pass.MakeHeader_Image(); pass.NewShader_Image(vs); //var all = new Textures2 { }.Images; var all = new[] { new EquirectangularToAzimuthal.HTML.Images.FromAssets._20151001T0000 { } }; new { }.With( async delegate { var i = 0; while (true) { xsampler2D.upload( all[i % all.Length] //new HTML.Images.FromAssets._20151016T0000 { } ); i++; await Task.Delay(1000); } } ); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var paintsw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); new IHTMLPre { () => new { paintsw.ElapsedMilliseconds } }.AttachToDocument(); do { await u.animate.async.@checked; paintsw.Restart(); pass.Paint_Image( sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f, mMouseOriX, mMouseOriY, mMousePosX, mMousePosY //, // gl_FragCoord // cannot be scaled, and can be referenced directly. // need another way to scale //zoom: 0.3f ); paintsw.Stop(); // what does it do? // need nonpartial code. gl.flush(); } while (await Native.window.async.onframe); } ); }