static public void FadeOut(IHTMLElement target, int waittime, int fadetime) { = 1; new Timer( delegate { Timer a = null; a = new Timer( delegate { = 1 - (a.Counter / a.TimeToLive); if (a.Counter == a.TimeToLive) { target.Hide(); } } ); a.StartInterval(fadetime / 25, 25); } ).StartTimeout(waittime); }
/// <summary> /// fades an element and provides async callback /// </summary> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="waittime"></param> /// <param name="fadetime"></param> /// <param name="done"></param> static public void Fade(IHTMLElement target, int waittime, int fadetime, System.Action done) { // if IE = target.clientHeight + "px"; new Timer( delegate { Timer a = null; a = new Timer( delegate { = 1 - (a.Counter / a.TimeToLive); if (a.Counter == a.TimeToLive) { if (done != null) { done(); } } } ); a.StartInterval(fadetime / 25, 25); } ).StartTimeout(waittime); }
static public void FadeAndRemove(IHTMLElement target, int waittime, int fadetime, params IHTMLElement[] cotargets) { // if IE = target.clientHeight + "px"; new Timer( delegate { Timer a = null; a = new Timer( delegate { = 1 - (a.Counter / a.TimeToLive); if (a.Counter == a.TimeToLive) { target.Orphanize(); foreach (IHTMLElement z in cotargets) { z.Orphanize(); } } } ); a.StartInterval(fadetime / 25, 25); } ).StartTimeout(waittime); }
static public void FadeIn(this IHTMLElement target, int waittime, int fadetime, Action done) { // if IE = target.clientHeight + "px"; = 0; waittime.AtDelay( delegate { Timer a = null; a = new Timer( delegate { = (a.Counter / a.TimeToLive); if (a.Counter == a.TimeToLive) { = 1; if (done != null) done(); } } ); a.StartInterval(fadetime / 25, 25); } ); }
public static Timer Interval(System.Action <Timer> e, int i) { Timer t = new Timer(); t.Tick += e; t.StartInterval(i); return(t); }
public static void Trigger(this Func<bool> condition, Action done, int interval) { Timer t = null; t = new Timer( delegate { if (!condition()) { t.Stop(); done(); } } ); t.StartInterval(interval); }
static public void FadeOut(this IHTMLElement target, int waittime, int fadetime, Action done) { waittime.AtDelay( delegate { if (null == target) { done(); return; } Timer a = null; a = new Timer( delegate { var Opacity = 1.0 - (a.Counter / a.TimeToLive); //Native.Document.title = "" + Opacity; = Opacity; if (a.Counter == a.TimeToLive) { = 0; if (done != null) done(); } } ); a.StartInterval(fadetime / 25, 25); } ); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { DiagnosticsConsole.ApplicationContent.BindKeyboardToDiagnosticsConsole(); FormStyler.AtFormCreated = s => { FormStyler.LikeVisualStudioMetro(s); = ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.JSColor.FromRGB(0, 127, 0); = ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.JSColor.FromRGB(0, 127, 0); = "rgba(0, 127, 0, 0.3) 0px 0px 6px 3px"; }; //FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStyler.LikeWindows3; var SidebarIdleWidth = 32; var f = new Form { Text = "Sidebar" }; GrayScaleRule.InitializeGrayScaleFor("CLRForm"); f.GetHTMLTarget().className = "CLRForm"; #region WhileDragging Action WhileDragging = null; WhileDragging = delegate { if (f.Left == 0) { f.GetHTMLTarget().className = "CLRForm_nohover"; f.Text = "Sidebar (docked)"; } else if (f.Capture) { f.GetHTMLTarget().className = ""; f.Text = "Sidebar (dragging)"; } else { f.GetHTMLTarget().className = "CLRForm"; f.Text = "Sidebar"; } Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += WhileDragging; }; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += WhileDragging; #endregion var c = new Sidebar { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }.AttachTo(f); f.Show(); Action <int> SetLeftSidebarWidth = w => { = w + "px"; = w + "px"; }; Action <int> SetRightSidebarWidth = w => { = w + "px"; = w + "px"; }; #region LocationChanged var LocationChangedDisabled = false; f.LocationChanged += delegate { if (LocationChangedDisabled) { return; } if (f.Left == 0) { return; } if (f.Right == Native.window.Width) { return; } SetLeftSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); SetRightSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); if (f.Left < SidebarIdleWidth && c.checkBox1.Checked) { = JSColor.Blue; } else { = JSColor.Gray; } if (f.Right > Native.window.Width - SidebarIdleWidth && c.checkBox2.Checked) { = JSColor.Blue; } else { = JSColor.Gray; } }; #endregion #region Capture var tt = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer(); Action AtCapture = null; tt.Tick += delegate { if (LocationChangedDisabled) { return; } if (f.Left == 0) { return; } if (f.Right == Native.window.Width) { return; } if (f.Capture) { if (AtCapture != null) { AtCapture(); } return; } if (f.Left < SidebarIdleWidth) { if (c.checkBox1.Checked) { var fs = f.Size; SetLeftSidebarWidth(f.ClientSize.Width); f.MoveTo(0, 0); f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.SidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width - page.RightSidebarContainer.clientWidth, Native.window.Height); var done = false; Action <IEvent> onresize = delegate { if (done) { return; } f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.SidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width - page.RightSidebarContainer.clientWidth, Native.window.Height); }; Native.window.onresize += onresize; AtCapture = delegate { done = true; AtCapture = null; f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 100); f.SizeTo(fs.Width, fs.Height); }; } } else if (f.Right > (Native.window.Width - SidebarIdleWidth)) { if (c.checkBox2.Checked) { var fs = f.Size; SetRightSidebarWidth(f.ClientSize.Width); f.MoveTo(page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft, 0); f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.RightSidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height); var done = false; Action <IEvent> onresize = delegate { if (done) { return; } f.MoveTo(page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft, 0); f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.RightSidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height); }; Native.window.onresize += onresize; AtCapture = delegate { done = true; AtCapture = null; f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 100); f.SizeTo(fs.Width, fs.Height); }; } } }; tt.StartInterval(100); #endregion SetLeftSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); SetRightSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); #region SizeChanged var PrevRight = 0; f.SizeChanged += delegate { if (LocationChangedDisabled) { return; } if (f.Left == 0) { SetLeftSidebarWidth(f.Width); } else { //if (f.Left == page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft) //{ // LocationChangedDisabled = true; // f.Left = Native.Window.Width - f.Width; // SetRightSidebarWidth(f.Width); // LocationChangedDisabled = false; //} } PrevRight = f.Right; }; #endregion #region AtButton1 Action AtButton1 = delegate { c.button1.Enabled = false; c.button2.Enabled = true; var cl = f.Location; var cs = f.ClientSize; var cc = f.GetHTMLTarget(); var IsLeft = f.Left < (Native.window.Width - f.Width) / 2; if (IsLeft) { f.MoveTo(0, 0); } else { f.MoveTo(page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft, 0); } f.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { f.Height = Native.window.Height; }; c.button2.Click += delegate { if (cc == null) { return; } c.button1.Enabled = true; c.button2.Enabled = false; cc.AttachToDocument(); cc = null; f.ClientSize = cs; f.Location = cl; //if (c.checkBox1.Checked) f.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable; SetLeftSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); }; cc.AttachTo(page.SidebarContainer); }; #endregion #region button1 c.button1.Click += delegate { AtButton1(); }; #endregion c.button2.Enabled = false; c.button3.Click += delegate { c.checkBox1.Enabled = false; c.checkBox2.Enabled = false; c.button3.Enabled = false; //f.PopupInsteadOfClosing( // HandleFormClosing: true //); }; f.FormClosing += (ss, ee) => { if (c.button3.Enabled) { // not yet popup mode ee.Cancel = true; if (c.button1.Enabled) { AtButton1(); } } }; //f.FormClosed += // delegate // { // Native.Document.body.Clear(); // Native.Window.close(); // }; @"Hello world".ToDocumentTitle(); // Send data from JavaScript to the server tier //service.WebMethod2( // @"A string from JavaScript.", // value => value.ToDocumentTitle() //); //#region snippet //new IHTMLAnchor { "drag me to" }.AttachToDocument().With( // dragme => // { // = IStyle.PositionEnum.@fixed; // = "1em"; // = "1em"; // dragme.AllowToDragAsApplicationPackage(); // } //); //#endregion }
public MineSweeperPanel(int ButtonsX = 15, int ButtonsY = 16, double Mines = 0.2, Assets MyAssets = null) { if (MyAssets == null) MyAssets = Assets.Default; = IStyle.PositionEnum.relative; = Color.FromGray(192); MineField = new MineSweeperControl(ButtonsX, ButtonsY, Mines, MyAssets); ControlWidth = MineField.Width + 20; ControlHeight = MineField.Height + 50;, ControlHeight); MineField.Control.AttachTo(Control).style.SetLocation(10, 40); var face = new Button(FaceSize, FaceSize); face.Source = MyAssets.face_ok; face.MouseDownSource = MyAssets.face_ok_down; var timer = new RedNumberDisplay(3, 0, MyAssets); var actualtimer = new Timer( t => { timer.Value = t.Counter; } ); MineField.Bang += () => { face.Source = MyAssets.face_dead; actualtimer.Stop(); }; MineField.LookingForMines += () => face.Source = MyAssets.face_scared; MineField.DoneLookingForMines += () => face.Source = MyAssets.face_ok; face.Click += () => { face.Source = MyAssets.face_ok; actualtimer.Stop(); timer.Value = 0; MineField.Reset(); }; MineField.AllMinesFound += delegate { face.Source = MyAssets.face_cool; actualtimer.Stop(); MineField.Alive = false; MineField.DisableButtons(); }; face.Control.AttachTo(Control); + (MineField.Width - FaceSize) / 2, 6); var minecounter = new RedNumberDisplay(3, MineField.MinesTotal, MyAssets); minecounter.Control.AttachTo(Control);, 6); timer.Control.AttachTo(Control); + MineField.Width - timer.Width, 6); MineField.MinesFoundChanged += () => minecounter.Value = MineField.MinesTotal - MineField.MinesFound; = "1px inset gray"; = "1px inset gray"; = "1px inset gray"; = "1px outset gray"; MineField.DoneLookingForMines += () => { if (!actualtimer.IsAlive) actualtimer.StartInterval(1000); }; }
private void Setup(System.Action done) { t = new Timer(); var text = new IHTMLInput(HTMLInputTypeEnum.text); text.className = "TalkToOthers"; text.AttachToDocument(); text.onkeypress += delegate(IEvent x) { if (x.IsReturn) { this.CurrentSession.IServer_TalkToOthers(text.value); this.DisplayNotification(text.value, Color.Blue); text.value = ""; } }; = 1000; //Native.Document.body.DisableContextMenu(); //CreateRotatingTank(96 + 48 * 7, 96 + 48 * 1, t, "tree_1", 383, 392); //CreateRotatingTank(96 + 48 * 1, 96 + 48 * 2, t, "tank_1", 308, 339); int u = 7; System.Action idone = null; System.Action<System.Action> adone = delegate(System.Action x) { if (x != null) idone += x; u--; if (u == 0) { if (idone != null) { idone(); idone = null; } //done(); //t.StartInterval(100); } }; done(); t.StartInterval(100); UnitCache.Of("harvester_1", 71, 71 + 31, 48, 48, delegate(UnitCache c) { adone(delegate { for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { Unit.Of(c, 32 * 7, 24 * i, t, 5); } }); } ); building_1 = UnitCache.Of("building_1", 365, 365 + 17, 72, 72, delegate(UnitCache c) { adone(delegate { for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { var xu = Unit.Of(c, 32 * 14, 72 * i, t, 2); System.Action To3 = null; System.Action To4 = null; System.Action To1r = null; System.Action To1 = null; To3 = delegate { xu.Cache = building_3; xu.WhenDone = To4; }; To1r = delegate { xu.ReverseAnimation = true; xu.Cache = building_1; xu.WhenDone = To1; }; To1 = delegate { xu.ReverseAnimation = false; xu.Cache = building_1; xu.WhenDone = To3; }; To4 = delegate { xu.Cache = building_4; xu.WhenDone = To1r; }; xu.WhenDone = To3; } }); } ); UnitCache.Of("building_2", 1252, 1252 + 15, 48, 48, delegate(UnitCache c) { adone(delegate { for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { Unit.Of(c, 32 * 17, 48 * i, t, 6); } }); } ); building_4 = UnitCache.Of("building_4", 405, 405 + 17, 72, 72, uc => adone(null)); building_3 = UnitCache.Of("building_3", 393, 393 + 11, 72, 72, uc => adone(null)); UnitCache.Of("tank_2", 308, 308 + 31, 24, 24, delegate(UnitCache c) { adone(delegate { for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { Unit.Of(c, 32 * 3, 24 * i, t, 3); } }); } ); explosion_1 = UnitCache.Of("explosion_1", 990, 1015, 78, 121, delegate(UnitCache c) { adone(delegate { Native.Document.body.onclick += delegate(IEvent ev) { int cx = ev.CursorX; int cy = ev.CursorY; UserCreateExplosion(cx, cy); }; }); } ); new IHTMLImage("fx/building/power.png").InvokeOnComplete( delegate(IHTMLImage img) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SpawnAnimation(img, 50 + 48 * i, 200, 48, 72, 0, 23, t); } } ); new IHTMLImage("fx/building/cy.png").InvokeOnComplete( delegate(IHTMLImage img) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SpawnAnimation(img, 50 + 72 * i, 300, 72, 72, 0, 34, t); } } ); new IHTMLImage("fx/building/barrack.png").InvokeOnComplete( delegate(IHTMLImage img) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SpawnAnimation(img, 280 + 48 * i, 300, 48, 72, 0, 46, t); } } ); new IHTMLImage("fx/vehicle/veh_cy.png").InvokeOnComplete( delegate(IHTMLImage img) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SpawnAnimation(img, 50 + 48 * i, 400, 48, 48, 0, 31, t); } } ); //.InvokeOnComplete( // delegate(IHTMLImage img) // { // this.Explosion = img; // for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // { // SpawnAnimation(img, 250 + 48 * i, 200, 78, 121, 0, 25, t); // } // } //); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { DiagnosticsConsole.ApplicationContent.BindKeyboardToDiagnosticsConsole(); FormStyler.AtFormCreated = s => { FormStyler.LikeVisualStudioMetro(s); = ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.JSColor.FromRGB(0, 127, 0); = ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.JSColor.FromRGB(0, 127, 0); = "rgba(0, 127, 0, 0.3) 0px 0px 6px 3px"; }; //FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStyler.LikeWindows3; var SidebarIdleWidth = 32; var f = new Form { Text = "Sidebar" }; GrayScaleRule.InitializeGrayScaleFor("CLRForm"); f.GetHTMLTarget().className = "CLRForm"; #region WhileDragging Action WhileDragging = null; WhileDragging = delegate { if (f.Left == 0) { f.GetHTMLTarget().className = "CLRForm_nohover"; f.Text = "Sidebar (docked)"; } else if (f.Capture) { f.GetHTMLTarget().className = ""; f.Text = "Sidebar (dragging)"; } else { f.GetHTMLTarget().className = "CLRForm"; f.Text = "Sidebar"; } Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += WhileDragging; }; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += WhileDragging; #endregion var c = new Sidebar { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }.AttachTo(f); f.Show(); Action<int> SetLeftSidebarWidth = w => { = w + "px"; = w + "px"; }; Action<int> SetRightSidebarWidth = w => { = w + "px"; = w + "px"; }; #region LocationChanged var LocationChangedDisabled = false; f.LocationChanged += delegate { if (LocationChangedDisabled) return; if (f.Left == 0) return; if (f.Right == Native.window.Width) return; SetLeftSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); SetRightSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); if (f.Left < SidebarIdleWidth && c.checkBox1.Checked) = JSColor.Blue; else = JSColor.Gray; if (f.Right > Native.window.Width - SidebarIdleWidth && c.checkBox2.Checked) = JSColor.Blue; else = JSColor.Gray; }; #endregion #region Capture var tt = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer(); Action AtCapture = null; tt.Tick += delegate { if (LocationChangedDisabled) return; if (f.Left == 0) return; if (f.Right == Native.window.Width) return; if (f.Capture) { if (AtCapture != null) AtCapture(); return; } if (f.Left < SidebarIdleWidth) { if (c.checkBox1.Checked) { var fs = f.Size; SetLeftSidebarWidth(f.ClientSize.Width); f.MoveTo(0, 0); f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.SidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width - page.RightSidebarContainer.clientWidth, Native.window.Height); var done = false; Action<IEvent> onresize = delegate { if (done) return; f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.SidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width - page.RightSidebarContainer.clientWidth, Native.window.Height); }; Native.window.onresize += onresize; AtCapture = delegate { done = true; AtCapture = null; f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 100); f.SizeTo(fs.Width, fs.Height); }; } } else if (f.Right > (Native.window.Width - SidebarIdleWidth)) { if (c.checkBox2.Checked) { var fs = f.Size; SetRightSidebarWidth(f.ClientSize.Width); f.MoveTo(page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft, 0); f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.RightSidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height); var done = false; Action<IEvent> onresize = delegate { if (done) return; f.MoveTo(page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft, 0); f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.RightSidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height); }; Native.window.onresize += onresize; AtCapture = delegate { done = true; AtCapture = null; f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 100); f.SizeTo(fs.Width, fs.Height); }; } } }; tt.StartInterval(100); #endregion SetLeftSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); SetRightSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); #region SizeChanged var PrevRight = 0; f.SizeChanged += delegate { if (LocationChangedDisabled) return; if (f.Left == 0) { SetLeftSidebarWidth(f.Width); } else { //if (f.Left == page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft) //{ // LocationChangedDisabled = true; // f.Left = Native.Window.Width - f.Width; // SetRightSidebarWidth(f.Width); // LocationChangedDisabled = false; //} } PrevRight = f.Right; }; #endregion #region AtButton1 Action AtButton1 = delegate { c.button1.Enabled = false; c.button2.Enabled = true; var cl = f.Location; var cs = f.ClientSize; var cc = f.GetHTMLTarget(); var IsLeft = f.Left < (Native.window.Width - f.Width) / 2; if (IsLeft) { f.MoveTo(0, 0); } else { f.MoveTo(page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft, 0); } f.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { f.Height = Native.window.Height; }; c.button2.Click += delegate { if (cc == null) return; c.button1.Enabled = true; c.button2.Enabled = false; cc.AttachToDocument(); cc = null; f.ClientSize = cs; f.Location = cl; //if (c.checkBox1.Checked) f.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable; SetLeftSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); }; cc.AttachTo(page.SidebarContainer); }; #endregion #region button1 c.button1.Click += delegate { AtButton1(); }; #endregion c.button2.Enabled = false; c.button3.Click += delegate { c.checkBox1.Enabled = false; c.checkBox2.Enabled = false; c.button3.Enabled = false; //f.PopupInsteadOfClosing( // HandleFormClosing: true //); }; f.FormClosing += (ss, ee) => { if (c.button3.Enabled) { // not yet popup mode ee.Cancel = true; if (c.button1.Enabled) AtButton1(); } }; //f.FormClosed += // delegate // { // Native.Document.body.Clear(); // Native.Window.close(); // }; @"Hello world".ToDocumentTitle(); // Send data from JavaScript to the server tier //service.WebMethod2( // @"A string from JavaScript.", // value => value.ToDocumentTitle() //); //#region snippet //new IHTMLAnchor { "drag me to" }.AttachToDocument().With( // dragme => // { // = IStyle.PositionEnum.@fixed; // = "1em"; // = "1em"; // dragme.AllowToDragAsApplicationPackage(); // } //); //#endregion }
static public void FadeIn(this IHTMLElement target, int waittime, int fadetime, Action done) { // if IE var c = target.clientHeight; if (c < 20) c = 20; = c + "px"; = 0; = ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.DOM.IStyle.DisplayEnum.empty; waittime.AtDelay( delegate { Timer a = null; a = new Timer( delegate { = (a.Counter / a.TimeToLive); if (a.Counter == a.TimeToLive) { = 1; if (done != null) done(); } } ); a.StartInterval(fadetime / 25, 25); } ); }
public static Timer Interval(System.Action<Timer> e, int i) { Timer t = new Timer(); t.Tick += e; t.StartInterval(i); return t; }
public ApplicationContent( IApp page = null, IApplicationWebServiceX service = null) { // need absolute path when docked.. page.style1.href = page.style1.href; // first order of business. // enable drop zone. var dz = new DropZone(); dz.Container.AttachToDocument(); dz.Container.Hide(); var StayAlertTimer = default(Timer); var DoRefresh = default(Action); #region StayAlert Action<string> StayAlert = transaction_id => { StayAlertTimer = new Timer( delegate { service.GetTransactionKeyAsync( id => { if (id == transaction_id) return; // shot down during flight? if (!StayAlertTimer.IsAlive) return; Console.WriteLine("StayAlert " + new { id, transaction_id }); DoRefresh(); } ); } ); StayAlertTimer.StartInterval(5000); }; #endregion DoRefresh = delegate { if (StayAlertTimer != null) StayAlertTimer.Stop(); page.output.Clear(); new FileLoading().Container.AttachTo(page.output); service.EnumerateFilesAsync( y: ( long ContentKey, string ContentValue, string ContentType, long ContentBytesLength ) => { var e = new FileEntry(); #region ContentValue e.ContentValue.value = ContentValue.TakeUntilLastIfAny("."); e.ContentValue.onchange += delegate { var ext = ContentValue.SkipUntilLastOrEmpty("."); if (ext != "") ext = "." + ext; ContentValue = e.ContentValue.value + ext; Console.WriteLine("before update!"); service.UpdateAsync( ContentKey, ContentValue, // null does not really work? delegate { Console.WriteLine("update done!"); } ); = Native.Document.location.href.TakeUntilLastIfAny("/") + "/io/" + ContentKey + "/" + ContentValue; }; = Native.Document.location.href.TakeUntilLastIfAny("/") + "/io/" + ContentKey + "/" + ContentValue; = Target; #endregion e.ContentType.innerText = ContentBytesLength + " bytes " + ContentType; #region Delete e.Delete.WhenClicked( delegate { // = "" if (StayAlertTimer != null) StayAlertTimer.Stop(); = "red"; service.DeleteAsync( ContentKey, delegate { DoRefresh(); } ); } ); #endregion e.Container.AttachTo(page.output); Console.WriteLine( new { ContentKey, ContentValue, ContentType, ContentBytesLength } ); }, done: transaction_id => { Console.WriteLine(new { transaction_id }); new FileLoadingDone().Container.AttachTo(page.output); StayAlert(transaction_id); } ); }; #region ondrop var TimerHide = new Timer( delegate { dz.Container.Hide(); } ); Action<DragEvent> ondragover = evt => { //Console.WriteLine("ondragover"); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); // ondragover { type = Files } //foreach (var type in evt.dataTransfer.types) //{ // Console.WriteLine("ondragover " + new { type }); //} if (evt.dataTransfer.types.Contains("Files")) { evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"; // Explicitly show this is a copy. dz.Container.Show(); TimerHide.Stop(); } //} //Console.WriteLine(" Native.Document.body.ondragover"); }; Native.Document.body.ondragover += ondragover; dz.Container.ondragover += ondragover; //dz.Container.ondragstart += // evt => // { // Console.WriteLine("ondragstart"); // evt.stopPropagation(); // evt.preventDefault(); // }; dz.Container.ondragleave += evt => { //Console.WriteLine("ondragleave"); //Console.WriteLine(" dz.Container.ondragleave"); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); TimerHide.StartTimeout(90); }; dz.Container.ondrop += evt => { //Console.WriteLine("ondrop"); TimerHide.StartTimeout(90); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); // can we use a webClient yet? var xhr = new IXMLHttpRequest(); // does not work for chrome? //xhr.setRequestHeader("WebServiceMethod", "FileStorageUpload"); // which server?, "/FileStorageUpload"); // //var c = new WebClient(); ////c.UploadData( //c.UploadProgressChanged += // (sender, args) => // { // }; //c.UploadFileAsync( #region send var d = new FormData(); evt.dataTransfer.files.AsEnumerable().WithEachIndex( (f, index) => { d.append("file" + index, f,; } ); xhr.InvokeOnComplete( delegate { Console.WriteLine("upload complete!"); DoRefresh(); } ); var upload = new Uploading(); upload.Container.AttachTo(page.output); // xhr.upload.onprogress += e => { var p = (int)(e.loaded * 100 / + "%"; upload.status = p; Console.WriteLine("upload.onprogress " + new {, e.loaded }); }; xhr.send(d); #endregion if (StayAlertTimer != null) StayAlertTimer.Stop(); }; #endregion DoRefresh(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new control /// </summary> /// <param name="DataElement">The hidden data element</param> public SimpleFilmstrip() { IHTMLDiv Control = new IHTMLDiv(); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; new filmstrip().ToBackground(Control, false); // = "url(assets/SimpleFilmstrip/filmstrip.png) no-repeat"; = "600px"; = "326px"; var index = 0; var t_icount = default(int); var t_interval = default(int); var t_iwidth = default(int); var t_iheight = default(int); var t_feed = default(string); var Restart = default(Action); var feed = new IHTMLInput(HTMLInputTypeEnum.text, new veh_cy().src ); var iwidth = new IHTMLInput(HTMLInputTypeEnum.text, "48"); var iheight = new IHTMLInput(HTMLInputTypeEnum.text, "48"); var icount = new IHTMLInput(HTMLInputTypeEnum.text, "32"); var interval = new IHTMLInput(HTMLInputTypeEnum.text, "50"); var fps = new IHTMLInput(HTMLInputTypeEnum.text, "24"); feed.onchange += delegate { Restart(); }; iwidth.onchange += delegate { Restart(); }; iheight.onchange += delegate { Restart(); }; interval.onchange += delegate { int v = int.Parse(interval.value); if (v == 0) return; fps.value = "" + (1000 / v); Restart(); }; icount.onchange += delegate { Restart(); }; fps.onchange += delegate { int v = int.Parse(fps.value); if (v == 0) return; interval.value = "" + (1000 / v); Restart(); }; var fieldset = new IHTMLElement(IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.fieldset); = "30em"; fieldset.appendChild(new IHTMLElement(IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.legend, "Properties")); Func<string, IHTMLElement, IHTMLDiv> AsLabel = (string text, IHTMLElement control) => { var label = new IHTMLLabel(text, control); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = "8em"; return new IHTMLDiv(label, control); }; fieldset.appendChild(AsLabel("feed:", feed)); fieldset.appendChild(AsLabel("width:", iwidth)); fieldset.appendChild(AsLabel("height:", iheight)); fieldset.appendChild(AsLabel("count:", icount)); fieldset.appendChild(AsLabel("interval:", interval)); fieldset.appendChild(AsLabel("fps:", fps)); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = "320px"; var image = new IHTMLDiv(); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = "52px"; = "32px"; var t = new Timer(); t.Tick += delegate { = "-" + (index * t_iwidth) + "px 0px"; index = (index + 1) % t_icount; }; Restart = delegate { t_icount = int.Parse(icount.value); t_interval = int.Parse(interval.value); t_iwidth = int.Parse(iwidth.value); t_iheight = int.Parse(iheight.value); t_feed = feed.value; = "url(" + t_feed + ") no-repeat"; = t_iwidth + "px"; = t_iheight + "px"; t.StartInterval(t_interval); }; Restart(); Control.appendChild(image, fieldset); Control.AttachToDocument(); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { #region IsRightScreen || IsLeftScreen var IsRightScreen = Native.Document.location.hash == "#/RightScreen"; var IsLeftScreen = Native.Document.location.hash == "#/LeftScreen"; if (IsRightScreen || IsLeftScreen) { if (IsRightScreen) { "Right Screen".ToDocumentTitle(); } if (IsLeftScreen) { "Left Screen".ToDocumentTitle(); } Native.Document.body.Clear(); var a = new CSSTransform3DFPSBlueprint.HTML.Pages.App(); a.Container.AttachToDocument(); var hud = new IHTMLDiv().AttachToDocument(); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; // = "2em"; = 1000; = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; = JSColor.White; var c = new IHTMLCenter { innerText = Native.Document.location.hash }.AttachTo(hud); new CSSTransform3DFPSBlueprint.Application().Initialize(a, x => { // we know that we are packaging this sub page // in our web app x.floorplan.deskCube22.LeftWallSource = "/__Templates"; x.floorplan.deskCube22.LeftWallSourceAutoLoad = true; var w = CSSTransform3DFPSBlueprint.Application.window; var du = true; var qx = new delta(); var qy = new delta(); var qz = new delta(); var qp = new delta(); x.AfterKeystateChange += delegate { var data = new XElement("keyState", new XAttribute("w", "" + w.keyState.forward), new XAttribute("s", "" + w.keyState.backward), new XAttribute("a", "" + w.keyState.strafeleft), new XAttribute("d", "" + w.keyState.straferight) ); Native.Window.opener.With( parent => { //c.innerText = data.ToString(); parent.postMessage(data.ToString()); } ); }; x.AfterCameraRotationChange += delegate { var data = new XElement("", new XAttribute("x", "" +, new XAttribute("y", "" +, new XAttribute("z", "" + ); Native.Window.opener.With( parent => { //c.innerText = data.ToString(); parent.postMessage(data.ToString()); } ); }; Func<string, bool> bool_Parse = xx => { return xx.ToLower() == "true"; }; Native.Window.onmessage += e => { var data = XElement.Parse("" +; #region shared.perspective if (data.Name.LocalName == "shared.perspective") { = "200%"; if (IsRightScreen) { = "-100%"; } = "-25%"; = "150%"; //if (IsRightScreen) //{ //} } #endregion var hasupdate = true; if (data.Name.LocalName == "keyState") { w.keyState.forward = bool_Parse(data.Attribute("w").Value); w.keyState.backward = bool_Parse(data.Attribute("s").Value); w.keyState.strafeleft = bool_Parse(data.Attribute("a").Value); w.keyState.straferight = bool_Parse(data.Attribute("d").Value); } if (data.Name.LocalName == "") { new { x = int.Parse(data.Attribute("x").Value), y = int.Parse(data.Attribute("y").Value), z = int.Parse(data.Attribute("z").Value) }.With( r => { = r.x; = r.y; = r.z; } ); } if (data.Name.LocalName == "ChangeRotationBy") { new { x = int.Parse(data.Attribute("x").Value), y = int.Parse(data.Attribute("y").Value), }.With( r => { -= r.y; += r.x; } ); } if (data.Name.LocalName == "range") { qx.newvalue = int.Parse(data.Attribute("x").Value); qy.newvalue = int.Parse(data.Attribute("y").Value); qz.newvalue = int.Parse(data.Attribute("z").Value); var s = int.Parse(data.Attribute("s").Value) / 50.0; s *= s; s *= s; qp.newvalue = int.Parse(data.Attribute("p").Value); if (du) { qx.oldvalue = qx.newvalue; qy.oldvalue = qy.newvalue; qz.oldvalue = qz.newvalue; qp.oldvalue = qp.newvalue; du = false; } else { hasupdate = false; if (qx.newvalue != qx.oldvalue) { qx.dx = qx.newvalue - qx.oldvalue; qx.oldvalue = qx.newvalue; -= qx.dx * 0.2 * s; hasupdate = true; } if (qy.newvalue != qy.oldvalue) { qy.dx = qy.newvalue - qy.oldvalue; qy.oldvalue = qy.newvalue; var newy = - qy.dx * 0.1 * s; //Console.WriteLine( // new // { //, // newy // } //); // { y = 0.09999999999999937, newy = -6.38378239159465e-16 } //-6.38378239159465e-16 // small values cause an anomaly? if (Math.Abs(newy) < 0.05) = 0; else = newy; hasupdate = true; } if (qz.newvalue != qz.oldvalue) { qz.dx = qz.newvalue - qz.oldvalue; qz.oldvalue = qz.newvalue; -= qz.dx * 0.5 * s; hasupdate = true; } if (qp.newvalue != qp.oldvalue) { //qz.dx = qz.newvalue - qz.oldvalue; qp.oldvalue = qp.newvalue; = "" + (500 + qp.newvalue * 4 * s); hasupdate = true; } } } //c.innerText = new { data, dx, newvalue, oldvalue }.ToString(); if (hasupdate) c.innerText = data.ToString(); //oldvalue = newvalue; // -= e.movementY / 2; }; } ); return; } #endregion Action range_onchange = delegate { }; #region bind Action<IHTMLButton, string, Action<IWindow, XElement>> bind = (btn, hash, yield) => { btn.onclick += delegate { btn.disabled = true; var w = hash, "_blank", 400, 300, false ); w.focus(); w.onload += delegate { Action onchange = delegate { // JellyworldExperiment.DualView.Application+<>c__DisplayClassc+<>c__DisplayClass14+<>c__DisplayClass16+<>c__DisplayClass18 //script: error JSC1000: Method: <.ctor>b__7, Type: JellyworldExperiment.DualView.Application+<>c__DisplayClassc+<>c__DisplayClass14+<>c__DisplayClass16+<>c__DisplayClass18; emmiting failed : System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. // at jsc.ILFlowStackItem.InlineLogic( ) // at . . ( ? , , ILInstruction , ILFlowStackItem ) // at . . ( ? , , ILInstruction , ILFlowStackItem ) // at . ? . ( , ILInstruction , ILFlowStackItem[] , Int32 , MethodBase ) var xml = new XElement("range", new XAttribute("x", page.range_x.value), new XAttribute("y", page.range_y.value), new XAttribute("z", page.range_z.value), new XAttribute("s", page.range_s.value), new XAttribute("p", page.range_p.value) ); w.postMessage(xml.ToString()); }; onchange(); page.range_x.onchange += delegate { onchange(); }; page.range_y.onchange += delegate { onchange(); }; page.range_z.onchange += delegate { onchange(); }; page.range_s.onchange += delegate { onchange(); }; page.range_p.onchange += delegate { onchange(); }; range_onchange += onchange; Native.Window.onmessage += e => { if (e.source != w) return; var data = XElement.Parse("" +; yield(w, data); }; yield(w, null); }; }; }; #endregion #region do bind var wLeftScreen = default(IWindow); var wRightScreen = default(IWindow); bind(page._LeftScreen, "#/LeftScreen", (w, data) => { if (wLeftScreen == null) { wLeftScreen = w; w.onbeforeunload += delegate { page._LeftScreen.innerText = "closed"; }; Native.Window.onbeforeunload += delegate { wLeftScreen.close(); }; } if (data != null) { page._LeftScreen.innerText = data.ToString(); if (wRightScreen != null) { wRightScreen.postMessage(data.ToString()); } } } ); bind(page._RightScreen, "#/RightScreen", (w, data) => { if (wRightScreen == null) { wRightScreen = w; w.onbeforeunload += delegate { page._RightScreen.innerText = "closed"; }; Native.Window.onbeforeunload += delegate { wRightScreen.close(); }; } if (data != null) { page._RightScreen.innerText = data.ToString(); if (wLeftScreen != null) { wLeftScreen.postMessage(data.ToString()); } } } ); #endregion page._SharedPerspective.onclick += delegate { var data = new XElement("shared.perspective", "dummy"); if (wLeftScreen != null) wLeftScreen.postMessage(data.ToString()); if (wRightScreen != null) wRightScreen.postMessage(data.ToString()); }; forward = false; backward = false; strafeleft = false; straferight = false; this.AfterKeystateChange = delegate { var data = new XElement("keyState", new XAttribute("w", "" + forward), new XAttribute("s", "" + backward), new XAttribute("a", "" + strafeleft), new XAttribute("d", "" + straferight) ); Console.WriteLine("AfterKeystateChange: " + data); if (wLeftScreen != null) wLeftScreen.postMessage(data.ToString()); if (wRightScreen != null) wRightScreen.postMessage(data.ToString()); }; ChangeRotationBy = (x, y) => { var data = new XElement("ChangeRotationBy", new XAttribute("x", "" + x), new XAttribute("y", "" + y) ); Console.WriteLine("AfterKeystateChange: " + data); if (wLeftScreen != null) wLeftScreen.postMessage(data.ToString()); if (wRightScreen != null) wRightScreen.postMessage(data.ToString()); }; #region onkeydown Native.Document.body.onkeydown += e => { //Console.WriteLine(new { e.KeyCode }); if (e.KeyCode == (int)Keys.W) forward = true; if (e.KeyCode == (int)Keys.S) backward = true; if (e.KeyCode == (int)Keys.A) strafeleft = true; if (e.KeyCode == (int)Keys.D) straferight = true; if (AfterKeystateChange != null) AfterKeystateChange(); }; Native.Document.body.onkeyup += e => { if (e.KeyCode == (int)Keys.W) forward = false; if (e.KeyCode == (int)Keys.S) backward = false; if (e.KeyCode == (int)Keys.A) strafeleft = false; if (e.KeyCode == (int)Keys.D) straferight = false; if (AfterKeystateChange != null) AfterKeystateChange(); }; #endregion #region FaceDetectedAt var attimer = false; ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer t = null; FaceDetectedAt = (Left, Top, Width, Height) => { page.SimulateFace.disabled = true; var f = new { Left, Top, Width, Height }; if (t != null) t.Stop(); t = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { attimer = true; FaceDetectedAt(Left, Top, Width, Height); } ); t.StartInterval(1000 / 100); page.range_x.value = "" + (100 - Math.Max(0, (100 * f.Top / (Native.Window.Height - f.Height))).Min(100)); //Console.WriteLine(new { f, page.range_x.value }); var range_y_old = int.Parse(page.range_y.value); var range_z_old = int.Parse(page.range_z.value); var range_z_new = (int)(100.0 * f.Left / (Native.Window.Width - f.Width)).Max(0).Min(100); page.range_z.value = "" + range_z_new; if (range_z_old == range_z_new) { if (attimer) { attimer = false; if (range_y_old != 50) { if (range_y_old > 50) page.range_y.value = "" + (int)(range_y_old - 1); else page.range_y.value = "" + (int)(range_y_old + 1); } } } else { //var range_y_new = (Math.Sign(range_z_old - range_z_new) * 4 + range_y_old).Min(100).Max(0); //page.range_y.value = "" + range_y_new; } range_onchange(); }; #endregion Native.Document.body.onmousedown += e => { if (e.Element != page.AskForDragPermission) if (e.Element != Native.Document.body) { return; } e.preventDefault(); Native.Document.body.requestPointerLock(); }; Native.Document.body.onmousemove += e => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement != Native.Document.body) return; this.ChangeRotationBy( e.movementX, e.movementY ); }; Native.Document.body.onmouseup += e => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement != Native.Document.body) return; Native.Document.exitPointerLock(); }; page.SimulateFace.onclick += delegate { page.SimulateFace.disabled = true; new Form { Text = "Simulated Face Detection" }.With( f => { f.LocationChanged += delegate { FaceDetectedAt(f.Left, f.Top, f.Width, f.Height); }; f.SizeChanged += delegate { FaceDetectedAt(f.Left, f.Top, f.Width, f.Height); }; } ).Show(); }; }
static public void FadeAndRemove(IHTMLElement target, int waittime, int fadetime, params IHTMLElement[] cotargets) { // if IE = target.clientHeight + "px"; new Timer( delegate { Timer a = null; a = new Timer( delegate { = 1 - (a.Counter / a.TimeToLive); if (a.Counter == a.TimeToLive) { target.Orphanize(); foreach (IHTMLElement z in cotargets) z.Orphanize(); } } ); a.StartInterval(fadetime / 25, 25); } ).StartTimeout(waittime); }
/// <summary> /// fades an element and provides async callback /// </summary> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="waittime"></param> /// <param name="fadetime"></param> /// <param name="done"></param> static public void Fade(IHTMLElement target, int waittime, int fadetime, System.Action done) { // if IE = target.clientHeight + "px"; new Timer( delegate { Timer a = null; a = new Timer( delegate { = 1 - (a.Counter / a.TimeToLive); if (a.Counter == a.TimeToLive) { if (done != null) done(); } } ); a.StartInterval(fadetime / 25, 25); } ).StartTimeout(waittime); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new control /// </summary> /// <param name="DataElement">The hidden data element</param> public LightsOut2(IHTMLElement DataElement) { // based on,guid,5c35b1f1-dc66-4d85-ac04-22fc97503d4a.aspx // what happens in beta2 when the anonymous types are immutable? :) var usersettings = new { x = 5, y = 5, tile = new { w = 64, h = 64, cold = 0.8 } }; var a = new Array2D<IHTMLDiv>(usersettings.x, usersettings.y); var m = a.ToBooleanArray(); var r = new System.Random(); m.ForEach( (x, y) => { m[x, y] = r.NextDouble() > 0.5; } ); var canvas = new IHTMLDiv(); canvas.className = "canvas"; var canvas_size = new __Type1 { x = ((a.XLength + 1) * usersettings.tile.w), y = ((a.YLength + 1) * usersettings.tile.h) }; = IStyle.PositionEnum.relative; = "2px solid black"; = canvas_size.x + "px"; = canvas_size.y + "px"; var canvas_bg = new IHTMLDiv(); //var canvas_bg_tween = new TweenDataDouble(); //canvas_bg_tween.Value = 1; //canvas_bg_tween.ValueChanged += delegate { = canvas_bg_tween.Value; }; new HTML.Images.FromAssets.background().ToBackground(; // = Assets.Default.Background.StyleSheetURL;, 0, canvas_size.x * 2, canvas_size.y); canvas.appendChild(canvas_bg); IStyleSheet.Default.AddRule(".info").style .Aggregate(s => { s.backgroundColor = Color.Black; s.color = Color.White; s.padding = "2em"; s.fontFamily = IStyle.FontFamilyEnum.Tahoma; s.Float = IStyle.FloatEnum.right; }) ; IStyleSheet.Default.AddRule(".canvas").style .Aggregate(s => s.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden) .Aggregate(s => s.backgroundColor = Color.Black) ; IStyleSheet.Default.AddRule(".on").style .Aggregate(s => new HTML.Images.FromAssets.vistaLogoOn().ToBackground(s) ) //.Aggregate(s => s.Opacity = 0.8) ; IStyleSheet.Default.AddRule(".off").style .Aggregate(s => new HTML.Images.FromAssets.vistaLogoOff().ToBackground(s) ) //.Aggregate(s => s.Opacity = 0.5) ; Action<int, int> UpdateColor = (x, y) => { var n = a[x, y]; if (m[x, y]) { n.className = "on"; } else { n.className = "off"; } }; Action<int, int> ToggleDirect = (x, y) => { var n = a[x, y]; if (n == null) return; m[x, y] = !m[x, y]; UpdateColor(x, y); }; Action<int, int> Toggle = (x, y) => { //Console.WriteLine("click at: " + new { x, y } + " = " + m[x, y]); var f = ToggleDirect.WithOffset(x, y); f(-1, 0); f(0, -1); f(0, 0); f(0, 1); f(1, 0); }; var info_stats_clicks = new IHTMLDiv(); var info_stats_clicks_count = 0; var info_stats_off = new IHTMLDiv(); var info_stats_on = new IHTMLDiv(); Action info_stats_update = () => { info_stats_clicks.innerHTML = info_stats_clicks_count + " clicks made so far"; info_stats_on.innerHTML = m.Count(i => i) + " blocks are on"; info_stats_off.innerHTML = m.Count(i => !i) + " blocks are off"; }; var info_stats = new IHTMLDiv(info_stats_clicks, info_stats_off, info_stats_on); info_stats.className = "info"; a.ForEach( (x, y) => { var n = new IHTMLDiv(); = (x * usersettings.tile.w + usersettings.tile.w / 2) + "px"; = (y * usersettings.tile.h + usersettings.tile.h / 2) + "px"; = usersettings.tile.w + "px"; = usersettings.tile.h + "px"; = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; // = "1px solid black"; = IStyle.CursorEnum.pointer; canvas.appendChild(n); var tween = new TweenDataDouble(); tween.ValueChanged += () => = tween.Value; tween.Value = usersettings.tile.cold; = tween.Value; n.onmouseover += delegate { tween.Value = 1; //canvas_bg_tween.Value = 0.5; }; n.onmouseout += delegate { tween.Value = usersettings.tile.cold; //canvas_bg_tween.Value = 1; }; n.onclick += delegate { info_stats_clicks_count++; Toggle(x, y); info_stats_update(); }; a[x, y] = n; UpdateColor(x, y); } ); var ani = new Timer(t => = -(int)System.Math.Floor((double)((IDate.Now.getTime() / 75) % canvas_size.x)) + "px"); var info = new IHTMLDiv(); var info_header_text = "Lights out 2"; Native.Document.title = info_header_text; info.appendChild(new IHTMLElement(IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.h1, info_header_text)); info.appendChild(new IHTMLAnchor(",guid,5c35b1f1-dc66-4d85-ac04-22fc97503d4a.aspx", "based on SilverlightsOut")); info.appendChild(new IHTMLBreak()); info.appendChild(new IHTMLAnchor(",guid,5c35b1f1-dc66-4d85-ac04-22fc97503d4a.aspx", "cjcraft blog post")); info.appendChild(new IHTMLElement(IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.p, @"Lights out is a one player puzzle that is played on a 5 by 5 grid of squares in which every square has two states: on and off. The game starts off with all squares off, where the goal is to turn on every square. By selecting a square, all the surrounding squares' (up, down, left, right) state is turned toggled. For example, on a 3 by 3 grid of squares with all squares off, if the center one is selected, it will turn 'on' the 4 up, down, left, right squares from it.")); info.appendChild(new IHTMLDiv("Mozilla based browsers seem to suffer in performance while animating contents under semitransparent elements.")); info.appendChild(new IHTMLButton("Animate background").Aggregate(btn => btn.onclick += delegate { ani.StartInterval(50); })); info.appendChild(new IHTMLButton("Freeze background").Aggregate(btn => btn.onclick += delegate { ani.Stop(); })); info.appendChild(info_stats); info.appendChild(canvas); info_stats_update(); DataElement.insertNextSibling(info); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { var random = new Random(); device_id = random.Next(); #region con var con = new ConsoleForm(); con.InitializeConsoleFormWriter(); con.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; con.Show(); // make it slim con.Height = 100; // TopMost con.GetHTMLTarget().style.zIndex = 20002; con.Opacity = 0.9; Action Toggle = delegate { if (con.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { con.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } else { con.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } // put the console far right bottom con.MoveTo( Native.window.Width - con.Width, Native.window.Height - con.Height ); }; Action<int> AtKeyCode = KeyCode => { Console.WriteLine( new { KeyCode } ); // US if (KeyCode == 222) { Toggle(); } // EE if (KeyCode == 192) { Toggle(); } }; #if onorientationchange Native.window.onorientationchange += e => { Toggle(); }; #endif Native.document.onkeyup += e => { AtKeyCode(e.KeyCode); }; Toggle(); #endregion Console.WriteLine("console ready for " + new { id = device_id }); var x = 0; var y = 0; #region Virtual Screen FormStyler.AtFormCreated = LikeDesktop; var fs = new Form { }; //fs.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; fs.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 148, 155); fs.Width = Native.screen.width / 4; fs.Height = Native.screen.height / 4; fs.Show(); fs.Opacity = 0.5; FormStyler.AtFormCreated = LikeVirtualScreen; var fvs = new Form { Text = "Virtual Screen" }; fvs.BackColor = Color.Transparent; FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStyler.LikeWindowsClassic; fvs.Width = Native.screen.width / 4; fvs.Height = Native.screen.height / 4; fvs.Show(); fvs.Owner = fs; var fw = new Form { }; fw.Width = Native.window.Width / 4; fw.Height = Native.window.Height / 4; fw.Show(); fw.Owner = fvs; fw.Opacity = 0.8; KeepOwnedFormsLinkedToOwnerLocation(fs); KeepOwnedFormsLinkedToOwnerLocation(fvs); KeepOwnedFormsLinkedToOwnerLocation(fw); #endregion // doesnt work yet? //fw.SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Hide; var svg = new ISVGSVGElement().AttachTo(page.content);, 0); var vsvg = new ISVGSVGElement().AttachTo(fvs.GetHTMLTarget());, 0); #region VirtualScreenUpdate Action VirtualScreenUpdate = delegate { if (fs.Capture) return; // dragging it? if (fvs.Capture) return; var max_right = fvs.OwnedForms.Max(k => k.Right); var min_left = fvs.OwnedForms.Min(k => k.Left); var max_bottom = fvs.OwnedForms.Max(k => k.Bottom); var min_top = fvs.OwnedForms.Min(k => k.Top); DisableKeepOwnedFormsLinkedToOwnerLocation = true; fvs.Left = min_left; fvs.Top = min_top; fvs.Width = max_right - min_left; fvs.Height = max_bottom - min_top; (min_left - fw.Left) * 4, (min_top - fw.Top) * 4, (max_right - min_left) * 4, (max_bottom - min_top) * 4 ); DisableKeepOwnedFormsLinkedToOwnerLocation = false; }; #endregion fw.LocationChanged += delegate { VirtualScreenUpdate(); }; #region AtResize Action AtResize = delegate { // screen can change, but only once, when window is moved to the other monitor? fs.Text = "Screen " + new { Native.screen.width, Native.screen.height }; fs.Width = Native.screen.width / 4; fs.Height = Native.screen.height / 4; fw.Text = " " + new { Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height #if onorientationchange , Native.window.orientation #endif }; fw.Width = Native.window.Width / 4; fw.Height = Native.window.Height / 4; VirtualScreenUpdate(); }; Native.window.onresize += delegate { AtResize(); }; Native.window.onfocus += delegate { AtResize(); }; Native.window.onblur += delegate { AtResize(); }; new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { AtResize(); } ).StartInterval(1000 / 2); #endregion // what is attaching what? // what about await var svgcursor1ghost = new cursor1().AttachTo(page.content).ToSVG(); var svgcursor1 = new cursor1().AttachTo(page.content).ToSVG(); svgcursor1.fill += svgcursor1ghost.fill; var vcursor = new cursor1().AttachTo(fvs.GetHTMLTarget()).ToSVG(); var Shadows = new List<Form>(); Func<Form, Form> CreateShadow = _fw => { FormStyler.AtFormCreated = LikeVirtualWindow; var fwshadow = new Form(); Shadows.Add(fwshadow); fwshadow.BackColor = Color.Transparent; FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStyler.LikeWindowsClassic; fwshadow.Width = Native.screen.width / 4; fwshadow.Height = Native.screen.height / 4; fwshadow.Show(); Action fwshadow_update = delegate { fwshadow.MoveTo(_fw.Left, _fw.Top); fwshadow.SizeTo(_fw.Width, _fw.Height); }; _fw.LocationChanged += delegate { fwshadow_update(); }; _fw.SizeChanged += delegate { fwshadow_update(); }; fwshadow_update(); _fw.BringToFront(); return fwshadow; }; Shadows.Add(CreateShadow(fw)); bool canexit = false; bool canenter = true; Action at_exit_MultiMouseMode = delegate { //Console.WriteLine("at_exit_MultiMouseMode"); }; Action at_enter_MultiMouseMode = delegate { //Console.WriteLine("at_enter_MultiMouseMode"); }; Action<IEvent.MouseButtonEnum> at_mousedown = button => { //Console.WriteLine("at_enter_mousedown: " + button); }; Action at_mouseup = delegate { //Console.WriteLine("at_enter_mouseup"); }; var path = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); path.setAttribute("style", "stroke: black; stroke-width: 4; fill: none;"); var path_d = ""; var vpath = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(vsvg); vpath.setAttribute("style", "stroke: black; stroke-width: 1; fill: none;"); var vpath_d = ""; bool internal_ismousedown = false; Action<IEvent.MouseButtonEnum> internal_mousedown = button => { internal_ismousedown = true; path = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); if (button == IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left) path.setAttribute("style", "stroke: black; stroke-width: 4; fill: none;"); else path.setAttribute("style", "stroke: rgb(0, 108, 115); stroke-width: 32; fill: none;"); path_d = ""; vpath = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(vsvg); if (button == IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left) vpath.setAttribute("style", "stroke: black; stroke-width: 1; fill: none;"); else vpath.setAttribute("style", "stroke: rgb(0, 108, 115); stroke-width: 8; fill: none;"); vpath_d = ""; svgcursor1.fill(0, 0, 255); vcursor.fill(0, 0, 255); //path.d = " M100,50 L10,10 L200,200 "; path_d += " M" + x + "," + y; path.d = path_d; vpath_d += " M" + (x / 4) + "," + (y / 4); vpath.d = vpath_d; }; Action<IEvent.MouseButtonEnum> mousedown = button => { at_mousedown(button); internal_mousedown(button); }; Action internal_mouseup = delegate { internal_ismousedown = false; svgcursor1.fill(0, 255, 0); vcursor.fill(0, 255, 0); }; Action mouseup = delegate { at_mouseup(); internal_mouseup(); }; #region exit_MultiMouseMode Action internal_exit_MultiMouseMode = delegate { svgcursor1.fill(0, 0, 0); vcursor.fill(0, 0, 0); con.Opacity = 0.9; = 0.3; = 0; = "rgba(0, 148, 155, 1)"; = "black"; (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = "blur(3px)"; } ); (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = ""; } ); Shadows.WithEach( f => f.GetHTMLTarget().style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = ""; } ) ); fs.FormsByOwnership().WithEach( f => f.GetHTMLTarget().style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = ""; } ) ); fvs.OwnedForms.WithEach( k => { k.GetHTMLTarget().style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; } ); }; Action exit_MultiMouseMode = delegate { if (!canexit) return; canexit = false; canenter = true; at_exit_MultiMouseMode(); internal_exit_MultiMouseMode(); }; #endregion #region enter_MultiMouseMode Action internal_enter_MultiMouseMode = delegate { svgcursor1.fill(255, 0, 0); vcursor.fill(255, 0, 0); con.Opacity = 0.5; = 1.0; = ""; = "rgba(0, 148, 155, 1)"; = 20000; con.GetHTMLTarget().style.zIndex = 20002; (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = ""; } ); (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = "blur(3px)"; } ); fvs.OwnedForms.WithEach( k => { k.GetHTMLTarget().style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; } ); Shadows.WithEach( f => f.GetHTMLTarget().style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = "blur(3px)"; } ) ); fs.FormsByOwnership().WithEach( f => f.GetHTMLTarget().style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = "blur(3px)"; } ) ); }; Action enter_MultiMouseMode = delegate { if (!canenter) return; canexit = true; canenter = false; at_enter_MultiMouseMode(); internal_enter_MultiMouseMode(); }; #endregion #region onmousemove Native.Document.body.onmouseup += e => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Native.Document.body) { mouseup(); return; } }; Native.Document.body.onmousedown += e => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Native.Document.body) { mousedown(e.MouseButton); return; } Console.WriteLine("requesting MultiMouse mode!"); x = e.CursorX; y = e.CursorY; e.preventDefault(); Native.Document.body.requestPointerLock(); }; Action<int, int> at_set_cursor_position = delegate { }; var pxx = 0; var pyy = 0; var ghost_busy = false; Action<int, int> internal_set_cursor_position = (xx, yy) => { // already set to that exact location! if (pxx == xx) if (pyy == yy) return; pxx = xx; pyy = yy; cursor1.ImageDefaultWidth / 4, cursor1.ImageDefaultHeight / 4 ); (xx - 14) / 4, (yy - (64 - 56)) / 4 ); xx - 14, // inscaope/svg Y is upside down! yy - (64 - 56) ); if (!ghost_busy) { ghost_busy = true; = 0.2; (dynamic s) => s.webkitTransition = "all 0.5s linear" ); pxx - 14, // inscaope/svg Y is upside down! pyy - (64 - 56) ); new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { pxx - 14, // inscaope/svg Y is upside down! pyy - (64 - 56) ); ghost_busy = false; } ).StartTimeout(500); } // if this window will be activated next time we can continue where we were // told to.. x = xx; y = yy; if (internal_ismousedown) { path_d += " L" + x + "," + y; path.d = path_d; vpath_d += " L" + (x / 4) + "," + (y / 4); vpath.d = vpath_d; } }; Action<int, int> set_cursor_position = (xx, yy) => { at_set_cursor_position(xx, yy); internal_set_cursor_position(xx, yy); }; Native.Document.body.onmousemove += e => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Native.Document.body) { enter_MultiMouseMode(); x += e.movementX; y += e.movementY; // clip it // fullscreen behaves differently? x = x.Min(fvs.Width * 4).Max(0); y = y.Min(fvs.Height * 4).Max(0); set_cursor_position(x, y); } else { exit_MultiMouseMode(); } }; #endregion internal_exit_MultiMouseMode(); internal_set_cursor_position(0, 0); Native.document.body.ontouchstart += e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.touches[0].With( touch => { // how do we enter? enter_MultiMouseMode(); // exit by broswer history move? set_cursor_position(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); // ipad has 11 touchpoints. multiply that with the number of devices/ // for now we support 1 pointer per session :) if (e.touches.length == 1) mousedown(IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left); else mousedown(IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Right); } ); }; Native.document.body.ontouchend += e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // ipad has 11 touchpoints. multiply that with the number of devices/ // for now we support 1 pointer per session :) if (e.touches.length == 0) mouseup(); else mousedown(IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left); }; Native.document.body.ontouchmove += e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.touches[0].With( touch => { set_cursor_position(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); } ); }; #region onmessage bool disable_bind_reconfigure = false; Action<int, int> internal_reconfigure = delegate { }; Action<MessageEvent, XElement> internal_onmessage = (e, xml) => { device_onmessage(0, xml); }; Native.window.onmessage += e => { // who sent this? :P var source = (string); //var now = DateTime.Now; //Console.WriteLine(now + " " + source); var xml = XElement.Parse(source); internal_onmessage(e, xml); }; var friendly_devices = new { source_device_id = 0, f = default(Form), children = new { child_id = 0, fc = default(Form) }.ToEmptyList() }.ToEmptyList(); #region device_onmessage this.device_onmessage = (source_device_id, xml) => { // mothership to local network? // source_device_id = 0 means it came from one of our virtual screens? if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_mousedown") { int button = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("button").Value); internal_mousedown((IEvent.MouseButtonEnum)button); } if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_mouseup") { internal_mouseup(); } if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_enter_MultiMouseMode") { internal_enter_MultiMouseMode(); } if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_exit_MultiMouseMode") { internal_exit_MultiMouseMode(); } if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_set_cursor_position") { int xx = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("x").Value); int yy = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("y").Value); internal_set_cursor_position(xx, yy); } }; #endregion var ListOfChildren = new { child_id = 0, fc = default(Form) }.ToEmptyList(); // when is this called? this.device_bind = (mothership_postXElement) => { // we might now be able to invoke the server, and via that any other device Console.WriteLine("device_bind"); #region at_enter_MultiMouseMode at_enter_MultiMouseMode += delegate { var xml = new XElement("at_enter_MultiMouseMode"); mothership_postXElement(xml); }; #endregion #region at_exit_MultiMouseMode at_exit_MultiMouseMode += delegate { mothership_postXElement(new XElement("at_exit_MultiMouseMode")); }; #endregion #region at_mousedown at_mousedown += button => { mothership_postXElement(new XElement("at_mousedown", new XAttribute("button", "" + (int)button))); }; #endregion #region at_mouseup at_mouseup += delegate { mothership_postXElement(new XElement("at_mouseup")); }; #endregion #region at_set_cursor_position at_set_cursor_position += (xx, yy) => { var xml = new XElement("at_set_cursor_position", // int not yet supported? new XAttribute("x", "" + xx), new XAttribute("y", "" + yy) ); mothership_postXElement( xml ); }; #endregion // now we can reply.. this.device_onmessage += (source_device_id, xml) => { #region at_virtualwindowsync_reconfigure if (source_device_id != 0) if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_virtualwindowsync_reconfigure") { int __device_id = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("device_id").Value); if (__device_id == device_id) { // are we being reconfigured? friendly_devices.Where(k => k.source_device_id == source_device_id).WithEach( q => { int dx = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("dx").Value); int dy = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("dy").Value); disable_bind_reconfigure = true; q.f.MoveTo( fw.Left - dx, fw.Top - dy ); disable_bind_reconfigure = false; } ); } } #endregion #region at_virtualwindowsync if (source_device_id != 0) if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_virtualwindowsync") { Console.WriteLine("got at_virtualwindowsync"); // do we know this device? var q = friendly_devices.FirstOrDefault(k => k.source_device_id == source_device_id); int w = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("w").Value); int h = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("h").Value); Action reposition = delegate { }; if (q == null) { var fc = new Form { Text = new { source_device_id }.ToString() }; q = new { source_device_id, f = fc, children = new { child_id = 0, fc = default(Form) }.ToEmptyList() }; friendly_devices.Add(q); q.f.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; q.f.Show(); // show should respect opacity? q.f.Opacity = 0.3; // where to put it? // left or right? var max_right = fvs.OwnedForms.Max(k => k.Right); var min_left = fvs.OwnedForms.Min(k => k.Left); if (source_device_id < device_id) q.f.Left = min_left - w; else q.f.Left = max_right; q.f.Top = fw.Top; q.f.Owner = fvs; var fcShadow = CreateShadow(q.f); Shadows.Add(fcShadow); #region from now on if we move any of our screens // in relation to this source_device_id we have to notify it Action SendDelta = delegate { var pdx = fc.Left - fw.Left; var pdy = fc.Top - fw.Top; mothership_postXElement( new XElement("at_virtualwindowsync_reconfigure", new XAttribute("device_id", "" + source_device_id), new XAttribute("dx", "" + pdx), new XAttribute("dy", "" + pdy) ) ); }; fw.LocationChanged += delegate { if (disable_bind_reconfigure) return; SendDelta(); }; fc.LocationChanged += delegate { if (disable_bind_reconfigure) return; SendDelta(); }; #endregion } // thanks for letting us know that you changed your size... q.f.Width = w; q.f.Height = h; xml.Elements("child").WithEach( cxml => { // any new children? int child_id = int.Parse(cxml.Attribute("child_id").Value); int pdx = int.Parse(cxml.Attribute("pdx").Value); int pdy = int.Parse(cxml.Attribute("pdy").Value); int cw = int.Parse(cxml.Attribute("w").Value); int ch = int.Parse(cxml.Attribute("h").Value); var cq = q.children.FirstOrDefault(k => k.child_id == child_id); if (cq == null) { var fc = new Form { Text = new { source_device_id, child_id }.ToString() }; cq = new { child_id, fc }; q.children.Add(cq); cq.fc.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; cq.fc.Show(); // show should respect opacity? cq.fc.Opacity = 0.2; // if this child needs to be between then add it // before reposition cq.fc.Owner = fvs; var fcShadow = CreateShadow(cq.fc); Shadows.Add(fcShadow); } cq.fc.Left = q.f.Left + pdx; cq.fc.Top = q.f.Top + pdy; // thanks for letting us know that you changed your size... cq.fc.Width = cw; cq.fc.Height = ch; } ); } #endregion }; // lets tell the world about virtual screens owned by us. // lets start by advertising our size. #region at_virtualwindowsync var t = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { // do we know whats the dx to other windows? var xml = new XElement("at_virtualwindowsync", // int not yet supported? new XAttribute("w", "" + fw.Width), new XAttribute("h", "" + fw.Height) ); #region what about children? ListOfChildren.WithEach( c => { var pdx = c.fc.Left - fw.Left; var pdy = c.fc.Top - fw.Top; xml.Add( new XElement("child", new XAttribute("child_id", "" + c.child_id), // int not yet supported? new XAttribute("pdx", "" + pdx), new XAttribute("pdy", "" + pdy), new XAttribute("w", "" + c.fc.Width), new XAttribute("h", "" + c.fc.Height) ) ); } ); #endregion mothership_postXElement( xml ); Console.WriteLine("sent at_virtualwindowsync"); } ); t.StartInterval(5000); #endregion }; Action<IWindow, Form> bind = (w, fc) => { this.device_bind(w.postXElement); internal_onmessage += (e, xml) => { if (xml.Name.LocalName == "reconfigure") { // how do we know this reconfigrue event is for us? if (e.source == w) { disable_bind_reconfigure = true; int dx = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("dx").Value); int dy = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("dy").Value); //Console.WriteLine("reconfigure " + new { dx, dy, fw.Left }); //fw.Left += dx; //fw.Top += dy; fc.MoveTo( fw.Left - dx, fw.Top - dy ); disable_bind_reconfigure = false; } } }; Action SendDelta = delegate { var pdx = fc.Left - fw.Left; var pdy = fc.Top - fw.Top; w.postXElement( new XElement("reconfigure", new XAttribute("dx", "" + pdx), new XAttribute("dy", "" + pdy) ) ); }; fw.LocationChanged += delegate { if (disable_bind_reconfigure) return; SendDelta(); }; fc.LocationChanged += delegate { if (disable_bind_reconfigure) return; SendDelta(); }; }; #endregion #region opener Native.window.opener.With( w => { // disable features; Console.WriteLine("we have opener: " + w.document.location.href); var fc = new Form { Text = "opener" }; fc.Owner = fvs; Action cAtResize = delegate { fc.Text = "Opener " + new { w.Width, w.Height }; fc.Width = w.Width / 4; fc.Height = w.Height / 4; }; w.onresize += delegate { cAtResize(); }; var ct = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { cAtResize(); } ); ct.StartInterval(1000 / 15); cAtResize(); fc.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; fc.Show(); fc.Opacity = 0.7; fc.BackColor = Color.Transparent; var fcShadow = CreateShadow(fc); Shadows.Add(fcShadow); Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { // ScriptCoreLib Windows Forms has a few bugs:P fc.MoveTo(fw.Left - fc.Width, fw.Top); bind(w, fc); }; } ); #endregion #region make info clickable += e => { if (internal_ismousedown) return; e.stopPropagation(); }; += e => { if (internal_ismousedown) return; e.stopPropagation(); }; += e => { if (internal_ismousedown) return; e.stopPropagation(); }; += e => { if (internal_ismousedown) return; e.stopPropagation(); }; #endregion #region OpenChildSession page.OpenChildSession.onclick += e => { e.preventDefault(); Console.WriteLine("open child session..."); Native.Document.location.href, "_blank", 400, 400, true).With( w => { w.onload += delegate { if (w.document.location.href == "about:blank") return; Console.WriteLine("child onload " + w.document.location.href); var fc = new Form { Text = "child" }; Action cAtResize = delegate { fc.Text = "Child " + new { w.Width, w.Height }; fc.Width = w.Width / 4; fc.Height = w.Height / 4; VirtualScreenUpdate(); }; w.onresize += delegate { cAtResize(); }; var ct = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { cAtResize(); } ); ct.StartInterval(1000 / 2); //cAtResize(); fc.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; fc.Show(); fc.Opacity = 0.5; // first child could be a monitor to our right fc.MoveTo(fw.Right, fw.Top); fc.Owner = fvs; fc.BackColor = Color.Transparent; fc.Width = 400 / 4; fc.Height = 400 / 4; VirtualScreenUpdate(); fc.LocationChanged += delegate { VirtualScreenUpdate(); }; var fcShadow = CreateShadow(fc); Shadows.Add(fcShadow); var token = new { child_id = random.Next(), fc }; ListOfChildren.Add(token); #region FormClosing w.onbeforeunload += delegate { if (fc == null) return; w = null; ct.Stop(); fc.Close(); fc = null; }; Native.window.onbeforeunload += delegate { if (w == null) return; w.close(); w = null; }; fc.FormClosing += delegate { if (w == null) return; ListOfChildren.Remove(token); Shadows.Remove(fcShadow); fc = null; w.close(); w = null; }; #endregion bind(w, fc); }; } ); }; #endregion = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; }
public ApplicationWebServiceWithReplay() { var sync = new Timer( delegate { // in every 500ms we get to do stuff. if (CurrentPending == null) { // there is nothing pending just yet. // do we have work? if (actions.Count > 0) { var next = actions.Peek(); // alright, we know what to do // start our timeout var timeout = new Stopwatch(); timeout.Start(); CurrentPending = timeout; Console.WriteLine("start task " + new { actions.Count }); // .net does not need this? if (!ServicePending.IsRunning) ServicePending.Start(); if (AtPendingActions != null) AtPendingActions(actions.Count); next( delegate { if (CurrentPending == timeout) { // we have been expecting you.. Console.WriteLine("task complete " + new { timeout.ElapsedMilliseconds, actions.Count }); CurrentPending = null; actions.Dequeue(); if (actions.Count == 0) { ServicePending = new Stopwatch(); //ServicePending.Reset(); } if (AtPendingActions != null) AtPendingActions(actions.Count); } } ); } } else { // there is something pending // lag 4000 and we will need to retry if (CurrentPending.ElapsedMilliseconds > 4000) { Console.WriteLine("task abort " + new { actions.Count }); CurrentPending = null; } if (AtPendingActions != null) AtPendingActions(actions.Count); } } ); sync.StartInterval(500); }
public ClientToServerBase() { PollTimer = new Timer(); PollTimer.StartInterval(500); PollTimer.Tick += delegate { if (PollCount > MaxConcurrentPolls) { Console.WriteLine(MaxConcurrentPolls + " polls already in progress...."); return; } var data = MarkPending(); // Console.WriteLine("polling.... sending: " + data.Length); var t = new ClientTansport<Message[]>(""); // t.IsVerbose = true; t.BeforeSend += delegate { t.Data = data; t.Descriptor.Description = this.ClientName; PollCount++; }; t.Complete += delegate { PollCount--; if (t.Request.IsNoContent) { return; } if (t.Request.IsOffline) { Console.WriteLine("server seems to be offline"); this.PollTimer.Stop(); return; } if (t.Request.IsOK) { foreach (Message v in t.Data) { if (v.ToServerMessageId > 0) { RemoveToServerPending(v); } else if (v.ToClientMessageId > 0) { AsyncInvoke(v); } } t.Data = null; } else { Console.WriteLine("unknown status: " + t.Request.status); } }; t.Send(); }; }