/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { var l = new NotificationLayout().layout; l.AttachToDocument(); var div0 = new IHTMLDiv().AttachToDocument(); new { }.With( async delegate { do { div0.Clear(); new IHTMLHorizontalRule().AttachToDocument(); Task<ISVGSVGElement> n = l; var svg = await n; IHTMLImage i = svg; var c = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(l.clientWidth, l.clientHeight); c.drawImage(i, 0, 0, l.clientWidth, l.clientHeight); c.canvas.AttachTo(div0); } while (await l.async.onmutation); } ); }
public static void RefreshComments(this IBacicInterface intFace, IHTMLDiv commentDiv) { commentDiv.Clear(); Action refresh = async delegate { var comments = await intFace.GetAllViewComments(Native.document.location.hash); if (comments != null) { for (var r = 0; r < comments.Rows.Count; r++) { var row = (global::Abstractatech.Comments.Schema.CommentCommentTableRow)comments.Rows[r]; var container = new CommentRow(); container.name.innerText = row.Name; container.email.innerText = row.Email; container.time.innerText = row.Timestamp.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"); container.content.style.whiteSpace = IStyle.WhiteSpaceEnum.pre; container.content.innerText = row.Comment; container.AttachTo(commentDiv); } } }; refresh(); }
public Application(IAbout a) { var s = new InternalSaveActionSprite(); s.AttachSpriteTo(a.Content); s.WebService = new ApplicationWebService(); var pp = new ProjectNameInput(); pp.AttachControlTo(a.Content); var Files = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(a.Content); s.WhenReady( i => { Action Update = delegate { var sln = new SolutionBuilder { Name = pp.ProjectName.Text }; i.FileName = sln.Name + ".zip"; i.Clear(); Files.Clear(); sln.WriteTo( (SolutionFile f) => { new IHTMLPre { innerText = f.Name }.AttachTo(Files); i.Add(f.Name, f.Content); } ); }; pp.UpdateButton.TextChanged += delegate { }; pp.UpdateButton.Click += delegate { Update(); }; Update(); } ); }
//public readonly ApplicationWebService service = new ApplicationWebService(); /// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IDefault page) { var service = this; #region pre Func<string, IHTMLDiv, IHTMLElement> pre = (value, output) => { return new IHTMLPre { innerText = value }.AttachTo(output); }; #endregion #region pre Func<string, IHTMLDiv, IHTMLElement> browse = null; browse = (path, output) => { var list = new IHTMLButton { innerText = path }.AttachTo(output); var group = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(output); list.onclick += delegate { group.style.margin = "1em"; group.style.paddingLeft = "1em"; group.style.border = "1px solid gray"; list.disabled = true; service.File_list(path, ydirectory: value => { browse(path + "/" + value, group); }, yfile: value => { var link = new IHTMLAnchor { href = "/io" + path + "/" + value, innerText = value }; link.style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; link.AttachTo(group); } ); }; return group; }; #endregion #region f Action<string, string, Action<string, Action<string>>, Func<string, IHTMLDiv, IHTMLElement>> f = (text, arg1, c, y) => { var btn = new IHTMLButton(text).AttachToDocument(); var output = new IHTMLDiv().AttachToDocument(); btn.onclick += e => { btn.style.color = JSColor.Red; output.Clear(); c(arg1, value => { btn.style.color = JSColor.Blue; y(value, output); } ); } ; }; #endregion #region ff Action<string, Func<Task<string>>, Func<string, IHTMLDiv, IHTMLElement>> ff = (text, c, y) => { var btn = new IHTMLButton(text).AttachToDocument(); var output = new IHTMLDiv().AttachToDocument(); btn.WhenClicked( async e => { btn.style.color = JSColor.Red; output.Clear(); var value = await c(); btn.style.color = JSColor.Blue; y(value, output); } ); }; #endregion #if CORE_PARTIAL ff("Environment_getDataDirectory", () => service.Environment_getDataDirectory(), browse); ff("Environment_getDownloadCacheDirectory", () => service.Environment_getDownloadCacheDirectory(), browse); ff("Environment_getExternalStorageDirectory", () => service.Environment_getExternalStorageDirectory(), browse); ff("Environment_getExternalStorageState", () => service.Environment_getExternalStorageState(), pre); ff("Environment_getRootDirectory", () => service.Environment_getRootDirectory(), browse); //service.Environment_DIRECTORY("", // ( // string DIRECTORY_MUSIC, // string DIRECTORY_PODCASTS, // string DIRECTORY_RINGTONES, // string DIRECTORY_ALARMS, // string DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS, // string DIRECTORY_PICTURES, // string DIRECTORY_MOVIES, // string DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, // string DIRECTORY_DCIM // ) => f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_MUSIC", DIRECTORY_MUSIC, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_PODCASTS", DIRECTORY_PODCASTS, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_RINGTONES", DIRECTORY_RINGTONES, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_ALARMS", DIRECTORY_ALARMS, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS", DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_PICTURES", DIRECTORY_PICTURES, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_MOVIES", DIRECTORY_MOVIES, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS", DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); #endif f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_DCIM", DIRECTORY_DCIM, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); new IHTMLElement(IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.hr).AttachToDocument(); // new IHTMLButton("Environment_getDownloadCacheDirectory").AttachToDocument().onclick += // e => service.Environment_getDownloadCacheDirectory("", // value => new IHTMLPre { innerText = value }.AttachToDocument() //); }
// 20140526 roslyn friendly! // and broken again // script: error JSC1000: //error: // statement cannot be a load instruction(or is it a bug?) // [0x000a] // ldarg.0 +1 -0 // assembly: V:\Abstractatech.JavaScript.Avatar.Application.exe // type: Abstractatech.JavaScript.Avatar.ApplicationImplementation+<MakeCamGrabber>d__1+<MoveNext>0600002d, Abstractatech.JavaScript.Avatar.Application, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // offset: 0x000a // method:Int32<06ad> call.try(<MoveNext>0600002d, <MakeCamGrabber>d__1 ByRef, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.DOM.HTML.IHTMLImage] ByRef, System.Runtime.CompilerServic public static async void MakeCamGrabber( IHTMLDiv c, bool sizeToWindow = false, Action<WebCamAvatarsSheet1Row> yield = null ) { if (sizeToWindow) { #region onresize Native.window.With( async window => { while (true) { c.style.transformOrigin = "0% 0%"; var scale = Native.window.Height / (double)(480 + 96); if (Native.window.Height > Native.window.Width) scale = Native.window.Width / (double)(640); c.style.transform = "scale(" + scale + ")"; var w = (int)(scale * (640)); var h = (int)(scale * (480 + 96)); c.style.width = w + "px"; c.style.height = h + "px"; c.style.SetLocation( (Native.window.Width - w) / 2, (Native.window.Height - h) / 2 ); await window.async.onresize; } } ); #endregion } c.style.backgroundColor = "black"; #region localStorageKeys // or webSQL? var localStorageKeys = new { img640x480 = new { img = "avatar", w = 640, h = 480 }, img96gif = new { img = "avatar", w = 96, h = 96 }, frames = new[] { new { index= 0, img = "avatar", w = 96, h = 96 }, new { index= 1, img = "avatar", w = 96, h = 96 }, new { index= 2, img = "avatar", w = 96, h = 96 }, new { index= 3, img = "avatar", w = 96, h = 96 }, } }; #endregion //c.css.children c.css.children.style.SetLocation(0, 0); c.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.relative; c.style.width = (640) + "px"; c.style.height = (480 + 96) + "px"; c.css.hover.style.cursor = IStyle.CursorEnum.pointer; #region empty var css = c.css.empty.before; css.style.textAlign = IStyle.TextAlignEnum.center; css.style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; css.style.width = (640) + "px"; css.style.color = "white"; css.style.paddingTop = 300 + "px"; c.css.hover.empty.before.style.color = "yellow"; #endregion var retry = 0; retry: retry++; Console.WriteLine(new { retry }); css.contentText = "either drag a picture here -or- click here to use your webcam"; var snapshot = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(640, 480); var frames = new List<IHTMLImage>(); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][0].style.SetLocation(96 * 0, 480); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][1].style.SetLocation(96 * 1, 480); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][2].style.SetLocation(96 * 2, 480); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][3].style.SetLocation(96 * 3, 480); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][4].style.SetLocation(96 * 4, 480); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][5].style.SetLocation(96 * 5, 480); var size = 400; #region newmask Action newmask = delegate { #region grid new IHTMLDiv { }.AttachTo(c).With( async grid => { grid.style.SetLocation( (640 - size) / 2, (480 - size) / 2, size - 2, size - 2 ); var s = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\LINQWebCamAvatars\LINQWebCamAvatars\Application.cs // until orphanized while (c.parentNode != null) { //await Native.window.requestAnimationFrameAsync; await Native.window.async.onframe; var a = (Math.Cos(s.ElapsedMilliseconds * 0.001) + 1) / 2.0; grid.style.border = "1px dotted rgba(255,255,255, " + (1.0 - a) + ")"; //mask_css.style.Opacity = a; } } ); #endregion #region mask var mask = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(640, 480 + 96); mask.canvas.style.zIndex = 100; //mask.drawImage( // v, 0, 0, // mask.canvas.width, // mask.canvas.height //); mask.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0, 0.8)"; mask.fillRect( 0, 0, 640, 480 + 96 ); mask.clearRect( (640 - size) / 2, (480 - size) / 2, size, size ); //var bytes = i.bytes; mask.canvas.AttachTo(c); #endregion }; #endregion #region localStorage var base64 = Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.img640x480]; if (base64 != null) { var base64image = new IHTMLImage { src = base64 }; await base64image; snapshot.drawImage(base64image, 0, 0, 640, 480); snapshot.canvas.AttachTo(c); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var base64f = Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.frames[ localStorageKeys.frames.Length - i - 1]]; if (base64f != null) { var newframe = new IHTMLImage { src = base64f }; newframe.AttachTo(c); frames.Add(newframe); } } newmask(); var base64gif = Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.img96gif]; #region atgif Action<string> atgif = gif => { //Native.document.title = new { gif.Length }.ToString(); var newframe = new IHTMLImage { src = gif }; newframe.style.zIndex = 300; newframe.AttachTo(c); frames.Add(newframe); //if (frames.Count > 5) // frames.Remove(frames[0].Orphanize()); }; #endregion if (base64gif != null) atgif(base64gif); else { var bytes = frames.Select(x => x.bytes.Result).ToArray().AsEnumerable(); //bytes = bytes.Concat(bytes.Skip(1).Reverse().Skip(1)).ToArray().AsEnumerable(); // build it new GIFEncoderWorker( 96, 96, delay: 1000 / 10, frames: bytes, AtFrame: async index => { //Native.document.title = new { index }.ToString(); } ).Task.ContinueWithResult( gif => { Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.img96gif] = gif; // report sizes. smaller is better if db Console.WriteLine( // { Avatar640x480 = 54843, Avatar96gif = 54734 } new { Avatar640x480 = base64.Length, Avatar96gif = gif.Length } ); if (yield != null) yield( new WebCamAvatarsSheet1Row { Avatar640x480 = base64, Avatar96frame1 = Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.frames[0]], // do we want to report frames? Avatar96gif = gif } ); atgif(gif); } ); } } #endregion Console.WriteLine("await c.async.onclick"); await c.async.onclick; Console.WriteLine("await c.async.onclick done"); c.Clear(); css.content = "awaiting for video"; var v = await Native.window.navigator.async.onvideo; v.AttachTo(c); v.play(); var mask_css = c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.canvas]; newmask(); var z96 = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(96, 96); z96.canvas.AttachTo(c); //z96.canvas.style.backgroundColor = "gray"; z96.canvas.style.SetLocation(96 * 5, 480); z96.canvas.style.zIndex = 300; var ok = c.async.onclick; #region frames while (!ok.IsCompleted) { z96.drawImage( image: v, sx: (640 - size) / 2, sy: (480 - size) / 2, sw: size, sh: size, dx: 0, dy: 0, dw: 96, dh: 96 ); var newframe = new IHTMLImage { src = z96.canvas.toDataURL() }; newframe.AttachTo(c); frames.Add(newframe); if (frames.Count > 5) frames.Remove(frames[0].Orphanize()); await (1000 / 15); } #endregion snapshot.drawImage(v, 0, 0, 640, 480); #region localStorage // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement //Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.img640x480] = var firstTry = snapshot.canvas.toDataURL( // shall we use enum type: "image/jpeg" ); if (firstTry.Length >= (1024 * 64)) { Console.WriteLine("Reducing quality"); firstTry = snapshot.canvas.toDataURL( // shall we use enum type: "image/jpeg", quality: 0.5 ); } // can we use SQL instead now? Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.img640x480] = firstTry; frames.WithEachIndex( (k, index) => { Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.frames[index]] = k.src; } ); Native.window.localStorage.removeItem(localStorageKeys.img96gif); #endregion v.src = ""; c.Clear(); goto retry; }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { #region += Launched chrome.app.window dynamic self = Native.self; dynamic self_chrome = self.chrome; object self_chrome_socket = self_chrome.socket; if (self_chrome_socket != null) { if (!(Native.window.opener == null && Native.window.parent == Native.window.self)) { Console.WriteLine("chrome.app.window.create, is that you?"); // pass thru } else { // should jsc send a copresence udp message? chrome.runtime.UpdateAvailable += delegate { new chrome.Notification(title: "UpdateAvailable"); }; chrome.app.runtime.Launched += async delegate { // 0:12094ms chrome.app.window.create {{ href = chrome-extension://aemlnmcokphbneegoefdckonejmknohh/_generated_background_page.html }} Console.WriteLine("chrome.app.window.create " + new { Native.document.location.href }); new chrome.Notification(title: "Launched2"); var xappwindow = await chrome.app.window.create( Native.document.location.pathname, options: null ); //xappwindow.setAlwaysOnTop xappwindow.show(); await xappwindow.contentWindow.async.onload; Console.WriteLine("chrome.app.window loaded!"); }; return; } } #endregion // // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13076272/how-do-i-give-webkitgetusermedia-permission-in-a-chrome-extension-popup-window // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150712 new { }.With( async delegate { Native.body.Clear(); Native.document.documentElement.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.auto; new IHTMLPre { "GearVR should send analog and digital signal to start parallax tracking only if near zero rotation." }.AttachToDocument(); // would it be easy to do head tracking via webcam for VR? // the app would run on android, yet // two sattelites could spawn on two laptops to track the head. // would we be able to thread hop between camera devices and android? // http://shopap.lenovo.com/hk/en/laptops/lenovo/u-series/u330p/ // The U330p's integrated 720p HD webcam // HD wont work for chrome app? var v = await Native.window.navigator.async.onvideo; v.AttachToDocument(); v.play(); new IHTMLButton { "stop" }.AttachToDocument().onclick += delegate { //v.src = null; v.src = ""; //v.pause(); //v.stop(); }; var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); while (v.videoWidth == 0) await Native.window.async.onframe; const int zoomx = 2; //const int zoomy = 4; //var ow = v.videoWidth / zoomx; var ow = 512; //var oh = v.videoHeight / zoomy; //var oh = 256; //var oh = 96; //var oh = 256; var oh = 128; // 40 with udp //var oh = 0xA0; //var oh = 0xb0; // 58 //var oh = 196; // 35 //var oh = 256; var aloop = new IHTMLInput { title = "loop it", type = ScriptCoreLib.Shared.HTMLInputTypeEnum.checkbox, @checked = true }.AttachToDocument(); var slider = new IHTMLInput { title = "stabilizer?", type = ScriptCoreLib.Shared.HTMLInputTypeEnum.range, //max = 255, //max = 128, max = 64, // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150712-1 valueAsNumber = 48 }.AttachToDocument(); var z = 0; var x = 0; var y = 0; var frame0in = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(ow, oh); Action frame0in_drawImage = delegate { var clip = v.videoHeight / 6; // 6000 zoom out // 8000 zoom in // haha. this wont work. //var zz = (2000 - (z - 6000).Min(2000)) / 2000f; //clip = (int)(clip * zz); frame0in.drawImage(v, 0, clip, v.videoWidth, v.videoHeight - clip * 2, 0, 0, ow, oh); }; //frame0in.canvas.AttachToDocument(); //var frame0out = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(ow, oh); ////frame0out.canvas.AttachToDocument(); //var frame1out = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(ow, oh); ////frame1out.canvas.AttachToDocument(); //var frame2out = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(ow, oh); //frame2out.canvas.AttachToDocument(); var frame3out = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(ow, oh); frame3out.canvas.AttachToDocument(); var frame0sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var frameID = 0; var frame0sw0 = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var fps3 = 0; // avg per sec x3 var fps3avg = new byte[20 * 3]; var sent = new IHTMLPre { }.AttachToDocument(); // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150701 // what about ? chrome.socket.getNetworkList().ContinueWithResult(async n => { // which networks should we notify of our data? //new IHTMLPre { new { n.Length } }.AttachToDocument(); foreach (var item in n) { // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150704 // skip ipv6 if (item.address.Contains(":")) continue; #region send new IHTMLButton { "send onframe " + item.address }.AttachToDocument().With( async refresh => { refresh.style.color = "blue"; refresh.style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; // experimental until ref count 33? await refresh.async.onmousedown; refresh.disabled = true; var port = new Random().Next(16000, 40000); //new IHTMLPre { "about to bind... " + new { port } }.AttachToDocument(); // where is bind async? var socket = new UdpClient(); socket.Client.Bind( //new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port: 40000) new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(item.address), port) ); // this will eat too much memory? //div.ownerDocument.defaultView.onframe += Native.window.onframe += e => { //var px = (float)(__yscan64max_ix - v.videoWidth / 2) / (float)v.videoWidth; var px0 = (float)(x - ow / 2) / (float)ow; var py0 = (float)(y - oh / 2) / (float)oh; // 4000 zoom out // 7000 zoom in // haha. this wont work. //var pz = ((z - 4500) / 2000f).Max(0f).Min(1.5f); // in a dark room? var pz = ((z - 6000) / 1000f).Max(0f).Min(1.5f); // allow py only if pz is negative. // 0 means py stays // 1 means py is zero var pzz = (1.0f - pz).Max(0.0f).Min(1.0f); var py = py0 * pzz; var px = px0 * pzz; pz -= 0.3f; // !! leaning in kills parallax left and up. // rotating on gear vr will cancel all parallax. // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150704 var nmessage = e.counter + ":" + px + ":" + py + ":" + pz; //sent.innerText = nmessage.Replace(":", ":\n") + new { py0, pzz, py }; sent.innerText = nmessage.Replace(":", ":\n"); var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(nmessage); //creates a variable b of type byte //new IHTMLPre { "about to send... " + new { data.Length } }.AttachToDocument(); // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeUDPNotification\ChromeUDPNotification\Application.cs socket.Send( data, data.Length, hostname: "", port: 43834 ); }; } ); #endregion } } ); var status = new IHTMLPre { () => new { frameID, frame0sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, fps = 1000 / frame0sw.ElapsedMilliseconds , fps3avg = (byte)fps3avg.Average(k => k), x,y,z, fps3, // script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [System.String.Replace(System.Char, System.Char)] }.ToString().Replace(",", ",\t") }.AttachToDocument(); var fdiv = new IHTMLDiv { }.AttachToDocument(); new { }.With( async delegate { var vw = ow; var vh = oh; #region 3 workers // what about sending bytes[2,3] over? byte[] rgba_bytes0in = null; var rgba_bytes0in_set = new System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim(1); byte[] rgba_bytes0out = null; var rgba_bytes0out_set = new System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim(1); //SemaphoreSlim rgba_bytes0out_set = new __SemaphoreSlim(1) { Name = "rgba_bytes0out_set" }; byte[] rgba_bytes1in = null; var rgba_bytes1in_set = new System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim(1); byte[] rgba_bytes1out = null; var rgba_bytes1out_set = new System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim(1); byte[] rgba_bytes2in = null; var rgba_bytes2in_set = new System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim(1); byte[] rgba_bytes2out = null; var rgba_bytes2out_set = new System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim(1); Task.Run( async delegate { var w = new WorkerThread(0, vw, vh); next: await rgba_bytes0in_set.WaitAsync(); rgba_bytes0out = w.Invoke(rgba_bytes0in); rgba_bytes1out = null; rgba_bytes2out = null; rgba_bytes0in = null; rgba_bytes1in = null; rgba_bytes2in = null; // we should not sync back data we did not put there. nor should it be there anyway? rgba_bytes0out_set.Release(); goto next; } ); Task.Run( async delegate { var w = new WorkerThread(1, vw, vh); next: await rgba_bytes1in_set.WaitAsync(); rgba_bytes0out = null; rgba_bytes1out = w.Invoke(rgba_bytes1in); rgba_bytes2out = null; rgba_bytes0in = null; rgba_bytes1in = null; rgba_bytes2in = null; rgba_bytes1out_set.Release(); goto next; } ); Task.Run( async delegate { var w = new WorkerThread(2, vw, vh); next: await rgba_bytes2in_set.WaitAsync(); rgba_bytes0out = null; rgba_bytes1out = null; rgba_bytes2out = w.Invoke(rgba_bytes2in); rgba_bytes0in = null; rgba_bytes1in = null; rgba_bytes2in = null; rgba_bytes2out_set.Release(); goto next; } ); #endregion Console.WriteLine("worker0 spinning already..."); //do await v.async.onclick; { frame0sw0 = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //Console.WriteLine(frame0sw0.ElapsedMilliseconds + " fetch frame0"); frame0in.drawImage(v, 0, v.videoHeight / 4, v.videoWidth, v.videoHeight / 2, 0, 0, vw, vh); rgba_bytes0in = frame0in.bytes; rgba_bytes0in_set.Release(); new IHTMLPre { frame0sw0.ElapsedMilliseconds + " frame0 posted" }.AttachTo(fdiv); // await Task.Delay(1000 / 60); // 300? // Console.WriteLine(frame0sw0.ElapsedMilliseconds + " send frame2"); frame0in.drawImage(v, 0, v.videoHeight / 4, v.videoWidth, v.videoHeight / 2, 0, 0, vw, vh); rgba_bytes1in = frame0in.bytes; rgba_bytes1in_set.Release(); new IHTMLPre { frame0sw0.ElapsedMilliseconds + " frame1 posted" }.AttachTo(fdiv); loop: // 60fps!! frameID += 3; frame0in_drawImage(); rgba_bytes2in = frame0in.bytes; rgba_bytes2in[0] = (byte)(frameID & 0xff); rgba_bytes2in[1] = (byte)((frameID >> 8) & 0xff); rgba_bytes2in[4] = slider; rgba_bytes2in_set.Release(); //await Task.WhenAll(Native.window.async.onframe, rgba_bytes0out_set.WaitAsync()); await rgba_bytes0out_set.WaitAsync(); if (!aloop.@checked) new IHTMLPre { frame0sw0.ElapsedMilliseconds + " collected frame0" }.AttachTo(fdiv); //frame0out.bytes = rgba_bytes0out; //frame3out.drawImage(frame0out.canvas, 0, 0, vw, vh); frame3out.bytes = rgba_bytes0out; rgba_bytes2in = null; rgba_bytes0out = null; frame0in_drawImage(); rgba_bytes0in = frame0in.bytes; rgba_bytes0in[0] = (byte)(frameID & 0xff); rgba_bytes0in[1] = (byte)((frameID >> 8) & 0xff); rgba_bytes0in[4] = slider; rgba_bytes0in_set.Release(); //await Task.WhenAll(Native.window.async.onframe, rgba_bytes1out_set.WaitAsync()); await rgba_bytes1out_set.WaitAsync(); if (!aloop.@checked) new IHTMLPre { frame0sw0.ElapsedMilliseconds + " collected frame1" }.AttachTo(fdiv); //frame1out.bytes = rgba_bytes1out; //frame3out.drawImage(frame1out.canvas, 0, 0, vw, vh); frame3out.bytes = rgba_bytes1out; rgba_bytes0in = null; rgba_bytes1out = null; frame0in_drawImage(); rgba_bytes1in = frame0in.bytes; rgba_bytes1in[0] = (byte)(frameID & 0xff); rgba_bytes1in[1] = (byte)((frameID >> 8) & 0xff); rgba_bytes1in[4] = slider; rgba_bytes1in_set.Release(); await Task.WhenAll(Native.window.async.onframe, rgba_bytes2out_set.WaitAsync()); if (!aloop.@checked) new IHTMLPre { frame0sw0.ElapsedMilliseconds + " collected frame2, next? " + new { aloop.@checked } }.AttachTo(fdiv); // z = rgba_bytes2out[0] + (rgba_bytes2out[1] << 8); x = rgba_bytes2out[4] + (rgba_bytes2out[5] << 8); y = rgba_bytes2out[8]; //frame2out.bytes = rgba_bytes2out; //frame3out.drawImage(frame2out.canvas, 0, 0, vw, vh); frame3out.bytes = rgba_bytes2out; rgba_bytes1in = null; rgba_bytes2out = null; frame0sw0.Stop(); frame0sw = frame0sw0; //if (v.src == null) //{ // Native.body.style.backgroundColor = "red"; // return; //} //if (aloop) if (!aloop.@checked) { //await Task.WhenAny(aloop.async.@checked, v.async.onclick); await v.async.onclick; fdiv.Clear(); } frame0sw0 = Stopwatch.StartNew(); fps3 = (int)(3000 / frame0sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); fps3avg[(frameID / 3) % fps3avg.Length] = (byte)fps3; if (fps3 > 55) { status.style.color = "blue"; } else { status.style.color = "red"; } goto loop; // 10000ms? // 400ms? } //} while (await v.async.onclick); //} while (await Native.window.async.onframe); } ); await Native.window.async.onblur; Native.body.style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; } ); }
public static async void MakeimageNotification(IHTMLDiv c, IAvatarNotificationInterface service) { WebCamAvatarsSheet1Row lastPicture = null; //new IStyle(page.ImgContainer.css + IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img) //{ // transition = "left linear 2000ms", // position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute, // Opacity = 1 //}; while (true) { var pic = await service.GetLastUserImage(); if (lastPicture != null) { if (pic != null) { Console.WriteLine(pic.Key.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(lastPicture.Key.ToString()); if (pic.Key == lastPicture.Key) { c.Clear(); } else { IHTMLImage img = new IHTMLImage(); img.AttachTo(c); img.src = pic.Avatar96frame1; img.style.left = "-150px"; lastPicture = pic; await 500; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "50px"; }; await 10000; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "-150px"; }; } } else { c.Clear(); } } else { IHTMLImage img = new IHTMLImage(); img.AttachTo(c); lastPicture = pic; img.src = pic.Avatar96frame1; img.style.left = "-150px"; await 500; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "50px"; }; await 10000; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "-150px"; }; } await 4000; } }