public Scene this[string name, double start, double end] { get { var s = new Scene { start = start, end = end, name = name, Owner = this }; ReferencedScenes.Add(s); return s; } }
public YouTubePlayer( string TargetContent = "", int DefaultWidth = 1280, int DefaultHeight = 720, string DefaultVideo = "Z__-3BbPq6g", string suggestedQuality = "hd720", Action yield_init = null ) { var ldr = new Loader(); this.Loader = ldr; var urlReq = new URLRequest(TargetContent); var ctx_app = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; var ctx_sec = SecurityDomain.currentDomain; // ctx_app = null; ctx_sec = null; // bool once = false; #region onReady Action<Event> onReady = e => { if (once) return; once = true; #if JSC_FEATURE_dynamic dynamic player = ldr.content; player.setSize(160, 120); #endif ldr.content.setSize(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight); pauseVideo = delegate { ldr.content.pauseVideo(); }; loadVideoById = x => { CurrentVideoId = x; ldr.content.loadVideoById(x, suggestedQuality: suggestedQuality); }; loadVideoById(DefaultVideo); if (yield_init != null) { yield_init(); yield_init = null; } }; #endregion var PreviousCurrentState = YouTubePlayerState.unknown; var CurrentState = YouTubePlayerState.unknown; DefaultScene = this["default", 0, 1000]; var CurrentScene = DefaultScene; Action CurrentSceneDone = delegate { }; #region onStateChange Action<Event> onStateChange = e => { PreviousCurrentState = CurrentState; CurrentState = e.get_data_as_YouTubePlayerState(); if (PreviousCurrentState != CurrentState) { if (CurrentState == YouTubePlayerState.playing) { // notify other scenes of delinking? if (this.Playing != null) this.Playing(SceneTranslate(CurrentScene)); this.ReferencedScenes.WithEach( k => { k.RaiseLinkDenotification(); } ); } else { if (this.NotPlaying != null) this.NotPlaying(SceneTranslate(CurrentScene)); } if (CurrentState == YouTubePlayerState.paused) { if (this.Paused != null) this.Paused(SceneTranslate(CurrentScene)); } } }; #endregion var TimeToPause = 0.4; var t = new Timer(1000 / 100); var PlaySceneCounter = 0; t.timer += delegate { if (ldr.content == null) return; if (CurrentState == YouTubePlayerState.playing) { var time = ldr.content.getCurrentTime(); var time_index = (int)time; var duration = ldr.content.getDuration(); var playall = CurrentScene.end > duration; // flag4 = ((double0 < (double2 - 500)) == 0); // 1 second is 1.0!! :) var notending = time < (duration - 0.500); //var xending = time >= (duration - 500); var ending = !notending; // ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property getDuration not found on flash.display.Loader and there is no default value. var m = new { PlaySceneCounter, time, time_index, CurrentScene.end, duration, playall, ending }.ToString(); if (StatusToClients != null) StatusToClients(m); // phone activated if (playall) { if (ending) { ldr.content.pauseVideo(); CurrentSceneDone(); } } else if (time >= (TimeToPause)) { ldr.content.pauseVideo(); CurrentSceneDone(); } } }; t.start(); #region PlayScene this.PlayScene = (e, Done) => { PlaySceneCounter++; //if (e.end == 0) // e.end = ldr.content.getDuration() - 1000; CurrentScene = e; CurrentSceneDone = Done; TimeToPause = e.end; ldr.content.seekTo(e.start); ldr.content.playVideo(); }; #endregion ldr.contentLoaderInfo.ioError += delegate { }; ldr.contentLoaderInfo.init += delegate { ldr.content.addEventListener("onReady", onReady.ToFunction(), false, 0, false); ldr.content.addEventListener("onStateChange", onStateChange.ToFunction(), false, 0, false); }; var ctx = new LoaderContext(true, ctx_app, ctx_sec); ldr.load(urlReq, ctx); this.Scenes = new SceneSequenzer { Owner = this }; }