예제 #1
        public void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
            using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                gfx.SmoothingMode     = lowQuality ? SmoothingMode.HighSpeed : SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                gfx.TextRenderingHint = lowQuality ? TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixelGridFit : TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;

                for (int barIndex = 0; barIndex < ys.Length; barIndex++)
                    if (verticalBars)
                        RenderBarVertical(dims, gfx, xs[barIndex] + xOffset, ys[barIndex], yErr[barIndex], yOffsets[barIndex]);
                        RenderBarHorizontal(dims, gfx, xs[barIndex] + xOffset, ys[barIndex], yErr[barIndex], yOffsets[barIndex]);
예제 #2
        private void RenderBeforePlottables(Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality, PlotDimensions dims)
            settings.DataBackground.Render(dims, bmp, lowQuality);

            foreach (var axis in settings.Axes)
                PlotDimensions dims2 = axis.IsHorizontal ?
                                       settings.GetPlotDimensions(axis.AxisIndex, 0, dims.ScaleFactor) :
                                       settings.GetPlotDimensions(0, axis.AxisIndex, dims.ScaleFactor);

                    axis.Render(dims2, bmp, lowQuality);
                catch (OverflowException)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("data cannot contain Infinity");
예제 #3
        private void RenderAfterPlottables(Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality, PlotDimensions dims)
            if (settings.DrawGridAbovePlottables)
                RenderAxes(bmp, lowQuality, dims);


            if (settings.CornerLegend.IsVisible)
                settings.CornerLegend.Render(dims, bmp, lowQuality);


            settings.ZoomRectangle.Render(dims, bmp, lowQuality);
            settings.BenchmarkMessage.Render(dims, bmp, lowQuality);
            settings.ErrorMessage.Render(dims, bmp, lowQuality);
예제 #4
        public void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
            PointF defaultPoint      = new PointF(dims.GetPixelX(x), dims.GetPixelY(y));
            PointF textLocationPoint = (rotation == 0) ? TextLocation(defaultPoint) : defaultPoint;

            using (Graphics gfx = GDI.Graphics(bmp, lowQuality))
                using (var framePen = new Pen(frameColor, frameSize * 2))
                    gfx.TranslateTransform((int)textLocationPoint.X, (int)textLocationPoint.Y);

                    if (frameSize > 0)
                        gfx.DrawRectangle(framePen, new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width - 1, image.Height - 1));

                    gfx.DrawImage(image, new PointF(0, 0));
예제 #5
 public void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
     using (Graphics gfx = GDI.Graphics(bmp, lowQuality))
         using (Pen pen = GDI.Pen(Color.Black))
             pen.CustomEndCap = new AdjustableArrowCap(2, 2);
             for (int i = 0; i < xs.Length; i++)
                 for (int j = 0; j < ys.Length; j++)
                     Vector2 v     = vectors[i, j];
                     float   tailX = dims.GetPixelX(xs[i] - v.X / 2);
                     float   tailY = dims.GetPixelY(ys[j] - v.Y / 2);
                     float   endX  = dims.GetPixelX(xs[i] + v.X / 2);
                     float   endY  = dims.GetPixelY(v.Y + ys[j] - v.Y / 2);
                     pen.Color = arrowColors[i * ys.Length + j];
                     gfx.DrawLine(pen, tailX, tailY, endX, endY);
예제 #6
 public void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
     using (var gfx = GDI.Graphics(bmp, lowQuality))
         using (var pen = GDI.Pen(color, lineWidth, lineStyle, true))
             if (IsHorizontal)
                 float pixelX1 = dims.GetPixelX(dims.XMin);
                 float pixelX2 = dims.GetPixelX(dims.XMax);
                 float pixelY  = dims.GetPixelY(position);
                 gfx.DrawLine(pen, pixelX1, pixelY, pixelX2, pixelY);
                 float pixelX  = dims.GetPixelX(position);
                 float pixelY1 = dims.GetPixelY(dims.YMin);
                 float pixelY2 = dims.GetPixelY(dims.YMax);
                 gfx.DrawLine(pen, pixelX, pixelY1, pixelX, pixelY2);
        public new void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
            base.Render(dims, bmp, lowQuality);

            if (isHighlighted is null || isHighlighted.Length == 0)

            using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                gfx.SmoothingMode     = lowQuality ? SmoothingMode.HighSpeed : SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                gfx.TextRenderingHint = lowQuality ? TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixelGridFit : TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;

                var highlightedIndexes = Enumerable.Range(0, isHighlighted.Length).Where(x => isHighlighted[x]);
                foreach (int i in highlightedIndexes)
                    PointF pt = new PointF(dims.GetPixelX(xs[i]), dims.GetPixelY(ys[i]));
                    MarkerTools.DrawMarker(gfx, pt, highlightedShape, highlightedMarkerSize, highlightedColor);
예제 #8
        private void RenderPlottables(Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality, double scaleFactor)
            foreach (var plottable in settings.Plottables)
                if (plottable.IsVisible == false)

                plottable.ValidateData(deep: false);

                PlotDimensions dims = (plottable is Plottable.IPlottable p)
                    ? settings.GetPlotDimensions(p.XAxisIndex, p.YAxisIndex, scaleFactor)
                    : settings.GetPlotDimensions(0, 0, scaleFactor);

                if (double.IsInfinity(dims.XSpan) || double.IsInfinity(dims.YSpan))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Axis limits cannot be infinite: {dims}");

                    plottable.Render(dims, bmp, lowQuality);
                catch (OverflowException ex)
                    // This exception is commonly thrown by System.Drawing when drawing to extremely large pixel locations.
                    if (settings.IgnoreOverflowExceptionsDuringRender)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"OverflowException plotting: {plottable}");
                        throw new OverflowException("overflow during render", ex);
예제 #9
        public static void Scatter(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality, Population pop, Random rand,
                                   double popLeft, double popWidth, Color fillColor, Color edgeColor, byte alpha, Position position)
            // adjust edges to accomodate special positions
            if (position == Position.Hide)
            if (position == Position.Left || position == Position.Right)
                popWidth /= 2;
            if (position == Position.Right)
                popLeft += popWidth;

            // contract edges slightly to encourage padding between elements
            double edgePaddingFrac = 0.2;

            popLeft  += popWidth * edgePaddingFrac;
            popWidth -= (popWidth * edgePaddingFrac) * 2;

            float radius = 5;

            using (Graphics gfx = GDI.Graphics(bmp, lowQuality))
                using (Pen penEdge = GDI.Pen(Color.FromArgb(alpha, edgeColor)))
                    using (Brush brushFill = GDI.Brush(Color.FromArgb(alpha, fillColor)))
                        foreach (double value in pop.values)
                            double yPx = dims.GetPixelY(value);
                            double xPx = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft + rand.NextDouble() * popWidth);
                            gfx.FillEllipse(brushFill, (float)(xPx - radius), (float)(yPx - radius), radius * 2, radius * 2);
                            gfx.DrawEllipse(penEdge, (float)(xPx - radius), (float)(yPx - radius), radius * 2, radius * 2);
예제 #10
 public void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
     using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
         using (var pen = GDI.Pen(Color, LineWidth, LineStyle, true))
             if (XErrorPositive != null)
                 DrawErrorBar(dims, gfx, pen, XErrorPositive, true, true);
             if (XErrorNegative != null)
                 DrawErrorBar(dims, gfx, pen, XErrorNegative, true, false);
             if (YErrorPositive != null)
                 DrawErrorBar(dims, gfx, pen, YErrorPositive, false, true);
             if (YErrorNegative != null)
                 DrawErrorBar(dims, gfx, pen, YErrorNegative, false, false);
예제 #11
        private void RenderPlottables(Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality)
            foreach (var plottable in settings.Plottables)
                if (plottable.IsVisible == false)

                PlotDimensions dims = (plottable is Plottable.IUsesAxes p) ?
                                      settings.GetPlotDimensions(p.HorizontalAxisIndex, p.VerticalAxisIndex) :
                                      settings.GetPlotDimensions(0, 0);

                    plottable.Render(dims, bmp, lowQuality);
                catch (OverflowException)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"OverflowException plotting: {plottable}");
예제 #12
        public void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
            PointF[] points = new PointF[xs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < xs.Length; i++)
                points[i] = new PointF(dims.GetPixelX(xs[i]), dims.GetPixelY(ys[i]));

            using (Graphics gfx = GDI.Graphics(bmp, lowQuality))
                using (Brush fillBrush = GDI.Brush(Color.FromArgb((byte)(255 * fillAlpha), fillColor)))
                    using (Pen outlinePen = GDI.Pen(lineColor, (float)lineWidth))
                        if (fill)
                            gfx.FillPolygon(fillBrush, points);

                        if (lineWidth > 0)
                            gfx.DrawPolygon(outlinePen, points);
예제 #13
 private void RenderAxis(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality)
     using (Graphics gfx = GDI.Graphics(bmp, lowQuality))
         using (Pen pen = GDI.Pen(Color.Black))
             using (Brush brush = GDI.Brush(Color.Black))
                 using (Font axisFont = GDI.Font(null, 12))
                     using (StringFormat right_centre = new StringFormat()
                         Alignment = StringAlignment.Far, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                         using (StringFormat centre_top = new StringFormat()
                             Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near
                             double offset   = -2;
                             double minScale = Math.Min(dims.PxPerUnitX, dims.PxPerUnitY);
                             gfx.DrawString($"{AxisOffsets[0]:f3}", axisFont, brush, dims.GetPixelX(0), dims.GetPixelY(offset), centre_top);
                             gfx.DrawString($"{AxisOffsets[0] + AxisMultipliers[0]:f3}", axisFont, brush, new PointF((float)((width * minScale) + dims.GetPixelX(0)), dims.GetPixelY(offset)), centre_top);
                             gfx.DrawString($"{AxisOffsets[1]:f3}", axisFont, brush, dims.GetPixelX(offset), dims.GetPixelY(0), right_centre);
                             gfx.DrawString($"{AxisOffsets[1] + AxisMultipliers[1]:f3}", axisFont, brush, new PointF(dims.GetPixelX(offset), dims.GetPixelY(0) - (float)(height * minScale)), right_centre);
예제 #14
        public static void DataPlottables(Settings settings)
            if (settings.gfxData == null)

            // Construct the dimensions object to be injected into plottables during rendering.
            var  dims       = new PlotDimensions(settings.figureSize, settings.dataSize, settings.dataOrigin, settings.axes.Limits);
            bool lowQuality = !settings.misc.antiAliasData;

            for (int i = 0; i < settings.plottables.Count; i++)
                Plottable plottable = settings.plottables[i];
                if (plottable.visible)
                        if (plottable is IPlottable modernPlottable)
                            // use the new render method (that injections dimensions and the bitmap to draw on)
                            modernPlottable.Render(dims, settings.bmpData, lowQuality);
                            // use the old render method (that reads state from settings module and draws on the bitmap stored there)
                    catch (OverflowException)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"OverflowException plotting: {plottable}");
예제 #15
        public void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
            using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                using (var font = GDI.Font(FontName, FontSize, FontBold))
                    using (var fontBrush = new SolidBrush(FontColor))
                        using (var shadowBrush = new SolidBrush(ShadowColor))
                            using (var backgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(BackgroundColor))
                                using (var borderPen = new Pen(BorderColor, BorderWidth))
                                    gfx.SmoothingMode     = lowQuality ? SmoothingMode.HighSpeed : SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                                    gfx.TextRenderingHint = lowQuality ? TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixelGridFit : TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;

                                    SizeF size = GDI.MeasureString(gfx, label, font);

                                    double x        = (xPixel >= 0) ? xPixel : dims.DataWidth + xPixel - size.Width;
                                    double y        = (yPixel >= 0) ? yPixel : dims.DataHeight + yPixel - size.Height;
                                    PointF location = new PointF((float)x, (float)y);

                                    if (Background && Shadow)
                                        gfx.FillRectangle(shadowBrush, location.X + 5, location.Y + 5, size.Width, size.Height);

                                    if (Background)
                                        gfx.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, location.X, location.Y, size.Width, size.Height);

                                    if (Border)
                                        gfx.DrawRectangle(borderPen, location.X, location.Y, size.Width, size.Height);

                                    gfx.DrawString(label, font, fontBrush, location);
예제 #16
        private void LayoutAuto(int xAxisIndex, int yAxisIndex)
            // TODO: separate this into distinct X and Y functions (requires refactoring plottable interface)
            bool atLeastOneAxisIsZero = xAxisIndex == 0 || yAxisIndex == 0;

            if (!atLeastOneAxisIsZero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            // Adjust padding around the data area to accommodate title and tick labels.
            // This is a chicken-and-egg problem:
            //   * TICK DENSITY depends on the DATA AREA SIZE
            //   * DATA AREA SIZE depends on LAYOUT PADDING
            //   * LAYOUT PADDING depends on MAXIMUM LABEL SIZE
            //   * MAXIMUM LABEL SIZE depends on TICK DENSITY
            // To solve this, start by assuming data area size == figure size and layout padding == 0,
            // then calculate ticks, then set padding based on the largest tick, then re-calculate ticks.

            // axis limits shall not change
            var dims    = GetPlotDimensions(xAxisIndex, yAxisIndex);
            var limits  = (dims.XMin, dims.XMax, dims.YMin, dims.YMax);
            var figSize = new SizeF(Width, Height);

            // first-pass tick calculation based on full image size
            var dimsFull = new PlotDimensions(figSize, figSize, new PointF(0, 0), limits);

            foreach (var axis in Axes)
                bool isMatchingXAxis = axis.IsHorizontal && axis.AxisIndex == xAxisIndex;
                bool isMatchingYAxis = axis.IsVertical && axis.AxisIndex == yAxisIndex;
                if (isMatchingXAxis || isMatchingYAxis)

            // now adjust our layout based on measured axis sizes

            // now recalculate ticks based on new layout
            var dataSize   = new SizeF(DataWidth, DataHeight);
            var dataOffset = new PointF(DataOffsetX, DataOffsetY);

            var dims3 = new PlotDimensions(figSize, dataSize, dataOffset, limits);

            foreach (var axis in Axes)
                bool isMatchingXAxis = axis.IsHorizontal && axis.AxisIndex == xAxisIndex;
                bool isMatchingYAxis = axis.IsVertical && axis.AxisIndex == yAxisIndex;
                if (isMatchingXAxis || isMatchingYAxis)

            // adjust the layout based on measured tick label sizes
예제 #17
 private void RenderClear(Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality, PlotDimensions primaryDims)
     settings.FigureBackground.Render(primaryDims, bmp, lowQuality);
예제 #18
        public static void Box(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality, Population pop, Random rand,
                               double popLeft, double popWidth, Color color, Position position, BoxFormat boxFormat,
                               HorizontalAlignment errorAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right)
            // adjust edges to accomodate special positions
            if (position == Position.Hide)
            if (position == Position.Left || position == Position.Right)
                popWidth /= 2;
            if (position == Position.Right)
                popLeft += popWidth;

            double errorMaxPx, errorMinPx;
            double yPxTop, yPxBase;
            double yPx;

            if (boxFormat == BoxFormat.StdevStderrMean)
                errorMaxPx = dims.GetPixelY(pop.mean + pop.stDev);
                errorMinPx = dims.GetPixelY(pop.mean - pop.stDev);
                yPxTop     = dims.GetPixelY(pop.mean + pop.stdErr);
                yPxBase    = dims.GetPixelY(pop.mean - pop.stdErr);
                yPx        = dims.GetPixelY(pop.mean);
            else if (boxFormat == BoxFormat.OutlierQuartileMedian)
                errorMaxPx = dims.GetPixelY(pop.maxNonOutlier);
                errorMinPx = dims.GetPixelY(pop.minNonOutlier);
                yPxTop     = dims.GetPixelY(pop.Q3);
                yPxBase    = dims.GetPixelY(pop.Q1);
                yPx        = dims.GetPixelY(pop.median);
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            // make cap width a fraction of available space
            double capWidthFrac = .38;
            double capWidth     = popWidth * capWidthFrac;

            // contract edges slightly to encourage padding between elements
            double edgePaddingFrac = 0.2;

            popLeft  += popWidth * edgePaddingFrac;
            popWidth -= (popWidth * edgePaddingFrac) * 2;
            double     leftPx  = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft);
            double     rightPx = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft + popWidth);
            RectangleF rect    = new RectangleF(
                x: (float)leftPx,
                y: (float)yPxTop,
                width: (float)(rightPx - leftPx),
                height: (float)(yPxBase - yPxTop));

            // determine location of errorbars and caps
            double capPx1, capPx2, errorPxX;

            switch (errorAlignment)
            case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
                double centerX = popLeft + popWidth / 2;
                errorPxX = dims.GetPixelX(centerX);
                capPx1   = dims.GetPixelX(centerX - capWidth / 2);
                capPx2   = dims.GetPixelX(centerX + capWidth / 2);

            case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
                errorPxX = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft + popWidth);
                capPx1   = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft + popWidth - capWidth / 2);
                capPx2   = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft + popWidth);

            case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
                errorPxX = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft);
                capPx1   = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft);
                capPx2   = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft + capWidth / 2);

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            using (Graphics gfx = GDI.Graphics(bmp, lowQuality))
                using (Pen pen = GDI.Pen(Color.Black))
                    using (Brush brush = GDI.Brush(color))
                        // draw the box
                        gfx.FillRectangle(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
                        gfx.DrawRectangle(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);

                        // draw the line in the center
                        gfx.DrawLine(pen, rect.X, (float)yPx, rect.X + rect.Width, (float)yPx);

                        // draw errorbars and caps
                        gfx.DrawLine(pen, (float)errorPxX, (float)errorMinPx, (float)errorPxX, rect.Y + rect.Height);
                        gfx.DrawLine(pen, (float)errorPxX, (float)errorMaxPx, (float)errorPxX, rect.Y);
                        gfx.DrawLine(pen, (float)capPx1, (float)errorMinPx, (float)capPx2, (float)errorMinPx);
                        gfx.DrawLine(pen, (float)capPx1, (float)errorMaxPx, (float)capPx2, (float)errorMaxPx);
예제 #19
        public static void Bar(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality, Population pop, Random rand,
                               double popLeft, double popWidth, Color color, Position position, bool useStdErr = false)
            // adjust edges to accomodate special positions
            if (position == Position.Hide)
            if (position == Position.Left || position == Position.Right)
                popWidth /= 2;
            if (position == Position.Right)
                popLeft += popWidth;

            // determine the center point and calculate bounds
            double centerX = popLeft + popWidth / 2;
            double xPx     = dims.GetPixelX(centerX);
            double yPxTop  = dims.GetPixelY(pop.mean);
            double yPxBase = dims.GetPixelY(0);

            double errorMaxPx, errorMinPx;

            if (useStdErr)
                errorMaxPx = dims.GetPixelY(pop.mean + pop.stdErr);
                errorMinPx = dims.GetPixelY(pop.mean - pop.stdErr);
                errorMaxPx = dims.GetPixelY(pop.mean + pop.stDev);
                errorMinPx = dims.GetPixelY(pop.mean - pop.stDev);

            // make cap width a fraction of available space
            double capWidthFrac = .38;
            double capWidth     = popWidth * capWidthFrac;
            double capPx1       = dims.GetPixelX(centerX - capWidth / 2);
            double capPx2       = dims.GetPixelX(centerX + capWidth / 2);

            // contract edges slightly to encourage padding between elements
            double edgePaddingFrac = 0.2;

            popLeft  += popWidth * edgePaddingFrac;
            popWidth -= (popWidth * edgePaddingFrac) * 2;
            double leftPx  = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft);
            double rightPx = dims.GetPixelX(popLeft + popWidth);

            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF((float)leftPx, (float)yPxTop, (float)(rightPx - leftPx), (float)(yPxBase - yPxTop));

            using (Graphics gfx = GDI.Graphics(bmp, lowQuality))
                using (Pen pen = GDI.Pen(Color.Black))
                    using (Brush brush = GDI.Brush(color))
                        gfx.FillRectangle(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
                        gfx.DrawRectangle(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
                        gfx.DrawLine(pen, (float)xPx, (float)errorMinPx, (float)xPx, (float)errorMaxPx);
                        gfx.DrawLine(pen, (float)capPx1, (float)errorMinPx, (float)capPx2, (float)errorMinPx);
                        gfx.DrawLine(pen, (float)capPx1, (float)errorMaxPx, (float)capPx2, (float)errorMaxPx);
예제 #20
        public void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
            Random rand       = new Random(0);
            double groupWidth = .8;
            var    popWidth   = groupWidth / seriesCount;

            for (int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < seriesCount; seriesIndex++)
                for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groupCount; groupIndex++)
                    var series     = popMultiSeries.multiSeries[seriesIndex];
                    var population = series.populations[groupIndex];
                    var groupLeft  = groupIndex - groupWidth / 2;
                    var popLeft    = groupLeft + popWidth * seriesIndex;

                    Position scatterPos, boxPos;
                    switch (displayItems)
                    case DisplayItems.BoxAndScatter:
                        boxPos     = Position.Left;
                        scatterPos = Position.Right;

                    case DisplayItems.BoxOnly:
                        boxPos     = Position.Center;
                        scatterPos = Position.Hide;

                    case DisplayItems.ScatterAndBox:
                        boxPos     = Position.Right;
                        scatterPos = Position.Left;

                    case DisplayItems.ScatterOnly:
                        boxPos     = Position.Hide;
                        scatterPos = Position.Center;

                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                    Scatter(dims, bmp, lowQuality, population, rand, popLeft, popWidth, series.color, scatterOutlineColor, 128, scatterPos);

                    if (displayDistributionCurve)
                        Distribution(dims, bmp, lowQuality, population, rand, popLeft, popWidth, distributionCurveColor, scatterPos, distributionCurveLineStyle);

                    switch (boxStyle)
                    case BoxStyle.BarMeanStdErr:
                        Bar(dims, bmp, lowQuality, population, rand, popLeft, popWidth, series.color, boxPos, useStdErr: true);

                    case BoxStyle.BarMeanStDev:
                        Bar(dims, bmp, lowQuality, population, rand, popLeft, popWidth, series.color, boxPos, useStdErr: false);

                    case BoxStyle.BoxMeanStdevStderr:
                        Box(dims, bmp, lowQuality, population, rand, popLeft, popWidth, series.color, boxPos, BoxFormat.StdevStderrMean);

                    case BoxStyle.BoxMedianQuartileOutlier:
                        Box(dims, bmp, lowQuality, population, rand, popLeft, popWidth, series.color, boxPos, BoxFormat.OutlierQuartileMedian);

                    case BoxStyle.MeanAndStderr:
                        MeanAndError(dims, bmp, lowQuality, population, rand, popLeft, popWidth, series.color, boxPos, useStdErr: true);

                    case BoxStyle.MeanAndStdev:
                        MeanAndError(dims, bmp, lowQuality, population, rand, popLeft, popWidth, series.color, boxPos, useStdErr: false);

                        throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #21
        public void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
            int    numGroups = normalized.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
            int    numCategories = normalized.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;
            double sweepAngle = 2 * Math.PI / numCategories;
            double minScale = new double[] { dims.PxPerUnitX, dims.PxPerUnitX }.Min();
            PointF origin = new PointF(dims.GetPixelX(0), dims.GetPixelY(0));

            double[] radii = new double[] { 0.25 * minScale, 0.5 * minScale, 1 * minScale };

            using (Graphics gfx = GDI.Graphics(bmp, lowQuality))
                using (Pen pen = GDI.Pen(webColor))
                    using (Brush brush = GDI.Brush(Color.Black))
                        using (StringFormat sf = new StringFormat()
                            LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                            using (Font font = GDI.Font())
                                for (int i = 0; i < radii.Length; i++)
                                    gfx.DrawEllipse(pen, (int)(origin.X - radii[i]), (int)(origin.Y - radii[i]), (int)(radii[i] * 2), (int)(radii[i] * 2));
                                    StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat()
                                        Alignment = StringAlignment.Near, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far
                                    gfx.DrawString($"{normalizedMax * radii[i] / minScale:f1}", new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8), brush, origin.X, (float)(-radii[i] + origin.Y), stringFormat);

                                for (int i = 0; i < numCategories; i++)
                                    PointF destination = new PointF((float)(1.1 * Math.Cos(sweepAngle * i - Math.PI / 2) * minScale + origin.X), (float)(1.1 * Math.Sin(sweepAngle * i - Math.PI / 2) * minScale + origin.Y));
                                    gfx.DrawLine(pen, origin, destination);

                                    if (categoryNames != null)
                                        PointF textDestination = new PointF(
                                            (float)(1.3 * Math.Cos(sweepAngle * i - Math.PI / 2) * minScale + origin.X),
                                            (float)(1.3 * Math.Sin(sweepAngle * i - Math.PI / 2) * minScale + origin.Y));

                                        if (Math.Abs(textDestination.X - origin.X) < 0.1)
                                            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                                            sf.Alignment = dims.GetCoordinateX(textDestination.X) < 0 ? StringAlignment.Far : StringAlignment.Near;
                                        gfx.DrawString(categoryNames[i], font, brush, textDestination, sf);

                                for (int i = 0; i < numGroups; i++)
                                    PointF[] points = new PointF[numCategories];
                                    for (int j = 0; j < numCategories; j++)
                                        points[j] = new PointF(
                                            (float)(normalized[i, j] * Math.Cos(sweepAngle * j - Math.PI / 2) * minScale + origin.X),
                                            (float)(normalized[i, j] * Math.Sin(sweepAngle * j - Math.PI / 2) * minScale + origin.Y));

                                    ((SolidBrush)brush).Color = fillColors[i];
                                    pen.Color = lineColors[i];
                                    gfx.FillPolygon(brush, points);
                                    gfx.DrawPolygon(pen, points);
예제 #22
        public void Render(PlotDimensions dims, Bitmap bmp, bool lowQuality = false)
            using (Graphics gfx = GDI.Graphics(bmp, lowQuality))
                using (Pen backgroundPen = GDI.Pen(dataBackgroundColor))
                    using (Pen outlinePen = GDI.Pen(outlineColor, outlineSize))
                        using (Brush brush = GDI.Brush(Color.Black))
                            using (Brush fontBrush = GDI.Brush(centerTextColor))
                                using (Font sliceFont = GDI.Font(null, sliceFontSize))
                                    using (Font centerFont = GDI.Font(null, centerFontSize))
                                        using (StringFormat sfCenter = new StringFormat()
                                            LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
                                            double[] proportions = values.Select(x => x / values.Sum()).ToArray();

                                            AxisLimits2D limits         = GetLimits();
                                            double       centreX        = limits.xCenter;
                                            double       centreY        = limits.yCenter;
                                            float        diameterPixels = .9f * Math.Min(dims.DataWidth, dims.DataHeight);

                                            // record label details and draw them after slices to prevent cover-ups
                                            double[] labelXs      = new double[values.Length];
                                            double[] labelYs      = new double[values.Length];
                                            string[] labelStrings = new string[values.Length];

                                            RectangleF boundingRectangle = new RectangleF(
                                                dims.GetPixelX(centreX) - diameterPixels / 2,
                                                dims.GetPixelY(centreY) - diameterPixels / 2,

                                            if (donutSize > 0)
                                                GraphicsPath graphicsPath               = new GraphicsPath();
                                                float        donutDiameterPixels        = (float)donutSize * diameterPixels;
                                                RectangleF   donutHoleBoundingRectangle = new RectangleF(
                                                    dims.GetPixelX(centreX) - donutDiameterPixels / 2,
                                                    dims.GetPixelY(centreY) - donutDiameterPixels / 2,
                                                Region excludedRegion = new Region(graphicsPath);

                                            double start = -90;
                                            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                                // determine where the slice is to be drawn
                                                double sweep       = proportions[i] * 360;
                                                double sweepOffset = explodedChart ? -1 : 0;
                                                double angle       = (Math.PI / 180) * ((sweep + 2 * start) / 2);
                                                double xOffset     = explodedChart ? 3 * Math.Cos(angle) : 0;
                                                double yOffset     = explodedChart ? 3 * Math.Sin(angle) : 0;

                                                // record where and what to label the slice
                                                double sliceLabelR = 0.35 * diameterPixels;
                                                labelXs[i] = (boundingRectangle.X + diameterPixels / 2 + xOffset + Math.Cos(angle) * sliceLabelR);
                                                labelYs[i] = (boundingRectangle.Y + diameterPixels / 2 + yOffset + Math.Sin(angle) * sliceLabelR);
                                                string sliceLabelValue      = (showValues) ? $"{values[i]}" : "";
                                                string sliceLabelPercentage = showPercentages ? $"{proportions[i] * 100:f1}%" : "";
                                                string sliceLabelName       = (showLabels && groupNames != null) ? groupNames[i] : "";
                                                labelStrings[i] = $"{sliceLabelValue}\n{sliceLabelPercentage}\n{sliceLabelName}".Trim();

                                                ((SolidBrush)brush).Color = colors[i];
                                                gfx.FillPie(brush: brush,
                                                            x: (int)(boundingRectangle.X + xOffset),
                                                            y: (int)(boundingRectangle.Y + yOffset),
                                                            width: boundingRectangle.Width,
                                                            height: boundingRectangle.Height,
                                                            startAngle: (float)start,
                                                            sweepAngle: (float)(sweep + sweepOffset));

                                                if (explodedChart)
                                                        pen: backgroundPen,
                                                        x: (int)(boundingRectangle.X + xOffset),
                                                        y: (int)(boundingRectangle.Y + yOffset),
                                                        width: boundingRectangle.Width,
                                                        height: boundingRectangle.Height,
                                                        startAngle: (float)start,
                                                        sweepAngle: (float)(sweep + sweepOffset));
                                                start += sweep;

                                            ((SolidBrush)brush).Color = Color.White;
                                            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(labelStrings[i]))
                                                    gfx.DrawString(labelStrings[i], sliceFont, brush, (float)labelXs[i], (float)labelYs[i], sfCenter);

                                            if (outlineSize > 0)


                                            if (centerText != null)
                                                gfx.DrawString(centerText, centerFont, fontBrush, dims.GetPixelX(0), dims.GetPixelY(0), sfCenter);

                                            if (explodedChart)
                                                // draw a background-colored circle around the perimeter to make it look like all pieces are the same size
                                                backgroundPen.Width = 20;
                                                    pen: backgroundPen,
                                                    x: boundingRectangle.X,
                                                    y: boundingRectangle.Y,
                                                    width: boundingRectangle.Width,
                                                    height: boundingRectangle.Height);
예제 #23
 public Pixel ToPixel(PlotDimensions dims)