예제 #1
        public static NearestNeighborsTrees NearestNeighborsBuild <TLabel>(IChannel ch, IDataView data,
                                                                           int featureIndex, int labelIndex, int idIndex, int weightIndex,
                                                                           out Dictionary <long, Tuple <TLabel, float> > outLabelsWeights,
                                                                           NearestNeighborsArguments args)
            where TLabel : IComparable <TLabel>
            var indexes = new HashSet <int>()
                featureIndex, labelIndex, weightIndex, idIndex

            if (idIndex != -1)
                var colType = data.Schema[idIndex].Type;
                if (idIndex != -1 && (colType.IsVector() || colType.RawKind() != DataKind.I8))
                    throw ch.Except("Column '{0}' must be of type '{1}' not '{2}'", args.colId, DataKind.I8, colType);

            int    nt      = args.numThreads ?? 1;
            Random rand    = RandomUtils.Create(args.seed);
            var    cursors = (nt == 1)
                                ? new RowCursor[] { data.GetRowCursor(i => indexes.Contains(i), rand) }
                                : data.GetRowCursorSet(i => indexes.Contains(i), nt, rand);

            KdTree[] kdtrees;
            Dictionary <long, Tuple <TLabel, float> >[] labelsWeights;
            if (nt == 1)
                labelsWeights = new Dictionary <long, Tuple <TLabel, float> > [1];
                kdtrees       = new KdTree[] { BuildKDTree <TLabel>(data, cursors[0], featureIndex, labelIndex, idIndex, weightIndex,
                                                                    out labelsWeights[0], args) };
                // Multithreading. We assume the distributed set of cursor is well distributed.
                // No KdTree will be much smaller than the others.
                Action[] ops = new Action[cursors.Length];
                kdtrees       = new KdTree[cursors.Length];
                labelsWeights = new Dictionary <long, Tuple <TLabel, float> > [cursors.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < ops.Length; ++i)
                    int chunkId = i;
                    kdtrees[i] = null;
                    ops[i]     = new Action(() =>
                        kdtrees[chunkId] = BuildKDTree <TLabel>(data, cursors[chunkId],
                                                                featureIndex, labelIndex, idIndex, weightIndex,
                                                                out labelsWeights[chunkId], args);

                Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions()
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = cursors.Length
                }, ops);

            kdtrees       = kdtrees.Where(c => c.Any()).ToArray();
            labelsWeights = labelsWeights.Where(c => c.Any()).ToArray();
            var  merged = labelsWeights[0];
            long start  = merged.Count;
            long newKey;

            for (int i = 1; i < labelsWeights.Length; ++i)
                foreach (var pair in labelsWeights[i])
                    newKey = pair.Key + start;
                    if (merged.ContainsKey(newKey))
                        throw ch.Except("The same key appeared twice in two differents threads: {0}", newKey);
                        merged.Add(newKey, pair.Value);
                start += labelsWeights[i].Count;

            // Id checking.
            var labelId = merged.Select(c => c.Key).ToList();
            var treeId  = new List <long>();

            for (int i = 0; i < kdtrees.Length; ++i)
                treeId.AddRange(kdtrees[i].EnumeratePoints().Select(c => c.id));
            var h1 = new HashSet <long>(labelId);
            var h2 = new HashSet <long>(treeId);

            if (h1.Count != labelId.Count)
                throw ch.Except("Duplicated label ids.");
            if (h2.Count != treeId.Count)
                throw ch.Except("Duplicated label ids.");
            if (h1.Count != h2.Count)
                throw ch.Except("Mismatch (1) in ids.");
            var inter = h1.Intersect(h2);

            if (inter.Count() != h1.Count)
                throw ch.Except("Mismatch (2) in ids.");

            // End.
            outLabelsWeights = merged;
            return(new NearestNeighborsTrees(ch, kdtrees));
예제 #2
 private static KdTree BuildKDTree <TLabel>(IDataView data, RowCursor cursor,
                                            int featureIndex, int labelIndex, int idIndex, int weightIndex,
                                            out Dictionary <long, Tuple <TLabel, float> > labelsWeights, NearestNeighborsArguments args)
     where TLabel : IComparable <TLabel>
     using (cursor)
         var featureGetter = cursor.GetGetter <VBuffer <float> >(featureIndex);
         var labelGetter   = labelIndex >= 0 ? cursor.GetGetter <TLabel>(labelIndex) : null;
         var weightGetter  = weightIndex >= 0 ? cursor.GetGetter <float>(weightIndex) : null;
         var idGetter      = idIndex >= 0 ? cursor.GetGetter <long>(idIndex) : null;
         var kdtree        = new KdTree(distance: args.distance, seed: args.seed);
         labelsWeights = new Dictionary <long, Tuple <TLabel, float> >();
         VBuffer <float> features = new VBuffer <float>();
         TLabel          label    = default(TLabel);
         float           weight   = 1;
         long            lid      = default(long);
         while (cursor.MoveNext())
             featureGetter(ref features);
             if (labelGetter != null)
                 labelGetter(ref label);
             if (weightGetter != null)
                 weightGetter(ref weight);
             if (idGetter != null)
                 idGetter(ref lid);
                 lid = labelsWeights.Count;
             labelsWeights[lid] = new Tuple <TLabel, float>(label, weight);
             var point = new PointIdFloat(lid, features, true);