예제 #1
        } // end of this function

        void InitTodayChartContent()
            List <TodayData> itemSource = new List <TodayData>();

            // today only
            var todayData = StudentData.historyDatas[StudentData.historyDatas.Count - 1];

            foreach (var data in todayData.SubjectHistoryData)
                int percent = 0;
                foreach (var peroid in data.Peroids)
                    if (showGradeOfTerm)
                        if ((peroid.Peroid == "T1") || (peroid.Peroid == "T2") || (peroid.Peroid == "T3") || (peroid.Peroid == "T4"))
                            percent = peroid.Percent;
                    else if ((peroid.Peroid == "S1") || (peroid.Peroid == "S2"))
                        percent = peroid.Percent;

                    if (percent == 0)
                        if (peroid.Peroid == "Y1")
                            percent = peroid.Percent;
                if (percent != 0)
                    var RmVsaWRhZQ = data.Subject;
                    itemSource.Add(new TodayData(U2hyaWtl.Execute(RmVsaWRhZQ), percent));
            (this.ColumnChart.Series[0] as ColumnSeries).ItemsSource = itemSource;
            (this.BlobChart.Series[0] as BubbleSeries).ItemsSource   = itemSource;
            if (itemSource.Count == 0)
                ColumnChart.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                ColNoData.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;
                BlobChart.Visibility   = Visibility.Collapsed;
                BlobNoData.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
예제 #2
        void InitLineChartContent()
            foreach (var subject in StudentData.subjects)   // foreach StudentData.subject

                List <LineData> itemSource  = new List <LineData>();
                string          subjectName = subject.Name;

                foreach (var Day in StudentData.historyDatas)   // for each day
                    int percent = 0;
                    foreach (var subjectData in Day.SubjectHistoryData)   // for each subject
                        if (subjectName == subjectData.Subject)
                            foreach (var peroid in subjectData.Peroids)   // for each peroid

                                if (showGradeOfTerm)
                                    if (peroid.Peroid.Contains("T"))
                                        percent = peroid.Percent;
                                    if (peroid.Peroid.Contains("S"))
                                        percent = peroid.Percent;

                                if (percent == 0 && peroid.Peroid == "Y1") // summer school
                                    percent = peroid.Percent;
                    itemSource.Add(new LineData(Day.Date, percent));

                var        RmVsaWRhZQ = subjectName;
                LineSeries series     = new LineSeries {
                    IndependentValuePath = "Date",
                    DependentValuePath   = "Percent",
                    IsSelectionEnabled   = true,
                    ItemsSource          = itemSource,
                    Title = U2hyaWtl.Execute(RmVsaWRhZQ)

            } // end of foreach subject

             * if (LineChart.Series.Count >= 1)
             *  ((LineSeries)LineChart.Series[0]).DependentRangeAxis = new LinearAxis() {
             *      Maximum = 100,
             *      Minimum = 0,
             *      Orientation = AxisOrientation.Y,
             *      Interval = 10,
             *      ShowGridLines = true,
             *  };
            if (LineChart.Series.Count == 0)
                LineChart.Visibility  = Visibility.Collapsed;
                LineNoData.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
        } // end of this function