public void TestSchool_AddCourse() { School testSchool = new School(schoolName); Course javascript = new Course("Javascript", "Nakov"); testSchool.AddCourse(javascript); Assert.IsTrue(testSchool.Courses.Contains(javascript), "Course is not in the school"); }
public void TestSchool_AddCourseArgument() { School testSchool = new School(schoolName); Course javascript = new Course("Javascript","Nakov"); testSchool.AddCourse(javascript); testSchool.AddCourse(javascript); }
public void TestStudent_JoinCourse() { Student testStudentOne = new Student("Pesho"); Course javascript = new Course("Javascript Course", "Nakov"); testStudentOne.JoinCourse(javascript); Assert.IsTrue(javascript.Students.Contains(testStudentOne), "Student has not been included in the course"); }
public void LeaveCourse(Course course) { if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Course can't be null"); } course.RemoveStudent(this); }
public void JoinCourse(Course course) { if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Course can't be null"); } course.AddStudent(this); }
public void AddCourse(Course course) { if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Course can't be null"); } if ( { throw new ArgumentException("This course is already listed in the school"); }; }
public void RemoveCourse(Course course) { if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Course can't be null"); } if (! { throw new ArgumentException("There is no such course in the school"); }; }
public void TestSchool_RemoveCourseArgument() { School testSchool = new School(schoolName); Course javascript = new Course("Javascript", "Nakov"); Course oop = new Course("OOP", "Nakov"); testSchool.AddCourse(javascript); testSchool.RemoveCourse(oop); }
public void TestCourse_AddStudentInvalidOperation() { Course testCourseInvalid = new Course(courseName, teacherName); for (int i = 0; i < Course.MaxStudentsInClass + 1; i++) { Student student = new Student("Gosho"); testCourseInvalid.AddStudent(student); } }
public void TestCourse_RemoveStudent() { Course course = new Course(courseName, teacherName); Student pesho = new Student("Pesho"); course.AddStudent(pesho); course.RemoveStudent(pesho); Assert.IsFalse(course.Students.Contains(pesho), "Student is still in the course"); }
public void TestCourse_AddStudentArgument() { Course testCourse = new Course(courseName, teacherName); Student studentGosho = new Student("Gosho"); testCourse.AddStudent(studentGosho); testCourse.AddStudent(studentGosho); }
public void TestCourse_AddStudent() { Course course = new Course(courseName, teacherName); Student pesho = new Student("Pesho"); course.AddStudent(pesho); Assert.IsTrue(course.Students.Contains(pesho), "Student is not in the course"); }
public void TestCourse_RemoveStudentNullStudent() { Course testCourseNull = new Course(courseName, teacherName); testCourseNull.RemoveStudent(null); }
public void TestStudent_LeaveCourseNull() { Student testStudentOne = new Student("Pesho"); Course javascript = new Course("Javascript Course", "Nakov"); testStudentOne.JoinCourse(javascript); testStudentOne.LeaveCourse(null); }
public void TestCourseConstructor_NullThrowException() { Course nullCourse = new Course(null, null); }
public void TestCourseConstructor_NullTeacherThrowException() { Course jsCourse = new Course(courseName, null); }
public void TestCourseConstructor_NullNameThrowException() { Course nullCourse = new Course(null, teacherName); }
public void TestCourseConstructor_BlankTeacherThrowException() { Course blankTeacherCourse = new Course(courseName, string.Empty); }
public void TestCourseConstructor_BlankNameThrowException() { Course blankCourse = new Course(string.Empty, teacherName); }
public void TesttCourse_ToString() { Course course = new Course(courseName, teacherName); Student pesho = new Student("Pesho"); course.AddStudent(pesho); //Student StringBuilder StringBuilder studentStr = new StringBuilder(); studentStr.AppendFormat("Name: Pesho, Id: {0}", pesho.Id).AppendLine(); //Course StringBUilder StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.AppendLine("------COURSE-INFO-------"); message.AppendLine("Name = Javascript, Teacher = Nakov "); message.AppendFormat("Students: \n{0}", studentStr.ToString()); message.AppendLine("------END-COURSE-INFO-------"); Assert.AreEqual(message.ToString(), course.ToString(), "Strings don't match"); }
public void TestCourseConstructor_WhitespaceNameThrowException() { Course whitespaceCourse = new Course(" ", teacherName); }
public void TestCourseConstructor_WhitespaceTeacherThrowException() { Course whitespaceTeacherCourse = new Course(courseName, " "); }
public void TestCourseConstructor_Teacher() { Course testCourse = new Course(courseName, teacherName); Assert.AreEqual(teacherName, testCourse.TeacherName, "Course with that teacher has not been created correctly"); }
public void TestCourse_RemoveStudentArgumentNone() { Course testCourse = new Course(courseName, teacherName); Student gosho = new Student("Gosho"); testCourse.RemoveStudent(gosho); }