public static void controlTeachers(Dictionary <int, Teachers> tlist) { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do with the teachers? \n1. Add a new teacher?\n2. View the teacher's salary?\n3. " + "Ask for a raise?\n4. Take days off?"); tempst = Console.ReadLine(); optionst = Convert.ToInt32(tempst); Console.Write(optionst); switch (optionst) { case 1: { string teacherName; int teachID; double salary; int vcn; Console.WriteLine("Please enter the information regarding teacher: "); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name of the teacher: "); teacherName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the ID of the teacher:"); tempst = Console.ReadLine(); teachID = Convert.ToInt32(tempst); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the pay of the teacher: "); tempst = Console.ReadLine(); salary = Convert.ToDouble(tempst); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount of vacation days the teacher has: "); tempst = Console.ReadLine(); vcn = Convert.ToInt32(tempst); Teachers teacher = new Teachers(teacherName, teachID, salary, vcn); //how do I allow the teacherName to be the object for that teacher\ tlist.Add(teachID, teacher); break; } case 2: { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the ID of the teacher who's data you would like to modify: "); tempst = Console.ReadLine(); tFind = Convert.ToInt32(tempst); if (tlist.ContainsKey(tFind)) { Console.Write("The Teacher's salary is: "); Console.WriteLine(tlist[tFind].getSalary()); } break; } case 3: { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the ID of the teacher who's data you would like to modify: "); tempst = Console.ReadLine(); tFind = Convert.ToInt32(tempst); if (tlist.ContainsKey(tFind)) { tlist[tFind].DemandRaise(); } break; } case 4: { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the ID of the teacher who's data you would like to modify: "); tempst = Console.ReadLine(); tFind = Convert.ToInt32(tempst); if (tlist.ContainsKey(tFind)) { tlist[tFind].takeVcn(); } break; } } }
public void addTeacher(Teachers Teach) { int tempID = Teach.getEmployeeID(); schoolTeachers.Add(tempID, Teach); }