public static void CreateNewCourseAndAssignToDep() { using (var db = new SchoolEntities()){ Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the new course"); var courseName = Console.ReadLine();//Title Console.WriteLine("Enter the credits of the course"); var credit = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); //Assign the course to the department Console.WriteLine("Plz select the department ID that you want to assign the course in"); ViewDep(); var depId = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); //Check if the id exits var course = new Course() { Title = courseName, Credits = credit, DepartmentID = depId }; db.Courses.Add(course); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void ViewDep() { using (var db = new SchoolEntities()){ foreach (var item in db.Departments) { Console.WriteLine("Department ID: {0} Department Name: {1} \n", item.DepartmentID, item.Name); } } }
public static void ViewCourse() { using (var db = new SchoolEntities()){ foreach (var item in db.Courses) { Console.WriteLine("Course ID: {0} Course Name: {1} \n", item.CourseID, item.Title); } } }
public static void ViewCourseAndInstructor() { //SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Server=SAM\SQLEXPRESS") //SqlDataReader sdr = null; //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.ViewCourseAndInstructor", conn); Console.Clear(); using (var db = new SchoolEntities()){ var Result = db.ViewCourseAndInstructor().ToList(); foreach (var item in Result) { Console.WriteLine("Instructor ID: {0} Name: {1} Assigned course: {2} \n", item.PersonID, item.FirstName + " " + item.LastName, item.Title); } } }
public static void ViewStuGrade() { Console.Clear(); using (var db = new SchoolEntities()){ var StuGrade = db.ViewStudentGrade().ToList(); foreach (var item in StuGrade) { Console.WriteLine("Student ID: {0} Name: {1} Enrolled course: {2} \n", item.PersonID, item.FirstName + " " + item.LastName, item.Grade); } } }
public void BtnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TxtUsername.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(TxtPassword.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("You haven't entered your username and password.", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } else { using (var db = new SchoolEntities()) { int ID; Int32.TryParse(TxtUsername.Text.Trim(), out ID); Client.ID = ID; var queryStudent = from o in db.Person where o.PersonID.Equals(ID) && o.Password.Equals(TxtPassword.Text) && o.Discriminator.Equals("Student") select o; var queryInstructor = from o in db.Person where o.PersonID.Equals(ID) && o.Password.Equals(TxtPassword.Text) && o.Discriminator.Equals("Instructor") select o; var queryAdmin = from o in db.Person where o.PersonID.Equals(ID) && o.Password.Equals(TxtPassword.Text) && o.Discriminator.Equals("Administrator") select o; if (queryStudent.SingleOrDefault() != null) { ResetTextboxes(); Client.Instance.EnableUserPanel(); } else if (queryInstructor.SingleOrDefault() != null) { ResetTextboxes(); Client.Instance.EnableTeacherPanel(); } else if (queryAdmin.SingleOrDefault() != null) { ResetTextboxes(); Client.Instance.EnableAdminPanel(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Your credentials are incorrect.", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } } }
public static void CreateNewStuAndEnroll() { using (var db = new SchoolEntities()){ //Enter student information Console.WriteLine("Plz enter the first name of the student"); var stuFirst = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Plz enter the last name of the student"); var stuLast = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Plz enter the enrollment date of the student"); var stuEnrollDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()); var student = new Person() { FirstName = stuFirst, LastName = stuLast, EnrollmentDate = stuEnrollDate }; //Save student changes db.People.Add(student); db.SaveChanges(); //Enroll the student to course Console.WriteLine("Plz select the course name to enroll the student in"); ViewCourse(); var courseName = Console.ReadLine();//Course title //input the grade of the student Console.WriteLine("Plz enter the grade to the student"); var grade = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); var idListCourse = db.Courses.Where(x => x.Title == courseName).Select(y => y.CourseID).ToList(); var idStuList = db.People.Where(x => x.FirstName == stuFirst).Select(y => y.PersonID).ToList(); var sg = new StudentGrade() { CourseID = idListCourse[0], StudentID = idStuList[0], Grade = grade }; db.StudentGrades.Add(sg); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void CreateNewInstructorAndAssign() { using (var db = new SchoolEntities()){ //var instructor = new CourseInstructor(); Console.WriteLine("Plz input the first name of the instructor"); var inputFirst = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Plz input the last name of the instructor"); var inputLast = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Plz enter the hire date"); var inputHireDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()); var instructor = new Person() { FirstName = inputFirst, LastName = inputLast, HireDate = inputHireDate }; db.People.Add(instructor);//Save new people info db.SaveChanges(); //ASSIGN INSTRUCTOR in courses Console.WriteLine("Plz select the course name to assign the instructor in"); ViewCourse(); var courseName = Console.ReadLine();//Course title var courseIdList = db.Courses.Where(x => x.Title == courseName).Select(y => y.CourseID).ToList(); var personIdList = db.People.Where(x => x.FirstName == inputFirst).Select(y => y.PersonID).ToList(); foreach (var item in personIdList) { Console.WriteLine(item); } //Enter the info of the INSTRUCTOR in Office Assignment Console.WriteLine("Plz enter the location of office assignment"); var location = Console.ReadLine(); OfficeAssignment oa = new OfficeAssignment() { InstructorID = personIdList[0],//The same as the person id which has been created Location = location, }; db.OfficeAssignments.Add(oa); db.SaveChanges(); CourseInstructor c = new CourseInstructor() { CourseID = courseIdList[0], PersonID = personIdList[0] }; db.CourseInstructors.Add(c); db.SaveChanges(); //using (var db = new SchoolEntities()) //{ // foreach (var item in db.Courses) // { // } // db.People.Add(person); // db.SaveChanges(); //} } }
public static void CheckId(int id) { using (var db = new SchoolEntities()){ var flag = db.Departments.Select(x => x.DepartmentID == id); } }