public override void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sectionTxt.Text == "") { sectionErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { sectionErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (statusDD.SelectedIndex == -1) { statusErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { statusErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (sectionErrorLabel.Visible || statusErrorLabel.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMSG("Fields with * are mandatory.", "Error...", "Error"); } else { if (edit == 0) // code for SAVe { section s = new section(); if (statusDD.SelectedIndex == 0) { s.sec_status = 1; } else { s.sec_status = 0; } obj.st_insertSections(sectionTxt.Text, s.sec_status); obj.SubmitChanges(); MainClass.ShowMSG(sectionTxt.Text + " added successfully.", "Success...", "Success"); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); loadData(); } else // code for update { byte stat; if (statusDD.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else { stat = 0; } obj.st_updateSections(sectionTxt.Text, stat, sectionID); MainClass.ShowMSG(sectionTxt.Text + " updated successfully.", "Success...", "Success"); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); loadData(); } } }
public override void addBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { edit = 0; MainClass.enable_reset(panel6); }
public override void editBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { edit = 1; MainClass.enable(panel6); }
private void btnAddMembers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btnStatus == "add") { if (MemberIDNull.Visible || FNameNull.Visible || LNameNull.Visible || AddressNull.Visible || ContactNull.Visible) { MainClass.showMsgLibrary("Fields with * are mandetory!", "Warning", "Error"); } else { try { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { string q = "INSERT INTO libraryMember (member_ID, FirstName, LastName, address, contactNo, addDate) VALUES ('" + txtMemberID.Text + "','" + txtFName.Text + "','" + txtLName.Text + "','" + txtAddress.Text + "','" + txtContact.Text + "','" + AddDate.Text + "')"; Console.Write(q); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(q, con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MainClass.showMsg(txtFName.Text + " 's Details Added Successfully", "Success", "success"); } } catch { int member_ID = 0; int contactNo = 0; try { member_ID = int.Parse(txtMemberID.Text); } catch { MainClass.showMsgLibrary("Member ID should be a numerical Value!", "Warning", "Error"); } try { contactNo = int.Parse(txtContact.Text); } catch { MainClass.showMsgLibrary("Contact no should be an integer!", "Warning", "Error"); } } } con.Close(); lblMain.Text = "View"; } else if (btnStatus == "update") { if (MemberIDNull.Visible || FNameNull.Visible || LNameNull.Visible || AddressNull.Visible || ContactNull.Visible) { MainClass.showMsgLibrary("Fields with * are mandetory!", "Warning", "Error"); } else { try { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { string q = "UPDATE libraryMember SET member_ID ='" + txtMemberID.Text + "' ,FirstName='" + txtFName.Text + "',LastName='" + txtLName.Text + "',address='" + txtAddress.Text + "',contactNo='" + txtContact.Text + "',addDate='" + AddDate.Text + "' where member_ID ='" + txtMemberID.Text + "' "; Console.Write(q); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(q, con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MainClass.showMsg(txtFName.Text + " 's Details Updated Successfully", "Success", "success"); } } catch { int contactNo = 0; try { contactNo = int.Parse(txtContact.Text); } catch { MainClass.showMsgLibrary("Contact no should be a numerical!", "Warning", "Error"); } } } } con.Close(); showMemberDetails(); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); lblMain.Text = "View"; }
private void addMembers_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); showMemberDetails(); }
public override void editBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { edit = 1; MainClass.enable(panel6); imagePathTxt.Enabled = false; }
public override void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (nameTxt.Text == "") { nameErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { nameErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (usernameTxt.Text == "") { usernameErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { usernameErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (passwordTxt.Text == "") { passwordErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { passwordErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (confirmPassTxt.Text == "") { confirmPassErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { confirmPassErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (passwordTxt.Text != confirmPassTxt.Text) { mismatchedErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { mismatchedErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (phone1Txt.Text == "") { phone1ErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { phone1ErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (roleDD.SelectedIndex == -1) { roleErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { roleErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (statusDD.SelectedIndex == -1) { statusErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { statusErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (nameErrorLabel.Visible || usernameErrorLabel.Visible || passwordErrorLabel.Visible || confirmPassErrorLabel.Visible || mismatchedErrorLabel.Visible || phone1ErrorLabel.Visible || roleErrorLabel.Visible || statusErrorLabel.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMSG("Fields with * are mandatory.", "Stop...", "Error"); } else { if (edit == 0) // code for SAVE operation { if (imagePathTxt.Text == "") { byte stat = statusDD.SelectedIndex == 0? Convert.ToByte(1) : Convert.ToByte(0); obj.st_insertStaffWithoutImage(nameTxt.Text, usernameTxt.Text, passwordTxt.Text, phone1Txt.Text, phone2Txt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(roleDD.SelectedValue.ToString()), stat); MainClass.ShowMSG(nameTxt.Text + " added successfully into the system.", "Success", "Success"); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); loadData(); } else { byte stat = statusDD.SelectedIndex == 0 ? Convert.ToByte(1) : Convert.ToByte(0); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); i.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg); byte[] arr = ms.ToArray(); obj.st_insertStaff(nameTxt.Text, usernameTxt.Text, passwordTxt.Text, phone1Txt.Text, phone2Txt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(roleDD.SelectedValue.ToString()), stat, arr); MainClass.ShowMSG(nameTxt.Text + " added successfully into the system.", "Success", "Success"); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); loadData(); } } else if (edit == 1) // code for UPDATE operation { byte stat = statusDD.SelectedIndex == 0 ? Convert.ToByte(1) : Convert.ToByte(0); if (i == null) { obj.st_updateStaffWithoutImage(nameTxt.Text, usernameTxt.Text, passwordTxt.Text, phone1Txt.Text, phone2Txt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(roleDD.SelectedValue.ToString()), stat, staffID); MainClass.ShowMSG(nameTxt.Text + " data updated successfully into the system.", "Success", "Success"); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); loadData(); } else { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); i.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg); byte[] arr = ms.ToArray(); obj.st_updateStaff(nameTxt.Text, usernameTxt.Text, passwordTxt.Text, phone1Txt.Text, phone2Txt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(roleDD.SelectedValue.ToString()), stat, arr, staffID); MainClass.ShowMSG(nameTxt.Text + " data updated successfully into the system.", "Success", "Success"); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); loadData(); } } } }
private void addBooks_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); showBookDetails(); }
public override void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (shiftNameTxt.Text == "") { shiftErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { shiftErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (shiftDD.SelectedIndex == -1) { shiftDDerrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { shiftDDerrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (shiftDDerrorLabel.Visible || shiftDDerrorLabel.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMSG("Fields with * are mandatory.", "Error...", "Error"); } else { TimeSpan startTime = new TimeSpan(startPicker.Value.Hour, startPicker.Value.Minute, startPicker.Value.Second); TimeSpan endTime = new TimeSpan(endPicker.Value.Hour, endPicker.Value.Minute, endPicker.Value.Second); //startTime.ToString(); //endTime.ToString(); //TimeSpan st = Convert.ToInt16(startPicker.Value.Hour.ToString()); //TimeSpan et = endPicker.Value.TimeOfDay; //TimeSpan st = this.startPicker.Value.TimeOfDay; //TimeSpan et = this.endPicker.Value.TimeOfDay; //int st = Convert.ToInt16(startPicker.Value.ToString()); //int et = Convert.ToInt16(endPicker.Value.ToString()); //DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(startPicker.Text).Date; //DateTime end = DateTime.Parse(endPicker.Text).Date; //DateTime dt = startPicker.Value; //TimeSpan st = new TimeSpan(dt.Hour, dt.Minute, dt.Second); //DateTime en = endPicker.Value; //TimeSpan et = new TimeSpan(en.Hour, en.Minute, en.Second); //TimeSpan st = dt.TimeOfDay; //int t = Convert.ToInt16(startPicker.Value.Hour.ToString()); //int y = Convert.ToInt16(endPicker.Value.Hour.ToString()); //TimeSpan ts1 = TimeSpan.Parse(startPicker.Text); //TimeSpan ts2 = TimeSpan.Parse(endPicker.Text); //TimeSpan ts = startPicker.Value.TimeOfDay; //TimeSpan es = endPicker.Value.TimeOfDay; if (edit == 0) // code for SAVE operation { try { shift s = new shift(); obj.st_insertShifts(shiftNameTxt.Text, Convert.ToByte(shiftDD.SelectedItem.ToString()), startTime, endTime); obj.SubmitChanges(); MainClass.ShowMSG(shiftNameTxt.Text + " added successfully.", "Success...", "Success"); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); loadData(); } catch (Exception ex) { MainClass.ShowMSG(ex.Message, "Error", "Error"); } } else { obj.st_updateShifts(shiftNameTxt.Text, Convert.ToByte(shiftDD.SelectedItem.ToString()), startTime, endTime, shiftID); MainClass.ShowMSG(shiftNameTxt.Text + " updated successfully.", "Success...", "Success"); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); loadData(); } } }
private void btnAddBooks_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btnStatus == "add") { if (BookIDNull.Visible || BookNameNull.Visible || AuthorNull.Visible) { MainClass.showMsg("Fields with * are mandetory!", "Warning", "Error"); } else { try { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { string q = "INSERT INTO libraryBooks (book_ID, name, author, quantity, addDate) VALUES ('" + txtBookID.Text + "','" + txtBookName.Text + "','" + txtAuthor.Text + "', '1', '" + AddDate.Text + "')"; Console.Write(q); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(q, con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MainClass.showMsgLibrary(txtBookName.Text + "Successfully Added!", "Success", "Success"); } } catch { int book_ID = 0; try { book_ID = int.Parse(txtBookID.Text); } catch { MainClass.showMsg("Book ID should be an numerical value!", "Warning", "Error"); } } } con.Close(); lblMain.Text = "View"; } else if (btnStatus == "update") { if (BookIDNull.Visible || BookNameNull.Visible || AuthorNull.Visible) { MainClass.showMsg("Fields with * are mandetory!", "Warning", "Error"); } else { try { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { string q = "UPDATE libraryBooks SET book_ID ='" + txtBookID.Text + "' ,name='" + txtBookName.Text + "',author='" + txtAuthor.Text + "',quantity='1',addDate='" + AddDate.Text + "' where book_ID ='" + txtBookID.Text + "' "; Console.Write(q); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(q, con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MainClass.showMsgLibrary("Successfull Updated!", "Success", "Success"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error"); } } } con.Close(); showBookDetails(); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); lblMain.Text = "View"; }
public override void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (roleTxt.Text == "") { roleErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { roleErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (statusDD.SelectedIndex == -1) { statusErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { statusErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (roleErrorLabel.Visible || statusErrorLabel.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMSG("Fields with * are mandatory.", "Error...", "Error"); } else { if (edit == 0) // code for SAVE operation { role r = new role(); r.r_name = roleTxt.Text; if (statusDD.SelectedIndex == 0) { r.r_status = 1; } else { r.r_status = 0; } //obj.roles.InsertOnSubmit(r); obj.st_insertRoles(roleTxt.Text, r.r_status); obj.SubmitChanges(); MainClass.ShowMSG(roleTxt.Text + " added successfully.", "Success...", "Success"); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); loadData(); } else if (edit == 1) // code for UPDATE { byte stat; if (statusDD.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else { stat = 0; } obj.st_updateRoles(roleTxt.Text, stat, roleID); //var data = obj.roles.Single(x => x.r_id == roleID); //data.r_name = roleTxt.Text; //if (statusDD.SelectedIndex == 0) //{ // data.r_status = 1; //} //else //{ // data.r_status = 0; //} //obj.SubmitChanges(); MainClass.ShowMSG(roleTxt.Text + " updated successfully.", "Success...", "Success"); MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); loadData(); } } }
private void Roles_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainClass.disable_reset(panel6); }
private void backBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainClass.showWindow(new Students(), this, MDI.ActiveForm); }
public override void ViewBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { operationLabel.Text = "VIEW"; MainClass.showWindow(new StudentReport(attendDate.Text, selectGrade.SelectedIndex, selectClass.SelectedIndex), this, MDI.ActiveForm); }