Description of SchemaBuilderFactory.
 private static void addFactory(UML.Extended.UMLModel model, SchemaBuilderFactory factory)
     if (!instances.ContainsKey(model))
       instances.Add(model, factory);
예제 #2
        /// returns the singleton instance of the factory
        public static SchemaBuilderFactory getInstance(UML.UMLModel model)
            SchemaBuilderFactory instance = null;

            instances.TryGetValue(model, out instance);
예제 #3
 private static void addFactory(UML.UMLModel model, SchemaBuilderFactory factory)
     if (!instances.ContainsKey(model))
         instances.Add(model, factory);
		/// <summary>
		/// initialize the add-in class
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Repository"></param>
		private void initialize(EA.Repository Repository)
			//initialize the model
			this.model = new UTF_EA.Model(Repository);
			this.schemaFactory = EASchemaBuilderFactory.getInstance(this.model);
		/// <summary>
        /// Initializes the model and schemaFactory with the new Repository object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Repository">An EA.Repository object representing the currently open Enterprise Architect model.
        /// Poll its members to retrieve model data and user interface status information.</param>
		public override void EA_FileOpen(EA.Repository Repository)
			//initialize the model
			this.model = new UTF_EA.Model(Repository);
			this.schemaFactory = EASchemaBuilderFactory.getInstance(this.model);