예제 #1
        // Check if times overlap any existing appointments
        public static bool checkForOverlap(DateTime start, DateTime end)
            // Bool returned to show if overlap exists
            bool overlap = false;
            // Create DataTable containing appointments
            DataTable appointments = DataInterface.getAppointments(DataInterface.getCurrentUserName());

            // Iterate through DataTable
            foreach (DataRow row in appointments.Rows)
                // Obtain start and end times
                DateTime appointmentStart = DateTime.Parse(row["start"].ToString()).ToLocalTime();
                DateTime appointmentEnd   = DateTime.Parse(row["end"].ToString()).ToLocalTime();
                // Lambda expression to check if provided time is within start and end times of appointment being evaluated
                overlaps = (time) => { return(time <= appointmentEnd && time >= appointmentStart); };

                // Use lambda to check if the provided start and end times in the form overlap appointment being evaluated
                if (overlaps(start) || overlaps(end))
                    // if either start or end are within an existing appointment, set overlap to true to indicate overlap
                    overlap = true;

            // return state of overlap -- true indicates overlap, false indicates no overlap
예제 #2
        // Populate DataGridView with appointment data
        public void displayAppointments()
            // Clear DataTable of any prior information
            String query = "";
            // Obtain selected date from MonthCalendar
            DateTime selectedDate = appointmentCalendar.SelectionRange.Start.ToUniversalTime();
            // Determine sunday and saturday for week view, convert to universal time for accurate comparison to DB values
            DateTime sunday   = selectedDate.AddDays(-(int)selectedDate.DayOfWeek).ToUniversalTime();
            DateTime saturday = selectedDate.AddDays(-(int)selectedDate.DayOfWeek + (int)DayOfWeek.Saturday).ToUniversalTime();

            // Check which view is selected and query data accordingly
            if (dgvViewMonthRadioButton.Checked)
                query = $"SELECT a.appointmentId AS ID, c.customerName AS 'Customer Name', a.title AS Title, a.start AS Start, a.end AS End FROM appointment AS a, customer AS c WHERE c.customerId = a.customerId AND MONTH(a.start) = '{appointmentCalendar.SelectionStart.Month}' AND YEAR(a.start) = '{appointmentCalendar.SelectionStart.Year}' AND a.createdBy = '{DataInterface.getCurrentUserName()}' ORDER BY a.start";
            else if (dgvViewWeekRadioButton.Checked)
                query = $"SELECT a.appointmentId AS ID, c.customerName AS 'Customer Name', a.title AS Title, a.start AS Start, a.end AS End FROM appointment AS a, customer AS c WHERE c.customerId = a.customerId AND a.start >= '{sunday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:MM:ss")}' - INTERVAL 3 MINUTE AND a.start < '{saturday.AddHours(24).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:MM:ss")}' - INTERVAL 3 MINUTE AND a.createdBy = '{DataInterface.getCurrentUserName()}' ORDER BY a.start";
            else if (dgvViewDayRadioButton.Checked)
                query = $"SELECT a.appointmentId AS ID, c.customerName AS 'Customer Name', a.title AS Title, a.start AS Start, a.end AS End FROM appointment AS a, customer AS c WHERE c.customerId = a.customerId AND a.start >= '{selectedDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:MM:ss")}' - INTERVAL 3 MINUTE AND a.start < '{selectedDate.AddHours(24).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:MM:ss")}' - INTERVAL 3 MINUTE AND a.createdBy = '{DataInterface.getCurrentUserName()}' ORDER BY a.start";

            // Execute query and fill DataTable
            MySqlDataAdapter    adp = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, DataInterface.conn);
            MySqlCommandBuilder cmd = new MySqlCommandBuilder(adp);


            // Convert start and end times to local time
            DataInterface.convertToLocal(appointmentsDT, "Start");
            DataInterface.convertToLocal(appointmentsDT, "End");

            // Set DataSource for DataGridView to display data within DataTable
            appointmentsDGV.DataSource          = appointmentsDT;
            appointmentsDGV.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;

예제 #3
        // Login Button CLick
        private void loginLoginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Obtain login information
            string userName = loginUsernameTextBox.Text;
            string password = loginPasswordTextBox.Text;
            int    userID;

            // Check if username or password are empty
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loginUsernameTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loginPasswordTextBox.Text))
                // Display appropriate message based on language
                if (currentCulture == "fr-FR")
                    MessageBox.Show("Le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe ne peuvent pas être vides");
                    MessageBox.Show("Username and password cannot be empty");

            // Open database connection

            // Build Query
            MySqlCommand    cmd    = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT userId FROM user WHERE userName = '******' AND password = '******'", DataInterface.conn);
            MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            // If matching data is present, set current user information and open MainForm
            if (reader.HasRows)
                // Read rows returned
                // Set userID based on row returned
                userID = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]);
                // set current user information

                // close database connection

                // Hide Login form and open MainForm
                MainForm mainForm = new MainForm();
                MainForm.loginForm = this;
                loginUsernameTextBox.Text = "";
                loginPasswordTextBox.Text = "";
            // Username/Password do not match information in database
                // Dipslay language appropriate error message
                loginPasswordTextBox.Text = "";
예제 #4
 // Form Load
 private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Display welcome text
     mainWelcomeLabel.Text = $"Welcome, {DataInterface.getCurrentUserName()}!";