public StatusResponse GetSchedulesDirectStatus() { StatusResponse status_response = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <StatusResponse>(kStatusRequestUrl, new JSONClient.EmptyRequest(), token_manager_.token); return(status_response); }
private List <DBProgram> DownloadPrograms(IEnumerable <string> programIDs) { const int kBatchSize = 5000; List <string> currentBatch = new List <string>(); List <DBProgram> fetchedPrograms = new List <DBProgram>(); Func <int> FetchCurrentBatch = new Func <int>(() => { Console.WriteLine("Downloading program info from SchedulesDirect"); List <object> response = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <List <object> >( UrlBuilder.BuildWithAPIPrefix("/programs"), currentBatch, SDTokenManager.token_manager.token); List <DBProgram> programsThisBatch = new List <DBProgram>(); // Only include programs fetched successfully, so any errors do not replace good data. List <SDProgram> successfulResponses = new List <SDProgram>(); foreach (object genericJson in response) { SDProgram sdProgram = null; try { sdProgram = JSONClient.Deserialize <SDProgram>(genericJson.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to deserialize program JSON: {0}", genericJson); Misc.OutputException(exc); continue; } if (sdProgram.code > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to download updated program info for programID {0}, response {1}, message: {2}", sdProgram.programID, sdProgram.response, sdProgram.message); continue; } successfulResponses.Add(sdProgram); var dbProgram = new DBProgram(sdProgram); fetchedPrograms.Add(dbProgram); programsThisBatch.Add(dbProgram); } DBManager.instance.SaveRawSDProgramResponses(successfulResponses); DBManager.instance.SaveProgramData(programsThisBatch); currentBatch.Clear(); return(0); }); foreach (string id in programIDs) { currentBatch.Add(id); if (currentBatch.Count >= kBatchSize) { FetchCurrentBatch(); } } if (currentBatch.Count > 0) { FetchCurrentBatch(); } return(fetchedPrograms); }
internal static void RemoveLineupFromAccount(string lineup) { LineupSubscriptionChangeReponse response = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <LineupSubscriptionChangeReponse>( UrlBuilder.BuildWithAPIPrefix("/lineups/" + lineup), null, SDTokenManager.token_manager.token, "DELETE"); if (!response.Succeeded()) { throw new Exception("Failed to remove lineup from account!"); } }
public static void AddLineupToAccount(string lineup) { LineupSubscriptionChangeReponse response = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <LineupSubscriptionChangeReponse>( UrlBuilder.BuildWithAPIPrefix("/lineups/" + lineup), null, SDTokenManager.token_manager.token, "PUT"); if (!response.Succeeded()) { throw new Exception("Failed to add lineup to account!"); } }
public static List <Country> GetCountryListFromUri(string uri) { Dictionary <string, Country[]> countries_by_region = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <Dictionary <string, Country[]> >( UrlBuilder.BuildWithBasePrefix(uri), JSONClient.empty_request); List <Country> countries = new List <Country>(); foreach (Country[] region_countries in countries_by_region.Values) { countries.AddRange(region_countries); } return(countries); }
private IEnumerable <SDProgramImageResponse> DownloadProgramImages(IEnumerable <string> programIDs) { const int kBatchSize = 500; Console.WriteLine("Downloading list of program images to download."); HashSet <string> idsToFetch = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (string programID in programIDs) { string key = GetSDImageIDByProgramID(programID); if (!cachedImageData_.ContainsKey(key)) { idsToFetch.Add(key); } } Console.WriteLine("Downloading program image URLs"); List <string> batchProgramIds = new List <string>(); List <SDProgramImageResponse> fetchedImages = new List <SDProgramImageResponse>(); Func <int> DownloadBatch = new Func <int>(() => { List <SDProgramImageResponse> responses = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <List <SDProgramImageResponse> >( UrlBuilder.BuildWithAPIPrefix("/metadata/programs/"), batchProgramIds, SDTokenManager.token_manager.token); foreach (var response in responses) { if (!response.OK()) { Console.WriteLine("Some images failed to download, code: {0} programID: {2} message: {1}", response.code, response.message, response.programID); continue; } fetchedImages.Add(response); } batchProgramIds.Clear(); return(0); }); foreach (var programID in idsToFetch) { batchProgramIds.Add(programID); if (batchProgramIds.Count >= kBatchSize) { DownloadBatch(); } } if (batchProgramIds.Count > 0) { DownloadBatch(); } DBManager.instance.SaveProgramImages(fetchedImages); return(fetchedImages); }
private IDictionary <string, Dictionary <string, SDStationMD5Response> > GetStationMD5Responses(IEnumerable <string> stationIDs) { // TODO: batch by 5000 const int kBatchSize = 5000; List <Dictionary <string, string> > request = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, SDStationMD5Response> > stationMD5Responses = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, SDStationMD5Response> >(); Func <int> DoBatch = new Func <int>(() => { //var batchResponse = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse<Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, SDStationMD5Response>>>( var batchResponse = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <Dictionary <string, object> >( UrlBuilder.BuildWithAPIPrefix("/schedules/md5"), request, SDTokenManager.token_manager.token); foreach (var keyval in batchResponse) { string stationID = keyval.Key; try { Dictionary <string, SDStationMD5Response> dailyResponses = JSONClient.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, SDStationMD5Response> >(keyval.Value.ToString()); stationMD5Responses[stationID] = dailyResponses; } catch (Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to deserialize schedule MD5s for station {0}, JSON: {1}", stationID, keyval.Value); Misc.OutputException(exc); } } request.Clear(); return(0); }); foreach (string stationID in stationIDs) { request.Add(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "stationID", stationID } }); if (request.Count >= kBatchSize) { DoBatch(); } } if (request.Count > 0) { DoBatch(); } return(stationMD5Responses); }
public static List <SDLineup> GetLineupsForZip(SDTokenManager token_manager, string country, string zip) { string url = String.Format(UrlBuilder.BuildWithAPIPrefix("/headends?country={0}&postalcode={1}"), country, zip); List <HeadEnd> headends = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <List <HeadEnd> >(url, JSONClient.empty_request, token_manager.token); List <SDLineup> lineups = new List <SDLineup>(); foreach (HeadEnd headend in headends) { if (headend.lineups != null) { foreach (SDLineup lineup in headend.lineups) { lineup.transport = headend.transport; } lineups.AddRange(headend.lineups.ToArray()); } } return(lineups); }
private static Dictionary <string, SDGenericProgramDescription> DownloadSeriesByIDs(IEnumerable <string> seriesIds) { const int kBatchSize = 500; Console.WriteLine("Downloading series infos from SchedulesDirect"); Dictionary <string, SDGenericProgramDescription> downloadedGenericDescriptions = new Dictionary <string, SDGenericProgramDescription>(); List <string> currentBatch = new List <string>(); Func <int> DownloadBatch = new Func <int>(() => { var batchRepsonse = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <Dictionary <string, SDGenericProgramDescription> >( UrlBuilder.BuildWithAPIPrefix("/metadata/description/"), currentBatch, SDTokenManager.token_manager.token); foreach (var kv in batchRepsonse) { var genericDescription = kv.Value; if (genericDescription.code > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to download generic description for program ID: {0}\ncode: {1}\nmessage: {2}", kv.Key, genericDescription.code, genericDescription.message); continue; } downloadedGenericDescriptions[kv.Key] = genericDescription; } currentBatch.Clear(); return(0); }); foreach (string seriesId in seriesIds) { currentBatch.Add(seriesId); if (currentBatch.Count >= kBatchSize) { DownloadBatch(); } } if (currentBatch.Count > 0) { DownloadBatch(); } return(downloadedGenericDescriptions); }
private List <SDStationScheduleResponse> GetStationScheduleResponses(IDictionary <string, List <string> > daysByStationID) { Console.WriteLine("Downloading station schedules from SchedulesDirect"); const int kBatchSize = 5000; List <SDScheduleStationRequest> request = new List <SDScheduleStationRequest>(); List <SDStationScheduleResponse> responses = new List <SDStationScheduleResponse>(); Func <int> DoBatch = new Func <int>(() => { var batchResponses = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <List <SDStationScheduleResponse> >(UrlBuilder.BuildWithAPIPrefix("/schedules"), request, SDTokenManager.token_manager.token); // Some of the reponses may be errors! Loop through and exclude these so we don't replace good data! foreach (var response in batchResponses) { if (response.code > 0) { Console.WriteLine( "Portions of the schedule for station ID {0} failed to download, SchedulesDirect response code: {1} - {2}", response.stationID, response.code, response.reponse); continue; } responses.Add(response); } request.Clear(); return(0); }); foreach (var stationIDAndDays in daysByStationID) { request.Add(new SDScheduleStationRequest(stationIDAndDays.Key, stationIDAndDays.Value)); if (request.Count > kBatchSize) { DoBatch(); } } if (request.Count > 0) { DoBatch(); } return(responses); }
private string GetNewToken() { TokenRequest token_request = new TokenRequest(username_, pwhash_); TokenResponse token_response = JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <TokenResponse>(kTokenRequestUrl, token_request); switch (token_response.code) { case 0: token_ = token_response.token; Console.WriteLine("Successfully requested access token: {0}", token_); last_updated_ = DateTime.Now; token_manager_ = this; return(token_); case 3000: throw new ServerDownException(token_response.response_code, token_response.message); default: throw new Exception("Unrecognized error - bad password? response_code:" + token_response.response_code + " message: " + token_response.message + " code: " + token_response.code); } }
public static SDChannelList GetChannelListByLineupUri(string lineupuri) { return(JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <SDChannelList>( UrlBuilder.BuildWithBasePrefix(lineupuri), JSONClient.empty_request, SDTokenManager.token_manager.token)); }
public static SubscribedLineupsResponse GetSubscribedLineups() { return(JSONClient.GetJSONResponse <SubscribedLineupsResponse>(UrlBuilder.BuildWithAPIPrefix("/lineups"), null, SDTokenManager.token_manager.token)); }