private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string strMess=""; Events evt = new Events(); evt.EventID = EventID; strMess = evt.CheckClassEvent(); if(strMess=="") strMess = evt.CheckProgramEvent(); if(strMess!="") { BusinessLayer.Message.MsgWarning("This Event is linked with" + strMess + ".\n\nEvent cannot be deleted."); Close(); this.DialogResult=DialogResult.Cancel; return; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(rdDeleteChoice.EditValue)) { evt.CalendarEventID = CalendarEventID; evt.DeleteData(false); if (!evt.CheckEventExists(EventID)) { string module = string.Empty; int _uid = 0; int _eventtypeindex = 0; Events objEvent = new Events(); //Returns Course/Program ID _uid = objEvent.GetEvent(EventID, ref module, ref _eventtypeindex); objEvent.EventID = 0; objEvent.UpdateClassEvent(_uid, "EventId"); } } else { evt.DeleteData(true); evt.DeleteCalendarEvent(); string module = string.Empty; int _uid = 0; int _eventtypeindex = 0; Events objEvent = new Events(); //Returns Course/Program ID _uid = objEvent.GetEvent(EventID, ref module, ref _eventtypeindex); objEvent.EventID = 0; objEvent.UpdateClassEvent(_uid, "EventId"); } Close(); this.DialogResult=DialogResult.OK; }
/// <summary> /// Loads Events with filters /// </summary> /// <param name="dtStart">Start date</param> /// <param name="dtEnd">End Date</param> /// <param name="client">Client name</param> /// <param name="instructor">Instructor name</param> /// <param name="program">Programm name</param> /// <param name="course">Course Name</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable FetchGridData(DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd, string client, string instructor, string program, string course) { Events evt = new Events(); return evt.LoadCalendarDataNew(dtStart, dtEnd, client, instructor, program, course); //return evt.LoadCalendarData(dtStart, dtEnd, client, instructor, program, course); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string sConflictingEvent=""; if(!IsValid()) return; //check real teacher first string strOverLapMess=""; strOverLapMess = strOverLapMess.Trim(); //AutoSave=false; //GenerateEvent(IsRecurrenceFlag); //AutoSave=true; if(cmbTeacher2.Text.Trim()!="") { bool Ok=false; if(dtblDates==null) { Ok = IsCheckOverlapTime(ref sConflictingEvent, "Real", ref strOverLapMess); } else { foreach(DataRow dr in dtblDates.Rows) { Ok = IsCheckOverlapTime(ref sConflictingEvent, "Real", dr[0].ToString(), dr[1].ToString(), ref strOverLapMess); if(Ok) break; } } if(Ok) { DialogResult dlg = BusinessLayer.Message.MsgConfirmation( "<" + cmbTeacher2.Text + "> is already scheduled in <" + sConflictingEvent + ">" + strOverLapMess + "\nDo you still wish to save this event?"); if(dlg==DialogResult.No) { return; } } } else { //if real instructor is blank then check scheduled teacher bool Ok=false; if(dtblDates==null) Ok = IsCheckOverlapTime(ref sConflictingEvent, "Scheduled", ref strOverLapMess); else foreach(DataRow dr in dtblDates.Rows) { Ok = IsCheckOverlapTime(ref sConflictingEvent, "Scheduled", dr[0].ToString(), dr[1].ToString(), ref strOverLapMess); if(Ok) break; } if(Ok) { DialogResult dlg = BusinessLayer.Message.MsgConfirmation( "<" + cmbTeacher1.Text + "> is already scheduled in <" + sConflictingEvent + ">" + strOverLapMess + "\nDo you still wish to save this event?"); if(dlg==DialogResult.No) return; } } // Saving Logic /* Differentiate on the basis of current mode. For Edit mode, the event will * be updated after ensuring no conflicts arise as a result of the changes. * For Add, the event will be added after ensuring no conflicts arise. */ Boolean boolSuccess = false; if (_mode == "Edit") { //TODO:Differentiate between Class and Program if(objEvent.CalendarEventID > 0) if (!objEvent.IsConflicting(dtStart.Value, dtEnd.Value)) { SaveCalendarData(dtStart.Value, dtEnd.Value); if (_eventtype == EventType.Initial || _eventtype == EventType.MidTerm || _eventtype == EventType.Final) { objEvent.RepeatRule = ""; objEvent.NegativeException = ""; objEvent.RecurrenceText = ""; objEvent.Description = txtDescription.Text; objEvent.EventStatus = cmbEventStatus.SelectedIndex; boolSuccess = objEvent.UpdateData(); if (!boolSuccess) { Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.ShowException("Updating Event record.", objEvent.Message); return; } } } } else if (_mode == "Add") { //Create a new 'Event' object objEvent = new Events(); if (_eventtype == EventType.Extra) { //Add Extra Class - add record to 'CalendarEvent' table ONLY SaveCalendarEvent(dtStart.Value, dtEnd.Value); } else if (_eventtype == EventType.Final || _eventtype == EventType.Initial || _eventtype == EventType.MidTerm) { //Add Test Event - add record to 'Event' AND 'CalendarEvent' tables AND update 'Course' table string strField = ""; if (intClassID != 0 || intProgramID != 0) { switch (_eventtype) { default: case EventType.Initial: strField = "TestInitialEventID"; break; case EventType.MidTerm: strField = "TestMidtermEventID"; break; case EventType.Final: strField = "TestFinalEventID"; break; } SaveData(); SaveCalendarEvent(dtStart.Value, dtEnd.Value); if (intClassID != 0) objEvent.UpdateClassEvent(intClassID, strField); else if (intProgramID != 0) objEvent.UpdateProgramEvent(intProgramID, strField); } } } /* if(boolSaveSeries) { SaveData(); if(_mode=="Edit") objEvent.DeleteCalendarEvent(); //GenerateEvent(IsRecurrenceFlag); } else SaveCalendarData(dtStart.Value, dtEnd.Value); if(!OpenFromClsProg) { //Updating the Test Event string strField=""; if(intClassID!=0) { if(cmbEvent.SelectedIndex==0) strField="EventID"; else if(cmbEvent.SelectedIndex==1) strField="TestInitialEventID"; else if(cmbEvent.SelectedIndex==2) strField="TestMidtermEventID"; else if(cmbEvent.SelectedIndex==3) strField="TestFinalEventID"; objEvent.UpdateTestEvent("Class", strField, objEvent.EventID, intClassID); } else if(intProgramID!=0) { if(cmbEvent.SelectedIndex==0) strField="TestInitialEventID"; else if(cmbEvent.SelectedIndex==1) strField="TestMidtermEventID"; else if(cmbEvent.SelectedIndex==2) strField="TestFinalEventID"; objEvent.UpdateTestEvent("Program", strField, objEvent.EventID, intProgramID); } else { objEvent.RemoveTestEvent(objEvent.EventID, intClassID); } } */ this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
public void LoadData() { if(_mode=="Edit") { DataTable dtbl=null; this.Text = "Editing Event..."; objEvent=new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Events(); objEvent.EventID = _eventid; if(_calendareventid>0) objEvent.CalendarEventID=_calendareventid; dtbl = objEvent.LoadData(); string strClient="", strDept="", strClass="", strProgram=""; foreach(DataRow dr in dtbl.Rows) { if(dr["Client"]!=System.DBNull.Value) strClient = dr["Client"].ToString(); if(dr["Department"]!=System.DBNull.Value) strDept = dr["Department"].ToString(); if(dr["Program"]!=System.DBNull.Value) strProgram = dr["Program"].ToString(); if(dr["Class"]!=System.DBNull.Value) strClass = dr["Class"].ToString(); if(dr["ProgramID"]!=System.DBNull.Value) intProgramID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ProgramID"].ToString()); if(dr["CourseID"]!=System.DBNull.Value) intClassID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CourseID"].ToString()); cmbClient.Text = strClient; if(strClient.Trim()!="") { intClientID = Common.GetCompanyID( "Select ContactID From Contact " + "Where (CompanyName =@CompanyName OR NickName=@CompanyName)", cmbClient.Text ); if(intClientID!=0) { cmbDept.Text = strDept; intDepartmentID = Common.GetCompanyID( "Select D.DepartmentID from Department D, Contact C " + "Where D.ContactID=C.ContactID and (C.CompanyName= @CompanyName OR NickName=@CompanyName)", cmbDept.Text ); } if(intDepartmentID!=0) { cmbProgram.Text = strProgram; intProgramID = Common.GetCompanyID( "Select ProgramID From Program " + "Where ([Name]= @CompanyName OR NickName=@CompanyName)", cmbProgram.Text ); } if(intProgramID!=0) { cmbClass.Text = strClass; intClassID = Common.GetCompanyID( "Select CourseID From Course " + "Where ([Name]= @CompanyName OR NickName=@CompanyName) and ProgramID=" + intProgramID.ToString(), cmbClass.Text ); } if(dr["TestEvent"]!=System.DBNull.Value) { cmbEvent.Text = dr["TestEvent"].ToString(); cmbEvent.Tag = cmbEvent.SelectedIndex.ToString(); } } RepeatRule= dr["RepeatRule"].ToString(); NegativeException = dr["NegetiveException"].ToString(); txtName.Text = dr["Name"].ToString(); txtPhonetic.Text = dr["NamePhonetic"].ToString(); txtRomaji.Text = dr["NameRomaji"].ToString(); if (dr["EventType"] != System.DBNull.Value) { cmbEventType.SelectedIndex = cmbEventType.Items.IndexOf(dr["EventType"].ToString()); switch (dr["EventType"].ToString()) { case "Extra Class": _eventtype = EventType.Extra; break; case "Test Initial": _eventtype = EventType.Initial; break; case "Test Midterm": _eventtype = EventType.MidTerm; break; case "Test Final": _eventtype = EventType.Final; break; } } else SetDefaultEventType(); //cmbEventType.SelectedIndex = -1; txtLocation.Text = dr["Location"].ToString(); cmbBlock.Text = dr["BlockCode"].ToString(); txtRoomNo.Text = dr["RoomNumber"].ToString(); txtDescription.Text = dr["Description"].ToString(); txtNote.Text = dr["Note"].ToString(); if(dr["ExceptionReason"]!=System.DBNull.Value) cmbExceptionReason.Text = dr["ExceptionReason"].ToString(); cmbEventStatus.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt16(dr["EventStatus"].ToString()); cmbTeacher1.Text = dr["ScheduledTeacher"].ToString(); cmbTeacher2.Text = dr["RealTeacher"].ToString(); txtChangeReason.Text = dr["ChangeReason"].ToString(); if(dr["IsHoliday"]==System.DBNull.Value) chkIsHoliday.Checked=false; else chkIsHoliday.Checked = (Convert.ToInt16(dr["IsHoliday"])>0); XMLData = dr["RepeatRule"].ToString(); if(dr["RecurrenceText"]!=System.DBNull.Value) if(dr["RecurrenceText"].ToString()!="") IsRecurrenceFlag = 1; dtStart.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["StartDateTime"].ToString()); dtEnd.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EndDateTime"].ToString()); StartTime = dtStart.Value.ToString("HH:mm"); EndTime = dtEnd.Value.ToString("HH:mm"); try { SetTime(cmbStartTime, Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime).ToString("HH:mm")); SetTime(cmbEndTime, Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime).ToString("HH:mm")); } catch{} dtDateComplete.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DateCompleted"].ToString()); StartDate = dtStart.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbStartTime.Text; EndDate = dtEnd.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbEndTime.Text; break; } if (dtbl.Rows.Count <= 0) { _mode = "Add"; _eventid = 0; dtDateComplete.Value = DateTime.Now; dtStart.Value = DateTime.Now; dtEnd.Value = DateTime.Now; if (File.Exists(strAppPath)) File.Delete(strAppPath); this.Text = "Adding Event..."; //GenerateTimeCombo(); cmbEventStatus.SelectedIndex = 0; SetDefaultEventType(); //cmbEventType.SelectedIndex = -1; } } }
/// <summary> /// Saves data to the 'Event' Table /// </summary> private void SaveData() { bool boolSuccess; objEvent=null; /* if(File.Exists(strAppPath)) { StreamReader re = File.OpenText(strAppPath); XMLData = re.ReadToEnd(); re.Close(); re=null; } else { XMLData=""; IsRecurrenceFlag=0; }*/ objEvent=new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Events(); objEvent.EventID=0; //objEvent.RepeatRule = XMLData; objEvent.RepeatRule = ""; objEvent.NegativeException = ""; objEvent.RecurrenceText = ""; objEvent.Description = txtDescription.Text; objEvent.EventStatus = cmbEventStatus.SelectedIndex; /* if(IsRecurrenceFlag>0) objEvent.RecurrenceText = lblRecurrenceText.Text; else objEvent.RecurrenceText = ""; */ if(objEvent.Exists()) { Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.MsgInformation("Duplicate Name not allowed"); txtName.Focus(); return; } boolSuccess = objEvent.InsertData(); _eventid = objEvent.EventID; if(!boolSuccess) { Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.ShowException("Inserting Event record.", objEvent.Message); return; } //this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; //Close(); }
/* private void GenerateEvent(int IsRecur) { DateTime StartDate = dtStart.Value; DateTime EndDate = dtEnd.Value; if(IsRecur>0) { if(ReccType=="Daily") { if(Pattern1!="") { GenerateDataForDaily("EveryDay"); } else if(Pattern2!="") { GenerateDataForDaily("EveryWeekDay"); } } else if(ReccType=="Weekly") { if(Pattern1!="") { GenerateDataForWeekly(); } } else if(ReccType=="Monthly") { if(Pattern1!="") { GenerateDataForMonthly(); } } else if(ReccType=="Yearly") { if(Pattern1!="") { GenerateDataForYearly(); } } } else { //No Recurrence.... SaveCalendarEvent(StartDate, EndDate); } } private void GenerateDataForDaily(string option) { int NoOfRecords=0; DateTime StartDate=Convert.ToDateTime(null); StartDate = dtStart.Value; if(NoEntries=="") { TimeSpan ts = dtEnd.Value - StartDate; NoOfRecords = ts.Days; NoOfRecords++; } else { NoOfRecords = Convert.ToInt16(NoEntries); if(option=="EveryWeekDay") { NoOfRecords = NoOfRecords*7; } } if(option=="EveryDay") { while(NoOfRecords>0) { //MessageBox.Show(StartDate.ToString()); SaveCalendarEvent(StartDate, StartDate); StartDate = StartDate.AddDays(1); NoOfRecords--; } } else if(option=="EveryWeekDay") { bool boolOk=false; while(NoOfRecords>0) { if((Pattern2=="Monday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Monday)) boolOk=true; else if((Pattern2=="Tuesday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Tuesday)) boolOk=true; else if((Pattern2=="Wednesday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Wednesday)) boolOk=true; else if((Pattern2=="Thursday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Thursday)) boolOk=true; else if((Pattern2=="Friday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Friday)) boolOk=true; else if((Pattern2=="Saturday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Saturday)) boolOk=true; else if((Pattern2=="Sunday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Sunday)) boolOk=true; if(boolOk) { //MessageBox.Show(StartDate.ToString()); SaveCalendarEvent(StartDate, StartDate); } StartDate = StartDate.AddDays(1); NoOfRecords--; boolOk=false; } } } private void GenerateDataForWeekly() { int NoOfRecords=0; DateTime StartDate=Convert.ToDateTime(null); StartDate = dtStart.Value; int WeekNo=0; string WeekDay=""; WeekNo = Convert.ToInt16(Pattern1); string[] arr = Pattern2.Split(new char[]{'|'}); int counter=arr.Length-1; WeekDay = Pattern2; bool boolEntries=false; if(NoEntries=="") { TimeSpan ts = dtEnd.Value - StartDate; NoOfRecords = ts.Days; NoOfRecords++; } else { NoOfRecords = Convert.ToInt16(NoEntries); boolEntries=true; } bool boolOk=false; int cnt=0; while(NoOfRecords>0) { foreach(string s in arr) { if(s!="") { boolOk=false; if((s=="Monday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Monday)) boolOk=true; else if((s=="Tuesday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Tuesday)) boolOk=true; else if((s=="Wednesday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Wednesday)) boolOk=true; else if((s=="Thursday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Thursday)) boolOk=true; else if((s=="Friday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Friday)) boolOk=true; else if((s=="Saturday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Saturday)) boolOk=true; else if((s=="Sunday") && (StartDate.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Sunday)) boolOk=true; if(boolOk) { if(cnt<counter) { if(boolOk) { boolOk=false; } SaveCalendarEvent(StartDate, StartDate); if(boolEntries) NoOfRecords--; } cnt++; } } } if(cnt==WeekNo*counter) cnt=0; StartDate = StartDate.AddDays(1); if(boolEntries==false) NoOfRecords--; } } private void GenerateDataForMonthly() { int NoOfRecords=0; DateTime StartDate=Convert.ToDateTime(null); StartDate = dtStart.Value; int DayNo=0; int MonthFreqiency=0; DayNo = Convert.ToInt16(Pattern1); MonthFreqiency = Convert.ToInt16(Pattern2); if(NoEntries=="") { TimeSpan ts = dtEnd.Value - StartDate; NoOfRecords = ts.Days; NoOfRecords++; } else { NoOfRecords = Convert.ToInt16(NoEntries); DateTime dtCaclEnd = StartDate.AddMonths(NoOfRecords); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(); ts = dtCaclEnd.Subtract(StartDate); NoOfRecords = (int)Math.Round(ts.TotalDays,0); //NoOfRecords = NoOfRecords*31; } bool boolOk=false; int cnt=0; while(NoOfRecords>0) { if(StartDate.Day==DayNo) boolOk=true; if(boolOk) { if(cnt==0) { //MessageBox.Show(StartDate.ToString()); SaveCalendarEvent(StartDate, StartDate); } cnt++; if(cnt==MonthFreqiency) cnt=0; } StartDate = StartDate.AddDays(1); NoOfRecords--; boolOk=false; } } private void GenerateDataForYearly() { int NoOfRecords=0; DateTime StartDate=Convert.ToDateTime(null); StartDate = dtStart.Value; string Month=""; int DayNo=0; Month = Pattern1; DayNo = Convert.ToInt16(Pattern2); if(NoEntries=="") { TimeSpan ts = dtEnd.Value - StartDate; NoOfRecords = ts.Days; NoOfRecords++; } else { NoOfRecords = Convert.ToInt16(NoEntries); NoOfRecords = NoOfRecords*366; } int MonthNo=0; bool boolOk=false; if(Month=="January") MonthNo=1; else if(Month=="February") MonthNo=2; else if(Month=="March") MonthNo=3; else if(Month=="April") MonthNo=4; else if(Month=="May") MonthNo=5; else if(Month=="June") MonthNo=6; else if(Month=="July") MonthNo=7; else if(Month=="August") MonthNo=8; else if(Month=="September") MonthNo=9; else if(Month=="October") MonthNo=10; else if(Month=="November") MonthNo=11; else if(Month=="December") MonthNo=12; while(NoOfRecords>0) { if((StartDate.Day==DayNo) && (StartDate.Month==MonthNo)) boolOk=true; if(boolOk) { //MessageBox.Show(StartDate.ToString()); SaveCalendarEvent(StartDate, StartDate); } StartDate = StartDate.AddDays(1); NoOfRecords--; boolOk=false; } } */ //Adds a Calendar Event to database private void SaveCalendarEvent(DateTime mStart, DateTime mEnd) { /* if(!AutoSave) { if(dtblDates!=null) { dtblDates.Rows.Add(new object[]{mStart, mEnd}); } return true; }*/ bool boolSuccess=false; string StartTime=""; string EndTime=""; int startlength=8; int endlength=8; if(objEvent==null) objEvent = new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Events(); objEvent.EventID = _eventid; objEvent.Name = txtName.Text; objEvent.NamePhonetic = txtPhonetic.Text; objEvent.NameRomaji = txtRomaji.Text; string[] arr1 = cmbTeacher1.Text.Split(new char[]{','}); string[] arr2 = cmbTeacher1.Text.Split(new char[]{','}); string str1="", str2=""; str1 = arr1[0].Trim(); if(arr1.Length>1) str2 = arr1[1].Trim(); objEvent.SchedulerTeacherID = Common.GetTeacherID( "Select ContactID From Contact " + "Where FirstName =@FirstName and LastName = @LastName and ContactType=1 ", str2, str1 ); str1=""; str2=""; arr1 = cmbTeacher2.Text.Split(new char[]{','}); arr2 = cmbTeacher2.Text.Split(new char[]{','}); str1 = arr2[0].Trim(); if(arr2.Length>1) str2 = arr2[1].Trim(); objEvent.RealTeacherID = Common.GetTeacherID( "Select ContactID From Contact " + "Where FirstName =@FirstName and LastName = @LastName and ContactType=1 ", str2, str1 ); objEvent.EventType = cmbEventType.Text; objEvent.Location = txtLocation.Text; objEvent.BlockCode = cmbBlock.Text; objEvent.RoomNo = txtRoomNo.Text; objEvent.ChangeReason = txtChangeReason.Text; try { startlength = cmbStartTime.Text.Length; endlength = cmbEndTime.Text.Length; StartTime = mStart.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbStartTime.Text.Trim(); EndTime = mEnd.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbEndTime.Text.Trim(); mStart=Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime); mEnd=Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime); } catch{} objEvent.StartDate = mStart; objEvent.EndDate = mEnd; objEvent.DateCompleted = dtDateComplete.Value; if(chkIsHoliday.Checked) objEvent.IsHoliday = 1; else objEvent.IsHoliday = 0; objEvent.Description = txtDescription.Text; objEvent.Notes = txtNote.Text; objEvent.ExceptionReason = cmbExceptionReason.Text; objEvent.CalendarEventStatus = cmbEventStatus.SelectedIndex; boolSuccess = objEvent.InsertCalendarEventData(); if(!boolSuccess) { Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.ShowException("Inserting Calendar Event record.", objEvent.Message); return; } }
public void OpenEvent() { int row = 0; int intEventID = 0; bool IsRecur = false; row = gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle; if (gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle < 0) { Message.MsgInformation("No record exists."); return; } intEventID = Convert.ToInt32(gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, gcolEventID)); int intCalID = Convert.ToInt32(gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, colCalendarEventID).ToString()); //int CourseId = Common.ConvertToInteger(gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, gcolCourseId).ToString()); //int ProgramID = Common.ConvertToInteger(gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, gcolProgramId).ToString()); string strEventType = gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, gcolEventType).ToString(); if (gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, gcolIsRecur).ToString() != "") IsRecur = true; int Option = -1; if (IsRecur) { if (strEventType != "Extra Class") { frmOpenEvents frmOpenEvt = new frmOpenEvents(); if (frmOpenEvt.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Option = frmOpenEvt.Option; } else { frmOpenEvt.Close(); frmOpenEvt.Dispose(); return; } } } //frmEventDlg fEvtDlg = null; //Option '0' means a single occurence and '1' means the entire series if (Option == 1) { //fEvtDlg=new frmEventDlg(intEventID, intCalID); //fEvtDlg.Mode="Edit"; //fEvtDlg.EventID = intEventID; //fEvtDlg.LoadData(); string module = string.Empty; int _uid = 0; int _eventtypeindex = 0; Events objEvent = new Events(); //Returns Course/Program ID _uid = objEvent.GetEvent(intEventID, ref module, ref _eventtypeindex); if (module != "") { if (module == "Class") { frmClassDlg frm = new frmClassDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex, intCalID); frm.Mode = "Edit"; //if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) frm.ShowDialog(); { LoadEvent(); frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } else if (module == "Program") { frmProgramDlg frm = new frmProgramDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex); frm.Mode = "Edit"; //if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) frm.ShowDialog(); { LoadEvent(); frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } } // else // { // fEvtDlg=new frmEventDlg(); // fEvtDlg.Mode="Edit"; // fEvtDlg.EventID = intEventID; // fEvtDlg.LoadData(); // } } /*else if(Option==-1 && strEventType!="Event") { //For Extra Classes and Test Events; fEvtDlg = new frmEventDlg(int.Parse(gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, gcolEventID).ToString()), int.Parse(gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, colCalendarEventID).ToString())); fEvtDlg.Mode = "Edit"; fEvtDlg.CourseId = CourseId; Course _course = new Course(); _course.CourseId = CourseId; _course.LoadData(); fEvtDlg.AllowExtraClasses = _course.IsRecurring(); if (fEvtDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) LoadEvent(); fEvtDlg.Close(); fEvtDlg.Dispose(); fEvtDlg = null; }*/ else { string module = string.Empty; int _uid = 0; int _eventtypeindex = 0; Events objEvent = new Events(); _uid = objEvent.GetEvent(intEventID, ref module, ref _eventtypeindex); if (strEventType == "Extra Class") _eventtypeindex = 4; if (module != "") { if (module == "Class") { frmClassDlg frm = new frmClassDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex); frm.Mode = "Edit"; // if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) frm.ShowDialog(); { LoadEvent(); frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } else if (module == "Program") { frmProgramDlg frm = new frmProgramDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex); frm.Mode = "Edit"; // if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) frm.ShowDialog(); { LoadEvent(); frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } } // else // { // fEvtDlg=new frmEventDlg(); // fEvtDlg.Mode="Edit"; // fEvtDlg.EventID = intEventID; // fEvtDlg.LoadData(); // } } /* if(fEvtDlg!=null) { if(fEvtDlg.ShowDialog()==DialogResult.OK) { LoadEvent(); } fEvtDlg.Close(); fEvtDlg.Dispose(); fEvtDlg=null; } */ gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle = row; }
private void Delete() { if (strMenuOption == "User...") { int Row = fUser.gvwUser.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intUserID = Convert.ToInt32(fUser.gvwUser.GetRowCellValue(fUser.gvwUser.FocusedRowHandle, fUser.gcolUserID).ToString()); int intContactID = Convert.ToInt32(fUser.gvwUser.GetRowCellValue(fUser.gvwUser.FocusedRowHandle, fUser.gcolContactID).ToString()); if (Message.MsgDelete()) { User objUser = new User(); objUser.UserID = intUserID; objUser.ContactID = intContactID; if (!objUser.DeleteData()) { Message.MsgWarning("User cannot be deleted"); fUser.grdUser.Focus(); return; } fUser.LoadUser(); fUser.grdUser.Focus(); fUser.gvwUser.FocusedRowHandle = Row - 1; if (fUser.gvwUser.RowCount > 0) { if (fUser.gvwUser.FocusedRowHandle < 0) { fUser.gvwUser.FocusedRowHandle = 0; } } } } } else if ((strMenuOption == "Contact...") || (strMenuOption == "Instructor...") || (strMenuOption == "Client...")) { string strtemp = ""; int Row = fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intID = Convert.ToInt32( fContact.gvwContact.GetRowCellValue(fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle, fContact.gcolContactID).ToString()); strtemp = strMenuOption; strtemp = strtemp.Replace("...", ""); if (Message.MsgDelete()) { Contact objContact = new Contact(); objContact.ContactID = intID; //objContact.DeleteData(); if (!objContact.DeleteData()) { Message.MsgWarning(strtemp + " cannot be deleted"); fContact.grdContact.Focus(); return; } fContact.LoadContact(strtemp); fContact.grdContact.Focus(); fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle = Row - 1; if (fContact.gvwContact.RowCount > 0) { if (fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle < 0) { fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle = 0; } } } } } else if (strMenuOption == "Department...") { int Row = fDept.gvwDept.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intDeptID = Convert.ToInt32(fDept.gvwDept.GetRowCellValue(fDept.gvwDept.FocusedRowHandle, fDept.gColDeptID).ToString()); int intContactID = Convert.ToInt32(fDept.gvwDept.GetRowCellValue(fDept.gvwDept.FocusedRowHandle, fDept.gColContactID).ToString()); if (Message.MsgDelete()) { Department objDept = new Department(); objDept.DeptID = intDeptID; objDept.ContactID = intContactID; //objDept.DeleteData(); if (!objDept.DeleteData()) { Message.MsgWarning("Department cannot be deleted"); fDept.grdDept.Focus(); return; } fDept.LoadDepartment(); fDept.grdDept.Focus(); fDept.gvwDept.FocusedRowHandle = Row - 1; if (fDept.gvwDept.RowCount > 0) { if (fDept.gvwDept.FocusedRowHandle < 0) { fDept.gvwDept.FocusedRowHandle = 0; } } } } } else if (strMenuOption == "Program...") { int Row = fProgram.gvwProgram.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intID = Convert.ToInt32( fProgram.gvwProgram.GetRowCellValue(fProgram.gvwProgram.FocusedRowHandle, fProgram.gcolProgID).ToString()); if (Message.MsgDelete()) { Program objProg = new Program(); objProg.ProgramID = intID; //objProg.DeleteData(); if (!objProg.DeleteData()) { Message.MsgWarning("Program cannot be deleted"); fProgram.grdProgram.Focus(); return; } fProgram.LoadProgram(); fProgram.grdProgram.Focus(); fProgram.gvwProgram.FocusedRowHandle = Row - 1; if (fProgram.gvwProgram.RowCount > 0) { if (fProgram.gvwProgram.FocusedRowHandle < 0) { fProgram.gvwProgram.FocusedRowHandle = 0; } } } } } else if (strMenuOption == "Class...") { int Row = fCourse.gvwCourse.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intID = Convert.ToInt32( fCourse.gvwCourse.GetRowCellValue(fCourse.gvwCourse.FocusedRowHandle, fCourse.gcolCourseId).ToString()); if (Message.MsgDelete()) { Course objCourse = new Course(); objCourse.CourseId = intID; //objCourse.DeleteData(); if (!objCourse.DeleteData()) { Message.MsgWarning("Class cannot be deleted"); fCourse.grdCourse.Focus(); return; } fCourse.LoadCourse(); fCourse.grdCourse.Focus(); fCourse.gvwCourse.FocusedRowHandle = Row - 1; if (fCourse.gvwCourse.RowCount > 0) { if (fCourse.gvwCourse.FocusedRowHandle < 0) { fCourse.gvwCourse.FocusedRowHandle = 0; } } } } } else if (strMenuOption == "Event...") { int Row = fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle; bool IsRecur = false; if (Row >= 0) { int intID = Convert.ToInt32(fEvt.gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, fEvt.gcolEventID).ToString()); int intCalID = Convert.ToInt32(fEvt.gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, fEvt.colCalendarEventID).ToString()); int CourseId = Convert.ToInt32(fEvt.gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, fEvt.gcolCourseId).ToString()); if (fEvt.gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, fEvt.gcolIsRecur).ToString() != "") IsRecur = true; if (IsRecur) { frmDeleteEvents frmDelEvt = new frmDeleteEvents(intID, intCalID); if (frmDelEvt.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fEvt.LoadEvent(); fEvt.grdEvent.Focus(); fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle = Row - 1; if (fEvt.gvwEvent.RowCount > 0) { if (fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle < 0) fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle = 0; } } frmDelEvt.Close(); frmDelEvt.Dispose(); frmDelEvt = null; } else { if (Message.MsgDelete()) { string strMess = ""; Events evt = new Events(); evt.EventID = intID; strMess = evt.CheckClassEvent(); if (strMess == "") strMess = evt.CheckProgramEvent(); if (strMess != "") { Message.MsgWarning("This Event is linked with" + strMess + ".\n\nEvent cannot be deleted."); return; } //evt.DeleteData(true); if (evt.EventType=="Extra Class") evt.DeleteSingleCalendarEvent(); else evt.DeleteTestEvent("Course", CourseId); fEvt.LoadEvent(); fEvt.grdEvent.Focus(); fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle = Row - 1; if (fEvt.gvwEvent.RowCount > 0) if (fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle < 0) fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle = 0; } } } } else if (strMenuOption == "Calendar...") { if (fCalendar.schedulerControl1.SelectedAppointments.Count > 0) { Appointment apt = fCalendar.schedulerControl1.SelectedAppointments[0]; bool IsRecur = false; controller = new AppointmentFormController(fCalendar.schedulerControl1, apt); int intCalID = Convert.ToInt32(controller.LabelId.ToString()); int intEventID = Common.GetID("select EventID from CalendarEvent where CalendarEventID=" + intCalID.ToString()); string strRecurrenceText = Common.GetString("select RecurrenceText from Event where EventID=" + intEventID.ToString()); if (strRecurrenceText != "") IsRecur = true; if (IsRecur) { frmDeleteEvents frmDelEvt = new frmDeleteEvents(intEventID, intCalID); if (frmDelEvt.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fCalendar.LoadCalendar(); } frmDelEvt.Close(); frmDelEvt.Dispose(); frmDelEvt = null; } else { if (Message.MsgDelete()) { string strMess = ""; Events evt = new Events(); evt.EventID = intEventID; strMess = evt.CheckClassEvent(); if (strMess == "") strMess = evt.CheckProgramEvent(); if (strMess != "") { Message.MsgWarning("This Event is linked with" + strMess + ".\n\nEvent cannot be deleted."); return; } evt.DeleteData(true); fCalendar.LoadCalendar(); } } } } }
private bool SaveCalendarData(int _eventid, int _calid, DateTime mStart, DateTime mEnd) { bool boolSuccess = false; string StartTime = ""; string EndTime = ""; int startlength = 8; int endlength = 8; if (objEvent == null) objEvent = new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Events(); objEvent.EventID = _eventid; objEvent.Name = txtName_I.Text; objEvent.NamePhonetic = txtPhonetic_I.Text; objEvent.NameRomaji = txtRomaji_I.Text; objEvent.CalendarEventID = _calid; string[] arr1 = cmbTeacher1_I.Text.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string[] arr2 = cmbTeacher1_I.Text.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string str1 = "", str2 = ""; str1 = arr1[0].Trim(); if (arr1.Length > 1) str2 = arr1[1].Trim(); objEvent.SchedulerTeacherID = Common.GetTeacherID( "Select ContactID From Contact " + "Where FirstName =@FirstName and LastName = @LastName and ContactType=1 ", str2, str1 ); str1 = ""; str2 = ""; arr1 = cmbTeacher2_I.Text.Split(new char[] { ',' }); arr2 = cmbTeacher2_I.Text.Split(new char[] { ',' }); str1 = arr2[0].Trim(); if (arr2.Length > 1) str2 = arr2[1].Trim(); objEvent.RealTeacherID = Common.GetTeacherID( "Select ContactID From Contact " + "Where FirstName =@FirstName and LastName = @LastName and ContactType=1 ", str2, str1 ); objEvent.ChangeReason = txtChangeReason_I.Text; //objEvent.EventType = cmbEventType_I.SelectedIndex; objEvent.EventType = cmbEventType_I.Text; objEvent.Location = txtLocation_I.Text; objEvent.BlockCode = cmbBlock_I.Text; objEvent.RoomNo = txtRoomNo_I.Text; try { startlength = cmbStartTime.Text.Length; endlength = cmbEndTime.Text.Length; StartTime = mStart.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbStartTime.Text.Trim(); EndTime = mEnd.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbEndTime.Text.Trim(); mStart = Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime); mEnd = Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime); } catch { } objEvent.StartDate = mStart; objEvent.EndDate = mEnd; objEvent.DateCompleted = dtDateComplete_I.Value; if (chkIsHoliday.Checked) objEvent.IsHoliday = 1; else objEvent.IsHoliday = 0; objEvent.Description = txtDescription_I.Text; objEvent.Notes = txtNote_I.Text; objEvent.ExceptionReason = cmbExceptionReason_I.Text; if (chkEventStatus_I.Checked) objEvent.CalendarEventStatus = 1; else objEvent.CalendarEventStatus = 0; //objEvent.CalendarEventStatus = cmbEventStatus_I.SelectedIndex; boolSuccess = objEvent.UpdateCalendarEventData(); if (!boolSuccess) { Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.ShowException("Updating Calendar Event record.", objEvent.Message); } return boolSuccess; }
private void LoadEvent(int _eventid, int CalendarID) { if (saved) { saved = false; return; } if (_eventid == 0) return; _curreventid = _eventid; DataTable dtbl = null; objEvent = new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Events(); objEvent.EventID = _eventid; //pnlTop_I.Visible=false; //btn_ClearRecc.Visible=true; if (CalendarID > 0) objEvent.CalendarEventID = CalendarID; dtbl = objEvent.LoadData(); if (dtbl.Rows.Count <= 0) { _eventid = 0; CalendarID = 0; _calendareventid_Initial = 0; _eventid_Initial = 0; } if (CalendarID != 0) { //means opening a single occurrence pnlTop_I.Visible = true; pnlBottom.Visible = false; objEvent.CalendarEventID = CalendarID; boolSaveSeries_initial = false; } else { pnlTop_I.Visible = false; pnlBottom.Visible = true; //Commented our because the 'Clear Recurrence' button should not be visible for non-repeating class events //btn_ClearRecc.Visible = true; //boolSaveSeries_initial = true; } //Adjust Textbox height if (pnlBottom.Visible) txtNote_I.Height = 130; else txtNote_I.Height = 150; if (dtbl.Rows.Count <= 0) { InitializeEventForm(); return; } foreach (DataRow dr in dtbl.Rows) { RepeatRule = dr["RepeatRule"].ToString(); NegativeException = dr["NegetiveException"].ToString(); txtName_I.Text = dr["Name"].ToString(); txtPhonetic_I.Text = dr["NamePhonetic"].ToString(); txtRomaji_I.Text = dr["NameRomaji"].ToString(); if (dr["EventType"] != System.DBNull.Value) { cmbEventType_I.SelectedIndex = cmbEventType_I.Items.IndexOf(dr["EventType"].ToString()); //cmbEventType_I.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt16(dr["EventType"].ToString()); } else cmbEventType_I.SelectedIndex = -1; txtLocation_I.Text = dr["Location"].ToString(); cmbBlock_I.Text = dr["BlockCode"].ToString(); txtRoomNo_I.Text = dr["RoomNumber"].ToString(); txtDescription_I.Text = dr["Description"].ToString(); txtNote_I.Text = dr["Note"].ToString(); if (dr["ExceptionReason"] != System.DBNull.Value) cmbExceptionReason_I.Text = dr["ExceptionReason"].ToString(); //cmbEventStatus_I.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt16(dr["EventStatus"].ToString()); if (Convert.ToInt16(dr["EventStatus"].ToString()) == 1) chkEventStatus_I.Checked = true; else chkEventStatus_I.Checked = false; cmbTeacher1_I.Text = dr["ScheduledTeacher"].ToString(); cmbTeacher2_I.Text = dr["RealTeacher"].ToString(); txtChangeReason_I.Text = dr["ChangeReason"].ToString(); if (dr["IsHoliday"] == System.DBNull.Value) chkIsHoliday.Checked = false; else chkIsHoliday.Checked = (Convert.ToInt16(dr["IsHoliday"]) > 0); XMLData_Initial = dr["RepeatRule"].ToString(); IsRecurrenceFlag_Initial = 0; if (dr["RecurrenceText"] != System.DBNull.Value) if (dr["RecurrenceText"].ToString() != "") IsRecurrenceFlag_Initial = 1; if (IsRecurrenceFlag_Initial == 1) { //For loading series or one occurrence in a series if (dtblDates == null) { dtblDates = new DataTable(); dtblDates.Columns.Add("StartDate", Type.GetType("System.DateTime")); dtblDates.Columns.Add("EndDate", Type.GetType("System.DateTime")); } else { dtblDates.Rows.Clear(); } FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(strAppPath); StreamWriter Tex = fi.CreateText(); Tex.Write(XMLData_Initial); Tex.Close(); Tex = null; if (AP == null) AP = new Serialize(); AP = AP.Load(strAppPath); if (AP == null) { dtStart.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["StartDateTime"].ToString()); dtEnd.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EndDateTime"].ToString()); cmbStartTime.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["StartDateTime"]).ToString("HH:mm"); SetTime(cmbEndTime, Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EndDateTime"]).ToString("HH:mm")); StartTime = cmbStartTime.Text; EndTime = cmbEndTime.Text; } else { try { setToConfig(); dtStart.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(_startdate_Initial); dtEnd.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(_enddate_Initial); SetTime(cmbStartTime, Convert.ToDateTime(_startdate_Initial).ToString("HH:mm")); SetTime(cmbEndTime, Convert.ToDateTime(_enddate_Initial).ToString("HH:mm")); StartTime = cmbStartTime.Text; EndTime = cmbEndTime.Text; SeforRecurrence(true); } catch { } } } else { //For single class events that do not repeat. dtStart.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["StartDateTime"].ToString()); dtEnd.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EndDateTime"].ToString()); StartTime = dtStart.Value.ToString("HH:mm"); EndTime = dtEnd.Value.ToString("HH:mm"); try { SetTime(cmbStartTime, Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime).ToString("HH:mm")); SetTime(cmbEndTime, Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime).ToString("HH:mm")); } catch { } } if ((_eventid > 0) && (boolSaveSeries_initial == false)) { dtStart.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["StartDateTime"].ToString()); dtEnd.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EndDateTime"].ToString()); string StartTime = ""; string EndTime = ""; StartTime = dtStart.Value.ToString("HH:mm"); EndTime = dtEnd.Value.ToString("HH:mm"); try { //StartTime StartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime).ToString("HH:mm"); if (StartTime.Substring(0, 1) == "0") { StartTime = StartTime.Substring(1, StartTime.Length - 1); } cmbStartTime.Text = StartTime; SetTime(cmbEndTime, Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime).ToString("HH:mm")); } catch { } } dtDateComplete_I.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DateCompleted"].ToString()); StartDate = dtStart.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbStartTime.Text; EndDate = dtEnd.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbEndTime.Text; break; } if (!chkEventStatus_I.Checked && cmbTeacher2_I.SelectedIndex <= 0 && cmbExceptionReason_I.SelectedIndex <= 0 && cmbExceptionReason_I.Text == "") SetEventModificationControls(false); else SetEventModificationControls(true); }
/* private void LoadEvent() { llblEvent.Text = "None"; llblInitialEvt.Text = "None"; llblMidEvt.Text = "None"; llblFinalEvt.Text = "None"; Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Course objCourse=new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Course(); objCourse.CourseId = _courseid; objCourse.LoadData(); foreach(DataRow dr in objCourse.CourseDataTable.Rows) { txtEvent.Text = dr["EventID"].ToString(); txtInitialEvent.Text = dr["TestInitialEventId"].ToString(); txtMidtermEvent.Text = dr["TestMidTermEventId"].ToString(); txtFinalEvent.Text = dr["TestFinalEventId"].ToString(); break; } string strHint=""; llblEvent.Text = objCourse.getEventText(txtEvent.Text, "Event", ref strHint); if(strHint!="") llblEvent.Text = strHint; strHint=""; llblInitialEvt.Text = objCourse.getEventText(txtInitialEvent.Text, "Initial", ref strHint); strHint=""; llblMidEvt.Text = objCourse.getEventText(txtMidtermEvent.Text, "Midterm", ref strHint); strHint=""; llblFinalEvt.Text = objCourse.getEventText(txtEvent.Text, "Event", ref strHint); strHint=""; } */ private bool LoadEvent(int _eventid, ref ArrayList arrEvent) { //SaveEventData(ref _eventid); if (_eventid == 0) return false; DataTable dtbl = null; DateTime dt1 = Convert.ToDateTime(null); DateTime dt2 = Convert.ToDateTime(null); string sReccText = string.Empty; objEvent = new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Events(); objEvent.EventID = _eventid; dtbl = objEvent.LoadData(); if (dtbl.Rows.Count <= 0) { return false; } arrEvent.Add(""); foreach (DataRow dr in dtbl.Rows) { bool IsRecc = false; #region oldCode /*if(dr["RecurrenceText"]!=System.DBNull.Value) { if(dr["RecurrenceText"].ToString()!="") { IsRecc=true; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(strAppPath); StreamWriter Tex =fi.CreateText(); Tex.Write(XMLData_Initial); Tex.Close(); Tex=null; if(AP==null) AP = new Serialize(); AP = AP.Load(strAppPath); if(AP==null) { dt1 = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["StartDateTime"].ToString()); dt2 = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EndDateTime"].ToString()); } else { try { setToConfig(); dt1 = Convert.ToDateTime(_startdate_Initial); dt2 = Convert.ToDateTime(_enddate_Initial); sReccText = SeforRecurrence(); } catch{} } } }*/ #endregion if (IsRecc == false) { dt1 = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["StartDateTime"].ToString()); dt2 = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EndDateTime"].ToString()); } arrEvent.Add(dr["Name"].ToString()); arrEvent.Add(dr["NamePhonetic"].ToString()); arrEvent.Add(dr["NameRomaji"].ToString()); arrEvent.Add(dt1.ToString()); arrEvent.Add(dt2.ToString()); //arrEvent.Add(sReccText.Trim()); arrEvent.Add(dr["Location"].ToString()); arrEvent.Add(dr["BlockCode"].ToString()); arrEvent.Add(dr["RoomNumber"].ToString()); if (dr["IsHoliday"] == System.DBNull.Value) { arrEvent.Add("No"); } else { if (Convert.ToInt16(dr["IsHoliday"]) > 0) arrEvent.Add("Yes"); else arrEvent.Add("No"); } if (dr["DateCompleted"] != System.DBNull.Value) { arrEvent.Add(dr["DateCompleted"].ToString()); } else { arrEvent.Add(""); } if (Convert.ToInt16(dr["EventStatus"].ToString()) == 0) { arrEvent.Add("Active"); } else { arrEvent.Add("Inactive"); } arrEvent.Add(dr["ScheduledTeacher"].ToString()); arrEvent.Add(dr["RealTeacher"].ToString()); if (dr["ChangeReason"] != System.DBNull.Value) { arrEvent.Add(dr["ChangeReason"].ToString()); } else { arrEvent.Add(""); } if (dr["ExceptionReason"] != System.DBNull.Value) { arrEvent.Add(dr["ExceptionReason"].ToString()); } else { arrEvent.Add(""); } if (dr["Description"] != System.DBNull.Value) { arrEvent.Add(dr["Description"].ToString()); } else { arrEvent.Add(""); } if (dr["Note"] != System.DBNull.Value) { arrEvent.Add(dr["Note"].ToString()); } else { arrEvent.Add(""); } break; } return true; }
private void btnDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strMessage = gvwEvents.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvents.FocusedRowHandle, gcolEventType).ToString(); if (Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.MsgDelete(strMessage)) { //Delete Event - both from 'Event' and 'CalendarEvent' int _eid,_ceid; string strEventType; bool boolSuccess = false; _ceid = int.Parse(gvwEvents.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvents.FocusedRowHandle, gcolCaldendarEventID).ToString()); _eid = int.Parse(gvwEvents.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvents.FocusedRowHandle, gcolEventID).ToString()); strEventType = gvwEvents.GetRowCellValue(gvwEvents.FocusedRowHandle, gcolEventType).ToString(); objEvent = new Events(); objEvent.EventID = _eid; objEvent.CalendarEventID = _ceid; objEvent.EventType = strEventType; if (objEvent.EventType == "Extra Class") boolSuccess = objEvent.DeleteSingleCalendarEvent(); else boolSuccess = objEvent.DeleteTestEvent("Course", CourseId); if (!boolSuccess) { Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.ShowException("Deleting Event Data.", objEvent.Message); return; } LoadData(); LoadOtherEvents(); } }
void DeleteEvent() { System.Data.DataRow eventRow = null; if (gvwEvent.SelectedRowsCount > 0) eventRow = gvwEvent.GetDataRow(gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle); if (eventRow != null) { bool isRecur = false; int calEventID = Convert.ToInt32(eventRow["CalendarEventID"]); int eventID = Convert.ToInt32(eventRow["EventID"]); string strRecurrenceText = Common.GetString("select RecurrenceText from Event where EventID=" + eventID.ToString()); if (strRecurrenceText != "") isRecur = true; if (isRecur) { #region Delete Recurrence frmDeleteEvents frmDelEvt = new frmDeleteEvents(eventID, calEventID); if (frmDelEvt.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { LoadEvent(); } frmDelEvt.Close(); frmDelEvt.Dispose(); #endregion } else { #region DeleteEvent if (Message.MsgDelete()) { string strMess; Events evt = new Events(); evt.EventID = eventID; strMess = evt.CheckClassEvent(); if (strMess == "") strMess = evt.CheckProgramEvent(); if (strMess != "") { Message.MsgWarning("This Event is linked with" + strMess + ".\n\nEvent cannot be deleted."); return; } evt.DeleteData(true); if (!evt.CheckEventExists(eventID)) { string module = string.Empty; int _uid = 0; int _eventtypeindex = 0; Events objEvent = new Events(); //Returns Course/Program ID _uid = objEvent.GetEvent(eventID, ref module, ref _eventtypeindex); objEvent.EventID = 0; objEvent.UpdateClassEvent(_uid, "EventId"); } LoadEvent(); } #endregion } } }
private void schedulerControl_EditAppointmentFormShowing(object sender, AppointmentFormEventArgs e) { Appointment apt = e.Appointment; controller = new AppointmentFormController(schedulerControl1, apt); // Required to open the recurrence form via context menu. bool isNewApp = schedulerStorage1.Appointments.IsNewAppointment(apt); if (isNewApp) { e.Handled = true; return; } frmEventDlg fEvtDlg = null; bool IsRecur = false; bool IsExtraClass = false; e.Handled = true; int intCalID = Convert.ToInt32(controller.LabelId.ToString()); int intEventID = Common.GetID("select EventID from CalendarEvent where CalendarEventID=" + intCalID.ToString()); string strRecurrenceText = Common.GetString("select RecurrenceText from Event where EventID=" + intEventID.ToString()); IsExtraClass = apt.Subject.Contains("Extra Class"); if (strRecurrenceText != "") IsRecur = true; int Option = -1; if (IsRecur) { if (!IsExtraClass) { frmOpenEvents frmOpenEvt = new frmOpenEvents(); if (frmOpenEvt.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Option = frmOpenEvt.Option; } else { e.Handled = true; frmOpenEvt.Close(); frmOpenEvt.Dispose(); return; } } } if (Option == 1) { //fEvtDlg=new frmEventDlg(intEventID, intCalID); //fEvtDlg.Mode="Edit"; //fEvtDlg.EventID = intEventID; //fEvtDlg.LoadData(); string module = string.Empty; int _uid; int _eventtypeindex = 0; Events objEvent = new Events(); _uid = objEvent.GetEvent(intEventID, ref module, ref _eventtypeindex); if (module != "") { if (module == "Class") { frmClassDlg frm = new frmClassDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex, intCalID); frm.Mode = "Edit"; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { LoadCalendar(); frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); } } else if (module == "Program") { frmProgramDlg frm = new frmProgramDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex, intCalID); frm.Mode = "Edit"; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { LoadCalendar(); frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); } } } else { fEvtDlg = new frmEventDlg(); fEvtDlg.Mode = "Edit"; fEvtDlg.EventID = intEventID; fEvtDlg.LoadData(); } } else { string module = string.Empty; int _uid; int _eventtypeindex = 0; Events objEvent = new Events(); _uid = objEvent.GetEvent(intEventID, ref module, ref _eventtypeindex); if (IsExtraClass) _eventtypeindex = 4; if (module != "") { if (module == "Class") { frmClassDlg frm = new frmClassDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex); frm.Mode = "Edit"; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { LoadCalendar(); frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); } } else if (module == "Program") { frmProgramDlg frm = new frmProgramDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex); frm.Mode = "Edit"; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { LoadCalendar(); frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); } } } } /* if (fEvtDlg != null) { if (fEvtDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { schedulerStorage1.Appointments.DataSource = FetchGridData(); e.Handled = true; } e.Handled = true; fEvtDlg.Close(); fEvtDlg.Dispose(); }*/ }
private void SaveEventData(ref int _eventid) { bool boolSuccess; objEvent = null; if (File.Exists(strAppPath)) { StreamReader re = File.OpenText(strAppPath); XMLData_Initial = re.ReadToEnd(); re.Close(); re = null; } else { XMLData_Initial = ""; IsRecurrenceFlag_Initial = 0; } objEvent = new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Events(); objEvent.EventID = 0; objEvent.RepeatRule = XMLData_Initial; objEvent.NegativeException = ""; objEvent.Description = txtDescription_I.Text; //if (cmbEventStatus_I.SelectedIndex == -1) // cmbEventStatus_I.SelectedIndex = 0; if (chkEventStatus_I.Checked) objEvent.EventStatus = 1; else objEvent.EventStatus = 0; //objEvent.EventStatus = cmbEventStatus_I.SelectedIndex; if (IsRecurrenceFlag_Initial > 0) objEvent.RecurrenceText = lblRecurrenceText_I.Text; else objEvent.RecurrenceText = ""; if (_eventid <= 0) { if (objEvent.Exists()) { Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.MsgInformation("Duplicate Course Name not allowed"); txtName_I.Focus(); return; } boolSuccess = objEvent.InsertData(); _eventid_Initial = objEvent.EventID; _eventid = objEvent.EventID; setEventID(objEvent.EventID); } else { objEvent.EventID = _eventid; boolSuccess = objEvent.UpdateData(); } if (!boolSuccess) { if (_eventid == 0) Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.ShowException("Inserting Event record.", objEvent.Message); else Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.ShowException("Updating Event record.", objEvent.Message); return; } }
private void iDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (schedulerControl1.SelectedAppointments.Count > 0) { Appointment apt = schedulerControl1.SelectedAppointments[0]; bool IsRecur = false; controller = new AppointmentFormController(schedulerControl1, apt); //int intCalID = Convert.ToInt32(apt.GetValue(schedulerControl1.Storage,"CEID")); int intCalID = Convert.ToInt32(controller.LabelId.ToString()); int intEventID = Common.GetID("select EventID from CalendarEvent where CalendarEventID=" + intCalID.ToString()); string strRecurrenceText = Common.GetString("select RecurrenceText from Event where EventID=" + intEventID.ToString()); if (strRecurrenceText != "") IsRecur = true; if (IsRecur) { frmDeleteEvents frmDelEvt = new frmDeleteEvents(intEventID, intCalID); if (frmDelEvt.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { schedulerStorage1.Appointments.DataSource = FetchGridData(); } frmDelEvt.Close(); frmDelEvt.Dispose(); } else { if (Message.MsgDelete()) { string strMess; Events evt = new Events(); evt.EventID = intEventID; strMess = evt.CheckClassEvent(); if (strMess == "") strMess = evt.CheckProgramEvent(); if (strMess != "") { Message.MsgWarning("This Event is linked with" + strMess + ".\n\nEvent cannot be deleted."); return; } evt.DeleteData(true); schedulerStorage1.Appointments.DataSource = FetchGridData(); } } } }
private void btnDelete1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int _eventid=0; if(Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.MsgDelete()) { Events evt = new Events(); /* if(pnlEvent.Parent==tbpInitial) { _eventid=eventid[0]; evt.EventID = _eventid; evt.DeleteData(true); //Update the Class data evt.UpdateClassEvent("TestInitialEventID", 0, _courseid); eventid[0]=0; } else if(pnlEvent.Parent==tbpMidterm) { _eventid=eventid[1]; evt.EventID = _eventid; evt.DeleteData(true); //Update the Class data evt.UpdateClassEvent("TestMidTermEventID", 0, _courseid); eventid[1]=0; } else if(pnlEvent.Parent==tbpFinal) { _eventid=eventid[2]; evt.EventID = _eventid; evt.DeleteData(true); //Update the Class data evt.UpdateClassEvent("TestFinalEventID", 0, _courseid); eventid[2]=0; } else*/ if(pnlEvent.Parent==tbpClassEvent) { _eventid=eventid[3]; evt.EventID = _eventid; evt.DeleteData(true); //Update the Class data evt.UpdateClassEvent("EventID", 0, _courseid); eventid[3]=0; } _curreventid=0; InitializeEventForm(); IsEventChanged=false; } }
//TO DO: Remove Stored Procs. private void Duplicate() { if (strMenuOption == "User...") { int Row = fUser.gvwUser.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intUserID = Convert.ToInt32(fUser.gvwUser.GetRowCellValue(fUser.gvwUser.FocusedRowHandle, fUser.gcolUserID).ToString()); int intContactID = Convert.ToInt32(fUser.gvwUser.GetRowCellValue(fUser.gvwUser.FocusedRowHandle, fUser.gcolContactID).ToString()); //intContactID = Contact.CloneData(intContactID); //intUserID = User.Clone(intUserID); //Changing the mode to 'AddClone' and passing the same IDs for loading data frmUserDlg fUserDlg = new frmUserDlg(); fUserDlg.Mode = "AddClone"; fUserDlg.UserID = intUserID; fUserDlg.ContactID = intContactID; fUserDlg.LoadData(); fUserDlg.ShowDialog(); fUserDlg.Close(); fUserDlg.Dispose(); fUserDlg = null; ReloadUsersList(); } } else if (strMenuOption == "Contact...") { int Row = fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intID = Convert.ToInt32( fContact.gvwContact.GetRowCellValue(fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle, fContact.gcolContactID).ToString()); //intID = Contact.CloneData(intID); frmContactDlg fContDlg = new frmContactDlg(); fContDlg.Mode = "AddClone"; fContDlg.ContactID = intID; fContDlg.LoadData(); fContDlg.ShowDialog(); fContDlg.Close(); fContDlg.Dispose(); fContDlg = null; ReloadContactsGrid(); } } else if (strMenuOption == "Instructor...") { int Row = fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intID = Convert.ToInt32( fContact.gvwContact.GetRowCellValue(fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle, fContact.gcolContactID).ToString()); //intID = Contact.CloneData(intID); frmInstructorDlg fInstructorDlg = new frmInstructorDlg(); fInstructorDlg.Mode = "AddClone"; fInstructorDlg.ContactID = intID; fInstructorDlg.LoadData(); fInstructorDlg.ShowDialog(); fInstructorDlg.Close(); fInstructorDlg.Dispose(); fInstructorDlg = null; ReloadInstructorsList(); } } else if (strMenuOption == "Client...") { int Row = fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intID = Convert.ToInt32( fContact.gvwContact.GetRowCellValue(fContact.gvwContact.FocusedRowHandle, fContact.gcolContactID).ToString()); //intID = Contact.CloneData(intID); frmClientDlg fClientDlg = new frmClientDlg(); fClientDlg.Mode = "AddClone"; fClientDlg.ContactID = intID; fClientDlg.LoadData(); fClientDlg.ShowDialog(); fClientDlg.Close(); fClientDlg.Dispose(); fClientDlg = null; ReloadClientsList(); } } else if (strMenuOption == "Department...") { int Row = fDept.gvwDept.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intDeptID = Convert.ToInt32(fDept.gvwDept.GetRowCellValue(fDept.gvwDept.FocusedRowHandle, fDept.gColDeptID).ToString()); int intContactID = Convert.ToInt32(fDept.gvwDept.GetRowCellValue(fDept.gvwDept.FocusedRowHandle, fDept.gColContactID).ToString()); //int[] array = new int[2]; //array = Department.CloneData(intDeptID); //intDeptID = array[0]; //intContactID = array[1]; frmDepartmentDlg fDeptDlg = new frmDepartmentDlg(); fDeptDlg.Mode = "AddClone"; fDeptDlg.DeptID = intDeptID; fDeptDlg.ContactID = intContactID; fDeptDlg.LoadData(); fDeptDlg.ShowDialog(); fDeptDlg.Close(); fDeptDlg.Dispose(); fDeptDlg = null; ReloadDepartmentsList(); } } else if (strMenuOption == "Program...") { int Row = fProgram.gvwProgram.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intProgID = Convert.ToInt32( fProgram.gvwProgram.GetRowCellValue(fProgram.gvwProgram.FocusedRowHandle, fProgram.gcolProgID).ToString()); //intProgID = Program.CloneData(intProgID); frmProgramDlg fProgDlg = new frmProgramDlg(intProgID); fProgDlg.Mode = "AddClone"; fProgDlg.LoadData(); fProgDlg.ShowDialog(); fProgDlg.Close(); fProgDlg.Dispose(); fProgDlg = null; ReloadProgramList(); } } else if (strMenuOption == "Class...") { int Row = fCourse.gvwCourse.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { int intID = Convert.ToInt32( fCourse.gvwCourse.GetRowCellValue(fCourse.gvwCourse.FocusedRowHandle, fCourse.gcolCourseId).ToString()); //intID = Course.CloneData(intID); frmClassDlg fClassDlg = new frmClassDlg(); fClassDlg.Mode = "AddClone"; fClassDlg.CourseId = intID; fClassDlg.LoadData(); fClassDlg.ShowDialog(); fClassDlg.Close(); fClassDlg.Dispose(); fClassDlg = null; ReloadClassesList(); } } else if (strMenuOption == "Event...") { if (fEvt != null) { int Row = fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle; if (Row >= 0) { bool IsRecur = false; int intID = Convert.ToInt32(fEvt.gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, fEvt.gcolEventID).ToString()); int intCalID = Convert.ToInt32(fEvt.gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, fEvt.colCalendarEventID).ToString()); if (fEvt.gvwEvent.GetRowCellValue(fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle, fEvt.gcolIsRecur).ToString() != "") IsRecur = true; int Option = -1; if (IsRecur) { frmOpenEvents frmOpenEvt = new frmOpenEvents(); if (frmOpenEvt.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Option = frmOpenEvt.Option; } else { frmOpenEvt.Close(); frmOpenEvt.Dispose(); frmOpenEvt = null; return; } } //this part was copy-pasted from frmCalendar.cs we exit if no module linked to the event string module = string.Empty; int _uid = 0; int _eventtypeindex = 0; Events objEvent = new Events(); _uid = objEvent.GetEvent(intID, ref module, ref _eventtypeindex); if (module == "") { return; } //--- //frmEventDlg fEvtDlg = null; if (Option == 1) { if (module == "Class") { frmClassDlg frm = new frmClassDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex, intCalID); frm.Mode = "AddClone"; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } else if (module == "Program") { frmProgramDlg frm = new frmProgramDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex, intCalID); frm.Mode = "AddClone"; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } /* fEvtDlg = new frmEventDlg(intID, intCalID); fEvtDlg.Mode = "Edit"; fEvtDlg.EventID = intID; fEvtDlg.LoadData(); */ } else { if (module == "Class") { frmClassDlg frm = new frmClassDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex); frm.Mode = "AddClone"; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } else if (module == "Program") { frmProgramDlg frm = new frmProgramDlg(_uid, _eventtypeindex); frm.Mode = "AddClone"; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); frm = null; } } /* fEvtDlg = new frmEventDlg(); fEvtDlg.Mode = "Edit"; fEvtDlg.EventID = intID; fEvtDlg.LoadData(); */ } /* if (fEvtDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fEvt.LoadEvent(); } fEvtDlg.Close(); fEvtDlg.Dispose(); fEvtDlg = null; fEvt.gvwEvent.FocusedRowHandle = Row; */ } }/* else { }*/ } else if (strMenuOption == "Calendar...") { if (fCalendar.schedulerControl1.SelectedAppointments.Count > 0) { Appointment apt = fCalendar.schedulerControl1.SelectedAppointments[0]; bool IsRecur = false; controller = new AppointmentFormController(fCalendar.schedulerControl1, apt); int intCalID = Convert.ToInt32(controller.LabelId.ToString()); int intEventID = Common.GetID("select EventID from CalendarEvent where CalendarEventID=" + intCalID.ToString()); string strRecurrenceText = Common.GetString("select RecurrenceText from Event where EventID=" + intEventID.ToString()); if (strRecurrenceText != "") IsRecur = true; int Option = -1; if (IsRecur) { frmOpenEvents frmOpenEvt = new frmOpenEvents(); if (frmOpenEvt.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Option = frmOpenEvt.Option; } else { frmOpenEvt.Close(); frmOpenEvt.Dispose(); frmOpenEvt = null; return; } } frmEventDlg fEvtDlg = null; if (Option == 1) { fEvtDlg = new frmEventDlg(intEventID, intCalID); fEvtDlg.Mode = "Edit"; fEvtDlg.EventID = intEventID; fEvtDlg.LoadData(); } else { fEvtDlg = new frmEventDlg(); fEvtDlg.Mode = "Edit"; fEvtDlg.EventID = intEventID; fEvtDlg.LoadData(); } if (fEvtDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fCalendar.LoadCalendar(); } fEvtDlg.Close(); fEvtDlg.Dispose(); fEvtDlg = null; } } }
public void LoadEvent() { isProcess=false; //int year=0, month=0; DateTime dtStart = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value; DateTime dtEnd = SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value; if(IsLoad) { PopulateDropDowns(); LoadFilterSettings(); } if (datePickerStart.Checked) dtStart = datePickerStart.Value; if (datePickerEnd.Checked) dtEnd = datePickerEnd.Value; IsLoad=false; objEvent = new Events(); //dtbl = objEvent.LoadData(dtStart, dtEnd, cmbClient.Text, cmbInstructor.Text, cmbProgram.Text, cmbClass.Text); //dtbl = objEvent.LoadData(dtStart, dtEnd, ((ValuePair)cmbClient.SelectedItem).Value, ((ValuePair)cmbInstructor.SelectedItem).Value, "", "",true); if (!isNewLoad) { dtbl = objEvent.LoadDataNew(dtStart, dtEnd, ((ValuePair)cmbClient.SelectedItem).Value, ((ValuePair)cmbInstructor.SelectedItem).Value, ((ValuePair)cmbProgram.SelectedItem).Value, ((ValuePair)cmbClass.SelectedItem).Value, true); //dtbl = objEvent.LoadDataNew(dtStart, dtEnd, "", "", "", "", true); grdEvent.DataSource = dtbl; } isProcess = true; isNewLoad = false; }