public byte[] GetAllMsgBuff(AsyncUserToken toKen) { lock (locker1) { foreach (AsyncUserToken x in connList) { if (CompApInfo(x, toKen)) { byte[] rev = x.Buffer.GetRange(0, x.Buffer.Count).ToArray(); return(rev); } } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条消息Id与App信息对应关系 /// </summary> /// <param name="toKen">Ap信息</param> /// <param name="msgId2App">id与App对应关系</param> /// <returns>成功:true ;失败:false</returns> public bool AddMsgId2App(AsyncUserToken toKen, MsgId2App msgId2App) { lock (locker1) { DeviceDicKey dicKey = new DeviceDicKey(toKen.IPAddress.ToString(), toKen.Port); if (connList.ContainsKey(dicKey)) { msgId2App.AddTime = DateTime.Now; connList[dicKey].msgId2App.Add(msgId2App); return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 更改最后收到消息的时间为当前时间 /// </summary> /// <param name="toKen"></param> /// <returns>成功:true ;失败:false</returns> public bool ChangeEndMsgTime(AsyncUserToken toKen) { lock (locker1) { foreach (AsyncUserToken x in connList) { if (CompApInfo(x, toKen)) { x.EndMsgTime = DateTime.Now; return(true); } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 获取AP在MainController模块的在线状态 /// </summary> /// <param name="toKen">AP信息</param> /// <returns>状态</returns> public string GetMainControllerStatus(AsyncUserToken toKen) { string str = "unknown"; lock (locker1) { DeviceDicKey dicKey = new DeviceDicKey(toKen.IPAddress.ToString(), toKen.Port); if (connList.ContainsKey(dicKey)) { str = connList[dicKey].MainControllerStatus; } } return(str); }
/// <summary> /// 设置AP在MainController模块的在线状态 /// </summary> /// <param name="status">状态</param> /// <param name="toKen">AP信息</param> /// <returns>修改成功返回true,否则返回false</returns> public bool SetMainControllerStatus(string status, AsyncUserToken toKen) { lock (locker1) { foreach (AsyncUserToken x in connList) { if (CompApInfo(x, toKen)) { x.MainControllerStatus = status; return(true); } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 向设备列表中添加收到的消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="toKen">设备信息</param> /// <param name="buff">收到的消息</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AddMsgBuff(AsyncUserToken toKen, byte[] buff) { lock (locker1) { foreach (AsyncUserToken x in connList) { if (CompApInfo(x, toKen)) { x.Buffer.AddRange(buff); x.EndMsgTime = DateTime.Now; return(true); } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 根据设备SN,查找设备信息(不区分大小写) /// </summary> /// <param name="sn">设备sn</param> /// <returns>设备信息,未找到返回null</returns> public AsyncUserToken FindBySN(string sn) { AsyncUserToken toKen = null; lock (locker1) { foreach (AsyncUserToken x in connList) { if (String.Compare(x.Sn, sn, true) == 0) { return(x); } } } return(toKen); }
/// <summary> /// 根据设备全名,查找设备信息(不区分大小写) /// </summary> /// <param name="fullname">设备全名</param> /// <returns>设备信息,未找到返回null</returns> public AsyncUserToken FindByFullname(string fullname) { AsyncUserToken toKen = null; lock (locker1) { foreach (AsyncUserToken x in connList) { if (String.Compare(x.FullName, fullname, true) == 0) { return(x); } } } return(toKen); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条消息Id与App信息对应关系 /// </summary> /// <param name="toKen">Ap信息</param> /// <param name="msgId2App">id与App对应关系</param> /// <returns>成功:true ;失败:false</returns> public bool AddMsgId2App(AsyncUserToken toKen, MsgId2App msgId2App) { lock (locker1) { foreach (AsyncUserToken x in connList) { if (CompApInfo(x, toKen)) { msgId2App.AddTime = DateTime.Now; x.msgId2App.Add(msgId2App); return(true); } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 透传MainController模块过来的消息给设备 /// </summary> /// <param name="MainMsg"></param> private void Send2ap_TransparentMsg(InterModuleMsgStruct MainMsg) { AsyncUserToken apToKen = MyDeviceList.FindByApInfo(MainMsg.ApInfo); if (apToKen == null) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.WARN, string.Format("在线AP列表中找不到Ap[{0}:{1}]设备({2})!", MainMsg.ApInfo.IP, MainMsg.ApInfo.Port.ToString(), MainMsg.ApInfo.Fullname)); return; } string sendMsg = GetMsgStringValueInList("transparent_msg", MainMsg.Body); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendMsg)) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, string.Format("透传XML消息为空!")); Send2APP_GeneralError(MainMsg.ApInfo, MainMsg.AppInfo, MainMsg.Body.type, string.Format("透传XML消息为空!")); return; } if (!Regex.IsMatch(sendMsg, "<\\s*id\\s*>.+<\\s*/\\s*id\\s*>")) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, string.Format("透传的XML消息中没有id项!")); Send2APP_GeneralError(MainMsg.ApInfo, MainMsg.AppInfo, MainMsg.Body.type, string.Format("透传的XML消息中没有id项!")); return; } UInt16 id = ApMsgIdClass.addTransparentMsgId(); sendMsg = Regex.Replace(sendMsg, "<\\s*id\\s*>.+<\\s*/\\s*id\\s*>", string.Format("<id>{0}</id>", id)); MsgId2App msgId2App = new MsgId2App(); = id; msgId2App.AppInfo = MainMsg.AppInfo; if (!MyDeviceList.AddMsgId2App(apToKen, msgId2App)) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, string.Format("添加消息Id到设备列表出错!")); Send2APP_GeneralError(MainMsg.ApInfo, MainMsg.AppInfo, MainMsg.Body.type, string.Format("添加消息Id到设备列表出错!")); return; } SendMsg2Ap(apToKen, MainMsg.Body.type, sendMsg); }
public void CloseClientSocket(AsyncUserToken token) { lock (m_clients) { m_clients.Remove(token); } //如果有事件,则调用事件,发送客户端数量变化通知 //log(LogInfoType.EROR, string.Format("设备[{0}:{1}]TCP连接断开!当前连接数:{2}!", // token.IPAddress.ToString(), token.Port, m_clients.Count)); try { token.Socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Send); } catch (Exception) { } token.Socket.Close(); // decrement the counter keeping track of the total number of clients connected to the server Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_clientCount); m_maxNumberAcceptedClients.Release(); }
// This method is invoked when an asynchronous send operation completes. // The method issues another receive on the socket to read any additional // data sent from the client // // <param name="e"></param> private void ProcessSend(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success) { // done echoing data back to the client AsyncUserToken token = (AsyncUserToken)e.UserToken; // read the next block of data send from the client bool willRaiseEvent = token.Socket.ReceiveAsync(e); if (!willRaiseEvent) { ProcessReceive(e); } } else { CloseClientSocket(e); } }
/// <summary> /// 向MainController模块发送状态改变消息(LTE/WCDMA状态) /// </summary> /// <param name="apToKen">AP信息,包含改变后的状态</param> /// <param name="OldDetail">改变前的状态</param> protected void Send2ap_ApStatusChange_LTE(AsyncUserToken apToKen, UInt32 detail, Byte ApReadySt) { UInt32 oldDetail = apToKen.Detail; byte oldApReadySt = apToKen.ApReadySt; OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.DEBG, "oldDetail=" + oldDetail + ";detail=" + detail + ";oldApReadySt=" + oldApReadySt + ";ApReadySt=" + ApReadySt); //状态改变时才发送消息 //需去掉上下线状态,再比较 if (((detail | AP_STATUS_LTE.OnLine) == (oldDetail | AP_STATUS_LTE.OnLine)) && (oldApReadySt == ApReadySt)) { return; } string st = Enum.GetName(typeof(ApReadyStEnum), ApReadySt); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(st)) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, string.Format("收到设备[{0}:{1}]的addStatu为{2}错误。", apToKen.IPAddress.ToString(), apToKen.Port, ApReadySt)); return; } st = st.Replace("_", "-"); Msg_Body_Struct TypeKeyValue = new Msg_Body_Struct(Main2ApControllerMsgType.ApStatusChange, "carry", 0, "detail", string.Format("0x{0:X}", detail), "SCTP", ((detail & AP_STATUS_LTE.SCTP) > 0) ? 1 : 0, "S1", ((detail & AP_STATUS_LTE.S1) > 0) ? 1 : 0, "GPS", ((detail & AP_STATUS_LTE.GPS) > 0) ? 1 : 0, "CELL", ((detail & AP_STATUS_LTE.CELL) > 0) ? 1 : 0, "SYNC", ((detail & AP_STATUS_LTE.SYNC) > 0) ? 1 : 0, "LICENSE", ((detail & AP_STATUS_LTE.LICENSE) > 0) ? 1 : 0, "RADIO", ((detail & AP_STATUS_LTE.RADIO) > 0) ? 1 : 0, "wSelfStudy", ((detail & AP_STATUS_LTE.wSelfStudy) > 0) ? 1 : 0, "ALIGN", ((detail & AP_STATUS_LTE.ALIGN) > 0) ? 1 : 0, "ApReadySt", st, "timestamp", DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString()); //向Main模块发消息 OnSendMsg2Main(0, MsgStruct.MsgType.NOTICE, apToKen, TypeKeyValue); }
/// <summary> /// 向APP返回通用错误消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="apToKen">ap信息</param> /// <param name="appToken">app信息</param> /// <param name="type">app发送过来的消息类型</param> /// <param name="str">错误描述</param> protected void Send2APP_GeneralError(AsyncUserToken apToKen, AsyncUserToken appToken, string type, string str) { MessageType mt = MessageType.MSG_JSON; MessageBody mb = new MessageBody(); InterModuleMsgStruct msg = new InterModuleMsgStruct(); msg.Version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); msg.MsgType = MsgStruct.MsgType.CONFIG.ToString(); if (apToKen == null) { msg.ApInfo = null; } else { msg.ApInfo.Type = this.DeviceType; msg.ApInfo.IP = apToKen.IPAddress.ToString(); msg.ApInfo.Port = apToKen.Port; msg.ApInfo.SN = apToKen.Sn; msg.ApInfo.Fullname = apToKen.FullName; } msg.AppInfo.Type = string.Empty; msg.AppInfo.Ip = appToken.IPAddress.ToString(); msg.AppInfo.Port = appToken.Port; msg.AppInfo.Group = appToken.Group; msg.AppInfo.User = appToken.User; msg.AppInfo.Domain = appToken.Domain; Msg_Body_Struct TypeKeyValue = new Msg_Body_Struct(AppMsgType.general_error_result, "ErrStr", str, "RecvType", type); msg.Body = TypeKeyValue; mb.bJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg); OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.INFO, string.Format("发送消息({0})给MainController模块!", TypeKeyValue.type), LogCategory.S); OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.DEBG, string.Format("消息内容:\n{0}", mb.bJson), LogCategory.S); ApManager.sendMsg_2_MainController(mt, mb); //OnReceiveMainMsg(mt, mb); }
/// <summary> /// 删除一条id与App对应关系 /// </summary> /// <param name="toKen">Ap信息</param> /// <param name="msgId">消息Id</param> /// <returns>成功:true ;失败:false</returns> public bool RemoveMsgId2App(AsyncUserToken toKen, UInt16 msgId) { bool re = false; lock (locker1) { foreach (AsyncUserToken x in connList) { if (CompApInfo(x, toKen)) { HashSet <MsgId2App> RemoveList = new HashSet <MsgId2App>(); foreach (MsgId2App y in x.msgId2App) { if ( == msgId) { RemoveList.Add(y); re = true; } else { TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - y.AddTime; if (timeSpan.TotalSeconds > 120) //大于120秒认为设备不会再回消息了 { RemoveList.Add(y); } } } foreach (MsgId2App y in RemoveList) { x.msgId2App.Remove(y); } x.msgId2App.TrimExcess(); RemoveList.Clear(); RemoveList.TrimExcess(); break; } } } return(re); }
private void ProcessAccept(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { try { Interlocked.Increment(ref m_clientCount); // Get the socket for the accepted client connection and put it into the //ReadEventArg object user token SocketAsyncEventArgs readEventArgs = m_pool.Pop(); AsyncUserToken userToken = (AsyncUserToken)readEventArgs.UserToken; userToken.Socket = e.AcceptSocket; userToken.ConnectTime = DateTime.Now; userToken.Remote = e.AcceptSocket.RemoteEndPoint; userToken.IPAddress = ((IPEndPoint)(e.AcceptSocket.RemoteEndPoint)).Address; userToken.Port = ((IPEndPoint)(e.AcceptSocket.RemoteEndPoint)).Port; lock (m_clients) { m_clients.Add(userToken); } //log(LogInfoType.EROR, string.Format("设备[{0}:{1}]建立TCP连接。当前连接数:{2}!", // userToken.IPAddress.ToString(), userToken.Port,m_clients.Count)); if (ClientNumberChange != null) { ClientNumberChange(1, userToken); } if (!e.AcceptSocket.ReceiveAsync(readEventArgs)) { ProcessReceive(readEventArgs); } } catch (Exception me) { log(LogInfoType.EROR, me.Message + "\r\n" + me.StackTrace); } // Accept the next connection request if (e.SocketError == SocketError.OperationAborted) { return; } StartAccept(e); }
//public void add(List<String> snList) //{ // lock (locker1) // { // foreach (String sn in snList) // { // foreach (AsyncUserToken x in ConnList) // { // if (String.Compare(x.Sn, sn, true) == 0) // { // ConnList.Remove(x); // break; // } // } // AsyncUserToken connInfo = new AsyncUserToken(sn); // ConnList.Add(connInfo); // } // } //} //public void add(String sn) //{ // lock (locker1) // { // foreach (AsyncUserToken x in ConnList) // { // if (String.Compare(x.Sn, sn, true) == 0) // { // ConnList.Remove(x); // break; // } // } // AsyncUserToken connInfo = new AsyncUserToken(sn); // ConnList.Add(connInfo); // } //} public int add(AsyncUserToken toKen) { lock (locker1) { DeviceDicKey dicKey = new DeviceDicKey(toKen.IPAddress.ToString(), toKen.Port); if (connList.ContainsKey(dicKey)) { connList[dicKey].EndMsgTime = DateTime.Now; } else { toKen.EndMsgTime = DateTime.Now; toKen.MainControllerStatus = "un"; toKen.ConnectTime = DateTime.Now; connList.Add(dicKey, toKen); } return(connList.Count); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取AP在MainController模块的在线状态 /// </summary> /// <param name="toKen">AP信息</param> /// <returns>状态</returns> public string GetMainControllerStatus(AsyncUserToken toKen) { string str = ""; lock (locker1) { foreach (AsyncUserToken x in connList) { if (CompApInfo(x, toKen)) { str = x.MainControllerStatus; break; } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { str = "unknown"; } return(str); }
/// <summary> /// 发送AP上下线消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="status">状态(OnLine:上线;OffLine:下线)</param> /// <param name="allNum">当前在线的AP总数</param> /// <param name="apToKen">Ap信息</param> /// <param name="MainControllerStatus">发送给数据库上、下线状态</param> protected void Send2main_OnOffLine(string status, int allNum, AsyncUserToken apToKen, string MainControllerStatus) { //保存的状态有更改时才上报 //string MainControllerStatus = MyDeviceList.GetMainControllerStatus(token); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainControllerStatus)) MainControllerStatus = "unknown"; OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.DEBG, "旧状态为:" + MainControllerStatus + "新状态为:" + status); if ((String.Compare(status, OffLine, true) == 0) && (MainControllerStatus.Equals("unknown"))) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.WARN, "未向MainController模块上报过上线消息,该下线消息不上报!"); return; } if ((String.Compare(status, OffLine, true) == 0) && (null != MyDeviceList.FindByFullname(apToKen.FullName))) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.WARN, "该设备有另外一个TCP连接在线,不向MainController模块上报下线消息!"); return; } if (String.Compare(MainControllerStatus, status, true) != 0) { Msg_Body_Struct TypeKeyValue = new Msg_Body_Struct(Main2ApControllerMsgType.OnOffLine, "AllOnLineNum", allNum.ToString(), "Status", status, "mode", apToKen.Mode.Replace("-", "_"), "version", apToKen.version, "timestamp", DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString()); //向Main模块发消息 OnSendMsg2Main(0, MsgStruct.MsgType.NOTICE, apToKen, TypeKeyValue); //修改状态----测试版本中使用,正式版本中在收到Ack后更改状态。 //if (DebugMode) //{ // MyDeviceList.SetMainControllerStatus(status, token); //} } }
/// <summary> /// 删除一条id与App对应关系 /// </summary> /// <param name="toKen">Ap信息</param> /// <param name="msgId">消息Id</param> /// <returns>成功:true ;失败:false</returns> public bool RemoveMsgId2App(AsyncUserToken toKen, UInt16 msgId) { bool re = false; lock (locker1) { DeviceDicKey dicKey = new DeviceDicKey(toKen.IPAddress.ToString(), toKen.Port); if (connList.ContainsKey(dicKey)) { HashSet <MsgId2App> RemoveList = new HashSet <MsgId2App>(); foreach (MsgId2App y in connList[dicKey].msgId2App) { if ( == msgId) { RemoveList.Add(y); re = true; } else { TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - y.AddTime; if (timeSpan.TotalSeconds > 30) //大于30秒认为设备不会再回消息了 { RemoveList.Add(y); } } } foreach (MsgId2App y in RemoveList) { connList[dicKey].msgId2App.Remove(y); } connList[dicKey].msgId2App.TrimExcess(); RemoveList.Clear(); RemoveList.TrimExcess(); } } return(re); }
/// <summary> /// 对数据进行打包,然后再发送 /// </summary> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void SendMessage(AsyncUserToken token, byte[] message) { if (token == null || token.Socket == null || !token.Socket.Connected) { log(LogInfoType.WARN, "未找到要发送的AP信息!"); return; } if (message == null) { log(LogInfoType.EROR, "要发送的消息为NULL!"); return; } try { //新建异步发送对象, 发送消息 //SocketAsyncEventArgs sendArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs(); //sendArg.SetBuffer(message, 0, message.Length); //将数据放置进去. //token.Socket.SendAsync(sendArg); string gbk_str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(message); byte[] utf8_byt = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(gbk_str); //string gbk_str1 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8_byt); SendStruct sendStruct; sendStruct.token = token; sendStruct.message = utf8_byt; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(BeginInvoke_SendMsg), sendStruct); //string str = string.Format("时间:[{0}] 客户端({1}:{2}),发送消息给设备成功!", // token.ConnectTime.ToString(), token.IPAddress,token.Port.ToString(), // System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buff)); //log(LogInfoType.INFO,str); //log(LogInfoType.DEBG, string.Format("消息内容:\n({0})",System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buff))); } catch (Exception e) { log(LogInfoType.EROR, "SendMessage - Error:" + e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据apinfo查询apToKen信息。首先通过ip+Prot查询,若查不到,再通过fullname查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="ApInfo">apinfo信息</param> /// <returns>apToKen信息,若未找到,返回null</returns> public AsyncUserToken FindByApInfo(Ap_Info_Struct ApInfo) { AsyncUserToken apToKen = this.FindByIpPort(ApInfo.IP, ApInfo.Port); if (apToKen == null) { Xml_codec.StaticOutputLog(LogInfoType.DEBG, string.Format("在线AP列表中找不到Ap[{0}:{1}]设备,通过FullName重新查询设备!", ApInfo.IP, ApInfo.Port.ToString()), "DeviceList"); apToKen = this.FindByFullname(ApInfo.Fullname); } if (apToKen == null) { Xml_codec.StaticOutputLog(LogInfoType.WARN, string.Format("在线AP列表中找不到Ap[{0}:{1}],FullName:{2}。无法向AP发送消息!", ApInfo.IP, ApInfo.Port.ToString(), ApInfo.Fullname), "DeviceList"); } return(apToKen); }
/// <summary> /// 删除设备收到的消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="toKen">设置信息</param> /// <param name="startIndex">起始标识</param> /// <param name="endIndex">结束标志</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool DelMsgBuff(AsyncUserToken toKen, int startIndex, int endIndex) { lock (locker1) { DeviceDicKey dicKey = new DeviceDicKey(toKen.IPAddress.ToString(), toKen.Port); if (connList.ContainsKey(dicKey)) { if (startIndex < 0) { startIndex = 0; } if (endIndex > connList[dicKey].Buffer.Count) { endIndex = connList[dicKey].Buffer.Count; } connList[dicKey].Buffer.RemoveRange(startIndex, endIndex); connList[dicKey].Buffer.TrimExcess(); return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 重写设备连接更改事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="num">num大于0表示设备上线,否则设备下线</param> /// <param name="apToKen">设备信息</param> public override void OnDeviceNumberChange(int num, AsyncUserToken apToKen) { if (num > 0) { MyDeviceList.add(apToKen); //在收到心跳消息时上报 //send2main_OnOffLine(OnLine,token); } else //AP下线,删除设备列表中的AP信息 { string MainControllerStatus = MyDeviceList.GetMainControllerStatus(apToKen); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainControllerStatus)) { MainControllerStatus = "unknown"; } int i = MyDeviceList.remov(apToKen); if (i != -1) { Send2main_OnOffLine(OffLine, i, apToKen, MainControllerStatus); } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取设备当前收到的消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="toKen">设备信息</param> /// <param name="startIndex">起始位置</param> /// <param name="len">长度</param> /// <returns>收到的消息</returns> public byte[] GetMsgBuff(AsyncUserToken toKen, int startIndex, int len) { lock (locker1) { foreach (AsyncUserToken x in connList) { if (CompApInfo(x, toKen)) { if (startIndex < 0) { startIndex = 0; } if ((startIndex + len) > x.Buffer.Count) { len = x.Buffer.Count - startIndex; } byte[] rev = x.Buffer.GetRange(startIndex, len).ToArray(); return(rev);// System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(rev); } } } return(null);// string.Empty; }
public int remov(AsyncUserToken connInfo) { return(this.remov(connInfo.IPAddress.ToString(), connInfo.Port)); }
public RecvDeviceStruct() { this.token = new AsyncUserToken(); }
/// <summary> /// 处理收到的Main模块的消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="MainMsg">消息内容</param> private void HandleMainMsg(MsgStruct.InterModuleMsgStruct MainMsg) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.INFO, string.Format("处理MainController消息。消息类型:{0}。", MainMsg.Body.type)); //上、下线消息回复 if (MainMsg.Body.type == Main2ApControllerMsgType.OnOffLine_Ack) { //所有在线AP数与数据库不一至,回复所有在线AP if (GetMsgIntValueInList("ReturnCode", MainMsg.Body) != 0) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, "[OnOffLine_Ack]Main模块返回错误:" + GetMsgStringValueInList("ReturnStr", MainMsg.Body)); //暂时不发送,等待后续定义 //Send2main_OnLineList(); } else { string status = GetMsgStringValueInList("Status", MainMsg.Body); if (status.Equals(OnLine) || status.Equals(OffLine)) { //修改状态 MyDeviceList.SetMainControllerStatus(status, MainMsg.ApInfo.IP, MainMsg.ApInfo.Port); } else { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, "Main模块返回消息中,Status字段错误!"); } } } else if (MainMsg.Body.type == Main2ApControllerMsgType.ApDelete) { //修改状态为下线状态 MyDeviceList.SetMainControllerStatus(OffLine, MainMsg.ApInfo.IP, MainMsg.ApInfo.Port); } else if (MainMsg.Body.type == Main2ApControllerMsgType.ApSetRadio) { AsyncUserToken apToKen = MyDeviceList.FindByApInfo(MainMsg.ApInfo); if (apToKen == null) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.WARN, string.Format("在线AP列表中找不到Ap[{0}:{1}]设备({2})!", MainMsg.ApInfo.IP, MainMsg.ApInfo.Port.ToString(), MainMsg.ApInfo.Fullname)); return; } //byte carry = GetMsgByteValueInList("carry", MainMsg.Body.dic, Byte.MaxValue); //if (carry != 0) //{ // OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, string.Format("Main模块发送消息[{0}]中,carry字段非法!", // Main2ApControllerMsgType.ApSetRadio)); // return; //} Byte active_mode = GetMsgByteValueInList("active_mode", MainMsg.Body.dic, Byte.MaxValue); if (active_mode != 1 && active_mode != 2) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, string.Format("Main模块发送消息[{0}]中,active_mode字段非法!", Main2ApControllerMsgType.ApSetRadio)); return; } Byte mode = GetMsgByteValueInList("mode", MainMsg.Body.dic, Byte.MaxValue); if (mode != 1 && mode != 2) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, string.Format("Main模块发送消息[{0}]中,mode字段非法!", Main2ApControllerMsgType.ApSetRadio)); return; } Send2ap_activate_nodeb_request(apToKen, active_mode, mode); } //状态改变回复 else if (MainMsg.Body.type == Main2ApControllerMsgType.ApStatusChange_Ack) { RecvAckSaveApStatus(MainMsg); } else if (MainMsg.Body.type == Main2ApControllerMsgType.OnOffLineCheck) { string status = GetMsgStringValueInList("Status", MainMsg.Body); Send2main_OnOffLineCheck(status, MainMsg.ApInfo); } else if (MainMsg.Body.type == Main2ApControllerMsgType.ReportGenParaAck) { //返回错误 if (GetMsgIntValueInList("ReturnCode", MainMsg.Body) != 0) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, "[ReportGenParaAck]Main模块返回错误:" + GetMsgStringValueInList("ReturnStr", MainMsg.Body)); } return; } else if (MainMsg.Body.type == Main2ApControllerMsgType.app_add_bwlist_request) { //添加黑白名单 Send2ap_imsi_list_setconfig(MainMsg); return; } else if (MainMsg.Body.type == Main2ApControllerMsgType.app_del_bwlist_request) { //删除黑白名单 Send2ap_imsi_list_delconfig(MainMsg); return; } else if (MainMsg.Body.type == Main2ApControllerMsgType.SetGenParaReq) { MainMsg.Body.type = ApMsgType.set_general_para_request; Send2ap_RecvMainMsg(MainMsg); } else //其它消息 { if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainMsg.ApInfo.IP)) || (MainMsg.ApInfo.IP == MsgStruct.NullDevice)) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.WARN, string.Format("目的设备为Null,不向Ap发送信息!")); Send2APP_GeneralError(MainMsg.ApInfo, MainMsg.AppInfo, MainMsg.Body.type, string.Format("目的设备为Null,不向Ap发送信息!")); } else { Send2ap_RecvMainMsg(MainMsg); } } return; }
/// <summary> /// 向AP删除黑白名单 /// </summary> /// <param name="token">AP信息</param> private void Send2ap_imsi_list_delconfig(InterModuleMsgStruct MainMsg) { AsyncUserToken apToKen = MyDeviceList.FindByApInfo(MainMsg.ApInfo); if (apToKen == null) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.WARN, string.Format("在线AP列表中找不到Ap[{0}:{1}]设备({2})!", MainMsg.ApInfo.IP, MainMsg.ApInfo.Port.ToString(), MainMsg.ApInfo.Fullname)); return; } Msg_Body_Struct TypeKeyValue = new Msg_Body_Struct(ApMsgType.imsi_list_delconfig); int i = 0; foreach (Name_DIC_Struct n_dicList in MainMsg.Body.n_dic) { Dictionary <string, object> dic = n_dicList.dic; String bwFlag = GetMsgStringValueInList("bwFlag", dic); if (!bwFlag.Equals("black") && !bwFlag.Equals("white")) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.WARN, "删除黑白名单参数错误。bwFlag字段错误!"); Send2APP_GeneralError(MainMsg.ApInfo, MainMsg.AppInfo, MainMsg.Body.type, "删除黑白名单参数错误。bwFlag字段错误!"); continue; } if (bwFlag.Equals("white")) { String imsi = GetMsgStringValueInList("imsi", dic); if (imsi.Equals(String.Empty)) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.WARN, "删除白名单参数错误。imsi字段错误!"); Send2APP_GeneralError(MainMsg.ApInfo, MainMsg.AppInfo, MainMsg.Body.type, "删除白名单参数错误。imsi字段错误!"); continue; } Name_DIC_Struct n_dic = new Name_DIC_Struct("name" + i++); n_dic.dic.Add("whiteimsi/imsi", imsi); TypeKeyValue.n_dic.Add(n_dic); } if (bwFlag.Equals("black")) { String imsi = GetMsgStringValueInList("imsi", dic); if (imsi.Equals(String.Empty)) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.WARN, "删除黑名单参数错误。imsi字段错误!"); Send2APP_GeneralError(MainMsg.ApInfo, MainMsg.AppInfo, MainMsg.Body.type, "删除黑名单参数错误。imsi字段错误!"); continue; } Name_DIC_Struct n_dic = new Name_DIC_Struct("name" + i++); n_dic.dic.Add("blackimsi/imsi", imsi); TypeKeyValue.n_dic.Add(n_dic); } } if (i == 0) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, "删除黑名单参数错误。没有要发送的名单!"); Send2APP_GeneralError(MainMsg.ApInfo, MainMsg.AppInfo, MainMsg.Body.type, "删除黑名单参数错误。没有要发送的名单!"); return; } if (!SendMsg2Ap(apToKen, 0, TypeKeyValue)) { Send2APP_GeneralError(MainMsg.ApInfo, MainMsg.AppInfo, MainMsg.Body.type, "封装XML消息(imsi_list_delconfig)出错!"); } }
/// <summary> /// 处理收到的AP消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="apToKen"></param> /// <param name="msg"></param> private void HandleApMsg(AsyncUserToken apToKen, string msg) { //解析AP发过来的消息 UInt16 msgId = 0; Msg_Body_Struct msgBody = null; try { msgBody = Xml_codec.DecodeApXmlMessage(msg, ref msgId); } catch (Exception) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, string.Format("解析收到的Ap[{0}:{1}]消息出错!", apToKen.IPAddress.ToString(), apToKen.Port.ToString())); return; } if (msgBody == null) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.EROR, "收到消息格式错误!"); OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.DEBG, "出错消息内容:" + msg); return; } if (msgBody.type == ApMsgType.device_test_request) { Send2ap_device_test_response(apToKen); return; } if (msgBody.type != ApMsgType.status_response) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.INFO, string.Format("处理AP[{0}:{1}]消息({2}),消息Id={3}!", apToKen.IPAddress.ToString(), apToKen.Port, msgBody.type, msgId)); } //处理透传消息 if (msgId >= ApMsgIdClass.MIN_TRANSPARENT_MSG_ID && msgId <= ApMsgIdClass.MAX_TRANSPARENT_MSG_ID) { if (msgBody.type != ApMsgType.get_general_para_response) //参数上报消息不透传 { Msg_Body_Struct body = new Msg_Body_Struct(Main2ApControllerMsgType.transparent_msg_response, "transparent_msg", msg); OnSendMsg2Main(msgId, MsgStruct.MsgType.TRANSPARENT, apToKen, body); return; } } //心跳消息处理 if (msgBody.type == ApMsgType.status_response) { //OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.INFO, "收到心跳消息"); heartbeatMsgNum++; //UInt32 oldDetail = apToKen.Detail; UInt32 detail = 0; string sDetail = GetMsgStringValueInList("detail", msgBody); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sDetail)) { detail = Convert.ToUInt32(sDetail, 16); } //Byte oldApReadySt = apToKen.ApReadySt; Byte ApReadySt = 5; string sApReadySt = GetMsgStringValueInList("addStatus", msgBody); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sApReadySt)) { ApReadySt = Convert.ToByte(sApReadySt); } apToKen.version = GetMsgStringValueInList("version", msgBody); apToKen.Mode = GetMsgStringValueInList("mode", msgBody); apToKen.Sn = GetMsgStringValueInList("sn", msgBody); apToKen.FullName = GetMsgStringValueInList("fullname", msgBody); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(apToKen.FullName)) //兼容老Agent拼写错误 { apToKen.FullName = GetMsgStringValueInList("fullaname", msgBody); } apToKen.Id = GetMsgStringValueInList("id", msgBody); //apToKen.Detail = detail; int i = MyDeviceList.add(apToKen); Send2main_OnOffLine(OnLine, i, apToKen); //判断是周期心跳,还是上线心跳 if ((detail & (int)AP_STATUS_LTE.OnLine) > 0) //上线 { //OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.DEBG, "上线消息"); if (OnLine.Equals(MyDeviceList.GetMainControllerStatus(apToKen))) { Send2ap_status_request(apToKen); Thread.Sleep(1000); Send2ap_get_general_para_request(apToKen); } else { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.DEBG, "MainController未回复上线成功消息!"); } } else //周期心跳 { //OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.DEBG, "周期心跳消息"); } //发送状态改变 Send2ap_ApStatusChange_LTE(apToKen, detail, ApReadySt); } else if (msgBody.type == ApMsgType.get_general_para_response) { Msg_Body_Struct SendMsgBody = msgBody; SendMsgBody.type = Main2ApControllerMsgType.ReportGenPara; // 向Main模块发消息 OnSendMsg2Main(0, MsgStruct.MsgType.NOTICE, apToKen, SendMsgBody); } else if (msgBody.type == ApMsgType.set_general_para_response) { Msg_Body_Struct SendMsgBody = msgBody; SendMsgBody.type = Main2ApControllerMsgType.SetGenParaRsp; // 向Main模块发消息 OnSendMsg2Main(0, MsgStruct.MsgType.NOTICE, apToKen, SendMsgBody); } else if (msgBody.type == ApMsgType.imsi_list_config_result) { Msg_Body_Struct SendMsgBody = msgBody; SendMsgBody.type = Main2ApControllerMsgType.app_add_bwlist_response; // 向Main模块发消息 OnSendMsg2Main(msgId, MsgStruct.MsgType.NOTICE, apToKen, SendMsgBody); } else if (msgBody.type == ApMsgType.imsi_list_delconfig_result) { Msg_Body_Struct SendMsgBody = msgBody; SendMsgBody.type = Main2ApControllerMsgType.app_del_bwlist_response; // 向Main模块发消息 OnSendMsg2Main(msgId, MsgStruct.MsgType.NOTICE, apToKen, SendMsgBody); } else if (msgBody.type == ApMsgType.scanner) { imsiMsgNum++; recvApImsiMsgNum++; string imsi = GetMsgStringValueInList("imsi", msgBody); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imsi)) { //IMSI去重处理 if (DataController.RemoveDupMode == 1) { //有该IMSI,去重,不用上报 if (ImsiRemoveDup.isExist(imsi)) { OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.INFO, string.Format("Imsi[{0}]在{1}时被抓到过,不再上报!", imsi, ImsiRemoveDup.GetTime(imsi))); return; } ImsiRemoveDup.add(imsi); } Msg_Body_Struct body = new Msg_Body_Struct(msgBody.type, msgBody.dic); OnOutputLog(LogInfoType.DEBG, string.Format("上报imsi:{0}", imsi)); OnSendMsg2Main(0, MsgStruct.MsgType.NOTICE, apToKen, body); } } else { Msg_Body_Struct body = new Msg_Body_Struct(msgBody.type, msgBody.dic); OnSendMsg2Main(msgId, MsgStruct.MsgType.CONFIG, apToKen, body); } msgBody = null; }