private void NewGameButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // Start a new game button click
                int gridRow    = int.Parse(gridsizeTextBoxRow.Text);    // Gets the number of rows for the grid
                int gridColumn = int.Parse(gridsizeTextBoxColumn.Text); // Gets the number of columns for the grid

                NewGameButton.Visible  = false;                         // New Game Button not visible once clicked
                SubGuessButton.Enabled = true;                          // Guess button enabled
                scan = new ScanAnalyzer(gridRow, gridColumn, this);     // intantiate the scanner class with this
                gameTextBox.Visible  = true;
                counterLabel.Text    = Convert.ToString(scan.GuessCounter);
                counterLabel.Visible = true;

            // throw and catch exception
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.ToString().Contains("Check the fields again")) // If any textboxes are empty

                    MessageBox.Show("Please make sure you have all the fields entered correctly"); // print message
예제 #2
 public FindSampleGame()
     //pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("GridSquare.jpg");
     SubGuessButton.Enabled = false; // Guess button disabled after program loads
     // DisplayPanel.Visible = true; //  Game text box visible
     // move to where a button is being clicked
     scan = new ScanAnalyzer(4, 4, Point[] { }, "GridSquare.jpg" /*, this*/); // intantiate the scanner class with this