private void SwitchForm() { FindSampleGame sample = new FindSampleGame(); sample.Show(); this.Hide(); }
// parameterized constructed taking in rows, columns and form as parameters public ScanAnalyzer(int a, int b, FindSampleGame form) { rows = a; columns = b; sample1 = new int[2]; // Sample 1 holds the random location of the first item sample2 = new int[2]; // Sample 2 holds the random location of the first item sample1[0] = rand.Next(0, a); // random integer for sample 1 = row sample1[1] = rand.Next(0, b); // random integer for sample 1 = row sample2[0] = rand.Next(0, a); // random integer for sample 2 = row sample2[1] = rand.Next(0, b); // random integer for sample 2 = column guessCounter = 0; // Initializing the guess counter to 0 grid = new string[a, b]; // Initializng the array named grid ResetGrid(); // Resets the array back this.form = form; // Playing the game of a form which is set here form.AppearGrid = DisplayGrid(); // // Displays the matrix in the textbox }