public static void Close(PipeHandle handle) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Closing; NamedPipeNative.CloseHandle(handle.Handle); handle.Handle = IntPtr.Zero; handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Closed; }
public static void Connect(PipeHandle handle) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.WaitingForClient; bool connected = NamedPipeNative.ConnectNamedPipe(handle.Handle, null); handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.ConnectedToClient; if (!connected && NamedPipeNative.GetLastError() != NamedPipeNative.ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Error; throw new NamedPipeIOException("Error connecting pipe. Internal error: " + NamedPipeNative.GetLastError().ToString(), NamedPipeNative.GetLastError()); } }
public static PipeHandle ConnectToPipe(string pipeName, string serverName) { PipeHandle handle = new PipeHandle(); // Build the name of the pipe. string name = @"\\" + serverName + @"\pipe\" + pipeName; for (int i = 1; i <= ATTEMPTS; i++) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.ConnectingToServer; // Try to connect to the server handle.Handle = NamedPipeNative.CreateFile(name, NamedPipeNative.GENERIC_READ | NamedPipeNative.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, null, NamedPipeNative.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (handle.Handle.ToInt32() != NamedPipeNative.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // The client managed to connect to the server pipe handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.ConnectedToServer; // Set the read mode of the pipe channel uint mode = NamedPipeNative.PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE; if (NamedPipeNative.SetNamedPipeHandleState(handle.Handle, ref mode, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)) { break; } if (i >= ATTEMPTS) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Error; throw new NamedPipeIOException("Error setting read mode on pipe " + name + " . Internal error: " + NamedPipeNative.GetLastError().ToString(), NamedPipeNative.GetLastError()); } } if (i >= ATTEMPTS) { if (NamedPipeNative.GetLastError() != NamedPipeNative.ERROR_PIPE_BUSY) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Error; // After a certain number of unsuccessful attempt raise an exception throw new NamedPipeIOException("Error connecting to pipe " + name + " . Internal error: " + NamedPipeNative.GetLastError().ToString(), NamedPipeNative.GetLastError()); } else { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Error; throw new NamedPipeIOException("Pipe " + name + " is too busy. Internal error: " + NamedPipeNative.GetLastError().ToString(), NamedPipeNative.GetLastError()); } } else { // The pipe is busy so lets wait for some time and try again if (NamedPipeNative.GetLastError() == NamedPipeNative.ERROR_PIPE_BUSY) NamedPipeNative.WaitNamedPipe(name, WAIT_TIME); } } return handle; }
public static void WriteBytes(PipeHandle handle, byte[] bytes) { byte[] numReadWritten = new byte[4]; uint len; if (bytes == null) { bytes = new byte[0]; } if (bytes.Length == 0) { bytes = new byte[1]; bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(" "); } // Get the message length len = (uint)bytes.Length; handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Writing; // Write four bytes that define the message length if (NamedPipeNative.WriteFile(handle.Handle, BitConverter.GetBytes(len), 4, numReadWritten, 0)) { // Write the whole message if (!NamedPipeNative.WriteFile(handle.Handle, bytes, len, numReadWritten, 0)) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Error; throw new NamedPipeIOException("Error writing to pipe. Internal error: " + NamedPipeNative.GetLastError().ToString(), NamedPipeNative.GetLastError()); } } else { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Error; throw new NamedPipeIOException("Error writing to pipe. Internal error: " + NamedPipeNative.GetLastError().ToString(), NamedPipeNative.GetLastError()); } handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Flushing; Flush(handle); handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.FlushedData; }
public static void Write(PipeHandle handle, string text) { WriteBytes(handle, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)); }
public static bool TryConnectToPipe(string pipeName, string serverName, out PipeHandle handle) { handle = new PipeHandle(); // Build the pipe name string string name = @"\\" + serverName + @"\pipe\" + pipeName; handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.ConnectingToServer; // Try to connect to a server pipe handle.Handle = NamedPipeNative.CreateFile(name, NamedPipeNative.GENERIC_READ | NamedPipeNative.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, null, NamedPipeNative.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (handle.Handle.ToInt32() != NamedPipeNative.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.ConnectedToServer; return true; } else { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Error; return false; } }
public static bool TryConnectToPipe(string pipeName, out PipeHandle handle) { return TryConnectToPipe(pipeName, ".", out handle); }
public static byte[] ReadBytes(PipeHandle handle, int maxBytes) { byte[] numReadWritten = new byte[4]; byte[] intBytes = new byte[4]; byte[] msgBytes = null; int len; // Set the Handle state to Reading handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Reading; // Read the first four bytes and convert them to integer if (NamedPipeNative.ReadFile(handle.Handle, intBytes, 4, numReadWritten, 0)) { len = BitConverter.ToInt32(intBytes, 0); msgBytes = new byte[len]; // Read the rest of the data if (!NamedPipeNative.ReadFile(handle.Handle, msgBytes, (uint)len, numReadWritten, 0)) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Error; throw new NamedPipeIOException("Error reading from pipe. Internal error: " + NamedPipeNative.GetLastError().ToString(), NamedPipeNative.GetLastError()); } } else { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Error; throw new NamedPipeIOException("Error reading from pipe. Internal error: " + NamedPipeNative.GetLastError().ToString(), NamedPipeNative.GetLastError()); } handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.ReadData; if (len > maxBytes) { return null; } return msgBytes; }
public static string Read(PipeHandle handle, int maxBytes) { string returnVal = ""; byte[] bytes = ReadBytes(handle, maxBytes); if (bytes != null) { returnVal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); } return returnVal; }
public static uint NumberPipeInstances(PipeHandle handle) { uint curInstances = 0; if (NamedPipeNative.GetNamedPipeHandleState(handle.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, ref curInstances, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)) { return curInstances; } else { throw new NamedPipeIOException("Error getting the pipe state. Internal error: " + NamedPipeNative.GetLastError().ToString(), NamedPipeNative.GetLastError()); } }
public static void Flush(PipeHandle handle) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Flushing; NamedPipeNative.FlushFileBuffers(handle.Handle); handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.FlushedData; }
public static void Disconnect(PipeHandle handle) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Disconnecting; NamedPipeNative.DisconnectNamedPipe(handle.Handle); handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Disconnected; }
public static PipeHandle Create(string name, uint outBuffer, uint inBuffer, bool secure) { name = @"\\.\pipe\" + name; PipeHandle handle = new PipeHandle(); IntPtr secAttr = IntPtr.Zero; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(); if (!secure) { SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd; GetNullDaclSecurityDescriptor(out sd); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR))); Marshal.StructureToPtr(sd, sa.lpSecurityDescriptor, false); sa.bInheritHandle = false; sa.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)); secAttr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES))); Marshal.StructureToPtr(sa, secAttr, false); } try { for (int i = 1; i <= ATTEMPTS; i++) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Creating; handle.Handle = NamedPipeNative.CreateNamedPipe( name, NamedPipeNative.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, NamedPipeNative.PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | NamedPipeNative.PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | NamedPipeNative.PIPE_WAIT, NamedPipeNative.PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, outBuffer, inBuffer, NamedPipeNative.NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER, secAttr); if (handle.Handle.ToInt32() != NamedPipeNative.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Created; break; } if (i >= ATTEMPTS) { handle.State = InterProcessConnectionState.Error; throw new NamedPipeIOException("Error creating named pipe " + name + " . Internal error: " + NamedPipeNative.GetLastError().ToString(), NamedPipeNative.GetLastError()); } } } finally { if (!secure) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(sa.lpSecurityDescriptor); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(secAttr); } } return handle; }