void HandleOnMatchUserCompleted(UserModel obj) { this.InvokeOnMainThread ( delegate { busyIndicator.StopAnimating (); busyIndicator.Hidden = true; if (obj.IsSucess) { try { m_lastMatchedUser = obj; m_bottomCaption.Hidden = m_topCaption.Hidden = true; m_placeHolderImageButton.Hidden = true; //load ui elements with data; m_matchedUsersName.Text = string.Format ("{0} {1}", m_lastMatchedUser.FirstName, m_lastMatchedUser.LastName); m_matchedUsersInterest1.Text = m_lastMatchedUser.InterestOne; m_matchedUsersInterest2.Text = m_lastMatchedUser.InterestTwo; m_matchedUsersSummary.Text = m_lastMatchedUser.Summary; m_matchedUsersImage.Hidden = false; m_matchedUsersName.Hidden = false; m_matchedUsersInterest1.Hidden = false; m_matchedUsersInterest2.Hidden = false; m_matchedUsersSummary.Hidden = false; } catch { } } else { SayHiBootStrapper.ShowAlertMessage ("Error", "Could not find match. :(. Go Back and try again?"); NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated (true); } }); }
public static void SetCurrentUser(UserModel user) { CurrentUser = user; }
void HandleOnRegisterUserCompleted(UserModel obj) { if (!obj.IsSucess) { InvokeOnMainThread ( delegate { SayHiBootStrapper.ShowAlertMessage ("Error", "Cannot register. Be sure that you did not already sign up for an account"); }); } else { SayHiBootStrapper.SetCurrentUser (obj); if (Mode == RegistrationMode.EventDetailDestination) { if (CallingEventVC != null) { CallingEventVC.Mode = EventSummaryMode.CheckIn; } InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated (true); }); //take back to detail screen of event //override prepare for segue so that i can show checkin button //PerformSegue(SayHiConstants.) } else if (Mode == RegistrationMode.HomePageDestination) { //take to home screen InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { NavigationController.PopToRootViewController (true); }); } } }
public void RegisterUser(string username, string password, string firstName, string lastName, string emailAddress, string dob = "", string summary = "awesome summery", string interest1 = "", string interest2 = "", string interest3 = "") { string json = ParamsToJSON ("dob", dob, "summary", summary, "user", SayHiHelper.JSONBeginObject, "email", emailAddress, "first_name", firstName, "last_name", lastName, "username", username, "password", password, SayHiHelper.JSONEndObject); SayHiRestClient syrc = new SayHiRestClient (SayHiRestClient.HTTPPOSTMETHOD, CreateEndpointURL (RegisterUserPath), json); syrc.OnRestCallCompleted += (RestResult obj) => { UserModel ret = null; if (!obj.IsSuccess) { ret = new UserModel (obj.IsSuccess, obj.Result); } else { try { ret = new UserModel (true); using (JsonTextReader jtr = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(obj.Result))) { while (jtr.Read()) { if (JsonKeyMatches (jtr, JsonToken.PropertyName, "id")) { ret.ID = jtr.ReadAsString (); break;//only parsing ID } } } //TODO:parse other fields ret.FirstName = firstName; ret.LastName = lastName; ret.EmailAddress = emailAddress; ret.DOBRaw = dob; ret.Summary = summary; ret.InterestOne = interest1; ret.InterestTwo = interest2; ret.InterestThree = interest3; } catch (Exception e) { ret = new UserModel (false, GenerateParseErrorMessage (e)); } } SafeRaiseEvent (OnRegisterUserCompleted, ret); }; syrc.SendRestRequest (); }
public void MatchUser(string userId, string eventCode) { string json = ParamsToJSON ("userid", userId, "event_code", eventCode); SayHiRestClient syrc = new SayHiRestClient (SayHiRestClient.HTTPPOSTMETHOD, CreateEndpointURL (MatchUserPath), json); syrc.OnRestCallCompleted += (RestResult obj) => { UserModel ret = null; if (!obj.IsSuccess) { ret = new UserModel (obj.IsSuccess, obj.Result); } else { try { ret = new UserModel (true); using (JsonTextReader jtr = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(obj.Result))) { while (jtr.Read()) { if (JsonKeyMatches (jtr, JsonToken.PropertyName, "matchName")) { string name = jtr.ReadAsString (); if (name != null) { string[] vals = name.Split (' '); ret.FirstName = vals [0]; if (vals.Length > 1) { ret.LastName = vals [1]; } } } else if (JsonKeyMatches (jtr, JsonToken.PropertyName, "matchSummary")) { ret.Summary = jtr.ReadAsString (); } else if (JsonKeyMatches (jtr, JsonToken.PropertyName, "username")) { ret.Summary = jtr.ReadAsString (); } } ret.InterestOne = SayHiBootStrapper.GenerateMockInterest (); ret.InterestTwo = SayHiBootStrapper.GenerateMockInterest (ret.InterestOne); } } catch (Exception e) { ret = new UserModel (false, GenerateParseErrorMessage (e)); } } SafeRaiseEvent (OnMatchUserCompleted, ret); }; syrc.SendRestRequest (); }
public void LoginUser(string username, string password) { string json = ParamsToJSON ("username", username, "password", password); SayHiRestClient syrc = new SayHiRestClient (SayHiRestClient.HTTPPOSTMETHOD, CreateEndpointURL (LoginUserPath), json); syrc.OnRestCallCompleted += (RestResult obj) => { UserModel ret = null; if (!obj.IsSuccess) { ret = new UserModel (obj.IsSuccess, obj.Result); } else { try { ret = new UserModel (true); using (JsonTextReader jtr = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(obj.Result))) { // JsonIndexer idx = new JsonIndexer (jtr); // ret.DOBRaw = idx ["dob"]; // ret.EmailAddress = idx ["email"]; // ret.ID = idx ["id"]; // ret.LastName = idx ["lastName"]; while (jtr.Read()) { if (JsonKeyMatches (jtr, JsonToken.PropertyName, "email")) { ret.EmailAddress = jtr.ReadAsString (); } else if (JsonKeyMatches (jtr, JsonToken.PropertyName, "firstName")) { ret.FirstName = jtr.ReadAsString (); } else if (JsonKeyMatches (jtr, JsonToken.PropertyName, "lastName")) { ret.LastName = jtr.ReadAsString (); } else if (JsonKeyMatches (jtr, JsonToken.PropertyName, "id")) { ret.ID = jtr.ReadAsString (); } } ret.InterestOne = SayHiBootStrapper.GenerateMockInterest (); ret.InterestTwo = SayHiBootStrapper.GenerateMockInterest (ret.InterestOne ?? ""); } } catch (Exception e) { ret = new UserModel (false, GenerateParseErrorMessage (e)); } } SafeRaiseEvent (OnRegisterUserCompleted, ret); }; syrc.SendRestRequest (); }