예제 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Is the a Ray intersecting this plane
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="inRay"></param>
		/// <param name="intersection"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool Intersect(Ray inRay, out Vector3d intersection)
			intersection = new Vector3d();
			// Reference: http://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-lessons/lesson-7-intersecting-simple-shapes/ray-plane-and-ray-disk-intersection/
			// d = ((p0 - l0) * n) / (l * n)

			Ray ray = inRay;

			// Negate Z since this is a RH coordinate system
			ray.Direction.Z *= -1;

			// If dn is close to 0 then they don't intersect.  This should never happen
			double denominator = ray.Direction.Dot(Normal);
			if (Math.Abs(denominator) < 0.00001)
				return false;

			Vector3d v;
			v.X = Point.X - ray.Origin.X;
			v.Y = Point.Y - ray.Origin.Y;
			v.Z = -1 * (Point.Z - ray.Origin.Z);

			double numerator = v.Dot(Normal);

			// Compute the distance along the ray to the plane
			double d = numerator / denominator;
			if (d < 0)
				return false;

			// Extend the ray out this distance
			intersection.X = inRay.Origin.X + (inRay.Direction.X * d);
			intersection.Y = inRay.Origin.Y + (inRay.Direction.Y * d);
			intersection.Z = inRay.Origin.Z + (inRay.Direction.Z * d);
			return true;
예제 #2
		/** Calculate where the ray will hit the laser plane and write it to @p point */
        private bool IntersectLaserPlane(Ray ray, ref Point3D point, PointF pixel)
			// Reference: http://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-lessons/lesson-7-intersecting-simple-shapes/ray-plane-and-ray-disk-intersection/
			// d = ((p0 - l0) * n) / (l * n)

			// If dn is close to 0 then they don't intersect.  This should never happen
			double denominator = ray.Direction.Dot(m_LaserPlane.Normal);
			if (Math.Abs(denominator) < 0.000001)
				Debug.WriteLine("!!! Ray never hits laser plane, pixel=" + pixel.X + ", " + pixel.Y + ", laserX=" + m_LaserPos.X + ", denom=" + denominator);
				return false;

			Vector3d v;
			v.X = m_LaserPlane.Point.X - ray.Origin.X;
			v.Y = m_LaserPlane.Point.Y - ray.Origin.Y;
			v.Z = m_LaserPlane.Point.Z - ray.Origin.Z;

			double numerator = v.Dot(m_LaserPlane.Normal);

			// Compute the distance along the ray to the plane
			double d = numerator / denominator;
			if (d < 0)
				// The ray is going away from the plane.  This should never happen.
				Debug.WriteLine("!!! Back projection ray is going the wrong direction!  Ray Origin = (" +
											 ray.Origin.X + "," + ray.Origin.Y + "," + ray.Origin.Z + ") Direction = (" +
											 ray.Direction.X + "," + ray.Direction.Y + "," + ray.Direction.Z + ")");
				return false;

			// Extend the ray out this distance
			point.Position.X = ray.Origin.X + (ray.Direction.X * d);
			point.Position.Y = ray.Origin.Y + (ray.Direction.Y * d);
			point.Position.Z = ray.Origin.Z + (ray.Direction.Z * d);
			point.Normal.X = m_LaserPos.X - point.Position.X;
			point.Normal.Y = m_LaserPos.Y - point.Position.Y;
			point.Normal.Z = m_LaserPos.Z - point.Position.Z;


			return true;
예제 #3
		 * Calculates a camera back projection Ray for the given image point.  The ray
		 * will begin at globalPt and extend out into the scene with a vector that would also
		 * take it through the camera focal point.
		 * @param globalPt - Point on the camera sensor in global coordinates
		 * @param ray - The output ray.
        private Ray CalculateCameraRay(PointF imagePixel)

			// Performance Note: Most of this could be pre-computed
			// and all the division could be removed.

			// and distance to camera

			// We subtract by one because the image is 0 indexed
			double x = imagePixel.X / (double)(m_Image.Width - 1);

			// Subtract the height so it goes from bottom to top
			double y = (m_Image.Height - imagePixel.Y) / (double)(m_Image.Height - 1);

			// The center of the sensor is at 0 in the X dimension
			x = (x * m_Sensor.Width) - (m_Sensor.Width * 0.5f) + m_CameraPos.X;
			y = (y * m_Sensor.Height) - (m_Sensor.Height * 0.5f) + m_CameraPos.Y;
			double z = m_CameraPos.Z - m_focalLength;

			Ray ray = new Ray(new Vector3d(x, y, z), new Vector3d(x - m_CameraPos.X, y - m_CameraPos.Y, z - m_CameraPos.Z));

			return ray;