예제 #1
        private async Task HandleCommandAsync(SocketMessage arg)
            var msg = arg as SocketUserMessage;

            if (msg == null)
            if (arg.Author.Id == 352216646267437059)
                /// Get some informations about the bot for statistics purposes
                if (arg.Content == "<@&330483872544587776> Please send me your informations for comparison.")
                    List <ulong> users = new List <ulong>();
                    foreach (var g in client.Guilds)
                        foreach (var g2 in g.Users)
                            if (!users.Contains(g2.Id))
                    int      nbMsgs = 0;
                    DateTime dt     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    if (Directory.Exists("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString()))
                        foreach (string s in Directory.GetFiles("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString()))
                            nbMsgs += Convert.ToInt32(File.ReadAllText(s));
                    await(((ITextChannel)(arg.Channel))).SendMessageAsync($"<@{Sentences.idPikyu}> Here are the compare informations: " + client.Guilds.Count + "|" + users.Count + "|" + getLenghtFolder("Saves") + "o|Zirk|" + nbMsgs);
            /// When playing games
            else if (arg.Author.Id != Sentences.myId)
                GameModule.Game game = games.Find(x => x.m_chan == arg.Channel);
                if (game != null)
                    game.CheckCorrect(arg.Content, arg.Author);
            int    pos    = 0;
            string prefix = prefixs[(arg.Channel as ITextChannel).GuildId];

            if (msg.HasMentionPrefix(client.CurrentUser, ref pos) || (prefix != "" && msg.HasStringPrefix(prefix, ref pos)))
                var context = new SocketCommandContext(client, msg);
                if (context.Guild == null)
                    await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.dontPm(446053427714326528)); // Workaround because can't get id of null guild

                DateTime dt     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                var      result = await commands.ExecuteAsync(context, pos);

                // Count how many messages the bot receive
                if (result.IsSuccess && !context.User.IsBot)
                    if (!Directory.Exists("Saves"))
                    if (!Directory.Exists("Saves/Stats"))
                    if (!Directory.Exists("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString()))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString());
                    if (File.Exists("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString() + '/' + dt.Day.ToString() + ".dat"))
                        File.WriteAllText("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString() + '/' + dt.Day.ToString() + ".dat", (Convert.ToInt32(File.ReadAllText("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString() + '/' + dt.Day.ToString() + ".dat")) + 1).ToString());
                        File.WriteAllText("Saves/Stats/" + dt.Month.ToString() + '/' + dt.Day.ToString() + ".dat", "1");
                    File.WriteAllText("Saves/CommandReceived.dat", commandReceived + Environment.NewLine + lastHourSent);