private static void addingBookFeature() { Book bk = new Book(); bk.BookID = MyConsole1.getNumber("Enter the ISBN no of this book"); bk.Title = MyConsole1.getString("Enter the title of this book"); bk.Author = MyConsole1.getString("Enter the Author of this book"); bk.Price = MyConsole1.getDouble("Enter the Price of this book"); try { bool result = mgr.AddNewBook(bk); if (!result) { Console.WriteLine("No more books could be added"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Book by title {bk.Title} is added successfully to the database"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { InitializeComponent(); bool @continue = true; do { string choice = MyConsole1.getString(menu); @continue = processing(choice); } while (@continue); }
private static void readingFeature() { string title = MyConsole1.getString("Enter the title or part of the title to search"); Book[] books = mgr.GetAllBooks(title); foreach (var bk in books) { if (bk != null) { Console.WriteLine(bk.Title); } } }
private static void exampleOnCustomer() { Customer cst = new Customer(); int custid = MyConsole1.getNumber("Enter ID"); string cstName = MyConsole1.getString("Enter Name"); string cstAddress = MyConsole1.getString("Enter Address"); cst.addBillAmount(450); cst.addBillAmount(400); cst.addBillAmount(250); cst.addBillAmount(100); cst.addBillAmount(45); cst.addBillAmount(40); cst.DisplayBill(); }
private static void updatingBookFeature() { Book bk = new Book(); bk.BookID = MyConsole1.getNumber("Enter the ISBN no of the book U wish to update"); bk.Title = MyConsole1.getString("Enter the new title of this book"); bk.Author = MyConsole1.getString("Enter the new Author of this book"); bk.Price = MyConsole1.getDouble("Enter the new Price of this book"); bool result = mgr.UpdateBook(bk); if (!result) { Console.WriteLine($"No book by this id {bk.BookID} found to update"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Book by ID {bk.BookID} is updated successfully to the database"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { List <Customer1> customers = new List <Customer1>(); customers.Add(new Customer1 { CustomerCity = "Bangalore", CustomerID = 143, CustomerName = "Anand P Sharma" }); customers.Add(new Customer1 { CustomerCity = "Mysore", CustomerID = 184, CustomerName = "Mohit Kumar" }); customers.Add(new Customer1 { CustomerCity = "Chennai", CustomerID = 125, CustomerName = "Srujjan" }); customers.Add(new Customer1 { CustomerCity = "Agra", CustomerID = 126, CustomerName = "Sampath" }); customers.Add(new Customer1 { CustomerCity = "Mumbai", CustomerID = 117, CustomerName = "Antony" }); customers.Add(new Customer1 { CustomerCity = "Pune", CustomerID = 132, CustomerName = "Siad" }); customers.Add(new Customer1 { CustomerCity = "Hyderabad", CustomerID = 129, CustomerName = "Joe Biden" }); customers.Add(new Customer1 { CustomerCity = "Coimbatore", CustomerID = 133, CustomerName = "Sam Jackson" }); string input = MyConsole1.getString("Enter the criteria of Comparing"); IComparer <Customer1> comparer = new Customer1Comparer(input); customers.Sort(comparer); foreach (var cst in customers) { Console.WriteLine(cst);//cst.ToString(); } }