예제 #1
        //Functionality that plays the passed stream back to the user.
        //This will "freeze" the UI untill playback is completed.
        //INPUT: memoryStream
        //OUTPUT: Function result
        public functionResult onPlayback(ref Stream ms)
            functionResult result = new functionResult();

                //Go to position 0 of the audio stream
                ms.Position = 0;
                //Conver the stream to a wavefile and create the required heades
                using (WaveStream blockAlignedStream = new BlockAlignReductionStream(WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(new WaveFileReader(ms))))
                    using (WaveOut waveOut = new WaveOut(WaveCallbackInfo.FunctionCallback()))
                        //Start playing
                        //While we are playing, prevent anything from happenign on the UI. Might be worth expanding this to have a "Stop" button
                        while (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing)
                result.Result  = true;
                result.Message = "onPlayback - OK";
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "ERROR - onPlayback - " + ex.ToString();
예제 #2
        //Once we stop recording, clean up and store recording end date/time
        //INPUT: sender and StoppedEventArgs
        public void OnRecordingStopped(object sender, StoppedEventArgs e)
            functionResult result = new functionResult();

                //Clean up everytyhing used within the recording
                if (waveIn != null)
                    waveIn = null;

                if (writer != null)
                    writer = null;

                //Store the date/time the recording ended to be used for calculating the sample length
                recordingEnded = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "ERROR - OnDataAvailable - " + ex.ToString();
예제 #3
        //This function will take the passed recording and string to compare againas and do a speect to text
        //INPUT: stream with recording, expected text
        //OUPUT: functionResult
        public functionResult convertToSpeechWithString(Stream ms, string requestString)
            functionResult f = new functionResult();
            //Create a list of choices of phrases we expect
            Choices c = new Choices();

            //Add the exprected phrase to the choices
            f = convertToSpeechwithChoices(ms, c);
예제 #4
        //As data becomes vailable, add it to the writer.
        //INPUT: sender and waveEventArgs
        private void OnDataAvailable(object sender, WaveInEventArgs e)
            functionResult result = new functionResult();

                writer.Write(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "ERROR - OnDataAvailable - " + ex.ToString();
예제 #5
        //This function remove the passed UserID
        //INPUT: userId
        //OUTPUT: functionResult
        public functionResult removeUser(string userID)
            functionResult r      = new functionResult();
            string         SQL    = @"DELETE FROM users  WHERE ID = '" + userID + "'";
            string         output = executeNonQueryV2(SQL);

            if (output.ToUpper().Contains("ERROR"))
                r.Result  = false;
                r.Message = output;
                r.Result  = true;
                r.Message = "removeUser - OK";
예제 #6
        //This function will update the passed UserID with a new Name and ProfileID
        //INPUT: UserID to update, new Name and ProfileID
        //OUTPUT: functionResult
        public functionResult updateUser(string userID, string name, string ProfileID)
            functionResult r      = new functionResult();
            string         SQL    = @"UPDATE users SET NAME = '" + name + "', ProfileID = '" + ProfileID + "' WHERE ID = '" + userID + "'";
            string         output = executeNonQueryV2(SQL);

            if (output.Contains("Error"))
                r.Result  = false;
                r.Message = output;
                r.Result  = true;
                r.Message = "updateUser - OK";
예제 #7
        //This function will remove the passed GUID from the database
        //INPUT: speaker GUID
        //OUTPUT: functionResult
        public async Task <functionResult> removeSpeaker(Guid speakerID)
            functionResult result = new functionResult();

                //Remove the speaker from the database
                await _serviceClient.DeleteProfileAsync(speakerID);

                result.Result  = true;
                result.Message = "The selected profile has been remove";
            catch (CreateProfileException ex)
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "Profile Creation Error: " + ex.Message;
            catch (DeleteProfileException ex)
                //If the error contains "speakerInvalid" we can assume the speakerID doesn't exist. So return can be true to continue removing from the database
                if (ex.Message.ToUpper().Contains("SPEAKERINVALID"))
                    result.Result  = true;
                    result.Message = "Missing Profile: " + ex.ToString();
                    result.Result  = false;
                    result.Message = "Error deleting The Profile: " + ex.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message + " - " + ex.GetType();
예제 #8
        //This function will create the audio into the passed stream.
        //We pass the required audio stream to to record to.
        //INPUT: the memoryStream to store the recorded audio in
        //OUTPUT: runctionResult
        public functionResult onRecord(ref Stream memoryStream)
            functionResult result = new functionResult();

            if (waveIn == null)
                    waveIn = new WaveIn();
                    //Need to configure to 16kz and Mono for the library
                    waveIn.WaveFormat = new WaveFormat(16000, 1);

                    //Create a new memory stream
                    memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

                    //Allocate the writer to the wavefilre writer. Need to ifnoredisposestream as if we don't it caused some
                    //issues within the Project Oxford items
                    writer = new WaveFileWriter(new IgnoreDisposeStream(memoryStream), waveIn.WaveFormat);

                    waveIn.DataAvailable    += new EventHandler <WaveInEventArgs>(OnDataAvailable);
                    waveIn.RecordingStopped += new EventHandler <StoppedEventArgs>(OnRecordingStopped);

                    //Start recording from the input device

                    //store the date/time the recoriding started to be used for calculating the length
                    recordingStarted = DateTime.Now;
                    result.Result    = true;
                    result.Message   = ("onRecord - Sucess");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result.Result  = false;
                    result.Message = ("ERROR - onRecord - " + ex.ToString());
                    OnRecordingStopped(null, null);
예제 #9
        //This function will remove the passed AccountID
        //INPUT: AccountID
        //OUTPUT: functionResult
        public functionResult RemoveAccountLogin(int AccountID)
            functionResult    result = new functionResult();
            EncryptionDecrypt edde   = new EncryptionDecrypt();
            //Create the SQL string. Encrypt the password we are storing
            string SQL    = "DELETE FROM Logons WHERE AccountID ='" + AccountID + "'";
            string output = executeNonQueryV2(SQL);

            if (output.ToUpper().Contains("ERROR"))
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "RemoveAccountLogin: "******"RemoveAccountLogin - OK";

예제 #10
        //This function will uppdate the passed userlogin
        //INPUT: UserLogin
        //OUTPUT: functionResult
        public functionResult UpdateAccountLogin(UserLogin u)
            functionResult    result = new functionResult();
            EncryptionDecrypt edde   = new EncryptionDecrypt();
            //Create the SQL string. Encrypt the password we are storing
            string SQL    = "UPDATE Logons SET SiteKey = '" + u.SiteKey + "' , username = '******', password = '******', website = '" + u.website + "' WHERE AccountID ='" + u.AccountID + "'";
            string output = executeNonQueryV2(SQL);

            if (output.ToUpper().Contains("ERROR"))
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "UpdateAccountLogin: "******"UpdateAccountLogin - OK";

예제 #11
        //This function add a new login
        //INPUT: UserLogin (contains all details)
        //OUTPUT: functionResult
        public functionResult AddAccountLogin(UserLogin u)
            functionResult    result = new functionResult();
            EncryptionDecrypt edde   = new EncryptionDecrypt();
            //Create the SQL string. Encrypt the password we are storing
            string SQL    = "INSERT INTO Logons (UserID, SiteKey, username, password, website) VALUES ('" + u.UserID + "','" + u.SiteKey + "', '" + u.username + "','" + edde.EncryptString(u.password) + "','" + u.website + "')";
            string output = executeNonQueryV2(SQL);

            if (output.ToUpper().Contains("ERROR"))
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "AddAccountLogin: "******"AddAccountLogin - OK";

예제 #12
        //This function will add a new user
        //INPUT: New user name
        //OUTPUT: functionResult
        public functionResult addNewUser(string userName)
            functionResult result = new functionResult();
            string         SQL    = "INSERT INTO users (NAME) VALUES ('" + userName + "')";
            string         output = executeNonQueryV2(SQL);

            if (output.ToUpper().Contains("ERROR"))
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "addNewUser: "******"addNewUser - OK";

            if (result.Result == true)
                SQL = "SELECT MAX(ID) FROM users";
                string output2 = executeQueryV2(SQL);
                if (output2.ToUpper().Contains("ERROR") || output2.ToUpper().Contains("EMPTY"))
                    result.Result  = false;
                    result.Message = "addNewUser (get max): " + output;
                    result.Result = true;
                    string temp = output2.Substring(output2.IndexOf(":") + 1);
                    temp           = temp.Replace("\"", "");
                    temp           = temp.Replace("}", "");
                    temp           = temp.Replace("]", "");
                    result.Message = temp;
예제 #13
        //This function converst the passed memory stream and compares it to the passed Choices
        //INPUT: stream with recording, Text choices to look for
        //OUPUT: FunctionResult
        //This does the speech recognition against the stream and coices
        public functionResult convertToSpeechwithChoices(Stream ms, Choices c)
            functionResult          f          = new functionResult();
            SpeechRecognitionEngine recognizer = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"));

            //Create a dictionary Grammar and assign the coices to it
            Grammar dictationGrammar = new DictationGrammar();
            var     gb = new GrammarBuilder(c);
            var     g  = new Grammar(gb);

            //Load the grammar for the speech recognition engine
                //Go to the beginning of the stream
                ms.Position = 0;
                //Conver the stream into a wave stream
                WaveStream pcmStream = new WaveFileReader(ms);
                recognizer.SetInputToAudioStream(pcmStream, new SpeechAudioFormatInfo(16000, AudioBitsPerSample.Sixteen, AudioChannel.Mono));
                //Do the speech recognition
                RecognitionResult result = recognizer.Recognize();

                f.Result            = true;
                f.recognitionResult = result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                f.Message = "ERROR: " + ex.Message;
                f.Result  = false;
예제 #14
        //This Creates a new speaker in the database
        //OUTPUT: functionResult
        public async Task <functionResult> addSpeaker()
            functionResult result = new functionResult();

            //If the _serviceClient is null, create it with the subsciption key stored
            if (_serviceClient == null)
                _serviceClient = new SpeakerIdentificationServiceClient(_subscriptionKey);
                //Create the new profile and assign it to the Profile Tag
                CreateProfileResponse creationResponse = await _serviceClient.CreateProfileAsync("en-us");

                Profile profile = await _serviceClient.GetProfileAsync(creationResponse.ProfileId);

                result.Result  = true;
                result.Message = profile.ProfileId.ToString();
            catch (CreateProfileException ex)
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "Error Creating The Profile: " + ex.Message.ToString();
            catch (GetProfileException ex)
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "Error Retrieving The Profile: " + ex.Message.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message.ToString();
예제 #15
        //This function will save the passed audio stream to the file name specified. This wills save in the same directory as the application
        //INPUT: memory stream, Filename
        //OUPUT: FunctionResult
        public functionResult onSaveFile(ref Stream ms, string filename)
            functionResult result = new functionResult();

                //Reset the audio stream position to 0, and save it to a new file.
                ms.Position = 0;
                using (WaveStream pcmStream = WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(new WaveFileReader(ms)))
                    //step 3: write wave data into file with WaveFileWriter.
                    WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile(filename, pcmStream);

                result.Result  = true;
                result.Message = "onSaveFile - ok";
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = "ERROR - onSaveFile - " + ex.ToString();
예제 #16
        //This functionality will used the passed audio stream to enroll a speaker with the passed GUID
        //INPUT: enrollment audio sample, Speaker ID, Sample Length
        //OUTPUT: FunctionResult
        public async Task <functionResult> enrollSpeaker(Stream ms, Guid speakerID, double sampleLength)
            functionResult result = new functionResult();

            //Ensure the stream isnot null
            if (ms != null)
                //Ensure we have a sample lenght of more than 5 seconds to enroll
                if (sampleLength > 5)
                            OperationLocation processPollingLocation;
                            using (Stream audioStream = ms)
                                audioStream.Position   = 0;
                                processPollingLocation = await _serviceClient.EnrollAsync(audioStream, speakerID, true);

                            EnrollmentOperation enrollmentResult;
                            int      numOfRetries       = 10;
                            TimeSpan timeBetweenRetries = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0);
                            while (numOfRetries > 0)
                                await Task.Delay(timeBetweenRetries);

                                enrollmentResult = await _serviceClient.CheckEnrollmentStatusAsync(processPollingLocation);

                                if (enrollmentResult.Status == Status.Succeeded)
                                else if (enrollmentResult.Status == Status.Failed)
                                    throw new EnrollmentException(enrollmentResult.Message);
                            if (numOfRetries <= 0)
                                result.Result  = false;
                                result.Message = ("Enrollment Error: Enrollment operation timeout.");
                            result.Result  = true;
                            result.Message = ("User has been enrolled successfully");
                    catch (EnrollmentException ex)
                        result.Result  = false;
                        result.Message = ("Enrollment Error: " + ex.Message);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        result.Result  = false;
                        result.Message = ("Error: " + ex.Message);
                    result.Result  = false;
                    result.Message = ("Enroll: Audio sample need to be > 5 seconds");
                result.Result  = false;
                result.Message = ("Enroll: No valid sample recorded");