예제 #1
        // create ProgressWriterVector with attached native progress writer
        public static ProgressWriterVector CreateVector(string path, Function network)
            var       progress = new ProgressWriterVector();
            var       getV     = typeof(ProgressWriterVector).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).First(m => m.Name == "getCPtr");
            HandleRef vector   = (HandleRef)(getV.Invoke(null, new object[] { progress }));

            var       getF     = typeof(Function).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).First(m => m.Name == "getCPtr");
            HandleRef function = (HandleRef)(getF.Invoke(null, new object[] { network }));

            TensorBoardFileWriter.InitVec(vector.Handle, path, function.Handle);
예제 #2
        static public void TrainAndEvaluate(DeviceDescriptor device)
            // build a logistic regression model
            Variable featureVariable  = Variable.InputVariable(new int[] { inputDim }, DataType.Float);
            Variable labelVariable    = Variable.InputVariable(new int[] { numOutputClasses }, DataType.Float);
            var      classifierOutput = CreateLinearModel(featureVariable, numOutputClasses, device);
            var      loss             = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(classifierOutput, labelVariable);
            var      evalError        = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(classifierOutput, labelVariable);

            // prepare for training
            CNTK.TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRatePerSample = new CNTK.TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.02, 1);
            IList <Learner> parameterLearners =
                new List <Learner>()
                Learner.SGDLearner(classifierOutput.Parameters(), learningRatePerSample)

            var progressWriter       = new TensorBoardFileWriter("log/test");
            var progressWriterVector = TensorBoardFileWriter.CreateVector("log/main", classifierOutput);
            var trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(classifierOutput, loss, evalError, parameterLearners, progressWriterVector);

            int minibatchSize         = 64;
            int numMinibatchesToTrain = 1000;
            int updatePerMinibatches  = 50;

            // train the model
            Random random = new Random(0);

            for (int minibatchCount = 0; minibatchCount < numMinibatchesToTrain; minibatchCount++)
                Value features, labels;
                GenerateValueData(minibatchSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses, out features, out labels, device);
                //TODO: sweepEnd should be set properly instead of false.
#pragma warning disable 618
                    new Dictionary <Variable, Value>()
                    { featureVariable, features }, { labelVariable, labels }
                }, device);
#pragma warning restore 618
                PrintTrainingProgress(trainer, minibatchCount, updatePerMinibatches);

                progressWriter.WriteValue("random1", (float)random.Next(), minibatchCount);
                progressWriter.WriteValue("random2", (float)random.Next(), minibatchCount);

            // test and validate the model
            int   testSize = 100;
            Value testFeatureValue, expectedLabelValue;
            GenerateValueData(testSize, inputDim, numOutputClasses, out testFeatureValue, out expectedLabelValue, device);

            // GetDenseData just needs the variable's shape
            IList <IList <float> > expectedOneHot = expectedLabelValue.GetDenseData <float>(labelVariable);
            IList <int>            expectedLabels = expectedOneHot.Select(l => l.IndexOf(1.0F)).ToList();

            var inputDataMap = new Dictionary <Variable, Value>()
                { featureVariable, testFeatureValue }
            var outputDataMap = new Dictionary <Variable, Value>()
                { classifierOutput.Output, null }
            classifierOutput.Evaluate(inputDataMap, outputDataMap, device);
            var outputValue = outputDataMap[classifierOutput.Output];
            IList <IList <float> > actualLabelSoftMax = outputValue.GetDenseData <float>(classifierOutput.Output);
            var actualLabels = actualLabelSoftMax.Select((IList <float> l) => l.IndexOf(l.Max())).ToList();
            int misMatches   = actualLabels.Zip(expectedLabels, (a, b) => a.Equals(b) ? 0 : 1).Sum();

            Console.WriteLine($"Validating Model: Total Samples = {testSize}, Misclassify Count = {misMatches}");