private void btn_Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CheckValidation()) { try { wrap = new Wrapper(); if (cmb_EventId.Text != "Select Any" && cmb_EventId.Text != string.Empty && cmb_EventId.Text != null) { res = new UsersBAL().ExistUser(new string[] { txt_UserName.Text.Trim(), Global.EncryptedPassword(txt_Password.Text.Trim()), "Xhibitor", cmb_EventId.Text }); if (res) { int id = GetUserId(txt_UserName.Text.Trim()); Global.UserId = id.ToString(); Global.UserName = txt_UserName.Text.Trim(); this.Close(); frm_Search frm = new frm_Search(); frm.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; frm.Show(); } else { FormCustomization_Sample.MessageBox.Show("Please Check UserName and Password !!!", Global.MsgInfo, MessageBoxStyle.Errorr); txt_UserName.Focus(); Clear(); } } else { res = new UsersBAL().ExistUser(new string[] { txt_UserName.Text.Trim(), Global.EncryptedPassword(txt_Password.Text.Trim()), "Authorised", null }); if (res) { int id = GetUserId(txt_UserName.Text.Trim()); Global.UserId = id.ToString(); Global.UserName = txt_UserName.Text.Trim(); this.Close(); frm_UserSetup frm = new frm_UserSetup(); frm.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; frm.Show(); } else { FormCustomization_Sample.MessageBox.Show("Please Check UserName and Password !!!", Global.MsgInfo, MessageBoxStyle.Errorr); txt_UserName.Focus(); Clear(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { FormCustomization_Sample.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Global.MsgInfo, MessageBoxStyle.Errorr); } } }
//Normal Constructor lkvndflkhndfl public frm_Registration() { InitializeComponent(); wrap = new Wrapper(); }
private void FillCountry() { wrap = new Wrapper(); DataTable dt_Country = wrap.GetComboData("GETDATA_FOR_COUNTRY"); //DataTable dt_State = wrap.GetComboData("GETDATA_FOR_STATE"); cmb_Country.DataSource = dt_Country; cmb_Country.DisplayMember = "country_name"; cmb_Country.ValueMember = "country_id"; }
private void FillState() { wrap = new Wrapper(); //DataTable dt_country = wrap.GetComboData("GETDATA_FOR_COUNTRY"); DataTable dt_State = wrap.GetComboData("GETDATA_FOR_STATE"); cmb_State.DataSource = dt_State; cmb_State.DisplayMember = "state_name"; cmb_State.ValueMember = "state_id"; wrap.CloseConnection(); wrap = null; }
public void frm_ViewMember_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { wrap = new Wrapper(); frm_Registration.setImage(picb_Logo, 193, 117); if (registrationid == null || registrationid == string.Empty || registrationid == "") { } else { ReadOnlyAllControl(); //cphone = frm_Search.cphone.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("-", "").Trim(); //bphone = frm_Search.bphone.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("-", "").Trim(); //bphone = (bphone == string.Empty ? null : bphone); //cphone = (cphone == string.Empty ? null : cphone); bphone = Global.BusinessPhone; cphone = Global.CellPhone; SqlDataReader dr = wrap.GetFilteredData("[PROC_GETDATA_MEMBER_REGISTRATION]",bphone,cphone,registrationid); if (dr.Read()) { lblRegistrationID.Text = dr["registration_id"].ToString(); lblReg_id.Text = dr["reg_id"].ToString(); lblReg_id.Visible = false; txt_FristName.Text = dr["first_name"].ToString(); txt_LastName.Text = dr["last_name"].ToString(); txt_BusiName.Text = dr["business_name"].ToString(); cmb_BusiType.Text = dr["business_typename"].ToString(); txt_Address.Text = dr["business_address"].ToString(); txt_Address.Text = txt_Address.Text.ToUpper(); txt_City.Text = dr["city"].ToString(); txt_City.Text = txt_City.Text.ToUpper(); cmb_Country.Text = dr["country_name"].ToString(); cmb_County.Text = dr["county_name"].ToString(); cmb_State.Text = dr["state_name"].ToString(); txt_Zip.Text = dr["zip"].ToString(); txt_BusiPhone.Text = dr["business_phone"].ToString(); txt_CellPhone.Text = dr["cell_phone"].ToString(); txt_Email.Text = dr["email"].ToString(); txt_Website.Text = dr["website"].ToString(); } } }
public void FillCounty() { wrap = new Wrapper(); DataTable dt_county = wrap.GetComboData("GETDATA_FOR_COUNTY"); cmb_County.DataSource = dt_county; cmb_County.DisplayMember = "county_name"; cmb_County.ValueMember = "c_id"; wrap.CloseConnection(); wrap = null; }
public void FillBusinessType() { wrap = new Wrapper(); //Fill the Business Type data: DataTable dt_businesstype = wrap.GetComboData("GETDATA_FOR_BUSINESSTYPE"); cmb_BusiType.DataSource = dt_businesstype; cmb_BusiType.DisplayMember = "business_typename"; cmb_BusiType.ValueMember = "business_id"; wrap.CloseConnection(); wrap = null; }
public Users() : base() { wrap = (Wrapper)Global.CreateInstance(typeof(Users)); }