예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parsing left right block.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="placeholder">Object of XmlTag class.</param>
        /// <param name="lstWrapper">List of CustomWrapper class.</param>
        /// <returns>String format of left right block markup.</returns>
        static string ParseNormalLeftRightBlocks(XmlTag placeholder, List <CustomWrapper> lstWrapper)
            StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder();
            string        positions = placeholder.InnerHtml;

            string[] positionsAr = positions.Split(',');
            bool     fullWidth   = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.WIDTH) == "" ? true : false;

            string[] arrWidth = (Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.WIDTH) == "" ? "100" : Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.WIDTH)).Split(',');
            if (positionsAr.Length > 1)
                sb.Append(Mode == 2 ? "<div class='sfMoreblocks clearfix'>" : "<div class='sfMoreblocks sfCurve clearfix'>");
            for (int i = 0; i < positionsAr.Length; i++)
                string style = "";
                foreach (CustomWrapper start in lstWrapper)
                    if (start.Type == "position")
                        List <KeyValue> lstWidths    = new List <KeyValue>();
                        int             wrapperwidth = Calculator.CalculateWrapperWidth(positionsAr, arrWidth, start.LSTPositions.ToArray(), "normal", out lstWidths);

                        if (start.Start.ToLower() == positionsAr[i])
                            string divwidth = string.Format("{0}%", (wrapperwidth).ToString());
                            for (int j = 1; j <= start.Depth; j++)
                                if (j == 1)
                                    string wrapstyle = start.Depth > 1 ? string.Format("sfWrap sfInnerwrap{0}{1}", start.Index, start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class)) : string.Format("sfWrap sfInnerwrap{0}{1} clearfix", start.Index, start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class));
                                    //string floatstyle = divwidth == "100%" ? string.Format("width:{0}", divwidth) : string.Format("width:{0};float:left", divwidth);
                                    string floatstyle = sfCol + wrapperwidth.ToString();// == "100%" ? string.Format("width:{0}", divwidth) : string.Format("width:{0};float:left", divwidth);
                                    //sb.Append("<div style='" + floatstyle + "' class='" + wrapstyle + "'>");
                                    sb.Append("<div class='" + wrapstyle + " " + floatstyle + "'>");
                                    string multiplewrappers = start.Depth == j?string.Format("sfWrap {0} sf{1} clearfix", start.Class, j) : string.Format("sfWrap {0} sf{1}", start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class), j);

                                    //string floatstyle = divwidth == "100%" ? string.Format("width:{0}", divwidth) : string.Format("width:{0};float:left", divwidth);
                                    string floatstyle = sfCol + wrapperwidth.ToString();
                                    //sb.Append("<div style='" + floatstyle + "' class='" + multiplewrappers + "'>");
                                    sb.Append("<div class='" + multiplewrappers + " " + floatstyle + "'>");
                        if (start.LSTPositions.Contains(positionsAr[i]))
                            int width = Calculator.CalculatePostWrapWidth(start.LSTPositions.ToArray(), positionsAr[i], wrapperwidth, "normal", lstWidths);
                            //style = Mode == 0 ? string.Format("width:{0}%;float:left", width) : width == 100 ? "float:left" : string.Format("width:{0}%;float:left", width);
                            style = sfCol + width.ToString();// Mode == 0 ? string.Format("width:{0}%;float:left", width) : width == 100 ? "float:left" : string.Format("width:{0}%;float:left", width);
                string customStyle = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT) == "" ? string.Format("{0}", style) : string.Format("{0};min-height:{1}px", style, Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT));
                if (customStyle != "")
                    string id = string.Format("sf{0}", Utils.UppercaseFirst(positionsAr[i]));
                    sb.Append("<div id=" + id + " style='" + customStyle + "'>");
                    //sb.Append("<div id=" + id + " class='" + style.Replace('%','') + "'>");
                sb.Append(Mode == 2 ? "<div class='sfWrapper'>" : "<div class='sfWrapper sfCurve'>");
                sb.Append(HtmlBuilder.AddPlaceholder(positionsAr[i], Mode));
                if (customStyle != "")

                if (arrWidth.Length == i)
                    //sb.Append("<div class='clearfix'></div>");
                foreach (CustomWrapper start in lstWrapper)
                    if (start.End.ToLower() == positionsAr[i] && start.Type == "position")
                        for (int j = 1; j <= start.Depth; j++)
            if (positionsAr.Length > 1)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parsing fixed block.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="placeholder">Object of XmlTag class.</param>
        /// <param name="lstWrapper">List of CustomWrapper class.</param>
        /// <returns>String format of fixed block markup.</returns>
        public static string ParseFixedBlocks(XmlTag placeholder, List <CustomWrapper> lstWrapper)
            string pchName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "sf", Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.NAME).ToLower(), "_mytable");

            StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder();
            string        tableID   = placeholder.PresetName;
            string        positions = placeholder.InnerHtml;

            string[] positionsAr = positions.Split(',');
            double   spotWidth   = 100 / positionsAr.Length;
            string   col         = spotWidth.ToString();
            string   width       = col + "%";
            string   minheight   = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT, "200px");

            if (positionsAr.Length > 1)
                if (Flag)
                    sb.Append(Mode == 2 ? "<div class='sfMoreblocks  clearfix'>" : "<div class='sfMoreblocks sfCurve clearfix'>");
                    sb.Append(Mode == 2 ? "<table id=" + pchName + " class='sfMoreblocks sfFullWidth'><thead><tr>" : "<table id=" + pchName + "  class='sfMoreblocks sfCurve sfFullWidth'><thead><tr>");
            for (int i = 0; i < positionsAr.Length; i++)
                string adjustedWidth = width;
                if (positionsAr.Length % 2 != 0 && i == positionsAr.Length - 1)
                    adjustedWidth = string.Format("{0}%", (int.Parse(width.Replace("%", "")) + 1).ToString());
                string style = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.CLASS);
                if (i == 0)
                    style += " sfFirst";
                if (i == positionsAr.Length - 1)
                    style += " sfLast";
                foreach (CustomWrapper start in lstWrapper)
                    if (start.Type == "position")
                        List <KeyValue> lstWidths  = new List <KeyValue>();
                        int             totalwidth = Calculator.CalculateWrapperWidth(positionsAr, positionsAr, start.LSTPositions.ToArray(), "fixed", out lstWidths);
                        if (start.Start.ToLower() == positionsAr[i])
                            string wrapperwidth = string.Format("{0}%", (totalwidth).ToString());
                            for (int j = 1; j <= start.Depth; j++)
                                if (j == 1)
                                    string wrapstyle = start.Depth > 1 ? string.Format("sfWrap sfInnerwrap{0}{1}", start.Index, start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class)) : string.Format("sfWrap sfInnerwrap{0}{1} clearfix", start.Index, start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class));
                                    //sb.Append("<div style='float:left;width:" + wrapperwidth + "' class='" + wrapstyle + "'>");
                                    sb.Append("<div class='" + wrapstyle + " " + sfCol + wrapperwidth + "'>");
                                    string multiplewrappers = start.Depth == j?string.Format("sfWrap {0} sf{1} clearfix", start.Class == ""? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class), j - 1) : string.Format("sfWrap {0} sf{1}", start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class), j - 1);

                                    sb.Append("<div class='" + multiplewrappers + "'>");
                        if (start.LSTPositions.Contains(positionsAr[i]))
                            int fixedWidth = Calculator.CalculatePostWrapWidth(positionsAr, positionsAr[i], totalwidth, "fixed", lstWidths);

                            adjustedWidth = string.Format("{0}%", fixedWidth.ToString());
                string customStyle = "";
                if (Flag)
                    customStyle = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT) == "" ? string.Format("float:left;width:{0}", adjustedWidth) : string.Format("float:left;width:{0};min-height:{1}px", adjustedWidth, Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT));
                    customStyle = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT) == "" ? string.Format("width:{0}", adjustedWidth) : string.Format("width:{0};min-height:{1}px", adjustedWidth, Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT));

                //if (customStyle != "")
                //    string styleClass = string.Format("class='sfFixed{0}'", i + 1);
                //    if (Flag)
                //        sb.Append("<div " + styleClass + " style='" + customStyle + "'>");
                //    else
                //        sb.Append("<th " + styleClass + " style='" + customStyle + "'>");
                if (customStyle != "")
                    string styleClass = string.Format("class='sfFixed {0}'", sfCol + col);
                    if (Flag)
                        // sb.Append("<div " + styleClass + " style='" + customStyle + "'>");
                        sb.Append("<div " + styleClass + ">");
                        // sb.Append("<th " + styleClass + " style='" + customStyle + "'>");
                        sb.Append("<th " + styleClass + " class='" + customStyle + "'>");
                sb.Append(Mode == 2 ? "<div class='sfWrapper'>" : "<div class='sfWrapper sfCurve'>");
                sb.Append(HtmlBuilder.AddPlaceholder(positionsAr[i], Mode));
                if (customStyle != "")
                    if (Flag)

                foreach (CustomWrapper start in lstWrapper)
                    if (start.End.ToLower() == positionsAr[i] && start.Type == "position")
                        for (int j = 1; j <= start.Depth; j++)
            if (positionsAr.Length > 1)
                if (Flag)

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parsing normal block.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="placeholder">object of XmlTag class.</param>
        /// <param name="lstWrapper">List of CustomWrapper class. </param>
        /// <returns>String format of normal block markup.</returns>
        static string ParseNormalBlocks(XmlTag placeholder, List <CustomWrapper> lstWrapper)
            string pchName      = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "sf", Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.NAME).ToLower(), "_mytable");
            string checkpchName = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.NAME).ToLower();
            bool   chkPch       = false;

            string[] checkpch = { "lefttop", "leftbottom", "righttop", "rightbottom" };
            foreach (string pch in checkpch)
                if (checkpchName == pch)
                    chkPch = true;
                    chkPch = false;
            if (Flag)
                chkPch = true;
            StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder();
            string        positions = placeholder.InnerHtml;

            string[] positionsAr = positions.Split(',');
            bool     fullWidth   = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.WIDTH) == "" ? true : false;

            string[] arrWidth = (Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.WIDTH) == "" ? "100" : Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.WIDTH)).Split(',');
            // if (positionsAr.Length > 1)
            // sb.Append(Mode == 2 ? "<div class='sfMoreblocks clearfix'>" : "<div class='sfMoreblocks sfCurve clearfix'>");
            if (chkPch)
                sb.Append(Mode == 2 ? "<div class='sfMoreblocks clearfix'>" : "<div class='sfMoreblocks sfCurve clearfix'>");
                sb.Append(Mode == 2 ? "<table class='sfMoreblocks sfFullWidth' id=" + pchName + "><thead><tr>" : "<table  class='sfMoreblocks sfCurve sfFullWidth'id=" + pchName + "><thead><tr>");
            for (int i = 0; i < positionsAr.Length; i++)
                string style = "";
                if (!fullWidth)
                    if (arrWidth.Length > i)
                        if (chkPch)
                            //style += arrWidth[i] == "100" ? "float:left" : string.Format("width:{0}%;float:left", arrWidth[i]);
                            style += sfCol + arrWidth[i];// == "100" ? "float:left" : string.Format("width:{0}%;float:left", arrWidth[i]);
                            style += sfCol + arrWidth[i];
                    else if (i == arrWidth.Length)
                        var remaining  = Calculator.GetRemainingWidth(arrWidth);
                        int finalWidth = remaining == 0 ? 100 : remaining;
                        if (chkPch)
                            //style += finalWidth == 100 ? "float:left" : string.Format("width:{0}%;float:left", finalWidth);
                            style += sfCol + finalWidth;
                            //    style += finalWidth == 100 ? "" : string.Format("width:{0}%;", finalWidth);
                            //style += finalWidth == 100 ? "" : sfCol + finalWidth;
                            style += sfCol + finalWidth;
                    style += "";

                foreach (CustomWrapper start in lstWrapper)
                    if (start.Type == "position")
                        List <KeyValue> lstWidths    = new List <KeyValue>();
                        int             wrapperwidth = Calculator.CalculateWrapperWidth(positionsAr, arrWidth, start.LSTPositions.ToArray(), "normal", out lstWidths);
                        if (start.Start.ToLower() == positionsAr[i])
                            string divwidth = string.Format("{0}%", (wrapperwidth).ToString());
                            for (int j = 1; j <= start.Depth; j++)
                                if (j == 1)
                                    string wrapstyle = start.Depth > 1 ? string.Format("sfWrap sfInnerwrap{0}{1}", start.Index, start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class)) : string.Format("sfWrap sfInnerwrap{0}{1} clearfix", start.Index, start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class));
                                    //string floatstyle = divwidth == "100%" ? string.Format("width:{0}", divwidth) : string.Format("width:{0};float:left", divwidth);
                                    //sb.Append("<div style='" + floatstyle + "' class='" + wrapstyle + "'>");
                                    sb.Append("<div class='" + wrapstyle + " " + sfCol + wrapperwidth + "'>");
                                    string multiplewrappers = start.Depth == j?string.Format("sfWrap {0} sf{1} clearfix", start.Class, j) : string.Format("sfWrap {0} sf{1}", start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class), j);

                                    //string floatstyle = divwidth == "100%" ? string.Format("width:{0}", divwidth) : string.Format("width:{0};float:left", divwidth);
                                    //sb.Append("<div style='" + floatstyle + "' class='" + multiplewrappers + "'>");
                                    sb.Append("<div class='" + multiplewrappers + " " + sfCol + wrapperwidth + "'>");
                        if (start.LSTPositions.Contains(positionsAr[i]))
                            int width = Calculator.CalculatePostWrapWidth(start.LSTPositions.ToArray(), positionsAr[i], wrapperwidth, "normal", lstWidths);
                            style = sfCol + width; // Mode == 0 ? string.Format("width:{0}%;float:left", width) : width == 100 ? "float:left" : string.Format("width:{0}%;float:left", width);
                string customStyle = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT) == "" ? string.Format("{0}", style) : string.Format("{0};min-height:{1}px", style, Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT));
                if (customStyle != "")
                    string id = string.Format("sf{0}", Utils.UppercaseFirst(positionsAr[i]));
                    if (chkPch)
                        //sb.Append("<div id=" + id + "  style='" + customStyle + "'>");
                        sb.Append("<div id=" + id + "  class='" + customStyle + "'>");
                        sb.Append("<th id=" + id + " class='" + customStyle + "'>");
                    string id = string.Format("sf{0}", Utils.UppercaseFirst(positionsAr[i]));
                    //sb.Append("<div id=" + id + " style='" + customStyle + "'>");
                    if (!chkPch)
                        sb.Append("<th id=" + id + " style='Width=100%' class='sfCol_100'>");
                        sb.Append("<div class='sfCol_100'>");
                sb.Append(Mode == 2 ? "<div class='sfWrapper'>" : "<div class='sfWrapper sfCurve'>");
                sb.Append(HtmlBuilder.AddPlaceholder(positionsAr[i], Mode));
                if (customStyle != "")
                    if (chkPch)
                    if (!chkPch)

                if (arrWidth.Length == i)
                    //sb.Append("<div class='clearfix'></div>");
                foreach (CustomWrapper start in lstWrapper)
                    if (start.End.ToLower() == positionsAr[i] && start.Type == "position")
                        for (int j = 1; j <= start.Depth; j++)
            //if (positionsAr.Length > 1)
            // {
            if (chkPch)

예제 #4
        public static string ParseFixedBlocks(XmlTag placeholder, List <CustomWrapper> lstWrapper)
            StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder();
            string        positions = placeholder.InnerHtml;

            string[] positionsAr = positions.Split(',');
            double   spotWidth   = 100 / positionsAr.Length;
            string   width       = spotWidth.ToString() + "%";
            string   minheight   = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT, "200px");

            if (positionsAr.Length > 1)
                sb.Append("<div class='sfMoreblocks sfCurve clearfix'>");
            for (int i = 0; i < positionsAr.Length; i++)
                string adjustedWidth = width;

                string style = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.CSSCLASS);
                if (i == 0)
                    style += " sfFirst";
                if (i == positionsAr.Length - 1)
                    style += " sfLast";
                foreach (CustomWrapper start in lstWrapper)
                    if (start.Type == "position")
                        List <KeyValue> lstWidths  = new List <KeyValue>();
                        int             totalwidth = Calculator.CalculateWrapperWidth(positionsAr, positionsAr, start.LSTPositions.ToArray(), "fixed", out lstWidths);
                        if (start.Start.ToLower() == positionsAr[i])
                            string wrapperwidth = string.Format("{0}%", (totalwidth).ToString());
                            for (int j = 1; j <= start.Depth; j++)
                                if (j == 1)
                                    string wrapstyle = start.Depth > 1 ? string.Format("sfWrap sfInnerwrap{0}{1}", start.Index, start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class)) : string.Format("sfWrap sfInnerwrap{0}{1} clearfix", start.Index, start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class));
                                    sb.Append("<div style='float:left;width:" + wrapperwidth + "' class='" + wrapstyle + "'>");
                                    string multiplewrappers = start.Depth == j?string.Format("sfWrap {0} sf{1} clearfix", start.Class == ""? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class), j - 1) : string.Format("sfWrap {0} sf{1}", start.Class == "" ? "" : string.Format(" {0}", start.Class), j - 1);

                                    sb.Append("<div class='" + multiplewrappers + "'>");
                        if (start.LSTPositions.Contains(positionsAr[i]))
                            adjustedWidth = string.Format("{0}%", Calculator.CalculatePostWrapWidth(positionsAr, positionsAr[i], totalwidth, "fixed", lstWidths).ToString());

                string customStyle = Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT) == "" ? string.Format("float:left;width:{0}", adjustedWidth) : string.Format("float:left;width:{0};min-height:{1}px", adjustedWidth, Utils.GetAttributeValueByName(placeholder, XmlAttributeTypes.MINHEIGHT));
                sb.Append("<div style='" + customStyle + "'>");
                sb.Append("<div class='sfWrapper sfCurve'>");
                sb.Append(HtmlBuilder.AddPlaceholder(positionsAr[i], Mode));

                foreach (CustomWrapper start in lstWrapper)
                    if (start.End.ToLower() == positionsAr[i] && start.Type == "position")
                        for (int j = 1; j <= start.Depth; j++)
            if (positionsAr.Length > 1)
