AppendDataElement() 공개 메소드

Creates a mod:data element in the current module.
If this method is invoked with no arguments, a mod:data element will be created (if it doesn't exist in the current module) and the final mod:data element will be returned. If an element whose name is mod:data is supplied, if will either be appended to the current module (if the module doesn't have a mod:data element already) or it will replace the existing mod:data element if one exists already. The element that will be returned will be the appended copy of the specified dataElement.
public AppendDataElement ( XmlNode dataElement = null ) : XmlElement
dataElement System.Xml.XmlNode Optional data element to add to the current module's element.
리턴 System.Xml.XmlElement
예제 #1
        public ModuleResult ProcessElement(XmlElement moduleElement, ViewConfiguration configuration)
            SageContext context = configuration.Context;
            ModuleResult result = new ModuleResult(moduleElement);

            XmlNode pathNode = moduleElement.SelectSingleNode("mod:config/mod:source/mod:path", nm);
            XmlNode selectionNode = moduleElement.SelectSingleNode("mod:config/mod:source/mod:xpath", nm);
            XmlNodeList namespaceNodes = moduleElement.SelectNodes("mod:config/mod:source/mod:namespaces/mod:namespace", nm);

            string xpath = selectionNode != null ? selectionNode.InnerText : null;

            if (pathNode == null)
                result.Status = ModuleResultStatus.None;
                return result;

            string path = pathNode.InnerText.Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                log.WarnFormat("The path element shouldn't be empty.");
                result.Status = ModuleResultStatus.ModuleWarning;
                return result;

            path = context.Path.Substitute(path);
            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(path))
                string configDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(configuration.Info.ConfigPath);
                path = Path.Combine(configDirectory, path);

            string resolved = context.Path.Resolve(path);
            if (!File.Exists(resolved))
                log.WarnFormat("The specified xml path '{0}' ('{1}') doesn't exist", path, resolved);
                result.Status = ModuleResultStatus.ModuleWarning;
                return result;

            XmlNode selection;
                selection = context.Resources.LoadXml(resolved);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.ErrorFormat("Failed to add specified file '{0}' ('{1}') as XML document: {2}",
                    path, resolved, ex.Message);

                result.Status = ModuleResultStatus.ModuleError;
                return result;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xpath))
                    XmlNamespaceManager manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
                    manager.AddNamespace("default", XmlNamespaces.XHtmlNamespace);

                    xpath = defaultNamespaceNodes.Replace(xpath, "$1default:$2$3");
                    foreach (XmlElement node in namespaceNodes)
                        string prefix = node.GetAttribute("prefix");
                        manager.AddNamespace(prefix, node.InnerText.Trim());

                    selection = selection.SelectSingleNode(xpath, manager);
                    if (selection == null)
                        log.WarnFormat("The xpath expression '{0}' yielded no result.", xpath);
                        result.Status = ModuleResultStatus.ModuleWarning;
                        return result;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.ErrorFormat("Attempting to select using xpath expression '{0}' resulted in error: {1}.",
                        xpath, ex.Message);

                    result.Status = ModuleResultStatus.ModuleError;
                    return result;
            else if (selectionNode != null)
                log.WarnFormat("The selection element shouldn't be empty.");
                result.Status = ModuleResultStatus.ModuleWarning;

            return result;
예제 #2
        public ModuleResult ProcessElement(XmlElement moduleElement, ViewConfiguration configuration)
            SageContext context = configuration.Context;

            if (languages.Count == 0)
                log.ErrorFormat("The syntax highligher module isn't configured with any languages. Until this is fixed, the module will not work.");
                return new ModuleResult(ModuleResultStatus.ConfigurationError);

            XmlNode languageNode = moduleElement.SelectSingleNode("mod:config/mod:language", nm);
            XmlElement codeNode = moduleElement.SelectSingleElement("mod:config/mod:code", nm);
            XmlNodeList keywordGroups = moduleElement.SelectNodes("mod:config/mod:keywords/mod:group", nm);
            XmlElement digitsNode = moduleElement.SelectSingleElement("mod:config/mod:digits", nm);

            if (languageNode == null)
                log.ErrorFormat("The required element mod:language is missing from the module configuration");

            if (codeNode == null)
                log.ErrorFormat("The required element mod:code is missing from the module configuration");

            if (languageNode == null || codeNode == null)
                return new ModuleResult(ModuleResultStatus.MissingParameters);

            string language = languageNode.InnerText.Trim();
            string sourceCode = codeNode.InnerText.Trim();
            string sourcePath = codeNode.GetAttribute("src");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(language))
                log.ErrorFormat("The mod:language is missing the required text value");
                return new ModuleResult(ModuleResultStatus.MissingParameters);

            if (!languages.ContainsKey(language))
                log.ErrorFormat("The specified language '{0}' is not recognized. Valid languages are: '{1}'.",
                    language, string.Join(", ", languages.Keys.ToArray()));

                return new ModuleResult(ModuleResultStatus.MissingParameters);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePath) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceCode))
                string expanded = context.Path.Resolve(sourcePath);
                if (!File.Exists(expanded))
                    log.ErrorFormat("The specified source code location '{0}' ('{1}') doesn't exist.",
                        sourcePath, expanded);

                    return new ModuleResult(ModuleResultStatus.NoData);

                sourceCode = File.ReadAllText(expanded);

            string indent = null;
            string[] sourceLines = sourceCode.Split('\n');

            foreach (string line in sourceLines)
                Match m;
                if ((m = indentExpr.Match(line)).Success)
                    if (indent == null || m.Groups[1].Value.Length < indent.Length)
                        indent = m.Groups[1].Value;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(indent))
                StringBuilder trimmed = new StringBuilder();
                Regex cleanup = new Regex("^" + indent);
                foreach (string line in sourceLines)
                    trimmed.AppendLine(cleanup.Replace(line, string.Empty));

                sourceCode = trimmed.ToString();

            List<ExpressionGroup> additionalGroups = new List<ExpressionGroup>();
            if (keywordGroups.Count != 0)
                additionalGroups = new List<ExpressionGroup>();
                foreach (XmlElement keywordElement in keywordGroups)
                    additionalGroups.Add(new ExpressionGroup(keywordElement, languages[language].CaseSensitive));

            SyntaxHighlighter highlighter = new SyntaxHighlighter(languages[language], additionalGroups);
            if (digitsNode != null)
                int lineCountDigits = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(digitsNode.InnerText.Trim(), out lineCountDigits))
                    highlighter.LineCountDigits = lineCountDigits;

            string highlighted = highlighter.Format(sourceCode);

            ModuleResult result = new ModuleResult(moduleElement);
            XmlElement dataElement = result.AppendDataElement();
            XmlElement sourceElement = dataElement.AppendElement("mod:formatted", XmlNamespaces.ModulesNamespace);
            sourceElement.InnerText = highlighted;

            return result;
예제 #3
        public ModuleResult ProcessElement(XmlElement moduleElement, ViewConfiguration configuration)
            XmlNamespaceManager nm = XmlNamespaces.Manager;

            bool isPublic = moduleElement.GetBoolean("mod:config/mod:public", nm);
            string threadName = moduleElement.GetString("mod:config/mod:thread", nm);
            string loggerName = moduleElement.GetString("mod:config/mod:logger", DefaultLoggerName, nm);

            SageContext context = configuration.Context;
            if (!isPublic && !context.IsDeveloperRequest)
                log.Warn("Skipping work for non-developer reqest. To override this set mod:config/mod:public to 'true'.");
                return null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(threadName))
                log.Warn("Thread name parameter is missing. Set mod:config/mod:thread be a non-empty string.");
                return new ModuleResult(ModuleResultStatus.MissingParameters);

            if (!IsLoggingEnabled)
                log.Warn("Logging is disabled.");
                log.WarnFormat("Make sure to enable log4net logging, and to add an appender with the following configuration:");
                log.WarnFormat(ConfigurationExample, loggerName);
                return new ModuleResult(ModuleResultStatus.NoData);

            FileAppender appender = GetAppender(loggerName) as FileAppender;
            if (appender == null)
                log.WarnFormat("The log appender '{0}' does not exist or is not a FileAppender.", loggerName);
                log.WarnFormat("Either create an appender with that name or specify another using mod:config/mod:logger.");
                log.WarnFormat("Make sure to enable log4net logging, and to add an appender with the following configuration:");
                log.WarnFormat(ConfigurationExample, loggerName);
                return new ModuleResult(ModuleResultStatus.NoData);

            ModuleResult result = new ModuleResult(moduleElement);
            result.AppendDataElement(CreateLogElement(moduleElement.OwnerDocument, appender, threadName));

            return result;