MapManager() { this.maps = new Dictionary<int, Map>(); this.mapInfo = new Dictionary<int, MapInfo>(); try { xml = new XmlParser("DB/MapInfo.xml"); } catch (Exception) { Logger.ShowError("cannot read the MapInfo.xml file.", null); return; } XmlNodeList XMLitems = xml.Parse("map"); Logger.ShowInfo("MapInfo database contains " + XMLitems.Count + " maps.", null); for (int i = 0; i < XMLitems.Count; i++) { Dictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>(); List<Dictionary<string, string>> heightmaps = new List<Dictionary<string,string>>(); XmlNodeList childList = XMLitems.Item(i).ChildNodes; for (int j = 0; j < childList.Count; j++) { if (childList.Item(j).Name.ToLower() == "heightmap") { Dictionary<string, string> tmp = new Dictionary<string,string>(); for (int k = 0; k < childList.Item(j).ChildNodes.Count; k++) tmp.Add(childList.Item(j).ChildNodes.Item(k).Name.ToLower(), childList.Item(j).ChildNodes.Item(k).InnerText); heightmaps.Add(tmp); } else data.Add(childList.Item(j).Name.ToLower(), childList.Item(j).InnerText); } if (!data.ContainsKey("id")) continue; if (!data.ContainsKey("name")) continue; try { MapInfo info = new MapInfo(); = int.Parse(data["id"]); = data["name"]; if (data.ContainsKey("cattleyamapid")) { info.CattleyaMapID = int.Parse(data["cattleyamapid"]); info.CattleyaX = float.Parse(data["cattleyax"]); info.CattleyaY = float.Parse(data["cattleyay"]); info.CattleyaZ = float.Parse(data["cattleyaz"]); } info.heightmaps = new List<HeightMapInfo>(); foreach(Dictionary<string,string> hmap in heightmaps) { try { HeightMapInfo tmpInf = new HeightMapInfo(); = hmap["name"]; tmpInf.size = int.Parse(hmap["size"]); tmpInf.location = new float[3]; tmpInf.location[0] = float.Parse(hmap["x"]); tmpInf.location[1] = float.Parse(hmap["y"]); tmpInf.location[2] = float.Parse(hmap["z"]); tmpInf.scale = new int[3]; tmpInf.scale[0] = int.Parse(hmap["scale-x"]); tmpInf.scale[1] = int.Parse(hmap["scale-y"]); tmpInf.scale[2] = int.Parse(hmap["scale-z"]); if (hmap.ContainsKey("waterlevel")) tmpInf.water_level = float.Parse(hmap["waterlevel"]); info.heightmaps.Add(tmpInf); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ShowError("Cannot read heightmap info", null); Logger.ShowError(ex, null); } } this.mapInfo.Add(, info); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.ShowError(" cannot parse mapInfo of map: " + data["id"], null); Logger.ShowError(e, null); continue; } } xml = null; }
MapManager() { this.maps = new Dictionary <int, Map>(); this.mapInfo = new Dictionary <int, MapInfo>(); try { xml = new XmlParser("DB/MapInfo.xml"); } catch (Exception) { Logger.ShowError("cannot read the MapInfo.xml file.", null); return; } XmlNodeList XMLitems = xml.Parse("map"); Logger.ShowInfo("MapInfo database contains " + XMLitems.Count + " maps.", null); for (int i = 0; i < XMLitems.Count; i++) { Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string>(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > heightmaps = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); XmlNodeList childList = XMLitems.Item(i).ChildNodes; for (int j = 0; j < childList.Count; j++) { if (childList.Item(j).Name.ToLower() == "heightmap") { Dictionary <string, string> tmp = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int k = 0; k < childList.Item(j).ChildNodes.Count; k++) { tmp.Add(childList.Item(j).ChildNodes.Item(k).Name.ToLower(), childList.Item(j).ChildNodes.Item(k).InnerText); } heightmaps.Add(tmp); } else { data.Add(childList.Item(j).Name.ToLower(), childList.Item(j).InnerText); } } if (!data.ContainsKey("id")) { continue; } if (!data.ContainsKey("name")) { continue; } try { MapInfo info = new MapInfo(); = int.Parse(data["id"]); = data["name"]; if (data.ContainsKey("cattleyamapid")) { info.CattleyaMapID = int.Parse(data["cattleyamapid"]); info.CattleyaX = float.Parse(data["cattleyax"]); info.CattleyaY = float.Parse(data["cattleyay"]); info.CattleyaZ = float.Parse(data["cattleyaz"]); } info.heightmaps = new List <HeightMapInfo>(); foreach (Dictionary <string, string> hmap in heightmaps) { try { HeightMapInfo tmpInf = new HeightMapInfo(); = hmap["name"]; tmpInf.size = int.Parse(hmap["size"]); tmpInf.location = new float[3]; tmpInf.location[0] = float.Parse(hmap["x"]); tmpInf.location[1] = float.Parse(hmap["y"]); tmpInf.location[2] = float.Parse(hmap["z"]); tmpInf.scale = new int[3]; tmpInf.scale[0] = int.Parse(hmap["scale-x"]); tmpInf.scale[1] = int.Parse(hmap["scale-y"]); tmpInf.scale[2] = int.Parse(hmap["scale-z"]); if (hmap.ContainsKey("waterlevel")) { tmpInf.water_level = float.Parse(hmap["waterlevel"]); } info.heightmaps.Add(tmpInf); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ShowError("Cannot read heightmap info", null); Logger.ShowError(ex, null); } } this.mapInfo.Add(, info); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.ShowError(" cannot parse mapInfo of map: " + data["id"], null); Logger.ShowError(e, null); continue; } } xml = null; }