private void BtnComplain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //If a Complaint Form does not already exist, create one if (complaintForm == null) { complaintForm = new AddComplainStudent(houseRules, mandatoryRules, student, this); complaintForm.Show(); } }
//Checks if any complaints or rules where added private void UpdatesTick() { //If a rule has been added to the textbox in the Rule Form and //the Add button has been pressed, get the rule from that textbox if (AddRuleStudent.ruleName != "") { HouseRule houseRule = new HouseRule(); houseRule.ApprovalState = false; houseRule.ID = houseRules.AllRules.Count; houseRule.Interval = AddRuleStudent.repeatRule; houseRule.RuleText = AddRuleStudent.ruleName; houseRule.LastCompleted = DateTime.Now; houseRule.OnlyThisWeek = false; houseRule.StudentsApproval = new Dictionary <int, bool>(); for (int i = 0; i < student.TotalStudentNumber; i++) { houseRule.StudentsApproval.Add(i + 1, false); //The order of students is kept sorted by their ID houseRule.OrderOfStudents.Add(i + 1); } houseRule.CurrentStudentId = houseRule.OrderOfStudents[0]; houseRule.StudentsApproval[student.ID] = true; houseRules.AllRules.Add(houseRule); AddRuleStudent.ruleName = ""; AddRuleStudent.repeatRule = 0; RulesUpdateTick(); server.UpdateHouseRules(houseRules); } //If a complaint has been filed to the textbox in the Complaint Form and //the Add button has been pressed, get the complaint from that textbox if (AddComplainStudent.ruleBroken != "") { Complaint complaint = new Complaint(); complaint.BrokenBy = AddComplainStudent.IDOfRuleBreaker; complaint.ComplaintText = AddComplainStudent.ruleBroken; complaint.FiledBy = AddComplainStudent.IDOfComplainer; complaint.FiledDate = DateTime.Now; complaint.ID = complaints.AllComplaints.Count; complaints.AllComplaints.Add(complaint); AddComplainStudent.ruleBroken = ""; AddComplainStudent.IDOfRuleBreaker = 0; AddComplainStudent.IDOfComplainer = 0; //Updates form RulesUpdateTick(); server.UpdateComplaints(complaints); } //If the rule form has been closed, revert ruleForm back to null if (ruleForm != null) { if (ruleForm.IsDisposed == true) { ruleForm = null; } } //If the complaint Form has been closed, revert complaintForm back to null if (complaintForm != null) { if (complaintForm.IsDisposed == true) { complaintForm = null; } } }