public SComponent AddComponent(Type type) { if (!isAlive) { return(null); } if (!HasComponent(type)) { SComponent sComponent = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as SComponent; if (sComponent != null) { sComponent._gameObject = this; _willAddComponent.Enqueue(new ComponentTypePair(type, sComponent)); _commandQueue.Enqueue(AddComponent); //_componentList.Add(type, sComponent); return(sComponent); } else { SDebug.LogError("Create Component Instance Failed"); } } else { SDebug.LogError("this kind of component has already been added"); } return(null); }
public SGameObject(STransform2D transform2D) { SDebug.Assert(SFrameWork.frameWork != null); this.transform = AddComponent <STransform>(); _componentList.Add(typeof(STransform2D), transform2D); this.transform2D = transform2D; _parents = null; _name = "New_SGameObject_" + SFrameWork.frameWork.gameObjectNum; SFrameWork.frameWork.AddToList(this); }
public SGameObject(string objname) { SDebug.Assert(SFrameWork.frameWork != null); transform = AddComponent <STransform>(); transform2D = AddComponent <STransform2D>(); _parents = null; _name = objname; SFrameWork.frameWork.AddToList(this); }
public SGameObject() { SDebug.Assert(SFrameWork.frameWork != null); transform = AddComponent <STransform>(); transform2D = AddComponent <STransform2D>(); _parents = null; _name = "New_SGameObject_" + SFrameWork.frameWork.gameObjectNum; SFrameWork.frameWork.AddToList(this); }
public static bool InitFramework() { lock (mutex) { if (_framework == null) { _framework = new SFrameWork(); return(true); } else { SDebug.LogWarning("the Framework has been inited"); return(false); } } }
public SGameObject(SGameObject parents, string name) { SDebug.Assert(SFrameWork.frameWork != null); transform = AddComponent <STransform>(); transform2D = AddComponent <STransform2D>(); if (parents != null && parents.isAlive) { this.parents = parents; } else { this.parents = null; } transform2D.localPosition =; transform2D.localRotation = (Fix64)0; _name = name; SFrameWork.frameWork.AddToList(this); }
public void RemoveComponent(Type type) { if (!isAlive) { return; } if (HasComponent(type)) { _willDeleteComponent.Enqueue(new ComponentTypePair(type, null)); _commandQueue.Enqueue(RemoveComponent); } // if (_componentList.ContainsKey(type)) // { // _componentList.Remove(type); // } else { SDebug.LogError("this kind of component has not been added yet"); } }
protected override bool GenerateCollisionRes(SICollider other, out SCollisionResult selfres, out SCollisionResult otherres) { if (other.GetType().Equals(typeof(SSphereCollider))) { var minDis = (other.position - position).sqrtMagnitude; if (minDis <= (radius + other.radius) * (radius + other.radius)) { //SDebug.LogWarning( + " BAAAAAANG!!! " + minDis); } } else if (other.GetType().Equals(typeof(SCapsuleCollider))) { var oth = other as SCapsuleCollider; Fix64 minDis = Fix64.MaxValue; var atop = position - oth.positionA; var btop = position - oth.positionB; var ti = atop.Dot(oth.up); var tj = btop.Dot(oth.up); var w = position - oth.positionA; if (ti * tj < Fix64.Zero) { minDis = w.sqrtMagnitude - w.Dot(oth.up) * w.Dot(up); } else if (ti <= Fix64.Zero) { minDis = atop.sqrtMagnitude; } else if (tj >= Fix64.Zero) { minDis = btop.sqrtMagnitude; } if (minDis <= (radius + other.radius) * (radius + other.radius)) { SDebug.LogWarning( + " BAAAAAANG!!! " + minDis); } } selfres = new SCollisionResult(); otherres = new SCollisionResult(); return(false); }
public T AddComponent <T>() where T : SComponent, new() { if (!isAlive) { return(null); } Type type = typeof(T); if (!HasComponent(type)) { T t = new T(); t._gameObject = this; _willAddComponent.Enqueue(new ComponentTypePair(type, t)); _commandQueue.Enqueue(AddComponent); //_componentList.Add(type, t); return(t); } else { SDebug.LogError("this kind of component has already been added"); } return(null); }
internal override void DetectCollision(SICollider other) { if (other.GetType().Equals(typeof(SSphereCollider))) { var minDis = (other.position - position).sqrtMagnitude; if (minDis <= (radius + other.radius) * (radius + other.radius)) { SDebug.LogWarning( + " BAAAAAANG!!! " + minDis); } } else if (other.GetType().Equals(typeof(SCapsuleCollider))) { var oth = other as SCapsuleCollider; Fix64 minDis = Fix64.MaxValue; var atop = position - oth.positionA; var btop = position - oth.positionB; var ti = atop.Dot(oth.up); var tj = btop.Dot(oth.up); var w = position - oth.positionA; if (ti * tj < Fix64.Zero) { minDis = w.sqrtMagnitude - w.Dot(oth.up) * w.Dot(up); } else if (ti <= Fix64.Zero) { minDis = atop.sqrtMagnitude; } else if (tj >= Fix64.Zero) { minDis = btop.sqrtMagnitude; } if (minDis <= (radius + other.radius) * (radius + other.radius)) { SDebug.LogWarning( + " BAAAAAANG!!! " + minDis); } } }
internal override void DetectCollision(SICollider other) { if (other.GetType().Equals(typeof(SSphereCollider))) { Fix64 minDis = Fix64.MaxValue; var atop = other.position - positionA; var btop = other.position - positionB; var ti = atop.Dot(up); var tj = btop.Dot(up); var w = other.position - positionA; if (ti * tj < Fix64.Zero) { minDis = w.sqrtMagnitude - w.Dot(up) * w.Dot(up); } else if (ti <= Fix64.Zero) { minDis = atop.sqrtMagnitude; } else if (tj >= Fix64.Zero) { minDis = btop.sqrtMagnitude; } if (minDis <= (radius + other.radius) * (radius + other.radius)) { SDebug.LogWarning( + " BAAAAAANG!!! " + minDis); } } else if (other.GetType().Equals(typeof(SCapsuleCollider))) { Fix64 deltaRange = (Fix64)1 / (Fix64)1000; //SDebug.Log(deltaRange); SCapsuleCollider oth = other as SCapsuleCollider; if (Fix64.Abs(up.Dot(oth.up)) > deltaRange) { Fix64 tIn1 = (oth.positionA.Dot(oth.up) - positionA.Dot(oth.up)) / up.Dot(oth.up); Fix64 tIn2 = (oth.positionB.Dot(oth.up) - positionA.Dot(oth.up)) / up.Dot(oth.up); Fix64 tInMin = ((tIn1 < tIn2) ? tIn1 : tIn2); Fix64 tInMax = ((tIn1 < tIn2) ? tIn2 : tIn1); //SDebug.Log(tInMin + " " + tInMax); var w = positionA - oth.positionA; var wf = positionA - oth.positionB; var u12 = up.Dot(oth.up); var u1w = up.Dot(w); var u2w = oth.up.Dot(w); var u1wf = up.Dot(wf); var minDis = Fix64.MaxValue; var minMiddle = Fix64.MaxValue; var minLeft = Fix64.MaxValue; var minRight = Fix64.MaxValue; Fix64 et = Fix64.Zero; Fix64 etLeft = Fix64.Zero; Fix64 etMiddle = Fix64.Zero; Fix64 etRight = Fix64.Zero; if (tInMin <= length && tInMax >= Fix64.Zero) { minMiddle = minValueFunc((Fix64)1 - u12 * u12, (Fix64)2 * (u1w - u12 * u2w), w.sqrtMagnitude - u2w * u2w, MathF.max((Fix64)0, tInMin), MathF.min(length, tInMax), out etMiddle); //SDebug.Log(" middle: " + minMiddle); } if (tInMin >= Fix64.Zero) { Fix64 temEtLeft1 = Fix64.Zero; Fix64 temEtLeft2 = Fix64.Zero; var temMin1 = minValueFunc(Fix64.One, (Fix64)2 * u1w, w.sqrtMagnitude, Fix64.Zero, MathF.min(length, tInMin), out temEtLeft1); var temMin2 = minValueFunc(Fix64.One, (Fix64)2 * u1wf, wf.sqrtMagnitude, Fix64.Zero, MathF.min(length, tInMin), out temEtLeft2); etLeft = (temMin1 < temMin2) ? temEtLeft1 : temEtLeft2; minLeft = MathF.min(temMin1, temMin2); //SDebug.Log(" left: " + minLeft + " " + etLeft); } if (tInMax <= length) { Fix64 temEtRight1 = Fix64.Zero; Fix64 temEtRight2 = Fix64.Zero; var temMin1 = minValueFunc(Fix64.One, (Fix64)2 * u1w, w.sqrtMagnitude, MathF.max(Fix64.Zero, tInMax), length, out temEtRight1); var temMin2 = minValueFunc(Fix64.One, (Fix64)2 * u1wf, wf.sqrtMagnitude, MathF.max(Fix64.Zero, tInMax), length, out temEtRight2); etRight = (temMin1 < temMin2) ? temEtRight1 : temEtRight2; minRight = MathF.min(temMin1, temMin2); //SDebug.Log(" right: " + minRight + " " + etRight); } if (minLeft <= minRight && minLeft <= minMiddle) { et = etLeft; minDis = minLeft; } else if (minMiddle <= minLeft && minMiddle <= minRight) { et = etMiddle; minDis = minMiddle; } else { et = etRight; minDis = minRight; } if (minDis <= (radius + oth.radius) * (radius + oth.radius)) { SDebug.LogWarning( + " BAAAAAANG!!! " + minDis); } } else { Fix64 minDis = Fix64.MaxValue; Fix64 et = Fix64.Zero; SDebug.LogWarning("Vertical"); var p1tp2 = positionA - oth.positionA; var p1tp2f = positionA - oth.positionB; var ti = p1tp2.Dot(oth.up); var tj = p1tp2f.Dot(oth.up); if (ti * tj <= Fix64.Zero) { var a = Fix64.One; var w = positionA - oth.positionA; var b = (Fix64)2 * up.Dot(w); var c = w.sqrtMagnitude - oth.up.Dot(w) * oth.up.Dot(w); minDis = minValueFunc(a, b, c, Fix64.Zero, length, out et); //minDis = temMin; } else if (ti <= Fix64.Zero) { var w = positionA - oth.positionA; var u1w = up.Dot(w); minDis = minValueFunc(Fix64.One, (Fix64)2 * u1w, w.sqrtMagnitude, Fix64.Zero, length, out et); } else if (tj >= Fix64.Zero) { var wf = positionA - oth.positionB; var u1wf = up.Dot(wf); minDis = minValueFunc(Fix64.One, (Fix64)2 * u1wf, wf.sqrtMagnitude, Fix64.Zero, length, out et); } if (minDis <= (radius + oth.radius) * (radius + oth.radius)) { SDebug.LogWarning( + " BAAAAAANG!!! " + minDis); } } } }