예제 #1
        public static string Predict(string userInput)
            var newX       = TextClassificationProblemBuilder.CreateNode(userInput, vocabulary);
            var predictedY = model.Predict(newX);

            Console.WriteLine("The prediction is {0}", _predictionDictionary[(int)predictedY]);
예제 #2
        static void Main()
            // STEP 4: Read the data
            const string  dataFilePath = @"D:\MACHINE_LEARNING\SVM\Tutorial\sunnyData.csv";
            var           dataTable    = DataTable.New.ReadCsv(dataFilePath);
            List <string> x            = dataTable.Rows.Select(row => row["Text"]).ToList();

            double[] y = dataTable.Rows.Select(row => double.Parse(row["IsSunny"]))

            var vocabulary = x.SelectMany(GetWords).Distinct().OrderBy(word => word).ToList();

            var problemBuilder = new TextClassificationProblemBuilder();
            var problem        = problemBuilder.CreateProblem(x, y, vocabulary.ToList());

            // If you want you can save this problem with :
            // ProblemHelper.WriteProblem(@"D:\MACHINE_LEARNING\SVM\Tutorial\sunnyData.problem", problem);
            // And then load it again using:
            // var problem = ProblemHelper.ReadProblem(@"D:\MACHINE_LEARNING\SVM\Tutorial\sunnyData.problem");

            const int C     = 1;
            var       model = new C_SVC(problem, KernelHelper.LinearKernel(), C);

            var accuracy = model.GetCrossValidationAccuracy(10);

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 50));
            Console.WriteLine("Accuracy of the model is {0:P}", accuracy);
            model.Export(string.Format(@"D:\MACHINE_LEARNING\SVM\Tutorial\model_{0}_accuracy.model", accuracy));

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 50));
            Console.WriteLine("The model is trained. \r\nEnter a sentence to make a prediction. (ex: sunny rainy sunny)");
            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 50));

            string userInput;

            _predictionDictionary = new Dictionary <int, string> {
                { -1, "Rainy" }, { 1, "Sunny" }
                userInput = Console.ReadLine();
                var newX = TextClassificationProblemBuilder.CreateNode(userInput, vocabulary);

                var predictedY = model.Predict(newX);
                Console.WriteLine("The prediction is {0}", _predictionDictionary[(int)predictedY]);
                Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 50));
            } while (userInput != "quit");
