예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses lines of SUCC into a data structure
        /// </summary>
        internal static (List <Line>, Dictionary <string, KeyNode>) DataStructureFromSUCC(string[] lines, DataFileBase fileRef) // I am so, so sorry. If you need to understand this function for whatever reason... may god give you guidance.
            // if the file is empty
            // do this because otherwise new files are created with a newline at the top
            if (lines.Length == 1 && lines[0] == "")
                return(new List <Line>(), new Dictionary <string, KeyNode>());

            var TopLevelLines = new List <Line>();
            var TopLevelNodes = new Dictionary <string, KeyNode>();

            var  NestingNodeStack     = new Stack <Node>(); // the top of the stack is the node that new nodes should be children of
            bool DoingMultiLineString = false;

            var file = fileRef as DataFile; // this will be null if fileRef is a ReadOnlyDataFile

            // parse the input line by line
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                var line = lines[i];
                if (line.Contains('\t'))
                    throw new FormatException("a SUCC file cannot contain tabs. Please use spaces instead.");

                if (DoingMultiLineString)
                    if (NestingNodeStack.Peek().ChildNodeType != NodeChildrenType.multiLineString)
                        throw new Exception("oh f**k, we were supposed to be doing a multi-line string but the top of the node stack isn't a multi-line string node!");

                    var newboi = new MultiLineStringNode(rawText: line, file);


                    if (newboi.IsTerminator)
                        DoingMultiLineString = false;


                if (LineHasData(line))
                    Node node = GetNodeFromLine(line, file);


                    if (NestingNodeStack.Count == 0) // if this is a top-level node
                        if (!(node is KeyNode))
                            throw new FormatException($"top level lines must be key nodes. Line {i} does not conform to this: '{line}'");
                        KeyNode heck = node as KeyNode;
                        TopLevelNodes.Add(heck.Key, heck);
                    else // if this is NOT a top-level node
                        int StackTopIndentation = NestingNodeStack.Peek().IndentationLevel;
                        int LineIndentation     = line.GetIndentationLevel();

                        if (LineIndentation > StackTopIndentation) // if this should be a child of the stack top
                            Node newParent = NestingNodeStack.Peek();
                            if (newParent.ChildNodes.Count == 0) // if this is the first child of the parent, assign the parent's child type
                                if (node is KeyNode)
                                    newParent.ChildNodeType = NodeChildrenType.key;
                                else if (node is ListNode)
                                    newParent.ChildNodeType = NodeChildrenType.list;
                                    throw new Exception("what the f**k?");
                            else // if the parent already has children, check for errors with this line
                                CheckNewSiblingForErrors(child: node, newParent: newParent);

                        else // if this should NOT be a child of the stack top
                            goto boobies;

                    if (node.Value == "") // if this is a node with children

                    if (node.Value == MultiLineStringNode.Terminator) // if this is the start of a multi line string
                        node.ChildNodeType   = NodeChildrenType.multiLineString;
                        DoingMultiLineString = true;
                else // line has no data
                    Line NoDataLine = new Line(rawText: line);

                    if (NestingNodeStack.Count == 0)

            return(TopLevelLines, TopLevelNodes);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses a string of SUCC into a data structure
 /// </summary>
 internal static (List <Line>, Dictionary <string, KeyNode>) DataStructureFromSUCC(string input, DataFileBase fileRef)
 => DataStructureFromSUCC(input.SplitIntoLines(), fileRef);