예제 #1
        public void Heal()
            HealingPotion p = bag.OfType <HealingPotion>().First();

예제 #2
파일: Game.cs 프로젝트: nii3lsh/STVrogue
        //spawn pitems and
        public void SpawnPI(uint difficultylevel)
            Random r = RandomGenerator.rnd;


            //spawn crystals
            for (int i = 0; i < r.Next(0, (int)difficultylevel) + 1; i++)
                dungeon.graph[r.Next(1, dungeon.graph.Count - 1)].items.Add(new Crystal(i.ToString()));
                Console.WriteLine("CRYSTAL SPAWNED ON NODE {0}!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", dungeon.graph[i].id);
                //To do: comment out above line.

            //spawn health potions
            uint potionHP  = 0;
            int  monsterHP = dungeon.MonsterHP();

            while (potionHP < monsterHP + 50)
                HealingPotion potion = new HealingPotion(dungeon.totalPotions.Count().ToString());
                dungeon.graph[r.Next(0, dungeon.graph.Count() - 1)].items.Add(potion);
                potionHP += dungeon.totalPotions.Last().HPvalue;
예제 #3
        public void DistributePotions(Player P, uint monsterHP, Dungeon D)
            this.potionHP = (uint)P.HP;
            HealingPotion        pot;
            List <HealingPotion> pots = new List <HealingPotion>();
            int         index;
            List <Node> zone;

            while (this.potionHP <= 0.8f * monsterHP)
                pot = new HealingPotion("Minor Healing Potion of Major Healing" + pots.Count);
                if (this.potionHP + pot.HPvalue <= 0.8f * monsterHP)
                    this.potionHP += pot.HPvalue;
                    pot.id        += '(' + pot.HPvalue + ')';
            foreach (HealingPotion p in pots)
                zone  = dungeon.zone[r.Next(dungeon.zone.Count) + 1];
                index = r.Next(0, zone.Count);
예제 #4
        public List <Item> additems(int totalMonsterHP, int nodeMax, int playerHP)
        {         // add items to the dungeon
            List <Item> items = new List <Item>();
            // calculate the hp limit
            int        HPlimit               = (int)(totalMonsterHP * 0.8);
            int        itemAndPlayerHP       = playerHP;
            int        item_id               = -1;
            int        count                 = 0;
            List <int> allNodesInRandomOrder = Enumerable.Range(1, nodeMax - 1).OrderBy(x => randomnum.Next()).ToList();

            while ((itemAndPlayerHP + 11) < HPlimit && count < allNodesInRandomOrder.Count)
            {             // add healingpotions until the limit is reached
                HealingPotion item = new HealingPotion(item_id++.ToString());
                item.location = dungeon.nodeList[allNodesInRandomOrder[count]];
                itemAndPlayerHP += item.HPvalue;
            while (count < allNodesInRandomOrder.Count - 1)
            {             // for now we decided every node has a 1 in 20 chance to contain a Crystal
                if (randomnum.Next(1, 21) == 5)
                    Crystal item = new Crystal(item_id++.ToString());
                    item.location = item.location = dungeon.nodeList[allNodesInRandomOrder[count]];
예제 #5
        public void MStest_create_hppotion()
            Item potion = new HealingPotion("potID");

            //Assert.IsInstanceOfType(potion.GetType(), HealingPotion);
            Assert.IsTrue(potion.id == "potID");
예제 #6
        public void NTest_use_item()
            Player P = new Player();
            Item   x = new HealingPotion("pot1");

예제 #7
        public void XTest_use_item_in_bag()
            Player P = new Player();
            Item   x = new HealingPotion("pot1");

예제 #8
        public void HealingPotion_Constructor()
            HealingPotion potion = new HealingPotion("HealingPotion1");

            Assert.IsTrue(potion.HPvalue >= 1 && potion.HPvalue <= 10);

            Assert.AreEqual("HealingPotion1", potion.id);
예제 #9
        public void Test_usePotion()
            HealingPotion potion = new HealingPotion("0");
            Player        player = new Player();


            Assert.AreEqual(potion.used, true);
예제 #10
        public void NTest_getHPValueOfBag_returnsValid()
            Player        P               = new Player();
            HealingPotion healingPotion   = new HealingPotion("hp");
            int           originalHPValue = (int)healingPotion.HPvalue;

            Assert.AreEqual(originalHPValue, P.getHPValueOfBag());
예제 #11
        public void NTest_use_healingPotionWithHalfHP()
            Player p = new Player();
            Item   h = new HealingPotion("pot1");

            p.HP = 50;
            Assert.True(p.HP > 50);
            Assert.False(p.HP < 51);
예제 #12
        public void NTest_bagDoesNotContainMagicCrystal_returnsFalse()
            Player        P = new Player();
            HealingPotion healingPotion1 = new HealingPotion("healing1");
            HealingPotion healingPotion2 = new HealingPotion("healing2");

예제 #13
        public void NTest_bagContainsHealingPotion_returnsTrue()
            Player        P             = new Player();
            HealingPotion healingPotion = new HealingPotion("healing");
            Crystal       crystal       = new Crystal("crystal");

예제 #14
        public void MStest_excessive_healing()
            Player P = new Player();
            Item   x = new HealingPotion("pot1");

            P.HP = P.HPbase - 1;
            Assert.IsTrue(P.HP == P.HPbase);
예제 #15
        public void MStest_healing()
            Player        P = new Player();
            HealingPotion x = new HealingPotion("pot1");

            P.HP = 1;
            Assert.IsTrue(P.HP == 1 + x.HPvalue);      //Can't call x.HPvalue
예제 #16
        public void MSTest_use_potion()
            Player player = new Player();
            Item   potion = new HealingPotion("potion");

            player.HP = 50;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(player.HP, 50);
예제 #17
파일: MSTest_Player.cs 프로젝트: Sd8991/STV
        public void MSTest_using_used_item()
            Player P = new Player();

            P.HP = 50;
            Item x = new HealingPotion("pot1");

            x.used = true;
예제 #18
        public void NTest_use_used_item()
            Player P = new Player();
            Item   x = new HealingPotion("pot1");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => P.use(x));
예제 #19
        public void NTest_item_use()
            Dungeon a = new Dungeon(10, 1);
            Player  P = new Player();

            P.dungeon             = a;
            P.location            = a.startNode;
            a.startNode.contested = true;
            Item x = new HealingPotion("p1");


            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => x.use(P));
예제 #20
        public void NTest_collectItems_ReturnsValid()
            Player        P             = new Player();
            Node          testNode      = new Node("1", 1);
            HealingPotion healingPotion = new HealingPotion("hp");
            Crystal       crystal       = new Crystal("cr");

            List <Item> testList = testNode.items.ToList <Item>();

            P.location = testNode;

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(testList, P.bag.ToList <Item>());
예제 #21
        public void HealingPotion_Use()
            HealingPotion potion = new HealingPotion("HealingPotion1");
            int           expectedHealingValue = (int)potion.HPvalue;


            Assert.AreEqual(player.HP, expectedHealingValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(100, player.HPbase);
            Assert.AreEqual(0u, player.KillPoint);
예제 #22
        public void MSTest_ItemCommand()
            Node    node         = new Node();
            Item    item         = new HealingPotion("hpPotion");
            Command itemCom      = new ItemCommand(0, "");
            uint    healingpower = (item as HealingPotion).HPvalue;

            Assert.IsTrue(itemCom.ToString() == "use item " + 0 + " in player bag");
            Player player = new Player();

            player.location = node;
            player.HP -= 20;
            int pHP = player.HP;

            Assert.IsTrue(player.HP == pHP + healingpower);
예제 #23
        public void HealingPotion_Use_Overhealing()
            HealingPotion potion = new HealingPotion("Healingpotion1");

            player.HP = player.HPbase - 1;

            Assert.AreEqual(player.HP, player.HPbase);

            Assert.AreEqual(player.HPbase, player.HP);
            Assert.AreEqual(5u, player.AttackRating);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, player.HPbase);
            Assert.AreEqual(0u, player.KillPoint);
예제 #24
        public void MSTest_fight_use_potion()
            Node   node   = new Node();
            Player player = new Player();
            Pack   pack   = new Pack("Ironman", 1);

            pack.location = node;
            player.location = node;
            Monster monster = pack.members[0];

            monster.HP = 1;

            Item potion = new HealingPotion("potion");

            player.AddNextCommand(1, 0, 2);
예제 #25
        public void CheckIfItemBalancingHolds()
            Game game            = new Game(10, 5, 50);
            int  PlayerAndItemHP = game.player.HPbase;
            int  MonsterHP       = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < game.items.Count; i++)
                if (game.items[i] is HealingPotion)
                    HealingPotion potion = (HealingPotion)game.items[i];
                    PlayerAndItemHP += potion.HPvalue;
            foreach (Pack p in game.packs)
                foreach (Monster m in p.members)
                    MonsterHP += m.GetHP();
            MonsterHP = (int)(MonsterHP * 0.8);
            Assert.True(PlayerAndItemHP <= MonsterHP);
예제 #26
        //public int state;

        /* This creates a player and a random dungeon of the given difficulty level and node-capacity
         * The player is positioned at the dungeon's starting-node.
         * The constructor also randomly seeds monster-packs and items into the dungeon. The total
         * number of monsters are as specified. Monster-packs should be seeded as such that
         * the nodes' capacity are not violated. Furthermore the seeding of the monsters
         * and items should meet the balance requirements stated in the Project Document.
        public Game(uint difficultyLevel, uint nodeCapacityMultiplier, uint numberOfMonsters)
                Logger.log("Creating a game of difficulty level " + difficultyLevel + ", node capacity multiplier "
                           + nodeCapacityMultiplier + ", and " + numberOfMonsters + " monsters.");

                dungeon         = new Dungeon(difficultyLevel, nodeCapacityMultiplier, random);        //call dungeon constructor
                player          = new Player();
                player.location = dungeon.startNode;
                int  numberOfMonstersToPut = (int)numberOfMonsters; //a temporary variable to keep track of number of monsters to put in the dungeon
                int  min = 1, max = 1;                              //used in while loop to define number of monsters in a pack
                int  packId = 0;
                uint numberOfNodesInZone = 0;                       //a temporary variable to store number of nodes in a zone (in foreach loop)

                //Randomly seeds monsters into the dungeon
                //Currently puts all monsters in the dungeon at the creation
                Logger.log("Number of monsters to put in total : " + numberOfMonsters);
                while (numberOfMonstersToPut > 0)                   //while there are monsters to put in the dungeon
                    foreach (Zone z in dungeon.zones)               //Seeds monsters zone by zone
                        int monstersInZone = -1;                    // -1 is just for control does not have any meaning
                        if (z.id == difficultyLevel)
                        {                                           //if it is the last zone
                            monstersInZone = numberOfMonstersToPut; //put remainder monsters
                        else //else every zone gets proportioned number of monsters
                            monstersInZone = getProportion(numberOfMonsters, z.id, difficultyLevel); //gets number of monsters to put in this zone
                        Logger.log("Will put " + monstersInZone + " monsters to the zone " + z.id);
                        numberOfNodesInZone = (uint)z.nodesInZone.Count;                                   //get number of nodes (N)

                        while (monstersInZone > 0)                                                         //while there are monsters to put in the zone
                            int  nodeNumber   = random.Next(0, (int)numberOfNodesInZone);                  //randomly pick which node to locate
                            Node nodeToLocate = z.nodesInZone.ElementAt <Node>(nodeNumber);                //get this node instance

                            int nodeCapacity = (int)z.capacity - (nodeToLocate.currentNumberOfMonsters()); //number of monsters that can locate in that node
                                                                                                           //check the capacity nodeCapacity, if less than 1 try another node, else create a monster pack of size min=1 max=nodeCapacity
                            Logger.log("Node to locate: " + nodeToLocate.id + " with capacity " + nodeCapacity);
                            if (nodeCapacity > 1)
                                //the upper limit for max is either the node's capacity or remaining number of monsters that should be located in this zone
                                if (nodeCapacity < monstersInZone)
                                    max = nodeCapacity;                                //if node capacity is less than remaining monsters to put, update max limit
                                    max = monstersInZone;

                                int  monstersToLocate = random.Next(min, max + 1);                                   //decide how many monsters will be in this monster-pack between this number limit
                                Pack newPack          = new Pack("" + packId, (uint)monstersToLocate, this.dungeon); //Create a pack
                                Logger.log("Putting " + monstersToLocate + " monsters in pack" + packId + " locating in " + nodeToLocate.id);
                                newPack.location = z.nodesInZone.ElementAt <Node>(nodeNumber);                       //Assign this pack's location
                                packId++;                                                                            //increase pack ID
                                z.nodesInZone.ElementAt <Node>(nodeNumber).packs.Add(newPack);                       //add pack to the node
                                monstersInZone        -= monstersToLocate;                                           //decrease number of monsters to be located in the zone
                                numberOfMonstersToPut -= monstersToLocate;                                           //decrease number of monsters to be located in the dungeon
                                Logger.log("monsters to locate in zone: " + monstersInZone + " in dungeon: " + numberOfMonstersToPut);

                itemsToSeed = new List <Item>(); //stores the list of items to be seeded in the dungeon
                int itemTotal = 0;
                //There is a constraint for HP value of the player & HP values of items that player has in the bag
                //and HP values of items exist in the dungeon
                Logger.log("Upper limit " + (0.8 * getHPM()));
                while (getItemsHP() <= (0.8 * getHPM())) //while this constraint is satisfied, it creates items
                    int decide = random.Next(0, 2);      //0 or 1, 0 means create healing potion, 1 means create magic crystal
                    if (decide == 0)
                        //create healing potion
                        HealingPotion healingPotion = new HealingPotion("" + itemTotal); //create it with id
                        itemsToSeed.Add(healingPotion);                                  //add it into the list
                        Logger.log("Created healing potion " + healingPotion.id);
                    else if (decide == 1)
                        //create crystal
                        Crystal crystal = new Crystal("" + itemTotal);
                        itemsToSeed.Add(crystal); //add it into the list
                        Logger.log("Created crystal " + crystal.id);
                        Logger.log("Something went wrong");
                    Logger.log("Current itemsToSeedHP " + getItemsHP());
                //since it leaves the while loop just after this constraint is passed
                //remove last created item for property to hold
                itemsToSeed.RemoveAt(itemsToSeed.Count - 1);

                Logger.log("Current getITemsHP " + getItemsHP());

                //Randomly seed items in the itemsToSeed list
                //Currently puts all items in the dungeon at the creation
                int numberOfItemsToPut = itemsToSeed.Count;                               //number of items to seed is the length of the list
                Logger.log("Number of items to put in total : " + numberOfItemsToPut);
                int itemsInZone       = (int)(numberOfItemsToPut / (int)difficultyLevel); //Equally partition the number of items, except the last zone
                int normalItemsInZone = itemsInZone;                                      //used for indexing the items in itemsToSeed for the last level
                                                                                          //because itemsInZone for the last level changes, indexing changes
                int itemsIndex = 0;                                                       //index of the item in the itemsToSeed list
                while (numberOfItemsToPut > 0)                                            //while there are items to put in the dungeon
                    foreach (Zone z in dungeon.zones)                                     //for each zone
                        if (z.id == difficultyLevel)
                        {                                     //if it is the last zone
                            itemsInZone = numberOfItemsToPut; //put remainder items

                        Logger.log("Will put " + itemsInZone + " items to the zone " + z.id);
                        numberOfNodesInZone = (uint)z.nodesInZone.Count; //get number of nodes (N)

                        for (int i = 0; i < itemsInZone; i++)
                        {                                                                                                //for each item to put in this zone
                            int  nodeNumber   = random.Next(0, (int)numberOfNodesInZone);                                //randomly pick which node to locate
                            Node nodeToLocate = z.nodesInZone.ElementAt <Node>(nodeNumber);                              //get this node
                            Item itemToAdd    = itemsToSeed.ElementAt <Item>((int)(itemsIndex * normalItemsInZone + i)); //starts from 0 for level 1, 0+number of items put in each zone for level 2
                                                                                                                         //increases by number of items put in zone for every level
                            Logger.log("Putting item positioned " + (itemsIndex * normalItemsInZone + i) + " to " + nodeToLocate.id);
                            nodeToLocate.items.Add(itemToAdd);                                                           //add the item to this node
                            numberOfItemsToPut--;                                                                        //Decrease number of items to put
                        itemsIndex++;                                                                                    //increase items index
            }catch {
                throw new GameCreationException("Could not create the game");
예제 #27
파일: UI.cs 프로젝트: Sd8991/STV
        public void drawUI(Dungeon d, Player p)
            Logger.log("Name: " + p.name + " -- Player HP: " + p.HP + " -- ATK: " + p.AttackRating + " -- Accelerated: " + p.accelerated);
            Logger.log("Current Zone: " + p.zone + " -- Current Node: " + p.location.id + " -- KillPoints: " + p.KillPoint);
            int totalPackHP = 0;

            foreach (Node node in p.dungeon.zone[p.zone])
                foreach (Pack pack in node.packs)
                    packsAlerted = pack.rAlert;
                    totalPackHP += pack.CurrentHP();
            Logger.log("Packs in Zone: " + p.location.packs.Count + " -- Total HP: " + totalPackHP + " -- Alerted: " + packsAlerted);
            Console.Write("** Items: ");
            int counter = 0;

            if (p.bag.Count == 0)
            foreach (Item i in p.bag)
                if (counter == 2)
                    counter = 0;
                if (i is HealingPotion)
                    HealingPotion I = (HealingPotion)i;
                    Console.Write(i.id + "(" + I.HPvalue + "), ");
                if (i is Crystal)
                    Crystal I = (Crystal)i;
                    Console.Write(i.id + ", ");
            safe = true;
            if (p.location.contested(p))
                safe = false;
                Logger.log("YOU ARE IN COMBAT! DEFEAT OR ROUT THE MONSTERS!");
                Logger.log("Enemies: ");
                foreach (Pack pack in p.location.packs)
                    foreach (Monster m in pack.members)
                        Logger.log(m.name + " (" + m.id + "), HP: " + m.HP);
                foreach (Node nb in p.location.neighbors)
                    if (nb.contested(p))
                        Logger.log("This room seems to be safe, but you feel an evil presence in a nearby room...");
                        safe = false;
            if (safe)
                Logger.log("This room seems to be safe...");

            foreach (Item i in p.bag)
                if (!checkBag.Contains(i))
                    Logger.log("You have picked up an item: " + i.id);
            foreach (Item j in checkBag)
                if (!p.bag.Contains(j))
                    Logger.log("You have used an item: " + j.id);

            Logger.log("Choose your action: ");
            checkBag = p.bag;
예제 #28
        public void NTest_create_crystal()
            Item h = new HealingPotion("pot1");

            Assert.Equals(h.id, "pot1");
예제 #29
        /* This creates a player and a random dungeon of the given difficulty level and node-capacity
         * The player is positioned at the dungeon's starting-node.
         * The constructor also randomly seeds monster-packs and items into the dungeon. The total
         * number of monsters are as specified. Monster-packs should be seeded as such that
         * the nodes' capacity are not violated. Furthermore the seeding of the monsters
         * and items should meet the balance requirements stated in the Project Document.
        public Game(uint difficultyLevel, uint nodeCapcityMultiplier, uint numberOfMonsters)
            player  = new Player();
            dungeon = new Dungeon(difficultyLevel, nodeCapcityMultiplier);
            packs   = new List <Pack>();
            items   = new List <Item>();

            // Game should have at least one monster.
            if (numberOfMonsters < 2)
                throw new GameCreationException("Not enough monsters. numberOfMonsters should be >= 2");

            // Check if node multiplier is bigger then 1, else dungeon cannot have any monsters.
            if (nodeCapcityMultiplier <= 0)
                throw new GameCreationException("Invalid nodeCapcityMultiplier must be > 0");

            // Check if dungeon is big enough to hold all the monsters.
            uint maxCapacity = 0;

            dungeon.allNodes.ForEach(node => maxCapacity += nodeCapcityMultiplier * (dungeon.level(node) + 1));
            if (numberOfMonsters > maxCapacity)
                throw new GameCreationException("The number of monsters (" + numberOfMonsters + ") exceed dungeon capacity (" + maxCapacity + ")");
            Logger.log("Creating a game of difficulty level " + difficultyLevel + ", node capacity multiplier "
                       + nodeCapcityMultiplier + ", and " + numberOfMonsters + " monsters.");

            player.dungeon = dungeon;
            // Player should start at the starting node.
            player.location = dungeon.startNode;

            // Get all dungeon bridges.
            List <Node> bridges = new List <Node>(dungeon.bridges);

            // Pretend the start and exit node are also a bridge.
            bridges.Insert(0, dungeon.startNode);

            // The total hp off all monsters, will later be used to determine the amount of healing potions that can be spawned.
            int totalMonsterHp = 0;
            // Number of packs created.
            int packCount = 0;
            // Number of monsters created.
            int monsterCount = 0;

            // Helper function for pack creation.
            Func <uint, Node, Pack> createPack = new Func <uint, Node, Pack>((numberOfMonstersToCreate, node) =>
                // Create a pack with the number of monsters.
                Pack pack       = new Pack("Pack" + packCount++, numberOfMonstersToCreate);
                pack.dungeon    = dungeon;
                pack.location   = node;
                pack.zoneNumber = pack.location.zoneNumber;

                monsterCount += (int)numberOfMonstersToCreate;
                pack.members.ForEach(member =>
                    member.pack     = pack;
                    totalMonsterHp += member.HP;

            // Distribute packs/monsters in dungeon.
            for (int level = 0; level <= difficultyLevel; level++)
                // The amount of monster allowed in this zone.
                int monsterPerZone = (int)Math.Floor((2.0 * (level + 1) * numberOfMonsters) / ((difficultyLevel + 2) * (difficultyLevel + 1)));

                // The last level (zone) does not have to follow the formula above and can get the remaining monsters.
                if (level == difficultyLevel)
                    monsterPerZone += ((int)numberOfMonsters - monsterCount) - monsterPerZone;

                // All the nodes in the in this zone. (without the start or exit node).
                List <Node> nodes = Util.getAllNodesBetween(bridges[level], bridges[level + 1]).FindAll(node => node != dungeon.startNode && node != dungeon.exitNode);

                // For each node in level.
                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count && monsterPerZone > 0; i++)
                    // The max number of monster that can be on this node.
                    uint nodeCapacityLimit = nodeCapcityMultiplier * (dungeon.level(nodes[i]) + 1);
                    // Subtract the monsters that are already on this node.
                    nodes[i].packs.ForEach(pack => nodeCapacityLimit -= (uint)pack.members.Count);

                    // Take a random number of monster to create for this pack on this node.
                    // But do not exceed the node capacity.
                    uint numberOfMonstersToCreate = (uint)RandomGenerator.rnd.Next((int)(Math.Min(nodeCapacityLimit, monsterPerZone) + 1));

                    // Check if we can still create a pack, we do not wish to create a pack of zero monsters.
                    if (numberOfMonstersToCreate > 0)
                        // Subtract the amount of monster spawned from the total monster pool.
                        // This pool should reach zero by the end of the zone.
                        monsterPerZone -= (int)numberOfMonstersToCreate;

                        // Put the pack on then node.
                        createPack(numberOfMonstersToCreate, nodes[i]);

                // Not necessarily all monster should have been created, due to the randomness.
                // So we just distribute the rest of the monster accordingly.
                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count && monsterPerZone > 0; i++)
                    // The number of monsters this node can still hold.
                    uint remainingNodeCapacity = nodeCapcityMultiplier * (dungeon.level(nodes[i]) + 1);
                    nodes[i].packs.ForEach(pack => remainingNodeCapacity -= (uint)pack.members.Count);
                    uint numberOfMonstersToCreate = (uint)Math.Min(monsterPerZone, remainingNodeCapacity);

                    // Check if we can still create a pack, we do not wish to create a pack of zero monsters.
                    if (numberOfMonstersToCreate > 0)
                        monsterPerZone -= (int)numberOfMonstersToCreate;
                        createPack(numberOfMonstersToCreate, nodes[i]);

                // Monsters for this zone should be exactly zero.
                // If not the zone was to small and the dungeon is invalid.
                if (monsterPerZone != 0)
                    throw new GameCreationException("To many monsters to fit in zone!");

            // Player HP
            player.HP = Math.Min(player.HPbase, (int)(0.8 * totalMonsterHp));

            // All nodes in dungeon without the start and exit node.
            List <Node> allNodes = dungeon.allNodes.FindAll(node => node != dungeon.startNode && node != dungeon.exitNode);

            // HP left to spend is the difference between 80% of the total monster HP and the player HP including all possible potions.
            int hpLeftToSpend = (int)Math.Floor(totalMonsterHp * 0.8) - player.HP;

            // Minus the HP of possible healing potion already in player bag.
            //hpLeftToSpend -= (int)player.bag.OfType<HealingPotion>().Sum(item => item.HPvalue);

            // Generate healing potions.
            for (int i = 0; ; i++)
                HealingPotion potion = new HealingPotion("HP_" + i);
                // Check if the healing potion will not exceed the maximum amount of HP.
                if (hpLeftToSpend - potion.HPvalue >= 0)
                    // Decrease the maximum amount of HP that can still be allocated to healing potions.
                    hpLeftToSpend -= (int)potion.HPvalue;
                    // Add potion to random node in dungeon.

            // Generate crystals.
            for (int i = 0; i < allNodes.Count; i++)
                // Each node has 10% chance to spawn a crystal.
                if (RandomGenerator.rnd.Next(10) == 0)
                    Crystal crystal = new Crystal("Cry_" + i);
                    // Add crystal to node.