예제 #1
        private static void CheckCompareOption(this DataType type, CompareOption option)
            if (!type.IsPrimitive)
                throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("The type '{0}' is not primitive.", type));

            if (type == DataType.String)
                if (option.ByteOrder != ByteOrder.Unspecified)
                    throw new ArgumentException("String can't have ByteOrder option.");
            else if (type == DataType.ByteArray)
                if (option.ByteOrder == ByteOrder.Unspecified)
                    throw new ArgumentException("byte[] must have ByteOrder option.");
                if (option.ByteOrder != ByteOrder.Unspecified)
                    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("{0} does not support ByteOrder option.", type));
예제 #2
        public DataEqualityComparer(Type type, CompareOption[] compareOptions, Func <Type, MemberInfo, int> membersOrder = null)
            Type = type;
            CompareOption.CheckCompareOptions(type, compareOptions, membersOrder);
            CompareOptions = compareOptions;
            MembersOrder   = membersOrder;

            equals      = CreateEqualsMethod().Compile();
            getHashCode = CreateGetHashCodeMethod().Compile();
예제 #3
        public EqualityComparer(CompareOption[] compareOptions, Func <Type, MemberInfo, int> membersOrder = null)
            CompareOption.CheckCompareOptions(typeof(T), compareOptions, membersOrder);
            Type           = typeof(T);
            CompareOptions = compareOptions;
            MembersOrder   = membersOrder;

            equals      = CreateEquals().Compile();
            getHashCode = CreateGetHashCode().Compile();
예제 #4
        public Comparer(CompareOption[] compareOptions, Func<Type, MemberInfo, int> membersOrder = null)
            Type = typeof(T);
            CompareOptions = compareOptions;
            MembersOrder = membersOrder;

            CompareOption.CheckCompareOptions(Type, compareOptions, membersOrder);

            compare = CreateCompareMethod().Compile();
예제 #5
        public DataComparer(Type type, CompareOption[] compareOptions, Func <Type, MemberInfo, int> membersOrder = null)
            Type     = type;
            DataType = typeof(Data <>).MakeGenericType(type);

            CompareOption.CheckCompareOptions(type, compareOptions, membersOrder);
            CompareOptions = compareOptions;
            MembersOrder   = membersOrder;

            compare = CreateCompareMethod().Compile();
예제 #6
        public EqualityComparer(CompareOption[] compareOptions, Func <Type, MemberInfo, int> membersOrder = null)
            Type           = typeof(T);
            CompareOptions = compareOptions;
            CompareOption.CheckCompareOptions(Type, compareOptions, membersOrder);

            MembersOrder = membersOrder;

            LambdaEquals = CreateEquals();
            equals       = LambdaEquals.Compile();

            LambdaGetHashCode = CreateGetHashCode();
            getHashCode       = LambdaGetHashCode.Compile();
예제 #7
 public DataEqualityComparer(Type type, Func <Type, MemberInfo, int> membersOrder = null)
     : this(type, CompareOption.GetDefaultCompareOptions(type, membersOrder), membersOrder)
예제 #8
 public EqualityComparer(Func <Type, MemberInfo, int> membersOrder = null)
     : this(CompareOption.GetDefaultCompareOptions(typeof(T), membersOrder), membersOrder)
예제 #9
        private static Expression GetEqualsCommand(Expression x, Expression y, CompareOption compareOption, LabelTarget exitPoint, bool isLast)
            var type = x.Type;

            if (type == typeof(Boolean) || type == typeof(Char) || type == typeof(SByte) || type == typeof(Byte) ||
                type == typeof(Int16) || type == typeof(UInt16) || type == typeof(Int32) || type == typeof(UInt32) || type == typeof(Int64) || type == typeof(UInt64) ||
                type == typeof(Single) || type == typeof(Double) || type == typeof(DateTime) || type == typeof(TimeSpan) || type == typeof(Decimal))
                if (isLast)
                    return(Expression.Label(exitPoint, Expression.Equal(x, y)));

                return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(x, y),
                                         Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(false))));

            if (type == typeof(string))
                if (compareOption.IgnoreCase)
                    var call = Expression.Call(type.GetMethod("Compare", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(bool) }), x, y, Expression.Constant(true));

                    if (isLast)
                        return(Expression.Label(exitPoint, Expression.Equal(call, Expression.Constant(0, typeof(int)))));

                    return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(call, Expression.Constant(0, typeof(int))),
                                             Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(false))));
                    var call = Expression.Call(type.GetMethod("Equals", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) }), x, y);

                    if (isLast)
                        return(Expression.Label(exitPoint, call));

                    return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.Not(call), Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(false))));

            if (type == typeof(Guid))
                var equalityComparerType = (compareOption.ByteOrder == ByteOrder.BigEndian) ? typeof(BigEndianByteArrayEqualityComparer) : typeof(LittleEndianByteArrayEqualityComparer);
                var call = Expression.Call(x, typeof(Guid).GetMethod("Equals", new Type[] { typeof(Guid) }), y);

                if (isLast)
                    return(Expression.Label(exitPoint, call));

                                         Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(false))));

            if (type == typeof(byte[]))
                Debug.Assert(compareOption.ByteOrder != ByteOrder.Unspecified);

                var equalityComparerType = (compareOption.ByteOrder == ByteOrder.BigEndian) ? typeof(BigEndianByteArrayEqualityComparer) : typeof(LittleEndianByteArrayEqualityComparer);
                var call = Expression.Call(Expression.Field(null, equalityComparerType, "Instance"), equalityComparerType.GetMethod("Equals", new Type[] { typeof(byte[]), typeof(byte[]) }), x, y);

                if (isLast)
                    return(Expression.Label(exitPoint, call));

                                         Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(false))));

            throw new NotSupportedException(type.ToString());
예제 #10
        private static IEnumerable<Expression> GetCompareCommands(Expression x, Expression y, ParameterExpression cmp, LabelTarget exitPoint, Type type, CompareOption compareOption, bool isLastCompare)
            var field1 = x;
            var field2 = y;

            var invertCompare = compareOption.SortOrder == SortOrder.Descending;

            if (type == typeof(bool))
                //if (field1 != field2)
                //    if (!field1)
                //        return -1;
                //    else
                //        return 1;

                int less = !invertCompare ? -1 : 1;
                int greater = !invertCompare ? 1 : -1;

                yield return Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(field1, field2),
                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(less)),
                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(greater))));

                if (isLastCompare)
                    yield return Expression.Label(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(0));
            else if (type == typeof(Guid))
                if (!isLastCompare)
                    //cmp = field1.CompareTo(field2);
                    //if (cmp != 0)
                    //    return cmp;

                    yield return Expression.Assign(cmp, Expression.Call(field1, typeof(Guid).GetMethod("CompareTo", new Type[] { typeof(Guid) }), field2));
                    yield return Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(cmp, Expression.Constant(0)),
                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, cmp));
                    //return field1.CompareTo(field2);

                    yield return Expression.Label(exitPoint, Expression.Call(field1, typeof(Guid).GetMethod("CompareTo", new Type[] { typeof(Guid) }), field2));
            else if (type == typeof(byte[]))
                Debug.Assert(compareOption.ByteOrder != ByteOrder.Unspecified);

                var order = compareOption.ByteOrder;
                var comparerType = (order == ByteOrder.BigEndian) ? typeof(BigEndianByteArrayComparer) : typeof(LittleEndianByteArrayComparer);
                var instance = Expression.Field(null, comparerType, "Instance");
                var compare = comparerType.GetMethod("Compare", new Type[] { typeof(byte[]), typeof(byte[]) });
                var call = !invertCompare ? Expression.Call(instance, compare, field1, field2) : Expression.Call(instance, compare, field2, field1);

                if (!isLastCompare)
                    //cmp = BigEndianByteArrayComparer.Instance.Compare(field1, field2);
                    //if (cmp != 0)
                    //    return cmp;

                    yield return Expression.Assign(cmp, call);
                    yield return Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(cmp, Expression.Constant(0)),
                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, cmp));
                    //return BigEndianByteArrayComparer.Instance.Compare(field1, field2); 

                    yield return Expression.Label(exitPoint, call);
            else if (type == typeof(char))
                var int1 = Expression.Convert(field1, typeof(int));
                var int2 = Expression.Convert(field2, typeof(int));

                var substract = !invertCompare ? Expression.Subtract(int1, int2) : Expression.Subtract(int2, int1);

                if (!isLastCompare)
                    //cmp = (int)field1 - (int)field2;
                    //if (cmp != 0)
                    //    return cmp;

                    yield return Expression.Assign(cmp, substract);
                    yield return Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(cmp, Expression.Constant(0)),
                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, cmp));
                    //return field1 - field2;

                    yield return Expression.Label(exitPoint, substract);
            else if (type == typeof(DateTime) || type == typeof(TimeSpan))
                //long ticks1 = field1.Ticks;
                //long ticks2 = field2.Ticks;
                //if (ticks1 < ticks2)
                //    return -1;
                //else if (ticks1 > ticks2)
                //    return 1;

                var ticks1 = Expression.Variable(typeof(long));
                var ticks2 = Expression.Variable(typeof(long));

                var assign1 = Expression.Assign(ticks1, Expression.Property(field1, "Ticks"));
                var assign2 = Expression.Assign(ticks2, Expression.Property(field2, "Ticks"));

                int less = !invertCompare ? -1 : 1;
                int greater = !invertCompare ? 1 : -1;

                var @if = Expression.IfThenElse(Expression.LessThan(ticks1, ticks2),
                                Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(less)),
                                Expression.IfThen(Expression.GreaterThan(ticks1, ticks2),
                                    Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(greater))));

                yield return Expression.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { ticks1, ticks2 }, assign1, assign2, @if);

                if (isLastCompare)
                    yield return Expression.Label(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(0));
            else if (type == typeof(Decimal))
                var type_ = typeof(System.Collections.Generic.Comparer<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(decimal));
                var @default = Expression.Property(null, type_, "Default");
                var compare = type_.GetProperty("Default").PropertyType.GetMethod("Compare", new Type[] { typeof(decimal), typeof(decimal) });
                var call = !invertCompare ? Expression.Call(@default, compare, field1, field2) : Expression.Call(@default, compare, field2, field1);

                if (!isLastCompare)
                    //cmp = Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(field1, field2);
                    //if (cmp != 0)
                    //    return cmp;

                    yield return Expression.Assign(cmp, call);
                    yield return Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(cmp, Expression.Constant(0)),
                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, cmp));
                    //return Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(field1, field2);

                    yield return Expression.Label(exitPoint, call);
            else if (type == typeof(String))
                var type_ = typeof(string);
                var compare = type_.GetMethod("Compare", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(bool) });
                bool optionIgnoreCase = compareOption.IgnoreCase;

                var ignoreCase = optionIgnoreCase ? Expression.Constant(optionIgnoreCase) : Expression.Constant(false);
                var call = !invertCompare ? Expression.Call(compare, field1, field2, ignoreCase) : Expression.Call(compare, field2, field1, ignoreCase);

                if (!isLastCompare)
                    //cmp = String.Compare(field1, field2, ignoreCase);
                    //if (cmp != 0)
                    //    return cmp;

                    yield return Expression.Assign(cmp, call);
                    yield return Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(cmp, Expression.Constant(0)),
                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, cmp));
                    //return String.Compare(field1, field2, ignoreCase);

                    yield return Expression.Label(exitPoint, call);
            else if (type == typeof(SByte) ||
                     type == typeof(Byte) ||
                     type == typeof(Int16) ||
                     type == typeof(Int32) ||
                     type == typeof(UInt32) ||
                     type == typeof(UInt16) ||
                     type == typeof(Int64) ||
                     type == typeof(UInt64) ||
                     type == typeof(Single) ||
                     type == typeof(Double))
                //if (field1 < field2)
                //    return -1;
                //else if (field1 > field2)
                //    return 1;

                int less = !invertCompare ? -1 : 1;
                int greater = !invertCompare ? 1 : -1;

                yield return Expression.IfThenElse(Expression.LessThan(field1, field2),
                                Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(less, typeof(int))),
                                Expression.IfThen(Expression.GreaterThan(field1, field2),
                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(greater))));

                if (isLastCompare)
                    yield return Expression.Label(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(0));
                throw new NotSupportedException(type.ToString());
예제 #11
        private static IEnumerable <Expression> GetCompareCommands(ParameterExpression data1, ParameterExpression data2, ParameterExpression cmp, LabelTarget exitPoint, DataType slotType, int slotIndex, CompareOption compareOption, bool isLastCompare)
            var field1 = Expression.Field(data1, String.Format("Slot{0}", slotIndex));
            var field2 = Expression.Field(data2, String.Format("Slot{0}", slotIndex));

            var invertCompare = compareOption.SortOrder == SortOrder.Descending;

            if (slotType == DataType.Boolean)
                //if (field1 != field2)
                //    if (!field1)
                //        return -1;
                //    else
                //        return 1;

                int less    = !invertCompare ? -1 : 1;
                int greater = !invertCompare ? 1 : -1;

                yield return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(field1, field2),
                                                                     Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(less)),
                                                                     Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(greater)))));
            else if (slotType == DataType.ByteArray)
                Debug.Assert(compareOption.ByteOrder != ByteOrder.Unspecified);

                var order        = compareOption.ByteOrder;
                var comparerType = (order == ByteOrder.BigEndian) ? typeof(BigEndianByteArrayComparer) : typeof(LittleEndianByteArrayComparer);
                var instance     = Expression.Field(null, comparerType, "Instance");
                var compare      = comparerType.GetMethod("Compare", new Type[] { typeof(byte[]), typeof(byte[]) });
                var call         = !invertCompare?Expression.Call(instance, compare, field1, field2) : Expression.Call(instance, compare, field2, field1);

                if (!isLastCompare)
                    //cmp = BigEndianByteArrayComparer.Instance.Compare(field1, field2);
                    //if (cmp != 0)
                    //    return cmp;

                    yield return(Expression.Assign(cmp, call));

                    yield return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(cmp, Expression.Constant(0)),
                                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, cmp)));
                    //return BigEndianByteArrayComparer.Instance.Compare(field1, field2);

                    yield return(Expression.Return(exitPoint, call));
            else if (slotType == DataType.Char)
                var int1 = Expression.Convert(field1, typeof(int));
                var int2 = Expression.Convert(field2, typeof(int));

                var substract = !invertCompare?Expression.Subtract(int1, int2) : Expression.Subtract(int2, int1);

                if (!isLastCompare)
                    //cmp = (int)field1 - (int)field2;
                    //if (cmp != 0)
                    //    return cmp;

                    yield return(Expression.Assign(cmp, substract));

                    yield return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(cmp, Expression.Constant(0)),
                                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, cmp)));
                    //return field1 - field2;

                    yield return(Expression.Return(exitPoint, substract));
            else if (slotType == DataType.DateTime)
                //long ticks1 = field1.Ticks;
                //long ticks2 = field2.Ticks;
                //if (ticks1 < ticks2)
                //    return -1;
                //else if (ticks1 > ticks2)
                //    return 1;

                var ticks1 = Expression.Variable(typeof(long));
                var ticks2 = Expression.Variable(typeof(long));

                var assign1 = Expression.Assign(ticks1, Expression.Property(field1, "Ticks"));
                var assign2 = Expression.Assign(ticks2, Expression.Property(field2, "Ticks"));

                int less    = !invertCompare ? -1 : 1;
                int greater = !invertCompare ? 1 : -1;

                var _if = Expression.IfThenElse(Expression.LessThan(ticks1, ticks2),
                                                Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(less)),
                                                Expression.IfThen(Expression.GreaterThan(ticks1, ticks2),
                                                                  Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(greater))));

                yield return(Expression.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { ticks1, ticks2 }, assign1, assign2, _if));
            else if (slotType == DataType.Decimal)
                var type     = typeof(Comparer <>).MakeGenericType(typeof(decimal));
                var _default = Expression.Property(null, type, "Default");
                var compare  = type.GetProperty("Default").PropertyType.GetMethod("Compare", new Type[] { typeof(decimal), typeof(decimal) });
                var call     = !invertCompare?Expression.Call(_default, compare, field1, field2) : Expression.Call(_default, compare, field2, field1);

                if (!isLastCompare)
                    //cmp = Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(field1, field2);
                    //if (cmp != 0)
                    //    return cmp;

                    yield return(Expression.Assign(cmp, call));

                    yield return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(cmp, Expression.Constant(0)),
                                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, cmp)));
                    //return Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(field1, field2);

                    yield return(Expression.Return(exitPoint, call));
            else if (slotType == DataType.String)
                var  type             = typeof(string);
                var  compare          = type.GetMethod("Compare", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(bool) });
                bool optionIgnoreCase = compareOption.IgnoreCase;

                var ignoreCase = optionIgnoreCase ? Expression.Constant(optionIgnoreCase) : Expression.Constant(false);
                var call       = !invertCompare?Expression.Call(compare, field1, field2, ignoreCase) : Expression.Call(compare, field2, field1, ignoreCase);

                if (!isLastCompare)
                    //cmp = String.Compare(field1, field2, ignoreCase);
                    //if (cmp != 0)
                    //    return cmp;

                    yield return(Expression.Assign(cmp, call));

                    yield return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(cmp, Expression.Constant(0)),
                                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, cmp)));
                    //return String.Compare(field1, field2, ignoreCase);

                    yield return(Expression.Return(exitPoint, call));
            else if (slotType == DataType.SByte ||
                     slotType == DataType.Byte ||
                     slotType == DataType.Int16 ||
                     slotType == DataType.Int32 ||
                     slotType == DataType.UInt32 ||
                     slotType == DataType.UInt16 ||
                     slotType == DataType.Int64 ||
                     slotType == DataType.UInt64 ||
                     slotType == DataType.Single ||
                     slotType == DataType.Double)
                //if (field1 < field2)
                //    return -1;
                //else if (field1 > field2)
                //    return 1;

                int less    = !invertCompare ? -1 : 1;
                int greater = !invertCompare ? 1 : -1;

                yield return(Expression.IfThenElse(Expression.LessThan(field1, field2),
                                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(less)),
                                                   Expression.IfThen(Expression.GreaterThan(field1, field2),
                                                                     Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(greater)))));
                throw new NotSupportedException(slotType.ToString());
예제 #12
        private static IEnumerable <Expression> GetEqualsCommands(ParameterExpression data1, ParameterExpression data2, ParameterExpression equ, LabelTarget exitPoint, DataType slotType, int slotIndex, CompareOption compareOption, bool isLastEqual)
            var field1 = Expression.Field(data1, String.Format("Slot{0}", slotIndex));
            var field2 = Expression.Field(data2, String.Format("Slot{0}", slotIndex));

            if (slotType == DataType.ByteArray)
                Debug.Assert(compareOption.ByteOrder != ByteOrder.Unspecified);

                var order = compareOption.ByteOrder;
                var equalityComparerType = (order == ByteOrder.BigEndian) ? typeof(BigEndianByteArrayEqualityComparer) : typeof(LittleEndianByteArrayEqualityComparer);
                var instance             = Expression.Field(null, equalityComparerType, "Instance");
                var equals = equalityComparerType.GetMethod("Equals", new Type[] { typeof(byte[]), typeof(byte[]) });
                var call   = Expression.Call(instance, equals, field1, field2);

                if (!isLastEqual)
                    //equ = BigEndianByteArrayEqualityComparer.Instance.Equals(field1, field2);
                    //if (equ != false)
                    //    return equ;

                    yield return(Expression.Assign(equ, call));

                    yield return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(equ, Expression.Constant(false)),
                                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, equ)));
                    // return BigEndianByteArrayEqualityComparer.Instance.Equals(field1, field2);

                    yield return(Expression.Return(exitPoint, call));
            else if (slotType == DataType.Char)
                if (!isLastEqual)
                    //if (field1 != field2)
                    //    return false;

                    yield return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(field1, field2),
                                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(false))));
                    //return field1 == field2;

                    yield return(Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Equal(field1, field2)));
            else if (slotType == DataType.String)
                bool optionIgnoreCase = compareOption.IgnoreCase;
                var  type             = typeof(String);

                if (!optionIgnoreCase)
                    var equals = type.GetMethod("Equals", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) });

                    if (!isLastEqual)
                        //if (!String.Equals(field1, field2))
                        //     return false;

                        yield return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.Not(Expression.Call(equals, field1, field2)),
                                                       Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(false))));
                        //return String.Equals(field1, field2);

                        yield return(Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Call(equals, field1, field2)));
                    var compare = type.GetMethod("Compare", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(bool) });

                    if (!isLastEqual)
                        //equ = String.Compare(field1, field2, ignoreCase) == 0
                        //if (!equ)
                        //    return false;

                        yield return(Expression.Assign(equ, Expression.Equal(Expression.Call(compare, field1, field2, Expression.Constant(optionIgnoreCase)), Expression.Constant(0))));

                        yield return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.Not(equ),
                                                       Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(false))));
                        //return String.Compare(field1, field2, ignoreCase) == 0;

                        yield return(Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Equal(Expression.Call(compare, field1, field2, Expression.Constant(optionIgnoreCase)), Expression.Constant(0))));
            else if (slotType == DataType.Boolean ||
                     slotType == DataType.SByte ||
                     slotType == DataType.Byte ||
                     slotType == DataType.Int16 ||
                     slotType == DataType.Int32 ||
                     slotType == DataType.UInt32 ||
                     slotType == DataType.UInt16 ||
                     slotType == DataType.Int64 ||
                     slotType == DataType.UInt64 ||
                     slotType == DataType.Single ||
                     slotType == DataType.Double ||
                     slotType == DataType.DateTime ||
                     slotType == DataType.Decimal)
                if (!isLastEqual)
                    //if (field1 != field2)
                    //    return false;

                    yield return(Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(field1, field2),
                                                   Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Constant(false))));
                    //return field1 == field2

                    yield return(Expression.Return(exitPoint, Expression.Equal(field1, field2)));
                throw new NotSupportedException(slotType.ToString());