예제 #1
        public static SftpSession AddToSftpSessionCollection(SftpClient sftpclient, SessionState pssession)
            //Set initial variables
            var obj = new SftpSession();
            var sftpSessions = new List<SftpSession>();
            var index = 0;

            // Retrive existing sessions from the globla variable.
            var sessionvar = pssession.PSVariable.GetValue("Global:SFTPSessions") as List<SftpSession>;

            // If sessions exist we set the proper index number for them.
            if (sessionvar != null && sessionvar.Count > 0)

                // Get the SessionId of the last item and count + 1
                SftpSession lastSession = sftpSessions[sftpSessions.Count - 1];
                index = lastSession.SessionId + 1;

            // Create the object that will be saved
            obj.SessionId = index;
            obj.Host = sftpclient.ConnectionInfo.Host;
            obj.Session = sftpclient;

            // Set the Global Variable for the sessions.
            pssession.PSVariable.Set((new PSVariable("Global:SFTPSessions", sftpSessions, ScopedItemOptions.AllScope)));
            return obj;