protected void GetProduct() { try { //connect to db via EF using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { Int32 SupplementID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["SupplementID"]); Supplement s = (from objs in db.Supplements where objs.SupplementID == SupplementID select objs).FirstOrDefault(); //set the name of the product being ordered for confirmation if (s != null) { lblProductName.Text = s.Name; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("/Error.aspx?Message=" + ex.Message); } }
protected void GetProduct() { //populate form wih existing category record Int32 CategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CategoryID"]); try { //connect to db via EF using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { Category c = (from objc in db.Categories where objc.CategoryID == CategoryID select objc).FirstOrDefault(); //map the category properties to the form controls txtName.Text = c.Name; txtDescription.Text = c.Description; //map the category properties to the form controls if we found a match if (c != null) { txtName.Text = c.Name; txtDescription.Text = c.Description; } } } catch (Exception) { Server.Transfer("/Error.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((!IsPostBack)) { using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { //get current logged in user id string currentUserId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId(); var focus = (from f in db.Focus orderby f.Name select f); //populate focus list box lbxFocus.DataSource = focus.ToList(); lbxFocus.DataTextField = "Name"; lbxFocus.DataValueField = "FocusID"; lbxFocus.DataBind(); //get selected user focus var userFocus = (from uf in db.UserFocus orderby uf.Focus.Name where uf.UserID == currentUserId select uf.FocusID); //explicitly select the foci that the user has already set foreach (ListItem item in lbxFocus.Items) { foreach (int focusId in userFocus) { if (focusId == int.Parse(item.Value)) item.Selected = true; } } } } }
protected void btnConfirmOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { if (Request.QueryString["SupplementID"] != null) { //get user id of current user string currentUserId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId(); int SupplementID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["SupplementID"]); //new order object to work with Order order = new Order(); //set variables in the new order object order.SupplementID = SupplementID; order.UserID = currentUserId; //add order to orders db db.Orders.Add(order); db.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("/admin/orders.aspx", false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("/Error.aspx?Message=" + ex.Message); } }
protected void GetProducts() { //try //{ //connect to EF using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { string currentUserId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId(); var topPurchases = (from tp in db.TopPurchases select tp); var userRecommended = (from ufr in db.UserFocusRecommendations where ufr.UserID == currentUserId select ufr); //bind the result to the gridview grdTopPurchases.DataSource = topPurchases.ToList(); grdTopPurchases.DataBind(); grdRecommended.DataSource = userRecommended.ToList(); grdRecommended.DataBind(); } //} //catch (Exception) //{ // Server.Transfer("/error.aspx"); //} }
protected void GetOrders() { try { //get current user id string currentUserId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId(); //connect to EF using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { string SortString = Session["SortColumn"].ToString() + " " + Session["SortDirection"].ToString(); //select order info for current logged in user var orders = from o in db.Orders join s in db.Supplements on o.SupplementID equals s.SupplementID where o.UserID == currentUserId select new { o.OrderID, s.Name, s.Description }; //bind the result to the gridview grdOrders.DataSource = orders.AsQueryable().OrderBy(SortString).ToList(); grdOrders.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception err) { Server.Transfer("/Error.aspx"); } }
protected void GetProducts() { try { //connect to EF using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { String SortString = Session["SortColumn"].ToString() + " " + Session["SortDirection"].ToString(); //query the students table using EF and LINQ var Products = (from p in db.Supplements join c in db.Categories on p.CategoryID equals c.CategoryID where p.Deleted == false select new { p.SupplementID, p.Name, p.Description, Category = c.Name }); //bind the result to the gridview grdProducts.DataSource = Products.AsQueryable().OrderBy(SortString).ToList(); grdProducts.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception) { Server.Transfer("/Error.aspx"); } }
protected void btnUpdateProfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //use EG to connect to SQL Server using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { //use the Student model to save the new record AspNetUser user = new AspNetUser(); string currentUserId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId(); //check the querystring for an id so we can determine add/update if (currentUserId != null) { //get the user object user = (from u in db.AspNetUsers where u.Id == currentUserId select u).FirstOrDefault(); } foreach (UserFocus uf in user.UserFocus.ToList()) { db.UserFocus.Remove(uf); } foreach (ListItem item in lbxFocus.Items) { if (item.Selected) { UserFocus focus = new UserFocus(); focus.FocusID = int.Parse(item.Value); user.UserFocus.Add(focus); } } //call add only if we have no current user ID //if (currentUserId == 0) //{ // db.Supplements.Add(s); //} //run the update or insert db.SaveChanges(); //redirect Response.Redirect("/admin/products.aspx"); } } catch (Exception) { Server.Transfer("/error.aspx"); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //use EG to connect to SQL Server using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { //use the Category model to save the new record Category c = new Category(); Int32 CategoryID = 0; //check the querystring for an id so we can determine add/update if (Request.QueryString["CategoryID"] != null) { //get the id from the url CategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CategoryID"]); //get the current category from EF c = (from objc in db.Categories where objc.CategoryID == CategoryID select objc).FirstOrDefault(); } c.Name = txtName.Text; c.Description = txtDescription.Text; //call add only if we have no category ID if (CategoryID == 0) { db.Categories.Add(c); } //run the update or insert db.SaveChanges(); //redirect Response.Redirect("/admin/products.aspx"); } } catch (Exception) { Server.Transfer("/error.aspx"); } }
protected void GetProduct() { //populate form wih existing supplement record Int32 SupplementID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["SupplementID"]); try { //connect to db via EF using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { //select the current supplement Supplement s = (from objs in db.Supplements where objs.SupplementID == SupplementID select objs).FirstOrDefault(); //generate a string, and populate with a list of foci related to the current supplement String Foci = ""; var supplementFocus = (from sf in db.SupplementFocus orderby sf.Focus.Name join f in db.Focus on sf.FocusID equals f.FocusID where sf.SupplementID == SupplementID select sf.Focus.Name); //loop through all the foci relate to the supplement foreach (String focusName in supplementFocus) { //add them to the string Foci += focusName + " "; } //map the supplement properties to the form controls lblName.Text = s.Name; lblCategory.Text = s.Category.Name; lblDescription.Text = s.Description; lblFocus.Text = Foci; } } catch (Exception) { Server.Transfer("/Error.aspx"); } }
protected void GetProduct() { //populate form wih existing supplement record Int32 SupplementID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["SupplementID"]); try { //connect to db via EF using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { //query database and get relevant supplement object Supplement s = (from objs in db.Supplements where objs.SupplementID == SupplementID select objs).FirstOrDefault(); //map the supplement properties to the form controls txtName.Text = s.Name; lbxCategory.SelectedValue = s.CategoryID.ToString(); txtDescription.Text = s.Description; //map the student properties to the form controls if we found a match if (s != null) { txtName.Text = s.Name; lbxCategory.SelectedValue = s.CategoryID.ToString(); txtDescription.Text = s.Description; } } } catch (Exception) { Server.Transfer("/Error.aspx"); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //use EG to connect to SQL Server using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { //use the supplement model to save the new record Supplement s = new Supplement(); Int32 SupplementID = 0; //check the querystring for an id so we can determine add/update if (Request.QueryString["SupplementID"] != null) { //get the id from the url SupplementID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["SupplementID"]); //get the current student from EF s = (from objs in db.Supplements where objs.SupplementID == SupplementID select objs).FirstOrDefault(); } //remove supplement foci relationship(s) foreach (SupplementFocus sf in s.SupplementFocus.ToList()) { db.SupplementFocus.Remove(sf); } //add selected values to the supplement focus relationships for the user foreach (ListItem item in lbxFocus.Items) { if (item.Selected) { SupplementFocus focus = new SupplementFocus(); focus.FocusID = int.Parse(item.Value); s.SupplementFocus.Add(focus); } } s.Name = txtName.Text; s.Description = txtDescription.Text; s.CategoryID = int.Parse(lbxCategory.SelectedValue); //call add only if we have no supplement ID if (SupplementID == 0) { db.Supplements.Add(s); } //run the update or insert db.SaveChanges(); //redirect Response.Redirect("/admin/products.aspx"); } } catch (Exception) { Server.Transfer("/error.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if save wasnt clicked AND we have a ProductID in the url if ((!IsPostBack)) { using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { //get current supplement id from querystring Int32 SupplementID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["SupplementID"]); //query and populate categories in category list box var categories = (from c in db.Categories orderby c.Name select c); lbxCategory.DataSource = categories.ToList(); lbxCategory.DataTextField = "Name"; lbxCategory.DataValueField = "CategoryID"; lbxCategory.DataBind(); //query and populate foci into focus list box var focus = (from f in db.Focus orderby f.Name select f); lbxFocus.DataSource = focus.ToList(); lbxFocus.DataTextField = "Name"; lbxFocus.DataValueField = "FocusID"; lbxFocus.DataBind(); //get what foci are selected for the given supplement var supplementFocus = (from sf in db.SupplementFocus orderby sf.Focus.Name where sf.SupplementID == SupplementID select sf.FocusID); //explicitly select the foci in the list box to show what is already selected foreach (ListItem item in lbxFocus.Items) { foreach (int focusId in supplementFocus) { if (focusId == int.Parse(item.Value)) item.Selected = true; } } } if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0) { GetProduct(); } } }
protected void grdOrders_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { //store which row was clicked Int32 selectedRow = e.RowIndex; //get the selected StudentID using the grid's Data Key collection Int32 OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(grdOrders.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["OrderID"]); try { using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { Order order = (from o in db.Orders where o.OrderID == OrderID select o).FirstOrDefault(); //do the delete db.Orders.Remove(order); db.SaveChanges(); } //refresh the grid GetOrders(); } catch (Exception err) { Server.Transfer("/Error.aspx"); } }
protected void grdProducts_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { //store which row was clicked Int32 selectedRow = e.RowIndex; //get the selected supplement id using the grid's Data Key collection Int32 SupplementID = Convert.ToInt32(grdProducts.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["SupplementID"]); try { //use EF to remove the selected supplement from the db using (spsEntities1 db = new spsEntities1()) { Supplement s = (from objs in db.Supplements where objs.SupplementID == SupplementID select objs).FirstOrDefault(); //do the delete (flag as deleted.... because of foreign key issues). s.Deleted = true; db.SaveChanges(); } //refresh the grid GetProducts(); } catch (Exception err) { Server.Transfer("/error.aspx"); } }