public static bool CheckOutDate(WaybillList wb, BaseEntities db, DateTime date) { bool r = true; var query = (from wbd in db.WaybillDet from m in db.Materials where wbd.WbillId == wb.WbillId && m.MatId == wbd.MatId orderby wbd.OnDate descending select new { wbd.OnDate, m.Name } ).FirstOrDefault(); /* * select first 1 distinct wbd.ondate, * from waybilldet wbd , materials m * where wbd.wbillid=:WBILLID and m.matid = wbd.matid * order by wbd.ondate desc */ if (query != null && date < query.OnDate) { if (MessageBox.Show("Дата документа не може бути меншою за дату видаткової партії! \nПозиція: " + query.Name + " \nДата: " + query.OnDate.ToString() + " \nЗмінити дату докомента на " + query.OnDate.ToString() + "?", "Зміна дати докуманта", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { wb.OnDate = query.OnDate.Value; db.SaveChanges(); } else { r = false; } } return(r); }
public static bool CheckInDate(WaybillList wb, BaseEntities db, DateTime date) { bool r = true; var query = (from wmt1 in db.WMatTurn from wmt2 in db.WMatTurn from wbd in db.WaybillDet from m in db.Materials where wbd.WbillId == wb.WbillId && m.MatId == wbd.MatId && wbd.PosId == wmt1.SourceId && wmt1.PosId == wmt2.SourceId && wmt1.TurnType != wmt2.TurnType orderby wmt2.OnDate descending select new { wmt2.OnDate, m.Name } ).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); /* * select first 1 distinct wmt2.ondate, * from WMATTURN wmt1, WMATTURN wmt2, waybilldet wbd , materials m * where wbd.wbillid=:WBILLID and m.matid = wbd.matid and wbd.posid=wmt1.sourceid * and wmt1.posid=wmt2.sourceid and wmt1.turntype <> wmt2.turntype * order by wmt2.ondate desc */ if (query != null && date < query.OnDate) { if (MessageBox.Show("Дата документа не може бути меншою за дату прибуткової партії! \nПозиція: " + query.Name + " \nДата: " + query.OnDate.ToString() + " \nЗмінити дату докомента на " + query.OnDate.ToString() + "?", "Зміна дати докуманта", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { wb.OnDate = query.OnDate; db.SaveChanges(); } else { r = false; } } return(r); }