private void TeleportLastDeath(CommandArgs arg) { TSPlayer player = arg.Player; SOSKey sos = lastPlaceOfDeathData.GetUserDeathInfo(player.UUID); if (sos.deathCount > 0) { player.Teleport(sos.lastDeathPlaceX, sos.lastDeathPlaceY); player.SendMessage("You have teleported to your last corpse.", Color.YellowGreen); } else { player.SendMessage("You haven't died yet in the server.", Color.YellowGreen); } }
//private void SaveMoney(CommandArgs arg) //{ // TSPlayer player = arg.Player; // lastPlaceOfDeathData.UpdateSaveMoneyUser(player.UUID); // if (lastPlaceOfDeathData.GetUserSavedMoney(player.UUID)) // player.SendMessage("Save Money Mode has been Enabled", Color.GreenYellow); // else // player.SendMessage("Save Money Mode has been Disabled", Color.GreenYellow); //} private void InfoLastDeath(CommandArgs arg) { TSPlayer player = arg.Player; SOSKey sos = lastPlaceOfDeathData.GetUserDeathInfo(player.UUID); if (sos.deathCount > 0) { string text = String.Format("Location (X, Y): ({0}, {1})\nDescription: {2}\nDeath Count: {3}", sos.lastDeathPlaceX, sos.lastDeathPlaceY, sos.lastDeathMessage, sos.deathCount); player.SendMessage(text, Color.YellowGreen); } else { player.SendMessage("You haven't died yet in the server.", Color.YellowGreen); } }
public SOSKey GetUserDeathInfo(string UUID) { SOSKey sos; Dictionary <string, SOSKey> ds; if (!data.TryGetValue(WorldID, out ds)) { ds = new Dictionary <string, SOSKey>(); data.Add(WorldID, ds); } if (!ds.TryGetValue(UUID, out sos)) { sos = new SOSKey(false); ds.Add(UUID, sos); } return(sos); }
public bool GetUserSavedMoney(string UUID) { SOSKey sos; Dictionary <string, SOSKey> ds; if (!data.TryGetValue(WorldID, out ds)) { ds = new Dictionary <string, SOSKey>(); data.Add(WorldID, ds); } if (!ds.TryGetValue(UUID, out sos)) { sos = new SOSKey(false); ds.Add(UUID, sos); } return(sos.saveMoney); }
public void UpdateSaveMoneyUser(string UUID) { SOSKey sos; Dictionary <string, SOSKey> ds; if (!data.TryGetValue(WorldID, out ds)) { ds = new Dictionary <string, SOSKey>(); data.Add(WorldID, ds); } if (!ds.TryGetValue(UUID, out sos)) { sos = new SOSKey(false); ds.Add(UUID, sos); } // Update sos.saveMoney = !sos.saveMoney; }
public void UpdateLocationUser(string UUID, Vector2 pos, string lastDeathMessage) { SOSKey sos; Dictionary <string, SOSKey> ds; if (!data.TryGetValue(WorldID, out ds)) { ds = new Dictionary <string, SOSKey>(); data.Add(WorldID, new Dictionary <string, SOSKey>()); } if (!ds.TryGetValue(UUID, out sos)) { sos = new SOSKey(false); ds.Add(UUID, sos); } // Update sos.lastDeathPlaceX = (int)pos.X; sos.lastDeathPlaceY = (int)pos.Y; sos.lastDeathMessage = lastDeathMessage; sos.deathCount++; }