private void ShowDetail() { string yyyymm = ""; int id = 0, level_begin = 0, level_end = 0; InDirectLabourLevelPriceQuery.GetInfo(ref id, ref yyyymm, ref level_begin, ref level_end); string strsql; if (yyyymm != "") { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); strsql = "select i.cid id,i.yyyymm 年月,i.level_begin '员工等级(起)',i.level_end '员工等级(止)',j.CID,j.CNAME 上班类型,i.price '费率(元/小时)' from (select * from cost_indirect_labour_level_price where isnull(YYYYMM,'') ='" + yyyymm + "' and level_begin = " + level_begin + " and level_end = " + level_end + ") i left join (select * from COST_WORK_TYPE where forbidden = 'false') j on i.WORK_TYPE = j.cid "; DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); gridControl1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; gridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[4].Visible = false; gridView1.Columns[0].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[1].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[2].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[3].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[4].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; gridView1.Columns[5].OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = true; conn.Close(); } }
public static void Save() { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql; bool isok = false; string yyyymm = ""; int id = 0, level_begin = 0, level_end = 0; InDirectLabourLevelPriceQuery.GetInfo(ref id, ref yyyymm, ref level_begin, ref level_end); if (yyyymm != "") { dlpuform.gridView1.FocusInvalidRow(); for (int i = 0; i < dlpuform.gridView1.RowCount; i++) { sql = "update cost_indirect_labour_level_price set price = " + dlpuform.gridView1.GetDataRow(i).ItemArray[6].ToString() + " where cid = " + dlpuform.gridView1.GetDataRow(i).ItemArray[0].ToString(); isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); } } if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); InDirectLabourLevelPriceQuery.RefreshEX(); dlpuform.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } dlpuform.ischange = false; conn.Close(); dlpuform.Close(); InDirectLabourLevelPrice.savetype = "insert"; }
private void barButtonItem修改_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { string yyyymm = ""; int id = 0, level_begin = 0, level_end = 0; InDirectLabourLevelPriceQuery.GetInfo(ref id, ref yyyymm, ref level_begin, ref level_end); if (yyyymm != "") { InDirectLabourLevelPriceUpdate Frm = InDirectLabourLevelPriceUpdate.GetInstance(); Frm.TopLevel = false; Frm.Parent = this; Frm.Show(); Frm.BringToFront(); } }