public Physics(World w, PSetting setting, int speed) { this.w = w; this.setting = setting; this.speed = speed; this.random = new Random(); }
public Server() { Log("Starting Server"); s = this; consolePlayer = new ConsolePlayer(s); consolePlayer.SetUsername(ConsoleName); //Group.DefaultGroup = new DefaultGroup(); //debugging mainlevel = new World(0, 127, 0, "main", new Random().Next()); World.worlds.Add(mainlevel); ml = new MainLoop("server"); #region updatetimer ml.Queue(delegate { updateTimer.Elapsed += delegate { Player.GlobalUpdate(); }; updateTimer.Start(); }); #endregion //TODO AI Update Timer //Setup(); Log("Server Started"); //new Creeper(new Point3(0, 0, 0), mainlevel); }
public Item(Items item, World l, bool inv = false) { isInventory = inv; e = new Entity(this, l); = (short)item; OnGround = false; }
public override void Use(Player p, params string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Help(p); return; } else if (args.Length == 1) { Random rand = new Random(); int seed = new Random().Next(); p.SendMessage("Creating world with seed: " + seed); double x = 0; double y = 127; double z = 0; World temp = new World(x, y, z, args[0], seed); //while (Chunk.GetChunk((int)x, (int)z, temp).GetBlock((int)x, (int)(y - 1), (int)z) == 0) // y--; temp.SpawnY = y; World.worlds.Add(temp); p.SendMessage("World " + args[0] + " MADE!"); } else if (args.Length == 2 || args.Length == 3) { int seed = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); p.SendMessage("Creating world with seed: " + seed); double x = 0; double y = 127; double z = 0; World temp = new World(x, y, z, args[0], seed); if (args.Length == 3) { int limit = Convert.ToInt32(args[2]); if (limit > 2) temp.ChunkLimit = limit; else { p.SendMessage("maxchunks cannot be less than 3. creating with maxchunks 3."); temp.ChunkLimit = 3; } } World.worlds.Add(temp); p.SendMessage("World " + args[0] + " MADE!"); } }
public ChunkLoadQueue(int x, int z, bool unload, World world) { this.x = x; this.z = z; this.unload = unload; = world; }
public Creeper(Point3 pos, World level) { mye = new Entity(this, level); mylevel = level; e.pos = pos; e.UpdateChunks(false, false); }
public ChunkGenQueue(int x, int z, World world, bool generate = true, bool populate = true) { this.generate = generate; this.populate = populate; this.x = x; this.z = z; = world; }
public ContainerChest(World level, Point3 point) { this.level = level; this.point = point; items = new Item[Size]; for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++) items[i] = Item.Nothing; }
public Item(short item, byte count, short meta, World l) { this.item = (short)item; this.meta = meta; this.count = count; OnGround = false; e = new Entity(this, l); }
public Entity(AI ai, World l) { = ai; id = FreeId(); isAI = true; level = l; Entities.Add(id, this); }
public Item(short item, byte count, short meta, World l, bool inv = false) { isInventory = inv; e = new Entity(this, l); = (short)item; this.meta = meta; this.count = count; OnGround = false; }
public WorldChunkManager(World world) : this() { GenLayer[] agenlayer = GenLayer.func_35019_a(world.seed); field_34907_a = agenlayer[0]; field_34906_b = agenlayer[1]; temperatureLayer = agenlayer[2]; rainfallLayer = agenlayer[3]; }
public Entity(Player pl, World l) : this(l) { p = pl; isPlayer = true; UpdateChunks(false, false); Entities.Add(id, this); }
public Player p; //Only set if this entity is a player, and it referances the player it is #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Entity(Player pl, World l) { p = pl; id = FreeId(); isPlayer = true; level = l; UpdateChunks(false, false); Entities.Add(id, this); }
public Item(short item, byte count, short meta, World l, double[] pos, byte[] rot) { this.item = item; this.count = count; this.meta = meta; this.level = l; this.pos = pos; this.rot = rot; OnGround = true; e = new Entity(this, l); e.UpdateChunks(false, false); }
public Explosion(World world, /*Entity entity,*/ double d, double d1, double d2, float f) { isFlaming = false; ExplosionRNG = new Random(); destroyedBlockPositions = new HashSet<Point3>(); worldObj = world; //exploder = entity; // Not needed right now explosionSize = f; explosionX = d; explosionY = d1; explosionZ = d2; }
public Entity(Item i, World l) { I = i; id = FreeId(); isItem = true; level = l; if (I.OnGround) UpdateChunks(false, false); Entities.Add(id, this); }
public Entity(Item i, World l) { I = i; if (!I.isInventory) id = FreeId(); isItem = true; level = l; if (!I.isInventory) { UpdateChunks(false, false); Entities.Add(id, this); } }
byte type; //This holds type information, used in deciding which kind of window we need to send. #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Windows(WindowType type, Point3 pos, World world, Player p) { try { id = FreeId(); this.type = (byte)type; this.p = p; switch (Type) { case WindowType.Chest: name = "Chest"; //We change this to "Large Chest" Later if it needs it :3 container = world.GetBlockContainer(pos); items = container.Items; container.AddPlayer(p); break; case WindowType.Dispenser: name = "Workbench"; //container = world.GetBlockContainer(pos); // We don't have a container for this yet. items = new Item[9]; break; case WindowType.Furnace: name = "Furnace"; //container = world.GetBlockContainer(pos); // We don't have a container for this yet. items = new Item[3]; break; case WindowType.Workbench: name = "Dispenser"; items = new Item[10]; break; case WindowType.EnchantmentTable: name = "Enchant"; items = new Item[1]; break; case WindowType.BrewingStand: name = "Brewing Stand"; //container = world.GetBlockContainer(pos); // We don't have a container for this yet. items = new Item[4]; break; } if (Type == WindowType.Workbench || Type == WindowType.EnchantmentTable) { for (int i = 0; i < InventorySize; i++) items[i] = Item.Nothing; } } catch { Logger.Log("Error making window!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Cancel a World Event /// </summary> /// <param name="e">The event to cancel</param> /// <param name="w">The world</param> public static void CancelEvent(LevelEvent e, World w) { switch (e) { case LevelEvent.PhysicsUpdate: w.physics.cancelphysics = true; break; case LevelEvent.Save: World.cancelsave = true; break; case LevelEvent.ChunkGenerated: w.cancelchunk = true; break; } }
public override void Use(Player p, params string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Help(p); return; } else if (args.Length == 1) { Random rand = new Random(); long seed = new Random().Next(); p.SendMessage("Creating world with seed: " + seed); double x = rand.Next(50); double y = 64; double z = rand.Next(50); World temp = new World(x, y, z, args[0]); //while (Chunk.GetChunk((int)x, (int)z, temp).GetBlock((int)x, (int)(y - 1), (int)z) == 0) // y--; temp.SpawnY = y; World.worlds.Add(temp); p.SendMessage("World " + args[0] + " MADE!"); } }
public static Container CreateInstance(ContainerType type, World level, Point3 point) { switch (type) { case ContainerType.Chest: return new ContainerChest(level, point); case ContainerType.Furnace: // TODO break; case ContainerType.Dispenser: // TODO break; case ContainerType.BrewingStand: // TODO break; } return null; }
public virtual void generate(World world, int i, int j, byte[] abyte0) { int k = field_947_a; field_35530_d = world; rand = new java.util.Random(world.seed); long l = rand.nextLong(); long l1 = rand.nextLong(); for(int i1 = i - k; i1 <= i + k; i1++) { for(int j1 = j - k; j1 <= j + k; j1++) { long l2 = (long)i1 * l; long l3 = (long)j1 * l1; rand = new java.util.Random(l2 ^ l3 ^ world.seed); recursiveGenerate(world, i1, j1, i, j, abyte0); } } }
public void Normal(World w, int x, int y, int z, byte type) { byte dist, tile; byte height = (byte)(rand.nextInt(4) + 3); byte top = (byte)(height - 2); short xx, yy, zz; int xxx, yyy, zzz; for (yy = 0; yy <= height; yy++) { yyy = y + yy; tile = tile = w.GetBlock(x, yyy, z); if (tile == (byte)Blocks.Air || (yyy == y && tile == (byte)Blocks.Sapling)) w.BlockChange(x, yyy, z, (byte)Blocks.Wood, type); } for (yy = top; yy <= height + 1; yy++) { dist = yy > height - 1 ? (byte)1 : (byte)2; for (xx = (short)-dist; xx <= dist; xx++) { for (zz = (short)-dist; zz <= dist; zz++) { xxx = x + xx; yyy = y + yy; zzz = z + zz; tile = w.GetBlock(xxx, yyy, zzz); //Server.s.Log(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", xxx, yyy, zzz)); if ((xxx == x && zzz == z && yy <= height) || tile != (byte)Blocks.Air) continue; if (Math.Abs(xx) == dist && Math.Abs(zz) == dist) { if (yy > height) continue; if (rand.nextInt(2) == 0) w.BlockChange(xxx, yyy, zzz, (byte)Blocks.Leaves, type); } else w.BlockChange(xxx, yyy, zzz, (byte)Blocks.Leaves, type); } } } }
public GenStandard(World w, bool flag) { worldObj = w; random = new java.util.Random(w.seed); field_35562_v = new double[256]; caveGenerator = new GenCaves(); //field_35559_d = new MapGenStronghold(); //field_35560_e = new MapGenVillage(); //field_35558_f = new MapGenMineshaft(); field_35564_x = new GenRavine(); //unusedIntArray32x32 = new int[32][32]; field_35563_t = flag; field_705_k = new NoiseOctaves(random, 16); field_704_l = new NoiseOctaves(random, 16); field_703_m = new NoiseOctaves(random, 8); field_702_n = new NoiseOctaves(random, 4); field_715_a = new NoiseOctaves(random, 10); field_714_b = new NoiseOctaves(random, 16); mobSpawnerNoise = new NoiseOctaves(random, 8); }
public Server() { Log("Starting Server"); s = this; mainlevel = new World(0, 127, 0, "main"); World.worlds.Add(mainlevel); ml = new MainLoop("server"); #region updatetimer ml.Queue(delegate { updateTimer.Elapsed += delegate { Player.GlobalUpdate(); }; updateTimer.Start(); }); #endregion Setup(); Log("Server Started"); }
byte type; //This holds type information, used in deciding which kind of window we need to send. #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Windows(WindowType Type, Point3 Pos, World Level) { Server.Log("Window Creating."); id = FreeId(); type = (byte)Type; pos = Pos; level = Level; switch (Type) { case WindowType.Chest: name = "Chest"; //We change this to "Large Chest" Later if it needs it :3 items = new Item[27]; break; case WindowType.Dispenser: name = "Workbench"; items = new Item[9]; break; case WindowType.Furnace: name = "Furnace"; items = new Item[3]; break; case WindowType.Workbench: name = "Dispenser"; items = new Item[9]; break; case WindowType.EnchantmentTable: name = "Enchant"; items = new Item[1]; break; case WindowType.BrewingStand: name = "Brewing Stand"; items = new Item[4]; break; } Server.Log("Window adding.");, this); Server.Log("Window done."); }
public static void GlobalUpdateSign(World wld, int x, short y, int z, params string[] text) { Player.players.ForEach(delegate(Player pl) { if (pl.MapLoaded && pl.level == wld && pl.VisibleChunks.Contains(Chunk.GetChunk(x >> 4, z >> 4, pl.level).point)) pl.SendUpdateSign(x, y, z, text); }); }
public static void GlobalSoundEffect(Point3 a, int type, World wld, Player exclude = null) { GlobalSoundEffect(a, type, 0, wld, exclude); }
public static void GlobalSoundEffect(Point3 a, int type, int data, World wld, Player exclude = null) { GlobalSoundEffect((int)a.x, (byte)a.y, (int)a.z, type, data, wld, exclude); }
public ContainerChest(World level, Point3 point, Item[] items) : base(level) { this.point = point; this.items = items; }