public void SaveSettings(FileParser.Block block) { block.SetInt("Address X", (int)addressX, false); block.SetInt("Address Y", (int)addressY, false); block.SetIntArray("RAM Pointers", stRAMPointers); block.SetIntArray("ROM Pointers", stROMPointers); }
public void SaveSettings(FileParser.Block block) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TextureImage> texture in textures) { block.SetString("Texture " + texture.Key, texture.Value.format.ToString() + ", " + texture.Value.bpp.ToString()); } }
public void SaveSettings(FileParser.Block block) { block.SetString("ROM", EmulationState.instance.ROMName); block.SetIntArray("Run level scripts", runLevelScripts.ToArray()); block.SetInt("Base Offset", segmentedAddress); block.SetInt("Import Scale", (int)Settings.importScale); block.SetBlock("Globals", new FileParser.Block(globalsControl)); block.SetBlock("Textures", new FileParser.Block(textureLibrary)); //Write Display List data block.SetInt("NumDisplayLists", displayLists.Count, false); int i = 0; foreach (ReadWrite dl in displayLists) { block.SetBlock("DisplayList" + i++, new FileParser.Block(dl)); } //Write Collision Map data block.SetInt("NumCollisionMaps", collisionMaps.Count, false); i = 0; foreach (ReadWrite dl in collisionMaps) { block.SetBlock("CollisionMap" + i++, new FileParser.Block(dl)); } }
public void LoadSettings(FileParser.Block block) { addressX = (AddressMode)block.GetInt("Address X"); addressY = (AddressMode)block.GetInt("Address Y"); stRAMPointers = block.GetIntArray("RAM Pointers", false); stROMPointers = block.GetIntArray("ROM Pointers", false); }
public void SaveSettings(FileParser.Block block) { string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(RenderStates.Parameter)); for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { block.SetInt(names[i], globalParameters[i]); } }
public void SaveSettings(FileParser.Block block) { block.SetBool("Use Custom Address", useCustomAddress); if (useCustomAddress) { block.SetInt("Custom Address", segmentOffset); } block.SetIntArray("ROM Pointers", pointerControl1.GetROMPointers()); block.SetIntArray("RAM Pointers", pointerControl1.GetRAMPointers()); SpecialPointer[] specialPointers = specialPointerControl1.GetPointers(); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); foreach (SpecialPointer p in specialPointers) { b.Append(p.ToString() + "; "); } if (b.Length > 0) { block.SetString("Special Pointers", b.ToString()); } block.SetString("Obj File", sourceFileName); block.SetInt("Type Style", cmbTypeStyle.SelectedIndex, false); foreach (Control control in panelCollisionTypes.Controls) { CollisionTypeControl c = control as CollisionTypeControl; if (c != null) { block.SetInt(, c.patch.type); block.SetBool( + " enabled", c.enableImport); } } if (collision.specialBoxes != null) { int num = collision.specialBoxes.boxes.Count; int[] type = new int[num], x1 = new int[num], x2 = new int[num], z1 = new int[num], z2 = new int[num], y = new int[num]; int i = 0; foreach (SpecialCollisionBox box in collision.specialBoxes.boxes) { type[i] = box.type; x1[i] = box.x1; x2[i] = box.x2; z1[i] = box.z1; z2[i] = box.z2; y[i] = box.y; i++; } block.SetIntArray("Special Boxes", type, true); block.SetIntArray("Special Boxes X1", x1, false); block.SetIntArray("Special Boxes X2", x2, false); block.SetIntArray("Special Boxes Z1", z1, false); block.SetIntArray("Special Boxes Z2", z2, false); block.SetIntArray("Special Boxes Height", y, false); } }
public void LoadSettings(FileParser.Block block) { string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(RenderStates.Parameter)); for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { int fileValue = block.GetInt(names[i], false); globalParameters[i] = fileValue; } numFogIntensity.Value = (globalParameters[(int)RenderStates.Parameter.FogIntensity] >> 0x10) / (decimal)256; numFogOffset.Value = (globalParameters[(int)RenderStates.Parameter.FogIntensity] & 0xFFFF) / (decimal)256; }
private void btnLoadSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Display List presets|*.sm64import"; ofd.InitialDirectory = Path.GetFullPath("Presets/Levels"); ofd.RestoreDirectory = false; if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } FileParser.Block b = new FileParser.Block(ofd.FileName); LoadSettings(b); }
public int PrepareForImport() { try { FileParser.Block old_settings = new FileParser.Block(this); //Restore settings for collision after loading LoadObj(); LoadSettings(old_settings); } catch (Exception ex) { return(-1); } return(0); }
private void btnSaveSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.Filter = "Display List presets|*.sm64import"; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(sfd.FileName); FileParser.Block root = new FileParser.Block(this); SaveSettings(root); root.Write(writer); writer.Close(); }
private void btnSavePreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.Filter = "Display List presets|*.dl"; sfd.RestoreDirectory = false; sfd.InitialDirectory = Path.GetFullPath("Presets/Display Lists"); if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(sfd.FileName); FileParser.Block root = new FileParser.Block(this); SaveSettings(root); root.Write(writer); writer.Close(); }
public void SaveSettings(FileParser.Block block) { block.SetBool("Use Custom Address", useCustomAddress); if (useCustomAddress) { block.SetInt("Custom Address", segmentOffset); } block.SetIntArray("ROM Pointers", pointerControl.GetROMPointers()); block.SetIntArray("RAM Pointers", pointerControl.GetRAMPointers()); block.SetInt("Layer", (int)numLayer.Value); for (int i = 0; i < paramControls.Length; i++) { block.SetInt(paramControls[i].ParameterName, (int)paramControls[i].cmbType.SelectedIndex); if (paramControls[i].cmbType.SelectedIndex == paramControls[i].cmbType.Items.Count - 1) { block.SetInt("Custom " + paramControls[i].ParameterName, paramControls[i].customValue); } } block.SetString("Obj File", sourceFileName); block.SetInt("Color Interpretation", (int)conversionSettings.colorInterpretation); if (displayList != null) { block.SetInt("Cycle Type", (int)displayList.renderstates.cycleType, false); block.SetInt("Blend modes", displayList.renderstates.blendMode); block.SetInt("Render states", displayList.renderstates.otherModesLow); block.SetInt("RCP Set", displayList.renderstates.RCPSet); block.SetInt("RCP Unset", displayList.renderstates.RCPUnset); block.SetInt("Combiner Low", (int)(displayList.renderstates.combiner.state & 0xFFFFFFFF)); block.SetInt("Combiner High", (int)((displayList.renderstates.combiner.state >> 0x20) & 0xFFFFFF)); block.SetDouble("Texture Scale X", displayList.renderstates.textureScaleX); block.SetDouble("Texture Scale Y", displayList.renderstates.textureScaleY); } if (this.textureControl.materialLibrary != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TextureInfo> tex in this.textureControl.materialLibrary) { if (tex.Value.addressX != TextureInfo.AddressMode.G_TX_WRAP || tex.Value.addressY != TextureInfo.AddressMode.G_TX_WRAP || tex.Value.stRAMPointers.Length + tex.Value.stROMPointers.Length > 0) { block.SetBlock(tex.Key, new FileParser.Block(tex.Value)); } } } }
public void LoadSettings(FileParser.Block block) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TextureImage> texture in textures) { string settings = block.GetString("Texture " + texture.Key, false); string[] split = settings.Split(','); try { texture.Value.format = (TextureImage.TextureFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextureImage.TextureFormat), split[0].Trim(), true); } catch { } if (split.Length > 1) { try { texture.Value.bpp = (TextureImage.BitsPerPixel)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextureImage.BitsPerPixel), split[1].Trim(), true); } catch { } } } }
public void LoadSettings(FileParser.Block block) { string fileName = block.GetString("ROM"); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileName)) { string prompt = "File " + fileName + " does not exist anymore. Do you want to load another ROM?"; if (fileName != "" && MessageBox.Show(prompt, "ROM not found.", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { return; } OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.Filter = "z64 ROMs|*.z64"; if (SM64RAM.EmulationState.instance.ROMName != "") { fileName = SM64RAM.EmulationState.instance.ROMName; } else { if (dlg.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return; } fileName = dlg.FileName; } } RAMControl.LoadROM(fileName); runLevelScripts.Clear(); if (SM64RAM.EmulationState.instance.ROM == null) { EmulationState.messages.AppendMessage("An error occured while loading the ROM. Make sure no other programs are using the ROM file right now and try again.", "Error"); return; } segmentedAddress = block.GetInt("Base Offset", false); txtBaseOffset.Text = segmentedAddress.ToString("X8"); Settings.importScale = block.GetInt("Import Scale", false); if (Settings.importScale == 0) { Settings.importScale = 1000; } numScale.Value = Math.Max((int)numScale.Minimum, Math.Min((int)numScale.Maximum, (int)Settings.importScale)); FileParser.Block globalBlock = block.GetBlock("Globals", false); if (globalBlock != null) { globalsControl.LoadSettings(globalBlock); } //Apply patches if necessary / desired string patchString = block.GetString("Patches", false); if (patchString != "" && MessageBox.Show("Apply level patches?", "Patch ROM", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { PatchEngine.Run(patchString, Path.GetDirectoryName(block.fileName)); } runLevelScripts.AddRange(block.GetIntArray("Run level scripts")); RunLevelScripts(); textureLibrary.textures.Clear(); displayLists.Clear(); collisionMaps.Clear(); SuspendLayout(); tabImports.TabPages.Clear(); tabImports.TabPages.Add(tabPagePlus); //Load Display List Data int numDls = block.GetInt("NumDisplayLists"); for (int i = 0; i < numDls; i++) { DisplayListControl newControl = new DisplayListControl(); newControl.PerformLayout(); newControl.LoadSettings(block.GetBlock("DisplayList" + i)); AddDisplayList(newControl); } textureLibrary.LoadSettings(block.GetBlock("Textures", false)); //Load Collision Map Data int numCMaps = block.GetInt("NumCollisionMaps"); for (int i = 0; i < numCMaps; i++) { CollisionControl newControl = new CollisionControl(); newControl.PerformLayout(); newControl.LoadSettings(block.GetBlock("CollisionMap" + i)); AddCollision(newControl); } ResumeLayout(); }
public void LoadSettings(FileParser.Block block) { string oldSource = sourceFileName; sourceFileName = block.GetString("Obj File", false); if (sourceFileName == "") { sourceFileName = oldSource; } conversionSettings.colorInterpretation = (ConversionSettings.ColorInterpretation)block.GetInt("Color Interpretation", false); if (sourceFileName != "") { LoadObj(); } pointerControl.SetROMPointers(block.GetIntArray("ROM Pointers")); pointerControl.SetRAMPointers(block.GetIntArray("RAM Pointers")); numLayer.Value = block.GetInt("Layer"); for (int i = 0; i < paramControls.Length; i++) { paramControls[i].cmbType.SelectedIndex = block.GetInt(paramControls[i].ParameterName, false); if (paramControls[i].cmbType.SelectedIndex == paramControls[i].cmbType.Items.Count - 1) { paramControls[i].customValue = block.GetInt("Custom " + paramControls[i].ParameterName, false); } } if (textureControl.materialLibrary != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TextureInfo> tex in textureControl.materialLibrary) { FileParser.Block b = block.GetBlock(tex.Key, false); if (b != null) { tex.Value.LoadSettings(b); } } } if (displayList != null) { displayList.renderstates.cycleType = (BlenderControl.CycleModes)block.GetInt("Cycle Type", false); displayList.renderstates.blendMode = block.GetInt("Blend modes"); displayList.renderstates.otherModesLow = block.GetInt("Render states"); displayList.renderstates.RCPSet = block.GetInt("RCP Set", false); displayList.renderstates.RCPUnset = block.GetInt("RCP Unset", false); displayList.renderstates.combiner.state = ((long)(block.GetInt("Combiner High") & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 0x20) | ((long)block.GetInt("Combiner Low") & 0xFFFFFFFF); displayList.renderstates.textureScaleX = block.GetDouble("Texture Scale X"); displayList.renderstates.textureScaleY = block.GetDouble("Texture Scale Y"); renderStateControl.Bind(displayList.renderstates); combinerStateControl.Bind(displayList.renderstates.combiner); blenderControl1.SetValues(displayList.renderstates.blendMode); blenderControl1.SetCycleType(displayList.renderstates.cycleType); } if (oldSource != sourceFileName) { updateImportEnable(null, null); } }
public void LoadSettings(FileParser.Block block) { sourceFileName = block.GetString("Obj File"); if (sourceFileName != "") { LoadFile(); } if (block.GetBool("Use Custom Address")) { //Set a checkbox here segmentOffset = block.GetInt("Custom Address"); } pointerControl1.SetROMPointers(block.GetIntArray("ROM Pointers")); pointerControl1.SetRAMPointers(block.GetIntArray("RAM Pointers")); string specialPointerString = block.GetString("Special Pointers", false); if (specialPointerString != null) { string[] split = specialPointerString.Split(';'); List <SpecialPointer> validPointers = new List <SpecialPointer>(); foreach (string s in split) { SpecialPointer newPointer = specialPointerControl1.PointerByString(s.Trim()); if (newPointer != null) { validPointers.Add(newPointer); } } specialPointerControl1.SetPointers(validPointers.ToArray()); } cmbTypeStyle.SelectedIndex = block.GetInt("Type Style", false); foreach (Control control in panelCollisionTypes.Controls) { CollisionTypeControl c = control as CollisionTypeControl; if (c != null) { c.SetType(block.GetInt(, false)); c.enableImport = block.GetBool( + " enabled", false); } } int[] specialBoxTypes = block.GetIntArray("Special Boxes", false); int[] specialBoxX1 = block.GetIntArray("Special Boxes X1", false); int[] specialBoxX2 = block.GetIntArray("Special Boxes X2", false); int[] specialBoxZ1 = block.GetIntArray("Special Boxes Z1", false); int[] specialBoxZ2 = block.GetIntArray("Special Boxes Z2", false); int[] specialBoxY = block.GetIntArray("Special Boxes Height", false); if (specialBoxTypes.Length > 0) { collision.specialBoxes = new SpecialBoxes(); } for (int i = 0; i < specialBoxTypes.Length; i++) { SpecialCollisionBox box = new SpecialCollisionBox(); box.type = (short)specialBoxTypes[i]; if (i < specialBoxX1.Length) { box.x1 = (short)specialBoxX1[i]; } if (i < specialBoxX2.Length) { box.x2 = (short)specialBoxX2[i]; } if (i < specialBoxZ1.Length) { box.z1 = (short)specialBoxZ1[i]; } if (i < specialBoxZ2.Length) { box.z2 = (short)specialBoxZ2[i]; } if (i < specialBoxY.Length) { box.y = (short)specialBoxY[i]; } collision.specialBoxes.boxes.Add(box); } }