// Reallocate the objects in one of the ROMs sections. public void Reallocate(string sectionName) { RomSection section = Sections.Find(x => x.Name == sectionName); if (section != null) { section.Reallocate(); } }
// Add a data list to a section of the ROM. public void AddDataList(string sectionName, string dataName, IEnumerable <Data> dataList) { RomSection section = Sections.Find(x => x.Name == sectionName); if (section != null) { section.AddData(dataName, dataList); } }
// Add a block to a section in the rom - must be disjoint with all sections. public bool AddBlock(string sectionName, int address, int length) { RomSection section = null; foreach (RomSection s in Sections) { if (!s.DisjointFromInterval(address, length)) { return(false); } if (s.Name == sectionName) { section = s; } } if (section != null) { return(section.AddBlock(address, length)); } return(false); }
//======================================================================================== // Reading ROM data. // Read the project file in Xml format. private bool ReadProjectFileXml( out List <Tuple <int, int, string> > rooms, out List <Tuple <int, int, string> > doorAsms, out List <Tuple <int, int, string> > setupAsms, out List <Tuple <int, int, string> > mainAsms, out List <Tuple <int, string> > backgrounds) { RomFileName = null; rooms = new List <Tuple <int, int, string> > (); doorAsms = new List <Tuple <int, int, string> > (); setupAsms = new List <Tuple <int, int, string> > (); mainAsms = new List <Tuple <int, int, string> > (); backgrounds = new List <Tuple <int, string> > (); Stream stream; try { stream = new FileStream(ProjectPath + ProjectFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } catch { throw new ProjectLoadException(ProjectLoadException.Type.ProjectFileNotAccessible, ProjectPath + ProjectFileName); } var reader = XmlReader.Create(stream); XElement root = XElement.Load(reader); stream.Close(); RomFileName = root.Attribute("rom")?.Value; if (root.Name != "Project" || RomFileName == null) { throw new ProjectLoadException(ProjectLoadException.Type.RomFileNotSpecified, ProjectPath + ProjectFileName); } try { CurrentRom = new Rom(ProjectPath + RomFileName); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { throw new ProjectLoadException(ProjectLoadException.Type.RomFileNotFound, ProjectPath + RomFileName); } catch { throw new ProjectLoadException(ProjectLoadException.Type.RomFileNotAccessible, ProjectPath + RomFileName); } foreach (XElement x in root.Elements()) { switch (x.Name.ToString()) { case "Areas": foreach (XElement area in x.Elements("Area")) { string areaIndex = area.Attribute("index")?.Value; string areaName = area.Attribute("name")?.Value; if (areaIndex != null && areaName != null) { int i = Convert.ToInt32(areaIndex); Areas [i] = areaName; } } break; case "Sections": foreach (XElement section in x.Elements("Section")) { string sectionName = section.Attribute("name")?.Value; string sectionType = section.Attribute("type")?.Value; if (sectionName == null || sectionType == null) { continue; } CurrentRom.AddSection(sectionName, RomSection.StringToType(sectionType)); foreach (XElement data in section.Elements("Data")) { string dataName = data.Attribute("name")?.Value; if (dataName != null && DataLists.ContainsKey(dataName)) { CurrentRom.AddDataList(sectionName, dataName, DataLists [dataName]); } } foreach (XElement block in section.Elements("Block")) { string blockAddress = block.Attribute("address")?.Value; string blockEnd = block.Attribute("end")?.Value; if (blockAddress != null && blockEnd != null) { CurrentRom.AddBlock(sectionName, Tools.HexToInt(blockAddress), Tools.HexToInt(blockEnd) - Tools.HexToInt(blockAddress)); } } } break; case "Rooms": foreach (XElement room in x.Elements("Room")) { string roomAddress = room.Attribute("address")?.Value; string doorCount = room.Attribute("doorCount")?.Value; string roomName = room.Attribute("name")?.Value; if (roomAddress != null) { int address = Tools.HexToInt(roomAddress); int count = doorCount != null?Tools.DecToInt(doorCount) : 0; rooms.Add(new Tuple <int, int, string> (address, count, roomName ?? String.Empty)); } } break; case "Asms": foreach (XElement asm in x.Elements()) { List <Tuple <int, int, string> > asmList; switch (asm.Name.ToString()) { case "DoorAsm": asmList = doorAsms; break; case "SetupAsm": asmList = setupAsms; break; case "MainAsm": asmList = mainAsms; break; default: continue; } string asmName = asm.Attribute("name")?.Value; string asmAddress = asm.Attribute("address")?.Value; string asmEnd = asm.Attribute("end")?.Value; if (asmAddress != null && asmEnd != null) { asmList.Add(new Tuple <int, int, string> (Tools.HexToInt(asmAddress), Tools.HexToInt(asmEnd), asmName ?? asmAddress)); } } break; case "Backgrounds": foreach (XElement background in x.Elements("Background")) { string address = background.Attribute("address")?.Value; string name = background.Attribute("name")?.Value; if (address != null) { backgrounds.Add(new Tuple <int, string> (Tools.HexToInt(address), name ?? address)); } } break; default: break; } } return(true); }