private Column AddTextOrInputColumn(string header = null, string footer = null, float minWidth = -1, float maxWidth = -1, bool isInput = false) { if (this.headerDatum == null) { this.headerDatum = Datum.Header(); this.headerDatum.table = this; } if (this.footerDatum == null) { this.footerDatum = Datum.Footer(); this.footerDatum.table = this; } this.headerDatum.elements.Add(); this.footerDatum.elements.Add(); Column c = Column.TextColumn(this, this.columns.Count, minWidth, maxWidth, this.headerDatum, this.footerDatum, isInput); this.columns.Add(c); c.headerValue = header; c.footerValue = footer; return(c); }
private void FinishInitialize(Dictionary <string, Sprite> sprites = null, bool hasHeaderIcons = false, Action <Column, PointerEventData> headerClickCallback = null) { this.rowAnimationDecimalDuration = (decimal)this.rowAnimationDuration; this._sprites = sprites; this._hasHeader = false; this._hasFooter = false; if (this.font == null) { if (Defaults.Instance.font != null) { this.font = Defaults.Instance.font; this.fontStyle = Defaults.Instance.fontStyle; } else { #if TMP_PRESENT this.error("Please provide a TextMeshPro Font under 'General Settings'"); #else this.font = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font; #endif } } // gab this in a temp value that won't get updated if (this._minRowHeight == -1f) { this._minRowHeight = this.minRowHeight; } if (this.minRowHeight < 14) { this.error("Table Min Row Height must be >= 14 (set this as high as practical in order to reduce initialization overhead)"); } if (this.defaultFontSize <= 0) { this.error("Table Default Font Size must be > 0"); } // match our UI colors for row and cell effects if we aren't in cell-selection mode if (this.selectionMode == SelectionMode.ROW || this.selectionMode == SelectionMode.MULTIROW) { this.cellDownColor = this.rowDownColor; this.cellHoverColor = this.rowHoverColor; this.cellSelectColor = this.rowSelectColor; } // this handles the case on table re-use where the row height was inrecemented and needs to be reset this.minRowHeight = this._minRowHeight; if (this.rowVerticalSpacing + this.defaultFontSize > this.minRowHeight) { this.minRowHeight = this.rowVerticalSpacing + this.defaultFontSize; } if (this.headerTopMargin + this.headerBottomMargin + this.defaultFontSize > this.minHeaderHeight) { this.minHeaderHeight = this.headerTopMargin + this.headerBottomMargin + this.defaultFontSize; } if (this.footerTopMargin + this.footerBottomMargin + this.defaultFontSize > this.minFooterHeight) { this.minFooterHeight = this.footerTopMargin + this.footerBottomMargin + this.defaultFontSize; } if (this.loadingOverlay != null) { this.loadingOverlay.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.loadingOverlay.alpha = 1f; this.overlayIsHiding = false; } if (this.rows == null) { this.rows = new List <Row>(); } for (int i = 0; i < this.columns.Count; i++) { Column c = this.columns[i]; if (c.columnType == Column.ColumnType.IMAGE) { if (this.sprites == null) { this.error("Cannot declare Image Column without spriteDict"); } this.minRowHeight = Mathf.Max(this.minRowHeight, c.imageHeight + this.rowVerticalSpacing); } if (c.headerValue != null) { this._hasHeader = true; } if (c.footerValue != null) { this._hasFooter = true; } } if (this.hasHeader) { this.minHeaderHeight = Mathf.Max(this.minHeaderHeight, this.headerIconHeight + this.headerTopMargin + this.headerBottomMargin); } this._hasHeaderIcons = hasHeaderIcons; if (this.columns.Count > 1) { this._hasColumnOverlay = true; } else { this._hasColumnOverlay = false; } if (this.columnOverlayLines == null) { this.columnOverlayLines = new List <RectTransform>(); } if (this.factory == null) { this.factory = new Factory(this); } if (this.control == null) { this.control = new Control(this, this.factory); this.extraTextColumn = Column.TextColumn(this, -1, -1, -1, this.headerDatum, this.footerDatum, false); } if ( != null) {; } //intentially make a new one here, dont reuse old = new TableDatumList(this, this.control); this.factory.Build(this.headerDatum, this.footerDatum, this.control); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Do post factory cleanup and assigns here if (this.headerRow != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.headerRow.cells.Count; i++) { HeaderCell hc = this.headerRow.cells[i] as HeaderCell; hc.icon.gameObject.SetActive(this.hasHeaderIcons); if (this.columns.Count - 1 >= i) { hc.Initialize(this.columns[i], headerClickCallback); } } } this.bodyRect.isMeasured = false; this.bodyScroller.horizontalNormalizedPosition = 0f; this.bodyScroller.verticalNormalizedPosition = 1f; } // _initialize