protected void btnSchool_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Parse the school ID int schoolID = -1; if (int.TryParse(drpSchoolList.SelectedValue, out schoolID)) { // Try to load the school again to make sure it's valid School selectedSchool = null; List <SkSubmittedEntry> skSubmittedEntries = new List <SkSubmittedEntry>(); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(LSKYCommon.dbConnectionString_SchoolLogic)) { selectedSchool = School.loadThisSchool(connection, schoolID); if (selectedSchool != null) { skSubmittedEntries = SkSubmittedEntry.loadEntriesFromThisSchool(connection, int.Parse(selectedSchool.getSchoolLogicID())); } } if (skSubmittedEntries.Count > 0) { lblEntryCount.Text = "Found " + skSubmittedEntries.Count + " entries for " + selectedSchool.getName(); lblEntryCount.Visible = true; tblEntries.Rows.Clear(); tblEntries.Rows.Add(addHeaderRow()); foreach (SkSubmittedEntry entry in skSubmittedEntries) { tblEntries.Rows.Add(addEntryRow(entry)); } tblEntries.Visible = true; } } }
TableRow addEntryRow(SkSubmittedEntry entry) { TableRow newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.CssClass = "datatable_row"; TableCell successCell = new TableCell(); TableCell dateCell = new TableCell(); TableCell firstNameCell = new TableCell(); TableCell lastNameCell = new TableCell(); TableCell studentNumberCell = new TableCell(); TableCell submittedIDCell = new TableCell(); TableCell gradeCell = new TableCell(); TableCell dobCell = new TableCell(); string successString = string.Empty; if (entry.failed) { successString = "<B style=\"color: red;\">FAILED</B>"; } else { successString = "Success"; } successCell.Text = successString; dateCell.Text = entry.SubmittedDate.ToShortDateString(); firstNameCell.Text = entry.firstName; lastNameCell.Text = entry.lastName; studentNumberCell.Text = entry.StudentNumber; submittedIDCell.Text = entry.submittedID; gradeCell.Text = entry.grade; dobCell.Text = entry.DateOfBirth.ToShortDateString(); newRow.Cells.Add(successCell); newRow.Cells.Add(dateCell); newRow.Cells.Add(firstNameCell); newRow.Cells.Add(lastNameCell); newRow.Cells.Add(studentNumberCell); newRow.Cells.Add(submittedIDCell); newRow.Cells.Add(gradeCell); newRow.Cells.Add(dobCell); return(newRow); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Populate school dropdown list // Load school counts List <SkSubmittedEntry> allEntries = new List <SkSubmittedEntry>(); List <School> allSchools = new List <School>(); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(LSKYCommon.dbConnectionString_SchoolLogic)) { allSchools = School.loadAllSchools(connection); foreach (School school in allSchools) { ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = school.getName(); newItem.Value = school.getGovID().ToString(); drpSchoolList.Items.Add(newItem); } allEntries = SkSubmittedEntry.loadAllSaskSubmittedEntries(connection); } //Dictionary<string, int> schoolsWithCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>(); List <SaskSubmittedSchoolCount> schoolsWithCounts = new List <SaskSubmittedSchoolCount>(); int totalCount = 0; int totalSuccesses = 0; int totalFailures = 0; foreach (School school in allSchools) { int thisSchoolCount = 0; int thisSchoolSuccess = 0; int thisSchoolFailures = 0; foreach (SkSubmittedEntry entry in allEntries) { if (entry.schoolID == int.Parse(school.getSchoolLogicID())) { thisSchoolCount++; totalCount++; if (entry.failed) { thisSchoolFailures++; totalFailures++; } else { thisSchoolSuccess++; totalSuccesses++; } } } if (thisSchoolCount > 0) { schoolsWithCounts.Add(new SaskSubmittedSchoolCount(school.getName(), thisSchoolCount, thisSchoolFailures, thisSchoolSuccess)); } } SaskSubmittedSchoolCount totals = new SaskSubmittedSchoolCount("<b>Totals</b>", totalCount, totalFailures, totalSuccesses); tblCounts.Rows.Add(addCountRow(totals)); foreach (SaskSubmittedSchoolCount entry in schoolsWithCounts) { tblCounts.Rows.Add(addCountRow(entry)); } }