//*********** kresleni dat ********** protected void PaintDataList(PaintEventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < DataList.Count; i++) { SLMath.SLValueList ValueList = DataList[i]; int navic = 3 - (ValueList.Count - 4) % 3; Point[] points = new Point[ValueList.Count + navic]; Pen barva = new Pen(ValueList.ColorLine); Brush BrBarva = new SolidBrush(ValueList.ColorLine); if (ValueList.ShowPoints == false && ValueList.ShowLine == false) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < ValueList.Count; j++) { //int pocetF = ValueList.Count; SLMath.SLValueXY valXY = (SLMath.SLValueXY)ValueList[j]; if (valXY.isValid() == false) { continue; } int bodX1 = (int)(x_abs((float)valXY.X)); int bodY1 = (int)(y_abs((float)valXY.Y)); points[j] = new Point(bodX1, bodY1); if (j == ValueList.Count - 1) { for (int c = 0; c < navic; c++) { points[ValueList.Count + c] = new Point(bodX1, bodY1); } } // kresli kolecka ... pokud najedeme mysi na bod /* * if ((RealMouseX >= (float)valXY.X-0.1 && RealMouseX <= (float)valXY.X+0.1) && (RealMouseY >= (float)valXY.Y-0.1 && RealMouseY <= (float)valXY.Y+0.1)) * e.Graphics.FillEllipse(BrBarva,bodX1-ValueList.PointSize-1,bodY1-ValueList.PointSize-1,2*ValueList.PointSize+2,2*ValueList.PointSize+2);*/ // if (ValueList.ShowPoints == true) { if (ValueList.PointStyle == SLMath.SLValueList.PointStyles.Cross) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(barva, bodX1 - ValueList.PointSize, bodY1, bodX1 + ValueList.PointSize, bodY1); e.Graphics.DrawLine(barva, bodX1, bodY1 - ValueList.PointSize, bodX1, bodY1 + ValueList.PointSize); } if (ValueList.PointStyle == SLMath.SLValueList.PointStyles.Circle) { e.Graphics.FillEllipse(BrBarva, bodX1 - ValueList.PointSize, bodY1 - ValueList.PointSize, 2 * ValueList.PointSize + 1, 2 * ValueList.PointSize + 1); } if (ValueList.PointStyle == SLMath.SLValueList.PointStyles.Cube) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(BrBarva, bodX1 - ValueList.PointSize, bodY1 - ValueList.PointSize, ValueList.PointSize * 2 + 1, ValueList.PointSize * 2 + 1); } if (ValueList.PointStyle == SLMath.SLValueList.PointStyles.Diamond) { // Create points that define polygon. Point point1 = new Point(bodX1 - ValueList.PointSize, bodY1); Point point2 = new Point(bodX1, bodY1 - ValueList.PointSize); Point point3 = new Point(bodX1 + ValueList.PointSize, bodY1); Point point4 = new Point(bodX1, bodY1 + ValueList.PointSize); Point[] diamPoints = { point1, point2, point3, point4 }; // Draw polygon to screen. e.Graphics.FillPolygon(BrBarva, diamPoints); } if (ValueList.PointStyle == SLMath.SLValueList.PointStyles.Triangle) { // Create points that define polygon. Point point1 = new Point(bodX1 - (2 * ValueList.PointSize / 3) - 1, (bodY1 + ValueList.PointSize / 3) + 1); Point point2 = new Point(bodX1 + (2 * ValueList.PointSize / 3) + 1, (bodY1 + ValueList.PointSize / 3) + 1); Point point3 = new Point(bodX1, (bodY1 - 2 * ValueList.PointSize / 3) - 1); Point point4 = new Point(bodX1 - (2 * ValueList.PointSize / 3) - 1, (bodY1 + ValueList.PointSize / 3) - 1); Point[] tryPoints = { point1, point2, point3, point4 }; // Draw polygon to screen. e.Graphics.FillPolygon(BrBarva, tryPoints); } } /* * if (ValueList.ShowLine == true) * { * if (ValueList.AproxStyle == SLMath.SLValueList.AproximationStyles.aLine) * { * e.Graphics.DrawLine(barva,bodX1,bodY1,bodX2,bodY2); * } * if (ValueList.AproxStyle == SLMath.SLValueList.AproximationStyles.aBezier) * { * * } * }*/ } if (ValueList.ShowLine == true) { if (ValueList.AproxStyle == SLMath.SLValueList.AproximationStyles.aLine) { e.Graphics.DrawLines(barva, points); } if (ValueList.AproxStyle == SLMath.SLValueList.AproximationStyles.aBezier) { e.Graphics.DrawBeziers(barva, points); } if (ValueList.AproxStyle == SLMath.SLValueList.AproximationStyles.aSpline) { e.Graphics.DrawCurve(barva, points); } } } }