예제 #1
        // check for purchases on online servers at billing initialization.
        // If a purchase is not registered, set local purchase state back to false
        private void VerifyReceipts()
            //get list of old purchases: on iOS the saved transactions,
            //on Android we use the old purchases list received from Google
            if (inventory == null || inventory.GetAllPurchases().Count == 0)

            //loop over all IAP items to check if a valid receipt exists
            for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                //cache IAP id,
                //only verify purchased items
                string localId  = ids[i];
                string globalId = GetIAPIdentifier(localId);
                if (DBManager.isPurchased(globalId))
                    //initialize item as faked and loop over receipts
                    bool     faked   = true;
                    Purchase receipt = inventory.GetPurchase(localId);

                    if (receipt != null)
                        //we found a receipt for this product on the device,
                        //unset fake purchase and let our external
                        //server decide what happens with this transaction
                        faked = false;

                    //we haven't found a receipt for this item, yet it is
                    //set to purchased. This can't be, maybe our external server
                    //response or the database has been hacked with fake data
                    if (faked)
                        IAPItem item = null;
                        if (ShopManager.GetInstance())
                            item = ShopManager.GetIAPItem(globalId);
                        if (item)
예제 #2
        private void OnProductsRetrieved(BillingResult result)
            if (!result.IsSuccess)
                OnSetupFailed(result.Response + ", " + result.Message);

            AndroidInventory              inventory = AndroidInAppPurchaseManager.Client.Inventory;
            List <GoogleProductTemplate>  list      = inventory.Products;
            List <GooglePurchaseTemplate> purchases = inventory.Purchases;

            string globalId = null;
            string storeId  = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                storeId  = list[i].SKU;
                globalId = IAPManager.GetIAPIdentifier(storeId);

                if (!products.ContainsKey(globalId))
                    products.Add(globalId, new ProductDescription(storeId, new ProductMetadata(list[i].LocalizedPrice,
                                                                                               list[i].Title, list[i].Description,
                                                                                               list[i].PriceCurrencyCode, (decimal)list[i].Price)));

                //check for non-consumed consumables
                if (storeId in purchases)
                    IAPObject obj = IAPManager.GetIAPObject(IAPManager.GetIAPIdentifier(purchases[i].SKU));
                    if (obj != null && obj.type == ProductType.Consumable)

                bool storeResult = inventory.IsProductPurchased(storeId);
                if (storeResult == true)
                    products[globalId] = new ProductDescription(storeId, products[globalId].metadata, inventory.GetPurchaseDetails(storeId).Token, inventory.GetPurchaseDetails(storeId).OrderId);

                #if !UNITY_EDITOR
                //auto restore products in case database does not match
                if (storeResult != DBManager.isPurchased(globalId))
                    if (storeResult)

예제 #3
        // handles an online verification request and response from
        // our external server. www.text can returns true or false.
        // true: purchase verified, false: not verified (fake?) purchase
        IEnumerator WaitForRequest(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            //cache requested product id
            string id = dic["pid"];

            //build POST request with transaction data
            WWWForm form = new WWWForm();

            foreach (string key in dic.Keys)
                form.AddField(key, dic[key]);
            //create URL and execute until we have a respone
            WWW www = new WWW(serverUrl + verificationFileName, form);

            yield return(www);

            //check for URL errors
            if (www.error == null)
                //we have a successful response from our server,
                //but it returned false (fake purchase)
                if (!bool.Parse(www.text))
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("The receipt for '" + id + "' could not be verified: " + www.text);
                    //PurchaseFailed("The receipt for '" + id + "' could not be verified.");

                    id = GetIAPIdentifier(id);
                    //remove purchase from the database and update item state
                    if (DBManager.isPurchased(id))
                        IAPItem item = null;
                        if (ShopManager.GetInstance())
                            item = ShopManager.GetIAPItem(id);
                        if (item)
                    yield break;
                    //successful response, verified transaction
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log(dic["pid"] + " verification success.");
                //we can't reach our external server, do nothing:
                //in this case we handle the purchase as without verification
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("Verification URL error: " + www.text);

            id = GetIAPIdentifier(id);
예제 #4
        // check for purchases on online servers at billing initialization.
        // If a purchase is not registered, set local purchase state back to false
        private void VerifyReceipts()
            //get list of old purchases: on iOS the saved and filtered transactions (avoiding duplicates),
            //on Android we use the old purchases list received from Google
            #if UNITY_IPHONE
            List <StoreKitTransaction> prods = FilterTransactions(StoreKitBinding.getAllSavedTransactions());
            if (prods == null || prods.Count == 0)

            //loop over all IAP items to check if a valid receipt exists
            for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                //cache IAP id,
                //only verify purchased items
                string localId  = ids[i];
                string globalId = GetIAPIdentifier(localId);
                if (DBManager.isPurchased(globalId))
                    //initialize item as faked and loop over receipts
                    bool faked = true;
                    for (int j = 0; j < prods.Count; j++)
                        //find corresponding transaction class
                        string identifier = "";
                        #if UNITY_IPHONE
                        StoreKitTransaction purchase = prods[j];
                        identifier = purchase.productIdentifier;
                        #elif UNITY_ANDROID
                        GooglePurchase purchase = prods[j];
                        identifier = purchase.productId;
                        if (identifier == localId)
                            //we found a receipt for this product on the device,
                            //unset fake purchase and let our external
                            //server decide what happens with this transaction
                            faked = false;
                    //we haven't found a receipt for this item, yet it is
                    //set to purchased. This can't be, maybe our external server
                    //response or the database has been hacked with fake data
                    if (faked)
                        IAPItem item = null;
                        if (ShopManager.GetInstance())
                            item = ShopManager.GetIAPItem(globalId);
                        if (item)